Oh, that's cool. xD I understand what you mean, though. but unfortunately, the problem is that when people don't post, the topic gets thrown into the back pages and it gets out of sight, out of mind.
Also...wow. xD That is not quite what I was expecting, Rin. xP Not sure what I was thinking of, but it wasn't that. chillmon looks rather...interesting to say the least. She could be a lot of fun~
Here's what I've got for my characters then:
TamerName: Hideaki Saitou (But he just goes by "Hide (Hee-day)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Digivice Color: Yellow and white
Personality: Hideaki is a calm, cool and collected type of person. Due to his upbringing in a home full of expectations and parents pushing him to be his best, he has learned how to cope with stressful situations extraordinarily well. He is a very gifted tactician and has always enjoyed to use his free time playing strategy games such as Chess. However, because he has been buried in his private school work by his parents, he has never had the time to actually go out and make any friends to play with, so he has settled for destroying Chess AI's on his computer and his occasional game against his father. Due to limited online social interaction, however, he has very little experience talking to other people and he is unsure what others would think of him. He never longed for the freedom, though. He never longed for friendship. He simply wishes to fulfill the role that his parents had selected for him. The only thing he cares about is living up to his parents' expectations.
History: Hideaki grew up as the son of two successful attorneys. His father was a renowned defense attorney while his mother was a locally famous prosecuting attorney. And so, it was only natural that they would begin pressuring their only son into becoming an attorney in his life. In order to steer Hide toward this future that they planned for him, they never once allowed him to attend a public school until this year. Instead, they hired private tutors to teach him from the house. He spent very little time outside of his not-so-humble home where he was usually buried in books of some kind. He decided that, for his final year, he wanted to see what normal kids did in public school...and after some pleading and only on a stipulation that he would not be distracted by the other students, he was finally able to attend a normal school as a senior. The only problem he had was that his parents each wanted him to pursue their view of the legal life. His father wanted him to become a lawyer while his mother a prosecutor. This was the only difficult decision he had ever actually had to face by himself. His one escape had been his computer. Due to parental restrictions, he had been limited on access to other online users, but he could always pass the time with some of his favorite games, so long as they weren't "mind-numbing" or "ridiculous wastes of time" in his parents' words.
But it was okay with him...it was all he needed to get by and excel in his studies. By all rights and reasons, he was classified as a genius, already coming up to graduation from high school-level education. His parents already had him looking at colleges that would lead to Law School...but one day, an earthquake occurred that will change his life forever.
DigimonName: Agumon
Gender: Male
Appearance: Attribute: Vaccine
Type: Reptile
Personality: Agumon is a self-proclaimed warrior. His answer to every problem is to somehow find a way to fight it out. He loves to fight and will very often pick fights with any Digimon at any given time...especially if that Digimon is relatively on his level. Fighting a challenging rival in which there is no telling who the winner will be is virtually his idea of paradise. It's just too bad that he's not all that physically strong. He is actually surprisingly weak for somebody who boasts about his skill as much as he does. He loses roughly ninety percent of the play fights he partakes in.This is mostly due to the fact that he has sworn to himself that he would never destroy and upload another Digimon if he could help it. He has been made fun of for this constantly...but that has not stopped him. He will always pride himself on his strength...because it was formed from hard work and traditional training, rather than from a shortcut method that relies on the destruction of other Digimon.
Evolution Line: I have a question about this one that I'll need to run by everybody first, to make sure that it's okay: I usually play Agumon as having access to both of his anime-based Digivolution lines: WarGreymon and ShineGreymon. However, he will have no control over which line he Digivolves into for a long time in the RP. Probably not until near the end, tbh.
Tamer 2Name: Ryu Pearson
Gender: Male
Age: 14

I did not actually have a picture for this one, so I made this in a character maker. Just imagine this guy, but younger. xD
Digivice Color: Blue and white
Personality: Ryu is a very excitable person. He finds it very difficult to sit still for extended periods of time and likes to be doing...something at all times if he's not sleeping. This can range from pacing to simply tapping his foot or a finger. He is also known for rushing into things without thinking first. Because of this, he requires an absurd amount of attention to keep him from getting into trouble. He even tends to wander off on his own if an eye isn't kept on him. He comes off as a bit selfish at times, but he's mostly just an innocent young boy. He tends to avoid his problems and will find any way he can to relieve any stress he might begin to feel or distract himself from them. He is also somewhat spoiled, due to his family giving him so much attention.
Brief History: Ryu grew up in a very normal household. A slightly higher-than-average family income, both parents were loving and were well off financially...he grew up with very few problems. He had an older brother who was almost always in charge of babysitting him, something the brother constantly had to point out to him. Now and again, he would feel bad for making his brother sacrifice some of his personal life, but he would quickly get over it and turn to his favorite activity: Internet browsing. There is not a lot to say other than the fact that he has lived a relatively normal life, apart from the amount of babysitting that had to be done for his sake.
DigimonName: Gaomon
Gender: Male
Appearance: Attribute: Data
Type: Beast
Personality: Gaomon is a very loyal companion. If he befriends another, he will never leave them hanging if he can help it. He enjoys peace and tranquility and prefers to avoid conflict if possible, but he secretly enjoys the thrill of battle. This is reflected in his fighting style, where he tries to simply throw his opponent's aggression away from him by deflecting blows and will only counter when there is no other alternative, or if it is a sparring match. When he does fight back, though, his punches are thrown hard. He is a talented fighter. His physical strength leaves something to be desired, but his skill and finesse in battle is virtually unrivaled by other Rookie Digimon. He is also a very subservient Digimon, who views himself only as a humble servant that lives to bolster and protect others. He cares not for his own personal interests...only in the well-being and preservation of others. This causes him to more or less play the role of babysitter for his future tamer.
...He also has the weaknesses of a puppy. He humiliatingly loves being scratched behind the ears or on the stomach, he loves being patted and will instinctively lean into it without thinking. However, if you try to get him to play fetch, he will be annoyed and find it rather insulting.
Evolution Line: Dodomon > Wanyamon > Gaomon > Gaogamon > MachGaogamon > MirageGaogamon
These are my two characters and their Digimon. What do you think? Sorry for the lack of detail on Ryu. He's new and I haven't had a chance to come up with much for him. xD
Disclaimer: None of the images posted are mine. Just found them off of Google Images.