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I think I should probably work on a proper thread.
@Cyrania Nice! Good work on the CS. I just added a personality section too.
Guild can have NPC's if you can afford 'em. (Or what ever other arrangements you can come to.)
@Expendablemissed the guild part.

You will be responsible for everything from taxes to advertising. Upkeep, expansion, hiring and reputation.
When you say we need to build up our guild, do you mean we're founding an adventurer's guild, or are we trying to increase the reputation of our party so the guild improves its standing by having us?

Are the secondary skills are like specializations or focuses? Are we starting out as masters in our craft?

Do you want to touch on personality?

In your OP, you mentioned the races are a little divided. So does this city they're in have like a dwarven quarter, a human quarter, etc? Or is there a dwarven underground kingdom and an elvish kingdom in the forest next to the city?

Are you just accepting the standard races of Human, Elf, Dwarf, and halfling? Are there half-elves in this world?

Good questions!

My current thoughts (may be persuaded otherwise)

**Skills.** Generally you have some average 'monster hunting' talents. Not having a skill listed doesn't mean you can't do it. Perhaps just not as well as someone who does have it listed. You're in this business because you are not the average commoner.

1st skill is something you are really good at, be it a master or just naturally adept or experienced. (Doesn't mean you can't still strive to improve.) Hopefully background explains this.
The next two are just direct subsequent side effects of being good at the first. Just broadening the first a little. Needs to be directly tied to the first.
The last two could be more of an interest, hobby or focus.

Hope that clears it up a bit.

**Personality**. Yes definitely. I'll chuck that bit in.

**Races.** Half elves and half other things are definitely in. I'm open to new and more exotic races, the world is not completely built or locked in stone yet. Ideally nothing too abstract or far from humanoid otherwise they will be met with a lot of distrust. But things like Goliaths or gnomes could fit in.

As for separation, the dwarves would have their mountain kingdom, the elves their forest island ect. While not unheard of, their presence in the human kingdoms are rare and duly noted.
CS Idea

Name: | Age: | Gender: | Race:

Main role: (What do you offer the guild. Main skill)
2 Side skills you are good that are related to your main skill.

2 minor skills (try make one not directly guild related. Ie, cooking, dancing, music)

Personality: (likes/dislikes/quirks)
Reason for joining:

Open to feedback and ideas.
Vellion Hurst

Outside Eye of the Beholder.

Heavy snow crunched under the approaching footsteps bringing a new figure out of the darkness and closer to the bonfire. A lean young man with a dark messy mop atop his head. He wore simple yet clean travelling attire, perhaps a but lightly dressed for this weather but he didn't seem to notice. The reflection of dancing flames shone brightly in his eyes as he gaze intently at the bonfire with a sense of nervous curiosity as thought consume him.

Vellion scrunched up his toes in his new boots as he tried to imagine what it was like owning more than one pair. The last owner of these sturdy shoes surely must have, either that or he was walking around here somewhere barefooted. The young thief-turned-ranger found it hard to give up his old ways and while taking shoes from someone who had two pair didn't bother him, there was a twinge of guilt about the cat. That wasn't part of the plan.
He quickly dismiss it as he pick some fur caught between his teeth and cast his dark gaze around over the other people standing by.

Every smile, every laugh, every cheerful conversation seemed like a direct insult to him and what he had been through, what he had lost. Even the smell of the food, which he thought he would crave, made him feel ill. It was the tavern however that caught his attention most and called to him. Sure it was a different one and at a different place, but still it's presence brought so much pain and turmoil to his memories. Memories he didn't want to let go of. Pain he felt he deserved to feel.

So, subconsciously keeping a wide birth from the fire pit he slowly made his way towards the 'Eye of the beholder', unsure why or what he was looking for. He just knew he had to keep moving. Try to stay one step ahead of that bastard fate. He was obviously wary of anyone he passed on his way to the doors.

Yay! and welcome both.

Feel free to shoot any questions or character ideas my way.
I'll work on a CS a bit later but ideally everyone will have one or two specialties that helps define their role in the guild.
Different 'missions' or jobs will favour different approaches.
If your company lacks any skill I suppose you could go hire it.

Thinking of things like.
Trap maker
Herbalist (poisons and healing)
Smith / armorer
Treasurer / negotiator
Occult expert (book person)
And then of course specific weapon skills
Pretty standard medieval fantasy setting. Except... nature has fought back against civilisation. Cities are all walled in, protecting themselves from the myriad of creatures that come out at night from the forests depths.

This however offers plenty of opportunity for those willing to risk it all to hunt, fight and defend others against these abominations.
It is a task none can do alone and therefore the business of mercenary guilds is popular.

Your goal will be to build your guild, build your rep all whilst staying alive.
Sometimes it won't only be monsters you have to watch out for.

The races are a little divided. (Keeping to their own lands mostly)

If you are interested please let me know. I will direct the plot but it will be based on a collaborative effort and around your characters. I will only take a small group of maybe 3-5.
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