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Just thought I'd mentioned I don't plan on actually using anyone with fire related powers lol. Since we have some of that going on already I thought I'd make it clear I wasn't also. It was just my example ^ ^

Showing interest!

I don't have a character idea yet but I'll start trying to work on one soon.

One thing I might be unclear on, are the Vectors a group of people who had powers already, or are they something nonhuman?
I'm definitely interested in joining. I'll try and start working on a character sheet in the coming days.

I sort of like the idea of being a gifted that's new to the relevant camp so they're forced to make new allies (i.e interact with more characters lol)

What are the parameters for the powers the gifted can have? Do you try to keep it more broad like "fire control" or specific like "can heat objects they're in contact with" (which allows them to start fires)
Showing interest as well ^ ^
Showing interest now! I don't have a specific character idea atm but it looks like a fun space to play around with.

I like the ideas of characters forced to see alternate paths they could have taken and seeing how they deal with that.

Similar to Batman in a Batman who laughs series I sort of like the idea of my character being technically more "successful" in doing the right thing (repairing the crystal) but seeing every other version of them self being healthier or happier. Needing to come to terms with the fact that their choice might be wrong for them but right in the grand scheme.
Speaking of which,

@deadpixel101@RezonanceV@John F Kennedy

It's time for your characters to shine, you guys still with us?

I was actually stopping by to talk about this. I'm going to have to drop out. Having one of those moments in life where everything is happening at once lol.

Hope y'all have a blast. All the best.
Zoe Theseum

@Kumbaris @King Cosmos

Continuing her excellent tree impression, Zoe stood stock still as the events unfolded around her. Watching the fantastical creature transform, speak an earth dialect and act almost alarmingly hospitable with their presencse. As all this was happening, Zoe could only wonder, as a scientist, as an explorer, as a person....

Where did all of it's mass go?

She'd already pondered about it's diet and internal structure to support such a massive organic being, especially one that could fly. (Wings AND four other limbs? What a sturdy bones and bizarre muscle structure they must have) but then to take that all and...

"As for you Zoe. Can you come with me to the site as well? I think you can ask about the local flora in this region to the Dragon. As good as an icebreaker as we can get talking to this dragon, right?"

Zoe's eyes looked massive behind her glasses. She blinked once and looked to her sides without moving her head.

"Uh. Yeah."

And with that she was once again being toted around, onwards into a situation she was quite sure she wasn't qualified for. From replanting Blue Regalia's and Chestnut trees to being an ambassador between her species and magical fucking dragons. Of course she was mostly there to stall and make "small" talk, but it still felt like quite a "big" deal.

She took the time she could to get back to her room and quickly freshen up. Barely making it in time as the EVA crew was ready and shipping out to set up the meeting point.

As things were set up, Zoe felt rather vulnerable; most of the EVA team retreating once the tent was all set. Leaving for all intents and purposes, the captain, Sumiye, Zoe herself and a dragon.

They sat around a fold out table, on plastic chairs. The heat of the tent and coolness of their water making Zoe keenly aware of how the condensation made the receptacle slip in her hand. Something about it all seemed ridiculous. Shouldn't the first fomal-ish talks of this kind be held in some grand palace, upon silk cushions and a throne? This felt like they were a distant family on a last ditch bonding effort camping trip.

She tried to keep her expression calm and pleasant through the whole thing, though her brows shot up when the dragon referenced not liking the taste of humans.

Perhaps that should have concerned Zoe, but the first place it took her train of thought was "There are humans here. That's excellent news! If we were ever concerned about sustaining ourselves, we don't have to be. Are they as prominent as humans on earth became? What are their technology levels? Is Galmira a rare case in not eating them? Or is their existence fraught?"

A tap on her shoulder threatened to launch the cup to the floor, as she turned to hear her captain whisper in her ear. An event that would make spiders crawl up Zoe's spine itself in another context.

