Avatar of Dark Light


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It's a Chuck Palahniuk quotes kinda night.
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... Something new
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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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The old tavern doors burst open with such force and urgency that the sturdy large hinges cried out loudly, groaning as they strained struggling to hold the doors to the walls.

Light suddenly flooded into the otherwise dimly lit establishment bringing with it a sudden and sharp silence.
In the doorway stood two silhouetted figures. Men, one just below Average build and stature, the other larger. For and endless moment they just appeared to stand still and take in the sights. A fresh breeze billowing around them bringing new life into the old place.

It was done, they were finally home.
You guys still around?
You have caught my interest!
I could use a robot butler. :D

With free access to races, is it ok to have been around since before the war even begun? For example because of Elves lifespan.

SUUUUUUPER interested in this!

In Goblins 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Today really was a good day for Gahji, and it only continued to grow more bountiful. The gods surely favoured him with opportunity today. Who would he be to reject their divine offer.

Feeling well rested he rose once again to meet the wonderful fine day. A nice pointy stick in his hand and a fresh meal hanging in his belly, Gahji steadily strolled through the underbrush with an upbeat joyful skip in his naturally cautious and quiet footwork.

He was enjoying the song played by the forest and creatures within when he noticed a disturbance in its rhythm. Reading it like a book, he carefully followed it towards the river. Stopping a fair distance away from where he heard some commotion, not knowing what dangers lay ahead, Gahji sought the safety of the trees. From his hidden vantage spot, through some parted leaves the little goblin noticed another of his kind covering a hollow log with stones and twigs before running off.

Curious he clambered down and cautiously circled the log before approaching. With no signs of traps he quickly pulled out the twigs and rocks revealing the prize inside.
Now Gahji wasn’t a completely selfish creature, and he only had two hands. Taking as many of the fish as he could comfortably carry he quickly made off leaving two behind. One slipped from his hand but he left it on the ground, in front of the hidden hide away left wide open and exposed.

This was truly a great haul. Fearful of losing it he hurried off as far as he could get. A wide toothy grin glued to his face.
Ezlan once again had found himself in a foul mood. His forced rest had left him more than restless. The only smile to touch his face was forced, deliberate and short lived. He was normally more lively after a brawl but this one felt unfinished, anticlimactic and had left him on edge.
He disliked being so easily controlled and hated his utter weakness and helplessness in the face of such powers.
His fingers fidgeted, thrumming along the tankard of ale that had since started bypassing his mug. His leg bounced on the ball of his foot as he kept looking around the room, hoping for some sort of excitement or retribution.

Eyeing Eomer, Ezlan refused to show guilt or remorse for his actions, denying any fault or blame that he should be bearing. With a wink and a nod he raised the tankard and took a heavy gulp.

Face buried behind his drink Ezlan failed to notice the “pretty enough” woman until she spoke. Taken by surprise, sputtering some ale from his mouth Ezlan slammed down his tankard. It took him a delayed moment to find himself but as soon as he did he offered the woman a seat as he dried his mouth with a loose sleeve.

“Please sit, join us.” He says politely before loudling calling for more ale.
“We might be.” He finally replies while also finding his smile.
He continued to speak as he went back to filling his mug. “Everyone is always looking for something, what are you looking for?”
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