Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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@Darkmoon Angel Still with us?

Sorry... Been a bit caught up in other things.
Khristina was relieved to see everything calm down, even more so when some of the heroes, including the little elf girl (at least she thought it was a girl). The questions she was asked were mostly just on how they could fight the fallen gods, where they were going, and what dangers were around them. She took a deep breath to calm herself and proceeded to speak.

"Right... To answer your questions on where we are going, we should start with visiting the kingdoms to gather what power we can. And our first stop is Agni, I've already sent a message via nymph to the ruler, telling her to expect our arrival.

And to answer your question on how we will combat the fallen gods, we must gather the same power that the Six Heroes of old obtained, and that involves gathering the hero stones and the Mecha Gods that guard them won't give them up so easily. The fallen gods also have agents all around the kingdoms who will do anything in their power to stop us from obtaining the stones. We will have to work together if we hope to defeat them.

I only know of a few agents, but I know that if we watch each others backs, they won't defeat us. Now... If that is all the questions you have, then I suggest we all rest here in Edivid, tomorrow we head out for Agni.

Khristina tapped her staff to signal the group's dismissal and proceeded to head for the doors of the church, with Loralei close behind her.
Eclisse watched as the Gleivnir warriors surrounded the king and the girl that he was protecting. Everyone had proposed a different suggestion but the situation changed when some newcomers got caught up in the fight.

"Merilia, Tomoe, Eclisse. I want you with me and take some Footmen off King Azure. Keerin, Taka. I want you two to stay back and pick off as many Footmen as you two can. Myno and Nyx, I won't force you two to fight as you are both exhausted from our last battle but if you want, assist us in fighting the Footmen."

Eclisse nodded at the prince's plan and charged in with him, though she had another idea. "Hey you dastards! Over here!" Eclisse split off from Jarde's group and yelled a taunt at all the warriors. She cut a few down just so she could get the point across.
Sorry sorry... I'll try to get a post in tomorrow after I post in my rp. Again, sorry for the holdup.
Ok, I'll have a post tomorrow morning
Come on guys... Wheres those posts at?
Posted, this should clear things up
@Lady Athena @Mangrale @Lucius Cypher
Khristina was a little relieved that she didn't need to answer much for the group, at least not right now. She was about to answer before she noticed the orc had looted a little of the church, she knew he was wandering around but... And before she could think any further on that a crash came at the front of the church when the robot from earlier kicked some of the benches over and proceeded to pick a fight with the dragonoid that was with the group. "Ok... Can we all just calm down please... Not here... Please." But her words fell on deaf ears when the two continued to fight.

The dragonoid ultimately spewed fire at the robot and the embers ended up scorching the wall behind it. "No! Stop!" Khristina called to the two fighters. Her grip on her staff was getting shaky. "Oh dear... Neph I think we may need to back up a bit..." Loralei told as she followed her own suggestion and backed away from Khristina.

Khristina gripped her staff in both hands and slammed the end down on the floor, the resulting sound was loud enough for everyone to hear. "Now listen here! Lucius didn't gather you all together just so you could do what you want! This is a sacred place and you will show it the respect it deserves! And to answer Mal-Mal's question, no... There is no pay for this, this isn't some mercenary job, this is a quest to stop the Fallen Gods before its too late. And for those of you who are against going on a suicide mission, then the door is right there. Bet you you'll die anyway, the Fallen Gods will kill anyone who has had contact with Lucius, even from a mere dream or vision. Now do you want to leave and die a random nobody? Or do you want to stay and die a hero? And I can assure you, I don't plan on anyone dying!" Was she being a bit hard? Maybe, but she couldn't just sit still when stuff like this was happening. She didn't become Lucius's Oracle for no reason.
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