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3 mos ago
Current I think I'm Advanced+ level and could do that. But under Adv, I feel compelled to write a certain way and it makes writing feel more like a chore even if it's just in my head. Thus, I prefer Casual
3 mos ago
Many people equate "Advanced" to "Big, high effort posts with lots of flowery language." It's a habitual thought I struggle to shake as an RPer with 20+ years of writing experience. It's very draining
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Awesome. =3 I'll wait until we have an OOC up before I repost my character. Then we can discuss this first mini-arc/introduction and the group's first obstacle.
@grandia20 Oh, if you need a new Devil's Fruit name, Toki Toki no Mi probably works better. I think that's more accurate to "Time-Time"

Also, "Soku-Soku no Mi" would work too. It could be the "Speed-Speed Fruit" and I think it better describes the power it has than "Time-Time"

Then a Fruit that would make you go fast could simply me the "Tata Tata no Mi" (aka the "Run-Run Fruit")...or simply the "Zoom-Zoom Fruit" though I dunno what the Japanese onomatopoeia for that is. xD

Hm...that's a tough one. The ability is very strong to say the least, as it can be used in numerous ways. So perhaps some extra limitations? Like...they only speed up/slow down for X amount of real seconds, they can only manipulate one target at a time, and can only do it at a certain percent (like...they move 50 or 100% faster/slower).

I state these limitations bearing in mind that characters will grow over the course of time and their abilities will get stronger as the crew overcomes challenges. Such as extending the amount of time, the amount of targets, and being able to manipulate speed with more variety (like being able to range it from 10-100% as necessary for example) or perhaps even speeding up immaterial things, such as wind.

And yeah, we unfortunately have a doctor character already, but the Time-Time Fruit could certainly come in handy if they were a cook or even a navigator. In the case of the latter, they could speed up the ship for hasty getaways. If they're a navigator, they would be able to tell the best times when to speed up/slow down and where to point the ship ahead of time.


I think we have the basics of everything down. Usually, I prefer a PM as well, but it might be good to have a thread. The Characters tab will help us keep a record of the extra characters we inevitably make.

Eventually, we'll also all need to double up as we gain crew members...and we'll eventually need non-Devil's Fruit users as well. We'd probably want somebody who can save a crewmate if they get shoved into the water. xP Though that doesn't need to happen now of course.
@grandia20 @jynmi88

Heh. The crew gets back together on Sabaody, so I guess I know where you are now. So basically just have to remember not to mention anything about...pretty much everything after the timeskip. xP

Okay, cool. I suppose that works out great. xD Winter Saint works as a name for me. =3

The two of you could have characters going to the island for...well, any reason, really. xD (Perhaps they were even born there or something. Up to you guys I guess.)

Ryu, on the other hand, will have arrived to the island on a ship that exited the Grand Line through the Calm Belt using mercenaries for protection and be on the hunt for potential crewmates. Though I suppose we'd need something that would bring the three of them together. Like...if they got caught together in a fight somewhere or something? Or heck, maybe one of your characters are recruiting.

Whatever the case, I'm good with this if you guys are. Should we make it a PM or a board?
@grandia20 @jynmi88 Were we thinking of making this a three-way RP instead of a one on one? Because I'd be okay with that. I'll just have to remember not to say anything about what happens after the timeskip to avoid spoilers. Because...stuff gets pretty real and I'd hate to have it spoiled for me. xD

So, Grandia, you're at the Return to Sabaody Archipelago arc? Or are you finished with that arc and they've moved on?

Heh. Sounds good. Though Mock Town is in the Grand Line, so we'd probably want an original town island that serve a similar function located somewhat close to the Grand Line, though not necessarily near Reverse Mountain. Perhaps in South Blue, since that has the least amount of stuff going for it so far? xD At least, as far as One Piece canon is going.

Also, I should probably know ahead of time. Are you up to date with the anime or the manga? I keep up with the anime myself, so I don't know more than the most recent anime episodes. Though if you don't know that much, I'd want to avoid spoiling anything if you want to go back to it. xD

I was thinking that it could start similarly to how the Romance Dawn arc starts in the anime series. Like...the island we start at is actually home to a Marine base and Ryu is just trying to avoid being identified as he looks for other potential sailors to become a pirate with.

Alternatively, it could be an island similar to Loguetown or Mock Town, where it's a gathering place for pirates and other outlaws. Then, perhaps Marine trouble is somehow stirred up. It'd be a good place for him to go looking for a crewmate or two...or simply becoming part of another existing crew as their medic.

I'd be good with either of them, honestly. =3 Or, of course, any ideas you might have.
Huh...it turns out that we were actually going to start an RP in the past. Like...a couple of years ago. You posted last, but I think I was expecting a CS post from you before I said anything more...and it got steadily pushed down my PM list until I just ultimately forgot it even existed in the first place.

So...I guess I should apologize for that? xD If you're still interested, we could give it another go, but I also understand if you'd rather not risk it. *shrug*

Anyway, just thought I should pop in and at least give you a proper "sorry" for that. So...sorry for that.

Also, I did this before, but...here, have another pic involving a creature of the kingdom Animalia that might be considered by some to be humorous. Also, way way way bigger than I originally thought it was, so into a hider it goes~

...I mean...she's based on one at least, right? xP

Sweet~ =3 I'll go ahead and post the bio here, though under a nice hider tag so that it's not stretching the screen.

Fair warning: It's a pretty significant read. xD

Hey there! Nice to meet you~

It's...actually kinda convenient that I saw this and that you're still posting on it. I've actually been on a huge One Piece kick as of late. Been rewatching my favorite arcs (starting with Drum Island), I recently got Pirate Warriors 3 on the PS4 and have been playing the heck out of that...and I keep having Devil's Fruit ideas for all types the more I think about it. xD

Anyway, if you're interested in an RP, I certainly am. I even have a potential plot idea we could build off of...though it kinda specifically revolves around a specific character of mine's backstory. If you're interested, I can PM it to you. Though I warn you ahead of time...it's a rather lengthy read.

Or, I can simply post it here in his bio using the CS you came up with before if you want. xD
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