Avatar of Dark Cloud


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2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
1 like
2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Most Recent Posts

@Guardian Angel Haruki may I roll a deception check, or rather I would have liked to assist Brut in lying by covering up his blunder with words lol

Like a drumbeat thump, thum, thumping in his chest as the discordant sound of music, laughter and muffled conversation became almost muted. Max ran a hand through his hair, his shirt and face wet with spilled drink. They asked him stupid questions, they called him names, they said all kinds of things about him! Bah, he was going to leave why he even came here was not important this was not his crowd that being hanging out with people at all. Max pushed past the puppets, past the jeering little fucking assholes to find his way out was blocked by some uppity looking puppets.

So much for that, what was the point of confrontation anyways they looked like they had brought some weapons, weapons to school? He heard about kids bringing guns into school but swords? Max looked around, catching the glint of a knife on the table next to him and a bag.

β€œTired of being pushed around? Want to stand on your own two feet, not where others tell you to be? Want to just explode? Don’t let others dictate what you should do, what you should be! Show them their place!”

What was-Max winced as a puppet bumped into him, stepping back into the table with the knife and bag upon it, the puppet spilled their drink on him soaking his pants getting in his his face and coming him 'I..I..' his hands wrapped around the handle of the knife in the bag, before his vision was clear but the sides of his sight were becoming clouded, slowly tinged red. Max's heart was beating to the music now, his blood felt like it were on fire about to burst 'I HAVE HAD IT' in that moment all his rage and anger reached its fever pitch til all he could see was red, he pushed the puppet before stabbing it once then again and again with the knife all his anger put behind each time he plunged the knife into the puppets chest.

"I'll show you all!" Max screamed, letting the fire in his heart burn brighter than the sun and rage twice as hot "You hear me ALL OF YOU!"
Posty post post, post post 😁
Looks like something someone wrote while on one too many pills. Sounds like my job. I'm in.

Coffee, but I'm also the man who made a King of the Hill rp so I can do anything bruv

Maybe he misjudged the man-no the goat man rather, maybe he was more peculiar than even Jub or maybe the tales of forest folk and their revelry were more than fairytale? In the same breath that he sighed as he watched the satyr tie a dirty tablecloth around his neck like a bib and down a bottle of wine the half-elf also exhaled a laugh "Next room you say?" Gabriel's gaze darted from the redcap to the next room as if trying to decide what was more important, he decided though he would like nothing more to drink to his heart's content there were more important things than drink, they were in fact closer to their goal of finding Bavlorna "That is most kind but where is this study you mentioned? We have many questions for the lady of the house."
@Guardian Angel Haruki Gabe: Vansel wtf are you doin- sees him drinking wine.

Also Gabe to Brut:
As a FYI, any deals I post will be primarily US-centric (given I live in the US). There will also be no theme to them, if there's a deal worth sharing, I'll be posting it here (like when I post free-2-keep games in the video game thread). Feel free to post any potential offers you find or want to share for everyone, the more the merrier of course.

angry Canadian noises

Well I'll pass along any deals from up here to anyone also up here, here whenever I find any.
Honestly judging by the way Bavlorna seems she also seems sick of this feywild bullshit too

Gabe has had it up to here with all this feywild bullshit.

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