"Talk to her about the plantlife thingy girl. It's just like what we agreed on right? C'mon, I don't wanna anger the Dragon right now okay?"

Again Zoe did a double take with her eyes, but held firm. Just a small nod in response. The words "anger the dragon" echoing in her head. She turned in a measured way to the mystical blond woman sitting across the table. Everything in her body language read confidence, or at least gave off some sort of pressure. Zoe couldn't fathom that they were just as well trying to maintain the situation.

With an inhale, she began.


Miss? Madam? Lady? which was most appropriate? Would she embarrass them by trying to kiss her ass or would she get them killed if she didn't? The dragon referred to Sumiye by miss through translation. That felt like a safe bet.

"Miss Galmira" She continued in measured lengths, allowing a comfortable space between her next words and the translator interpreting her last.

"I'm sure everyone here has many questions for the other side. I hope you wouldn't mind if I could start? I'm no great leader or master of technology like my cohorts. But I am a biologists. A botanist to be precise, but it is my job regardless to try and learn about different kinds of life. Is there any chance I could ask you some questions about your kind and any others of this world?"

The more she spoke, her curiosity edging her on, she began to kick into work mode. And the nerves were shrugged off with it.

Ahh okay. Lovely thanks lol

I'm having her come at it in a kind of playfully challenging way. I figure it'll be met with fairly terse response but as long as there's enough reception for her to get a foot in the door it works ^ ^

I'll probably have Griff say a little something then, but I'll run it by you before I post anything.

I was wanting to have Loretta try and get in on the little wager your characters were proposing. I know I'm technically allowed to take control of the NPCs for my post but what do you think the general reaction would be?

Also if you'd like to have Griff respond in a little blurb we can DM how that would play out and I can work into my post if that flows better.
Zoe Theseum

@Kumbaris @DracoLunaris @King Cosmos

As she listened to the captain, Zoe's relief and curiosity grew in equal measures. An icy mountain hm? How icy? Were they sitting on a glacier? Is that what this entire planet looked like? Or was it a mountain like the one in her home colony? With the cold only near it's peaks? Did they happen upon the only mountain range for millions of miles? Was it a small island they were lucky enough to hit, the rest of the planet a blue marble like the one they all descend from?

Zoe gave a salute, happy to follow orders and grab a shower at the first given chance; but much like a student watching their principle have a one sided conversation with a parent, that hope changed to apprehension. Despite this she couldn't help but latch on to the way the captain spoke.

"Watchu need?"

The crack of a smile forming at it faltering when the question of threat appeared.

In a sudden whirlwind, the three of them were following their intrepid leader up and towards the bridge. The urgency of it all putting a flutter in her stomach.

Almost daring a question among all the noise, Zoe received her answer. Far in the distance, enough that their scale was hard to ascertain, flew the stuff of legends. A trifecta of dragons, among the mountain tops.

Straight up dragons. Like from movies and books and shit.

Despite the new buzzing of the crew; following orders, readying for an assault, Zoe couldn't free herself from a train of thought.

"Creatures that big would need a ton of food, carnivorous or not. That means ample life around. What mechanism do they breath fire with? Do they breath fire at all? Or would they breath fire, lightning and water? Ice maybe? If they are different in that way, interesting that they group together. My god are they pack animals?"

A near graze from a deckhand knocked her back into reality. The captain was asking Q-T to try and speak with them. Speak with them. That was a whole other can of worms she hadn't considered. Zoe set her eyes on Q-T, some worry filling her now. It made sense to send someone unappetizing as an envoy, but it felt a little wrong in some mysterious way too.

Again that feeling of being unequipped for a task arose. Zoe suddenly felt very in the way here; like a tree had suddenly sprouted in the middle of a construction zone.

Building up courage for a moment, and feeling the coarseness of her overalls in her grip, Zoe spoke up.

"Captain? Anything I can do?"

She was almost sure the answer would be no, and she was unsure if that was the answer she wanted.

Trying to talk to a dragon would be a fascinating way to go.
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