Avatar of Darkmoon Angel


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12 mos ago
Current Not dead… But I feel like it. Health problems are fuuuun…
3 yrs ago
After an extended hiatus, I'm back :)
5 yrs ago
Slowly but surely recovering from the hospital :)
6 yrs ago
Just got a new phone. Sorry for the absence.
6 yrs ago
Taking up card design, anyone interested?


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Nice :)
@Mangrale@Ryougu@Norschtalen@Lucius Cypher
As the four heroes battled it out near the entrance to the palace, the queen made her presence known when a large blackflame erupted under a group of bandits, scorching them to ash. The queen pulled her sword from the ground and approached the heroes. "These brigands have to have a leader amongst them, if we defeat them the whole lot of them will surrender. Michele, I want GX to do a full scan over the field, find out who's giving orders to these brutes!" "Yes ma'am. Crabby, you heard her!"

At Michele's order, GX started to scan the battlefield in search of the brigand leader, all the while more of the brutes started to charge at the heroes.

@Lady Athena
The bandits shielded there eyes from the light that Nephele reflected from her rapier, leaving them vulnerable to Loralei as she jumped from glyph to glyph, slaying a brigand with each jump. A smarter bandit snuck up from behind Nephele and knocked her to the ground. He brought a knife to her throat, "It's a shame to have to kill such a delicate flower, well... As long as Cardes pays up I'm happy..." The bandit said with a sadistic grin. "Nephele!" Loralei tried to rush to her friend's aid but a wall of bandits stood between her and Nephele. If Nephele didn't do something now she's as good as dead.

In a bright flash of light, Heinrich's punch was blocked by two electrified daggers and was kicked away. The daggers belonged to Falma and he stood beside Grafl giving him a stern look. "Do I have to bail you out of everything?" "Ah come on, I'm not about to use my powers on an acquaintance of ours..." "In case you hadn't noticed... Our acquaintance is helping the enemy... Now stop messing around and use your lightning gun for gods sakes!" Grafl let out an annoyed groan and pointed his gun at Heinrich. Without gunpowder or any bullet or projectile to allow the gun to work, it fired off a bolt of lightning at Heinrich, if he didn't think quick he was gonna get fried by these two lightning wielding mercs.
Ok, thanks for the heads up
Ok, I'm moving things along tomorrow. I'm done waiting and I haven't gotten a reply from @Norschtalen and @Lucius Cypher
Thanks to her little scouting mission, the orc forces were better prepared to take down the elven town that stood before them. Of course, with the Warlock here their victory was already assured, but a little intel can go a long way. Sen climbed up to her feet at the wall and turned when Gorman tossed her the bow of a poor elven archer he just crushed. "Your intel was spot-on! Now go kill something." No need to tell her twice, it's what she was trained to do.

A lone arrow shot down at her and grazed her cheek, she turned and narrowed her eyes at the archer that had shot her from the turret on the wall. Without hesitation, Sen let loose an arrow that met it's mark in the archer's head. Putting her newly acquired bow around her shoulder she climbed up the turret and proceeded to deal with any other archers that were firing down from it. Her blood was pumping now, no one could stop the coming bloodshed.

*sigh* I'm worn out from today so post will come tomorrow for sure. Unless @Lucius Cypher and @Norschtalen speak up now. Also @MagusDream, don't think I forgot about you. You'll come in a bit.
Is anyone still here?
@Norschtalen @Lucius Cypher
Ok, I'm back from being incredibly sick. I'll be moving things along tonight or tomorrow so I would appreciate if you post.
@Norschtalen@Lucius Cypher
You two are left
Sorry I've been busy. I'll see about getting a post up.
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