I think I'm Advanced+ level and could do that. But under Adv, I feel compelled to write a certain way and it makes writing feel more like a chore even if it's just in my head. Thus, I prefer Casual
1 mo ago
I think I'm Advanced+ level and could do that. But under Adv, I feel compelled to write a certain way and it makes writing feel more like a chore even if it's just in my head. Thus, I prefer Casual
1 mo ago
Many people equate "Advanced" to "Big, high effort posts with lots of flowery language." It's a habitual thought I struggle to shake as an RPer with 20+ years of writing experience. It's very draining
Ooh, for once I'm actually around when one of these is getting set up. Greetings! My name's Digizel, but I go by Digi~ =3
First thing to mention is that I've never played Pathfinder. But I know some of my friends have started to take to it after the whole Wizards debacle. I always loved D&D 5e, but I think it's time I broadened my horizons a bit. I figure a PBP campaign may be an easier way to learn it, since time pressure will be significantly lessened. Better to have a week to look at what I can do or say than have to come up with it on the spot while I'm still learning~ xD
If having a new player is okay for you, you can certainly consider me interested. Like I said, I've been looking for a reason to learn P2e.
Alright, as a newcomer to this system, I hope I used those questions properly, because I wasn't sure what second question Shieldwing would ask in the moment. Was not expecting to roll so high on that one. xD
The conversation had begun to go well over Shieldwing's head before he'd even realized it. But that was fine, he supposed. He didn't need to engage in this particular conversation. His head was already filled with plenty of thoughts all on their own. Not the least of which was that this whole mission had been a bust.
Well, perhaps that was a bit harsh. It had technically largely been a success, and he was glad that the group had managed to save so many others, both dragons and non. He was obviously glad that things had turned out well overall. But he himself was...disappointed. Not in the result, but more in himself.
As far as Shieldwing had been concerned, he had accomplished very little. He'd failed to keep Skobeloff in check and allowed the trickster to roam off on his own for much of all of their mission. And even though he was present for much of the action, he had almost felt as if he hadn't accomplished much of anything. He had always just felt like he was just sort of...there. This was supposed to be his big break. It was his chance to prove that he could be a proper Brynback! The chance to be a leader, and prove his doubters wrong! He had hoped to use this opportunity to make a positive impression on their guardian and everybody else, to make himself look like he knew what he was doing! And yet...
Just as his claws were clenching beneath him, his wings carrying him basically on instinct, a sudden blur of colors snapped him out of his trancelike state, and he realized that everybody was starting to descend to the ground. As he followed suit--this time not even bothering trying to do some kind of fancy flying like he'd done before--the voice of Garrock had asked a question to the group, and his companions were all answering in kind. He shifted his wings as he landed, this time a nicer landing than the last. He stopped and glanced back, stretching his wings. He hadn't even realized how far they'd come. They were apparently already here. And as he took a look around, he could see all kinds of other dragons around...including those younger than himself, just learning to fly for the first time. He was tempted to go check up on them,, he didn't want to waste more time.
"I-I'm fine, I can keep going, but-" he started, only to realize he was answering too late anyway. By the time he was getting his answer out...another, more unfamiliar voice had cut into the air. And a moment later, Shieldwing found himself letting out a small yelp and hopping back as another large dragon came tumbling right past Garrock, calling out his name and spilling onto the ground in front of them. He blinked, staring incredulously at the newcomer...and blinking again when he realized that this new older dragon was remarkably similar to their own present guardian....
He had noticed that the others that hatched alongside him did look vaguely similar to one another, rather like this...and that thought caused it to dawn on him.
"You...are brothers or something, aren't you?" Shieldwing finally comments, stepping toward the two. His eyes were wide in surprise as he made the connection. It was strange, though. These two seemed nothing alike. Was it a consequence of them being raised in different pilgrimage clutches or something...?
It suddenly dawned on him that...he had not seen his own birth siblings since their hatching. Heck, he wasn't even sure what House they would have been sorted into. He would have thought that fellow descendants of Wroughtwing would have ended up in Brynback as well, but he realized he didn't know for certain. And this was probably something he should figure out; his elders did always tell him he should be more knowledgeable about their culture if he was to lead his clutch one day.
Shieldwing Studies this new point of interest in Rudrick and rolls 11, asking: "What could I learn from you?" in particular reference to how siblings relate to one another in dragon society, especially in regards to the sorting process and if they're supposed to keep in contact or not.
He also asks "What could I learn from you?" again in regards to what exactly he was doing here in the first place, whether he was in charge of some rawscaled drakes like himself, or if he just happened to be in the area for some other purpose, etc.
Do you want a summary of what's happened or do you want to read through past posts yourself?
As much as I think I'd enjoy the latter, I don't even remember where I left off, so a summary of chapter 1 might be appreciated if somebody were willing to run that for me. xD
Otherwise, I'll probably be able to read through the whole thing when I'm not preoccupied with D&D session prep
"Hm...." came Shieldwing's response to Kyte's words. He looked like he was about to add something when Fellwing spoke up again. "Huh...?" he murmured, glancing back at Fellwing, and he couldn't help but frown slightly from her words...but more her tone. "H-hey, what're you...? I-I'm not doing anything, I'm just-!" However, before he could begin to defend himself, there was sudden movement from behind them! Shieldwing's guard was immediately and instinctively raised and he jumped defensively closer to his clutchmates! He was put even more on edge when he realized...that this wasn't some intruder bursting their way into Echo's cave...but a cloud of...multi-colored...sand...?
What in the moons kind of creatures was this!? Was this just another natural part of the islands? However, as he stood defensively, ready for whatever challenge this strange rainbow sand was going to offer, the sand landed on the ground in front of them in a heap. And a moment later, it reformed...into a very familiar face. At first, Shieldwing's face exuded signs of relief and gratitude to see his missing clutchmate back once more! However...he couldn't help but scowl slightly as Skobellof made his entrance with a boast and, in the verdant dragon's words "triumph" and "excitement."
Finally, Shieldwing had just about had it. He stepped forward, opening his mouth to say something about just how he felt about how reckless the other dragon had been. Now that Garrock wasn't around, this was his chance to finally tell his clutchmate just exactly how he truly felt about what had happened.
However, just as he did so, Skobellof mentioned something that caught him by surprise.
"L-look, just forget about Kyte for a second," Shieldwing said, stepping forward again. "He's hurt and we need to make sure he doesn't get worse. We'll take care of that and help him in a bit. And I've got some words for you, but that'll wait too. First, what do you mean? Why is it a big deal if we leave Garrock alone? Of course we did, he couldn't fit in here. But it's fine. He's easily bigger and stronger than all of us combined and can take care of himself. Plus, he's sick of babysitting us anyway-" Shieldwing rolled his eyes at that. "-so he wanted the break anyway. What's the problem?"