Avatar of Dark Cloud


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Clearly you all are wrong. Only real ones drink Mug Root Beer.
2 mos ago
Update: my doctor has told me to stop eating pencils.
1 like
2 mos ago
You are what you eat? Pfft yeah right, if that were true I'd have lead poisoning.
3 mos ago
my life has been rather complicated as of late
3 mos ago
To put this simply my devices were smashed. I had a big thing with my family and it's why I've been gone for so long so I apologize to the people I was writing with.


// PST 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM // Male - Canadian - 25yo //

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Vestibulum iaculis urna vel risus rhoncus, et aliquam leo sagittis.
Sed at odio sapien.
Curabitur sed mi id risus consequat aliquam.
Nam porttitor orci eget quam sollicitudin auctor.
Quisque et quam sed justo interdum efficitur nec non magna.
Donec tristique mi nisi, commodo pulvinar elit sollicitudin et.

Most Recent Posts

I really do not like the way this looks on my mobile I much prefer the desktop look so if you can add a feature that let's a user switch to that view I'd appreciate it because this orientation is way too small. @Mahz

I'd like to squeeze out a basic email notification system. Even a bare bones solution seems worth the squeeze since it helps bring people back to the site and hopefully boost interactions that they might not otherwise see.

I have a basic email verification system working on my laptop. Maybe the version 0 just gives notifications for new PMs and then we go from there.

(Nobody would be required to verify. You just have to if you want notifications.)

Email notifications would be awesome I have thaton another forum I frequent called Bay12.
Also I really wanted to say you guys have been my favorite group of people to play with and I'm so happy to consistently rp with you all.

Even if I fall short of posting consistently myself at times πŸ˜„
Had to look up a few of Corellon's notable things to come up with blue star. Also sweet mother of pearl Gabe with the W.

Can I get a W in the chat homies?

"By Corellon's blue star," the bard muttered shaking his head before turning, not waiting for the restcof the party as he began to walk back the way they had came "We're going back, get a fucking move on." karma was a bitch but it served a hot plate of delicious comeuppance for Gabe who took this as a tiny win for him, smirking as he walked away.

Still it'd be better with alcohol, guess the bugbear could enjoy his buzz for the half-elf for the time being.
Okay lol
@Guardian Angel Haruki I was just gonna have Gabe tell the party to turn the fuck around and start walking the way they came tbh lol.
Someone I was talking to made the odd suggestion that the old guild chat be brought back, dunno why really. Maybe cause most of us don't even use the guild discord, or rather in public. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Thinking about it...That would be horribly archaic.
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>
I do like the idea but design stuff is really hard and takes a lot of time and thought. We're stuck with this design for maybe forever.

Why fix what ain't broke eh?
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>
I like the idea of trophies or anything sentimental and unique. They are just time consuming to create and award.

Their like Legacy items or whatever you call them, pieces of guild history. Some at least, the one's that I've seen.

A terrible idea just came to mind, Roleplayer Guild having a light mode.
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