Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Most Recent Posts

Sad to see you go :(
Whoa whoa... Lets just calm down
Oh don't worry... There will be order...
Well how would you react if a robot bursted into the church, kicked some benches down, and proceeded to pick a fight with one of the people in said church?
You never know, what should we expect? Who are the Fallen Gods? Simple questions.
After entering the church, Khristina turned to face the large group before her. To her knowledge, the largest group Lucius had ever called were the Six Heroes of old, to see the amount of people he has gathered this time stunned her a bit. But she shouldn't be in awe right now, her duty as the Oracle was to help guide these new heroes on their path. She shook herself a bit, took a deep breath and began to answer the main questions the group had.

"Well... Now that we're here I guess I owe you an explanation. As you all must know, the God of Light, Lucius, has called upon each and everyone of you to his aid. As it stands, there is much that I cannot share with you right now, but what I can tell you are the specifics. The Fallen Gods, four powerful beings, once brought despair to Grand Gaia. Were it not for the aid of the Six Heroes of Gaia, the world as we know it would've ceased to exist. The Fallen Gods however cannot truly be destroyed, only sealed away and someone of great power has freed them from their prisons." Khristina looked around nervously to see if everyone was still listening.

"Lucius has called upon us to rid Grand Gaia of this powerful entity and to seal the Fallen Gods once and for all. It will be a long and arduous road, but I know that together we can accomplish anything. The Fallen Gods will do whatever it is in their power to destroy us, which is why we must obtain more strength, the same strength that gave the Six Heroes the power to rival the gods themselves." Long speech aside, Khristina smiled at the group.

"I know it is a lot to take in all at once, it was hard for me to understand too... If any of you have questions about all this, I'm more than happy to answer. However, there are some things I cannot share with you at the moment, so keep that in mind." Khristina stood there and waited for the avalanche of questions that the group would bombard her with.

@Solaris @Gareth @TheWindel @KoL @Lucius Cypher @Cloudystar @ryougu
Host post will happen tonight
Yeah, lets all try to slow down a bit. Give everyone time to read up on the posts and post accordingly.

@Eklispe Also Khristina pointed at Melfenius as well as Claire, just a minor detail
@cloudystar@KoL@Lucius Cypher@TheWindel@Eklispe@Lady Athena@Norschtalen@Gareth@Solaris@dabombjk@Ryougu

Khristina had a nervous grin on her face, she honestly wasn't expecting this Oracle thing to be so nerve racking. Aside from all the looks she was getting, especially fromthe robot, she knew that she had a lot to talk about, the sight of her two friends Nephele and Loralei did fill her with a bit of confidence at least. She took a deep breath. "Ok... You all have a myriad of questions I'm sure... But this isn't exactly the place to answer them..." She then took to whispering to finish her sentence. "This darkness... Has eyes and ears everywhere... So it would be best to take this somewhere... Safer." Khristina moved through her group to the doors of the tavern. "Well? Come on, I'll answer all your questions once we get to the Church. And... You two, you may want to come along." She said pointing at a little elf and skeletal warrior, her eyes glowing their usual rainbow color.

As she moved outside she also noticed a cowgirl like person watching the group. "You may want to come with us too." She said moving along to the Church. Loralei let out a deep sigh as the three thugs ran off before turning to Nephele. "You uh... Kinda did come at a bad time, but its over now." She said with a kind smile. "Lets go... Someone's gotta look after Lady Khristina, right?" Loralei said following after the group.
Ok, host post tomorrow morning, give time for those who haven't posted as much
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