I think I'm Advanced+ level and could do that. But under Adv, I feel compelled to write a certain way and it makes writing feel more like a chore even if it's just in my head. Thus, I prefer Casual
3 mos ago
I think I'm Advanced+ level and could do that. But under Adv, I feel compelled to write a certain way and it makes writing feel more like a chore even if it's just in my head. Thus, I prefer Casual
3 mos ago
Many people equate "Advanced" to "Big, high effort posts with lots of flowery language." It's a habitual thought I struggle to shake as an RPer with 20+ years of writing experience. It's very draining
Awesome. =3 I'll wait until we have an OOC up before I repost my character. Then we can discuss this first mini-arc/introduction and the group's first obstacle.
@grandia20 Oh, if you need a new Devil's Fruit name, Toki Toki no Mi probably works better. I think that's more accurate to "Time-Time"
Also, "Soku-Soku no Mi" would work too. It could be the "Speed-Speed Fruit" and I think it better describes the power it has than "Time-Time"
Then a Fruit that would make you go fast could simply me the "Tata Tata no Mi" (aka the "Run-Run Fruit")...or simply the "Zoom-Zoom Fruit" though I dunno what the Japanese onomatopoeia for that is. xD
Hm...that's a tough one. The ability is very strong to say the least, as it can be used in numerous ways. So perhaps some extra limitations? Like...they only speed up/slow down for X amount of real seconds, they can only manipulate one target at a time, and can only do it at a certain percent (like...they move 50 or 100% faster/slower).
I state these limitations bearing in mind that characters will grow over the course of time and their abilities will get stronger as the crew overcomes challenges. Such as extending the amount of time, the amount of targets, and being able to manipulate speed with more variety (like being able to range it from 10-100% as necessary for example) or perhaps even speeding up immaterial things, such as wind.
And yeah, we unfortunately have a doctor character already, but the Time-Time Fruit could certainly come in handy if they were a cook or even a navigator. In the case of the latter, they could speed up the ship for hasty getaways. If they're a navigator, they would be able to tell the best times when to speed up/slow down and where to point the ship ahead of time.
I think we have the basics of everything down. Usually, I prefer a PM as well, but it might be good to have a thread. The Characters tab will help us keep a record of the extra characters we inevitably make.
Eventually, we'll also all need to double up as we gain crew members...and we'll eventually need non-Devil's Fruit users as well. We'd probably want somebody who can save a crewmate if they get shoved into the water. xP Though that doesn't need to happen now of course.
Heh. The crew gets back together on Sabaody, so I guess I know where you are now. So basically just have to remember not to mention anything about...pretty much everything after the timeskip. xP
Okay, cool. I suppose that works out great. xD Winter Saint works as a name for me. =3
The two of you could have characters going to the island for...well, any reason, really. xD (Perhaps they were even born there or something. Up to you guys I guess.)
Ryu, on the other hand, will have arrived to the island on a ship that exited the Grand Line through the Calm Belt using mercenaries for protection and be on the hunt for potential crewmates. Though I suppose we'd need something that would bring the three of them together. Like...if they got caught together in a fight somewhere or something? Or heck, maybe one of your characters are recruiting.
Whatever the case, I'm good with this if you guys are. Should we make it a PM or a board?
@grandia20@jynmi88 Were we thinking of making this a three-way RP instead of a one on one? Because I'd be okay with that. I'll just have to remember not to say anything about what happens after the timeskip to avoid spoilers. Because...stuff gets pretty real and I'd hate to have it spoiled for me. xD
So, Grandia, you're at the Return to Sabaody Archipelago arc? Or are you finished with that arc and they've moved on?
Heh. Sounds good. Though Mock Town is in the Grand Line, so we'd probably want an original town island that serve a similar function located somewhat close to the Grand Line, though not necessarily near Reverse Mountain. Perhaps in South Blue, since that has the least amount of stuff going for it so far? xD At least, as far as One Piece canon is going.
Also, I should probably know ahead of time. Are you up to date with the anime or the manga? I keep up with the anime myself, so I don't know more than the most recent anime episodes. Though if you don't know that much, I'd want to avoid spoiling anything if you want to go back to it. xD
I was thinking that it could start similarly to how the Romance Dawn arc starts in the anime series. Like...the island we start at is actually home to a Marine base and Ryu is just trying to avoid being identified as he looks for other potential sailors to become a pirate with.
Alternatively, it could be an island similar to Loguetown or Mock Town, where it's a gathering place for pirates and other outlaws. Then, perhaps Marine trouble is somehow stirred up. It'd be a good place for him to go looking for a crewmate or two...or simply becoming part of another existing crew as their medic.
I'd be good with either of them, honestly. =3 Or, of course, any ideas you might have. turns out that we were actually going to start an RP in the past. Like...a couple of years ago. You posted last, but I think I was expecting a CS post from you before I said anything more...and it got steadily pushed down my PM list until I just ultimately forgot it even existed in the first place.
So...I guess I should apologize for that? xD If you're still interested, we could give it another go, but I also understand if you'd rather not risk it. *shrug*
Anyway, just thought I should pop in and at least give you a proper "sorry" for that. So...sorry for that.
