Avatar of Dark Light


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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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So how did everyone's weekend go?

Weekend? What's that..?
Ahhhh, just realised I stuffed up Xia's last post. If I confused people by saying 'Ogre' I meant 'Troll' :/


arrived just in time to watch a fully grown heavily armoured knight get swatted through the air like a fly. It was a bleak reminder of the reality of the situation, still Xia didn't give it much thought. With screams and chaos still raging around her she slipped through the carnage like a whirling blade of death, never holding still and never losing momentum. She wasn't going to take on the ogre directly, not yet, instead focusing her efforts on the remaining rabble terrorising the locals. Alm would be alright for some time, he seemed to be confident and surging with magic.

The first one she was too late. An Orc was removing his axe from a fallen young mans back. As Xia passed the gruesome creature she whipped her spear around in a blurry flourish before following the momentum with a sharp spin. The Orc behind her collapsed to its knees as the muscles in its legs opened forth and began spilling blood from two large slashes. It would not die but became easy pickings for Freir who should be following close behind.

Xia didn't hesitate or slow, charging straight at an awaiting hungry Orc. The bloodlust in its sadistic eyes made her sick with anger. It easily parried against her oncoming lunge propelling the momentum of her polearm up over its head and meanwhile creating a large opening along its muscular side. A gap she quickly filled with her side arm. She used the full force of her weight behind the blade to puncture it deep into the leathery green skin of the surprised Orc. It went so deep that she had to forfeit the weapon or give up her momentum. Another gift for Freir.

The third Orc wasn't in her plan. Charging out of a nearby building, coated in fresh blood, it's wide heavy swing narrowly missed her as she evaded with a roll. As it readied itself to attack again Xia just kept moving, leaving the slow monster behind as she carried on to the hole in the wall. The ground suddenly shook as the ogre acted. More orcs took it as a call to swarm the entrance. With her glaive steady in one hand, the other got busy throwing out utilities as she continued to snake across the battlefield. Shuriken were hurtled at the ogre from a distance. Then more at an Orc about to engage a knight. Lastly a smoke screen was thrown up as three of her bombs went off around the make shift entrance, obscuring the vision of anyone or thing entering.


It was happening again, he was falling. Falling and falling endlessly into a pure consuming darkness. Panic stricken he was as he knew the ground, where ever it was, would be hastily encroaching. Filled with a fearful anticipation. At any second now it would rush to meet him. Any one of these passing moments could be his last.
But a cold wind continued to rush violently over him and pull at his clothes as he tumbled out of control. He wanted so badly to scream for help! But he could't...
He wanted so desperately to reach out and find aid! But his body wouldn't obey...
He just kept tumbling, paralysed and waiting to die.
Then, over the thunderous roar of passing deafening winds, he heard a voice. It stayed with him no matter how far he fell.

"... Arden, Sara, you three head to the East district and help out as you can. If they broke in on the west its only a matter of time until the same happens in the East."

It was Jing. Arden groggily opened his heavy eyes while trying to understand why they were no longer sleeping. He missed much else of what was said. He soon realised everyone else was already wide awake and arming themselves.
'An attack!?' Arden immediately thought to himself. 'Had they been followed?' Wiping the heavy sweat from his brow he frantically started to clumsily paw at his scattered possessions, trying to gather his things and ready his weapons and armour as quick as he could. Crumbling under the pressure, only further agitated by the ongoing commotion, Arden continued to fumble his straps, drop his sword and finally, trip over his bedding.

Eventually he exploded out the door and into the cool nights air. The Alarm bells rung even louder out here without the shelter of closed walls. Ruffled, panicked and confused Arden swung his head as he looked around, wide eyed surveying the scene. He caught a glimpse of Sara in the distance. Knowing only that he was supposed to be with her, he gave chase with all his might. Eventually catching her he continued to follow and obey her directions. Helping people anywhere he could all whilst trying to further understand the situation.
Will get a post up for Arden a bit later.

Xia was armed and ready before she was even awake. Her trained body glides through a silent rehearsed ritual with a cold innate efficiency. While her hands danced a swift and familiar dance, loading her weapons and tools into their designated holdings, her eyes and ears readily scanned her surroundings.

She cursed herself for not being the first to awaken.

Alert and ready she drank in the situation as others started to arise. She listened intently as her father spoke. An eager excitement arose within her along with the growing opportunity to prove herself.

A sky-eyed northerner spoke to her as he passed, while Xia cared little of who she was teamed with she couldn't deny the faint hint of - relief- he added to the situation.
They understood each other on the battlefield and she considered him neither a hinderance nor distraction. But perhaps... competition.

As Frier past her, Xia slipped into his shadow. She read his hips, with his cowl blocking his peripheral and the commotion covering her gentle steps she slid past him as he turned to look for her. Without pause or hesitation she began to move with some haste towards their destination. One hand held the sheathed sword on her back at her hips while the other carried her naginata on her right shoulder.
Looking back she flashed a taunting playful smile at Frier. It was her shy, silent subtle way to tell him that he wasn't taking the lead on this one.

She ran towards the western district in search of Alm.
Name: Xia Sanada
Gender: Female
Age: 22

Daughter to the prolific ex empire military captain Jing Sanada, Xia has forever lived in his shadow, to other people and even him. As one of his younger children and a female, she has had trouble grabbing his attention and or affection. Most of her support has come from those close to her father instead of the man himself as he always finds himself busy with a new mission or adventure.
For the shy quiet Xia who is seldom ever heard when in the company of her father, actions speak louder than words. She forced her way into the blood rose irregulars as soon as she could fight and has sought glory and reputation ever since.

Fighting Style: Fast and fierce. Long reach weapons. Disabling attacks. Cunning. Takes advantage of any favours. Trips and disarms.

Desperate to be noticed and make a name for herself she goes into battle with everything she's got. Trained and mentored by some of the best her skills are exceptional but her insecurities cause her to always leave an exit strategy.

Equipment: A ninja's arsenal.
Blow dart
Smoke bomb
Clawed climbing gloves
Rope dart

Skills/Abilities: Besides nimble combat Xia had a child hood that went mostly unnoticed by many. What once she cursed she later turned into a skill and now has an uncanny ability to disappear in plain sight and be forgotten or passed unnoticed.

Other Information:

Name: Xia Sanada
Gender: Female
Age: 22

Daughter to the prolific ex empire military captain Jing Sanada, Xia has forever lived in his shadow, to other people and even him. As one of his younger children and a female, she has had trouble grabbing his attention and or affection. Most of her support has come from those close to her father instead of the man himself as he always finds himself busy with a new mission or adventure.
For the shy quiet Xia who is seldom ever heard when in the company of her father, actions speak louder than words. She forced her way into the blood rose irregulars as soon as she could fight and has sought glory and reputation ever since.

Fighting Style: Fast and fierce. Long reach weapons. Disabling attacks. Cunning. Takes advantage of any favours. Trips and disarms.

Desperate to be noticed and make a name for herself she goes into battle with everything she's got. Trained and mentored by some of the best her skills are exceptional but her insecurities cause her to always leave an exit strategy.

Equipment: A ninja's arsenal.
Blow dart
Smoke bomb
Clawed climbing gloves
Rope dart

Skills/Abilities: Besides nimble combat Xia had a child hood that went mostly unnoticed by many. What once she cursed she later turned into a skill and now has an uncanny ability to disappear in plain sight and be forgotten or passed unnoticed.

Other Information:


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