Avatar of Dark Light


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It's a Chuck Palahniuk quotes kinda night.
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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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I’m still here, will post when required

Azzen searches the room, corpses and studies the bones. He’ll let the others charge ahead, after all he still appears as a guard and might be able to take advantage of that later.

14 Investigation
What rolls do you need to search this room and study the bones?
Cool DnD beyond it is.

Cool, haven’t seen it. Keen to check it out.
<Snipped quote by Lurking Krog>

In case this was missed.

Thanks, I did miss it sorry.
I don’t mind how you want to track your character.
Mythweavers or Dicecloud will be fine.
You can use an alternate site too as long as it’s functional.
I find them easier than posting all that info on here but if that’s your choice I will allow it.
Is there room for one more?

Yup, sure is. :)
Let me know if you have any questions or ideas.
@Lurking Kroganswered, ;)
2 rolls then standard array.
Seems interesting.

Any specific class/race restrictions?

Pretty open to most, but if a character is too unlikely to fit the setting, too complicated or too OP it probably won’t get selected.
If you are usure on anything just ask.
@IceHeart I’ll get a sheet up in the next few hours :)
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