Also, I did this before,, have another pic involving a creature of the kingdom Animalia that might be considered by some to be humorous. Also, way way way bigger than I originally thought it was, so into a hider it goes~
...I mean...she's based on one at least, right? xP
Sweet~ =3 I'll go ahead and post the bio here, though under a nice hider tag so that it's not stretching the screen.
Fair warning: It's a pretty significant read. xD
Name: Ryu Saitou
Alias: Akaryu
Age: 18, almost 19
This is his face, but he will have the clothing that's depicted in his hybrid form:
Without the weapon:
Personality: Ryu is a rather reserved individual. He keeps mostly to himself, preferring to spend his downtime reading and learning as much as he can about humans, since he had been away from human civilization for ten whole years. As such, he has developed a fondness for reading and learning new things. He almost always has a book on him that he can read through when he has down time. However, he is still more than willing to cooperate and communicate effectively with crewmates. However, he does still try to keep his past and powers secret. He is most afraid of somebody finding out that he's in possession of a sacred dragon fruit that the Marines would pay high-dollar for and that he would be immediately detained and handed over again. He also fears what will happen if people discover that he is from a World Noble family, as he has discovered what the outside world thinks of the Tenryuubito.
Due to his upbringing during those critical stages of development, he has discovered a very strong moral compass and appreciation for life. He does not enjoy seeing lives end, no matter how insignificant it may seem. In his mind, there are only two times when it is okay to kill another life form: for sustenance or to protect other life. He has also decided that, if he is going to live with humans again, he will do it saving life if he can do so. He was raised to respect life and was taught medical knowledge by the one who raised him. And he has decided that he will NOT let that go to waste.
Ryu was originally a World Noble's son. He was a Tenryubito. However, one day, his family was on a cruise and the ship was destroyed. As far as the world knows, all of the marines on that ship and that family were killed in a storm. However, Ryu soon woke up in the care of a large dragon that could speak telepathically to him. He soon came to realize that he had been saved by a dragon. He'd been saved out of pity due to the fact that he was a young child of 8 years. The dragon in that cavern, the elder, soon revealed that where he found himself was an island completely unknown to humans. They called it simply the Island of Dragons, where dragons lived a life not unlike human life, though naturally without technology.
At first, Ryu was angry and suffered withdrawal from his privileged lifestyle. One day, however, this dragon, the elder, took him to a large tree they called Yggdrasil that gave life to the entire island. This area of the island was considered sacred to the dragons. The giant tree bore six large fruits. The dragon revealed that these fruits are what the humans called "Devil's Fruits" and that these specific fruits are unique to this island, and each fruit is considered as sacred as the tree itself. From that day forward, Ryu began to learn from the dragons. And over a period of ten years, he has undergone a dramatic personality shift and studied underneath the elder.
One day, ten years later, however...everything changed. The government discovered this island's existence when a routine hunt by the dragons accidentally comes across a Shichibukai...and they are killed by that Warlord. They then discover where that dragon came from, and eventually, an Admiral is brought alongside that Warlord to the island. They soon discover the existence of this mysterious tree that grows Devil's Fruits...and they attempt to strike a deal with the dragons: hand over the fruits and allow them to study the tree...or the entire island is destroyed. The elder, about to accept the offer, is interrupted by another dragon, who attacks the Admiral, believing that the dragons should prefer to die than to lose their sacred fruits and allow humans to invade such sacred ground. The Admiral kills that dragon, and the dragons rally behind the now-dead dragon. The elder, now backed into a corner, makes a choice. He flies up, protected by his kin, and remove the fruits from the tree and escapes.
In the end, the dragons realize that they cannot defeat these two humans, even if they all fought together. As such, they decide what they will do: they burn the tree down completely. They would notallow these humans, so evil in their eyes, who would kill their entire species, to gain something so precious as knowledge from their tree. They would rather destroy it and bring the fruits away from the island and scatter. In the end, five dragons meet with the elder. They each take a fruit and leave the island, leaving just the red fruit with the elder. The elder urges Ryu to climb onto his back so that they can fly away. Unfortunately, they are cut off by the Shichibukai while the Admiral deals with the rest of the attacking dragons. The elder, the strongest dragon on the island, gives the fruit to Ryu and insists that he flees while he fights the Shichibukai. Ryu does leave, but is forced to hide when the Admiral shows himself. Knowing that there is no way he would escape with the fruit, he does the only thing he can think of to get it off of the island: he eats it.
He is then found and detained by the Admiral. The next day, he is placed into the Shichibukai's custody to be taken to the Marine's top scientist to study the effects of the fruit and find a way to track down the other dragon fruits. However, when they next arrive at a port for supplies...Ryu finds that a key has been left behind. Whether it was a goof of the Marine on duty or intentionally left by somebody, he didn't care. He just used the key to escape his seastone cuffs and fled the boat, commandeering another ship, and setting sail into the seas. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched the entire time....
