Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
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Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
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Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Ivan shook his hand, why the heck did the ring zap him like that? Was it something he said? In any case, Ivan lead Noire outside to look for Zenovia. Town's not too big... She should be around here somewhere. Just look for a shy elf with a staff.
@ThinslayerWhat this? Ha! This is definitely not a proposal ring Noire. It came with some supplies that sadron gave the group, everyone has one. I guess you could call it our signet ring. Marriage? What was Noire thinking? They had only been in town for a day.

I guess it couldn't hurt to take you along. She must be around town somewhere. But so help me if you say anything stupid or embarrassing! Ivan didn't even want to know what Noire could do to embarrass him, best not to think about.
@RekaiganHey, I'm in for a ship if you are, it's totally up to you, Zenovia is your character after all.
@ThinslayerI'm sure the high elves wouldn't mind, we need all the strength we can get to face the warlock right? Ivan was right on that part, any kind of swordarm would be appreciated in times like this, plus it would be good to have a familiar face traveling with him.

As for Zenovia... She is cute... And beautiful... Ahh who am i kidding, she wouldn't like someone like me... Of course, he hoped at least they could be friends, but Ivan didn't know how Zenovia would even take to him.
@ThinslayerWell... Funnily enough most of the are elves, only one of them is human and she's... Kind of aggressive... Ivan felt uneasy talking about members of his grop like that, but this is Noire he's talking to, you can't get anything past him.

Now this Zenovia... She's caught my fancy... She's very modest with her abilities, i mean, Sadron made her the mage of our group for a reason right? He didn't know what goes on in those council members heads, but they had their reasons. She seems shy though... So it'll probably take a bit to have a full chat with her.
Small post, wish it could be bigger but I'm not in the action right now, plus like i said i've been trying to get over from being sick
@ThinslayerIs it always women with you? We didn't become knights to pick up girls. Then again, some of the group's women did appeal to him. Ivan just decided to drop character, he had the whole day to himself before heading out, might as well unwind.

Ok... I admit some of the women did catch my eye... Didn't get to talk with any of them unfortunately... But hopefully through this quest I will be able to. Ivan was unsure if any of the women in his group were even up to talking with him. Most of them were elves anyway... He would just have to wait and see.
Well crap... I missed the IC opening... Sorry been sick for a while and im just getting over it. Ill have a post in a bit
@Thinslayer I've been trying to get over from being sick... Sorry for the lack of posting...
@Thinslayer kinda waiting on a response from noire
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