Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
1 like
2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Most Recent Posts

@rush99999 *rubs eyes* do my eyes deceive me? Or is that a emotion other than violent enthusiasm I see.
I get excited every time I see a notification for this then disappointed its an ooc post πŸ˜‚

Wordage: 271 words (+1 points)
Experience: 9/30 EXP
Location: Sector 5 (Seiren)
Midna's @DracoLunaris, Blazermate's @Archmage MC and Goldlewis's @Lugubrious

Goldlewis's outburst was for a lack of better words 'in the cards' as one might put it, their plan to acquire the powers from the psi-fish of the reservoir was not ironclad and they had neither taken the time to prepare nor understand the creatures or the reservoir at length.

That, would have to wait for the time being "Keeping our focus on the mission is key, if not it is sure to fail." the former Turk remarked with a certain tiredness, they lacked the focus to keep their moral convictions out of deviating from a plan.

That was a problem, to a man that valued utility above both morality and liberty but it was neither his place nor desire to bring that up in this particular moment. So their next objective was to meet with the other team, and thankfully had a cover story that Goldlewis prepared.

On their way down the tunnels they were met by some sorts of half-dead monsters that exploded on approach. Were they some kind of experiment as well? They looked thoroughly inhuman yet possessed the limbs? Well it was besides the point, with his new power he used his combat acumen to overcome his lack of agility.

Making use of his newfound strength to overcome his weaknesses, he leapt further though he had no way to stop it from winding him. As the room filled with smoke Benedict used Bulkwark on himself while stepping back to let the others deal with the monsters. If one of the things approached he would have Asparas use Bofu on it to slow the red beasts down.

@Product accepted move on over to the character sheet section.
Everybody be cryin' and stuff. But the farmer just keeps on darn tootin'
@Product yeah we've had a few vacancies.
[ K R I N ]

@ProxyInc and @Lithfangel

One might consider Krin's face to always be in a resting but disgruntled expression, however when-well whatever the fuck this guy was came over like a man off his bloody rocker "Oi the fu-" the grizzled old man opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted as the man asked for...Cake? For the love of the gods, did he look like a gods damned baker? Who was this bloody man? Multiple times he opened his mouth to say something but he stopped short as he was just so taken off guard by whoever the fuck this weirdo was.

After some unceremonious rummaging behind the counter, a few bottles shattering as he looked for a good bottle of whiskey before his hands found a decently aged one. With a thunk he placed it on the counter and looked the man dead in the eyes "Whoever the fuck you are here, just-" he pushed the bottle towards the snake man "Take it, no charge at all on the house. And uh..." Krin glanced fugitively around the bar to any patron that might be unlucky enough to seem interesting til his eyes fell on some bookish guy and...what the fuck how'd that throne get in here? Wait who the fuck cares.

He shook his head and rubbed his temples "Good gods, sir I ain't a bloody pastry chef." he looked like he was on the verge of a mental breakdown but he just slumped on the bar with one arm and cleaned a glass with a dirty cloth in the other shaking his head.
[ A L W E N ]


If there were one thing that the young necromancer was not good at, it would have been social cues; like when a stranger would ask you to show who you are but be quite flustered by such talk without context. Alwen blinked, once then twice as he looked up at the woman sat across from him as though she said something thoroughly confusing to him "P-pardon?" he frowned and raised an eyebrow "Those are hardly words that a lady should ask a stranger, or..Oh were you simply asking to learn about me? Oh dear how dreadfully embarrassing."

Alwen slapped a hand over his face and slid it til it rested on the table "There isn't much to know, I am a scholar of magic, of less honorable repute as you scryed. I do enjoy the peace afforded by civilized lands so one must move lest they get ousted for well...Scholarly pursuis." he shrugged.
Khaziel, if that was his name. Was busy furtively leafing through page after page if the empty journal, swearing and cursing under his breath. He must be some kind of scholarly man of sorts, he had things like ink and other writing tools. Though he did not recognize them they felt familiar in his hands. Too busy to notice that the work men outside were asking questions about the where and why of these random strangers walking out a cave.
@Hyades what we could do is have this take place at the start maybe a month or two pre shattering. Like something is on the horizon, events are shaping. So we can change things in that window and the shattering can reflect the alternative actions that may or may not happen if our characters have the power to change things.
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