The story picks up several months after his escape into the world. He has attempted to master the power of his fruit, and since escaped the Grand Line by bartering passage on sailor's ships in exchange for whichever sea we decide to start in. Once he arrives, he leaves that crew and seeks to start his own. He believes that he has acquired enough skills with his fruit to either gather a crew of his own (a crew comprised ONLY of individuals that he finds to be trustworthy of knowing the power he possesses)...or join a crew that already exists that he feels he can trust.
Ryu is a Dragon Human, wielder of the Flame Dragon Fruit, one of six Dragon Fruits in the world (each of a different elemental focus). However, it is very untrained. He currently only possesses one main ability:
Partial Transformation
Ryu has developed the ability to transform any part of his body into full dragon form that he wants. However, only one part of his body can be transformed at any one time, and it requires effort to maintain that transformation for any extended periods of time. For example, he can turn a hand into a claw or his back into dragon wings, but not both at the same time.
It is worth noting, however, that in the transformed state, his scales function similar to body armor that does not weigh him down. The exceptions are the scales on the bottom of his jaw, the front of his neck and torso and down to his bottom of his tail. These scales are much softer and will not protect him any more than human clothing.
The following are abilities/powers that he cannot yet utilize, but will probably learn in the future:
The ability to completely transform into the two basic Zoan-type forms: Dragon, and Dragon Man hybrid.
The ability to fly. Whether it's a limitation of the Devil's Fruit itself or there is something that Ryu just isn't understanding about dragon wings, he is incapable of using those wings to fly. Even in his full dragon form, he is unable to keep himself in the air, let alone carry anything in that form. He will likely only be able to attain this ability if he can ever find another sentient dragon willing to teach him how. He may learn how to fly as he practices, but he will never be able to learn more than flying the length of a football field in his hybrid form (doubled in his pure dragon form) by practicing on his own or learning from a non-dragon.
The ability to breathe fire. One of the most well-known of dragon abilities, fire breathing, is impossible for him at this point in time. He knows from his days spent on the Island of Dragons that Fire Dragons are able to breathe a more powerful flame than any other dragon type. However, he cannot as of yet even breath a puff of smoke. He knows, though, that hatchlings cannot breathe flames either, so he figures that this ability may simply come to him in time.
It is also worth noting that his pure dragon form is where he can exert the most physical strength, but his hybrid form has the greatest speed.
Medical Skill: Having been raised and taught by the elder in a land with little to no technology, he has learned about all kinds of medication most take for granted that can be found in nature: both ancient and modern. He has a grasp on a wide range of diseases that plague all forms of life, including many plants and knows the symptoms and remedies by heart. He is still only vaguely familiar with medical technology, however, as he is still new to the modern world. Though in his bid to preserve all forms of life, he has spent a fair amount of time studying up modern medicinal practices and techniques as well since his departure of the Isle of Dragons.
Memory: While not perfect, Ryu's memory is practically photographic. This allows him to memorize just about anything he looks at...however, he must actively commit something to memory in order for it to stay with him for an extended period of time.
General Knowledge: Due to the aforementioned memory, as well as his ten long years devoted to his studies, he has the ability to retain a vast amount of information. While not exactly a walking encyclopedia, he does have a large amount of general knowledge about the world, and anything he doesn't know about, he will typically strive to learn.
Techniques: As mentioned above, Ryu is only capable of performing partial transformations of a single part of his body at a time. However, his most common transformation techniques are:
Akaryu no Tsume (Claw of the Red Dragon) - Transforms one arm into a dragon's claw and attacks with it, be it through thrusting or slashing. Hits much harder than a normal punch
Akaryu no Kagizume (Talon of the Red Dragon) - Transforms one leg into a dragon's talon and kicks with it. Hits much harder than a normal kick.
Akaryu no Wingusu (Wings of the Red Dragon) - Transforms his back to form dragon wings. Can use these to give himself extra jump height, to attack an enemy behind him, etc.
Akaryu no Sukerusu (Scales of the Red Dragon) - Transforms a part of his skin into dragon scale, hardening it and protecting it, though a strong enough blow can still be felt. Piercing attacks will be more effective than blunt attacks, as they may potentially completely puncture the layer of scales.
Akaryu no Yoroi (Armor of the Red Dragon) - A purely defensive technique similar to "Akaryu no Sukerusu" that transforms his skin layer into dragon scale, protecting him from harm. In this form, however, he covers the entirely of his skin, protecting him in all areas except for his dragon form's natural weak spots. He cannot move of his own volition while using this ability, due to the sheer amount of concentration it takes to transform the entirety of his skin. His weight doesn't change while applying this technique, so he's just as capable of being pushed back or thrown around as usual.
It's...actually kinda convenient that I saw this and that you're still posting on it. I've actually been on a huge One Piece kick as of late. Been rewatching my favorite arcs (starting with Drum Island), I recently got Pirate Warriors 3 on the PS4 and have been playing the heck out of that...and I keep having Devil's Fruit ideas for all types the more I think about it. xD
Anyway, if you're interested in an RP, I certainly am. I even have a potential plot idea we could build off of...though it kinda specifically revolves around a specific character of mine's backstory. If you're interested, I can PM it to you. Though I warn you ahead of's a rather lengthy read.
Or, I can simply post it here in his bio using the CS you came up with before if you want. xD