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2 hrs ago
Current death is certain if you encroach near, ancient folklore, a battle hardened tribe
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9 hrs ago
shits antisocial as hell, your cat is eating all the birds outside or god forbid it gets hit by a car. nothing says i love my cat like allowing it to become roadkill
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9 hrs ago
its important to understand i am not american, we do not have stray cats here and all outside cats are a) owned by someone and b) that cat is shitting all over other peoples front yard
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10 hrs ago
as much as i hate people that keep outside pets of any kind, probably not the right time to put that out there lol
2 days ago
i'm trynna see some TOES
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Fabricant451 I mean I could've called him Jesus, but that would give the antifa side some sort of divine supremacy and I didn't want to go down that rabbithole, see?

Ey, Juan, we're protesting against fascists today, you wanna come?

Hell yeah! Let's beat up some cops that are definitely fascists because they're governmental workers that maintain the monopoly on violence that protects us from people beating us up without getting punished!

Now, just remember, when we start beating them and annoying the shit out of them to force a reaction from them, make sure that we outnumber them 5-to-1!

Yeah, I know, it's in the antifa manual, followed by the line, shit, run away as hard as you can because we just wanna be annoying, we don't actually want to fight!

I feel that's an accurate representation of what went down before this happened, and none of you can tell me otherwise.

As the little redneck shinobi tested her acidic saliva on the walls between the door, it seemed only to sizzle a little bit as the wall got used to the acidity and, almost supernaturally, seemed to adapt and overcome the acid. Within a few seconds it stopped sizzling and left only a tiny mark, but the walls had adapted and any further attempt to use saliva at this point would not yield any result at all - not even a sizzle.

As the group debated a ticking noise was audible from a corner of the room - although the purpose was unclear - and upon closer inspection would lead to the team to see a very tiny camera and microphone set that wasn't there before. It must've appeared over the time span over the debate they were having. That, or the ticking noise was the counter alerting them that there wasn't much time left to decide. As if on cue, the voice would boom into their head again.

“Two minutes left, make a decision or fail the test.”

Amegakure no Sato | S-rank | Leader of Amegakure

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Exam Stadium Observation Room | INTERACTION: Jaakuna Aka - @Reflection, Gisho Omawarisan - @Syn,

“Just looking at the sky...” Yogensha repeated after the Hokage, before a faint smile appeared on her lips. “Hokage-sama, with all due respect, but when we look at the sky, it is not a waste of time. In fact, it is just as paramount to our duties as leaders as any other task. Weather is a omnipresent factor in all our calculations,” she explained, leaning sideways slightly and placing her one hand on the table to lean on it, the other being pressed on the sash around her waist. “In a mission, weather is a deciding factor. For the crops of your farmers, the weather is the single most deciding factor. But that is not what I mean, Hokage. You must think of yourself too. To reach a decision of the highest magnitude in the order of decisionmaking, you must be tranquil and at peace of mind. Looking at the sky is.. one of the tools to approach such a state.”

She smiled at his comments about Iwagakure, though did not answer for she felt no love or hate for Iwagakure. They were - in her eyes - similar to Konohagakure, a place she neither loved nor hated. She accepted it, but as an 'ideal' Konohagakure was far from what she idolized. The people were a different matter - Konoha citizens and shinobi had a tendency to be the friendly sort once you got to know them - though, through a lesson she learned long ago in the forest, there are still the unsavory types among them.

But when he noticed the lack of Amegakure students, she couldn't help but stifle a laugh. “You honor me, Hokage-sama, for thinking we have plenty students. But Amegakure is small and so are the numbers of shinobi.” She said it almost as if it was a weakness, and momentarily she looked at the Hokage slyly, waiting to see if he'd respond. When he had, or had not, she simply added, “all the more reason for us to focus on their quality. I am sure our students will impress you, just like the other students have impressed me so far.”

A new arrival entered the room then, one that Yogensha recognized as the Tsuchikage. He spoke to the Hokage, and made sure to bow his head towards Yogensha, a mild greeting for a person of mild stature, and she returned the favor, bowing her head to him as well. “Likewise, Tsuchikage, although I am not sure we need more masculine additions to this tiny gathering of ours. Your students are doing well, from what I can see.”
@Angel Eyes as long as you stay out of my team my homie
@Angel Eyes resident homosexual black man from Atlanta reporting in?
Leaving a roleplay because the GM is a grade-a megalomaniac cunt only to see them claiming the reason people left is because they weren't advanced enough is always hilarious.

I took a look and jesus christ. sad to say this person acts the same way in the discord. In the words of Trump;

@ArenaSnow burn the bridges to light the way ahead my man.

As the team who had chosen for the yin-yang scroll appeared in the arena, they would be met with a tranquil, pure white room. It reminded of marble, or perhaps pearl - but the color of the room was most likely the point of least importance. As soon as they entered, their heads would fill themselves with a soothing, calm voice. Not calm enough to put them to sleep - that would detract from the entire challenge. Rather, the combination of the pure white room with the calm voice would call them to attention and almost force them to enter a mixture of pure focus and ultimate calmth. “Welcome to the challenge,” the voice said, it's gender or intonation rather indistinct. If it was a jonin proctor throwing their voice or entering their head, they were awfully good at it.

“In front of you there are two doors,” it said, and it was right - two doors were in front of them. One had the kanji for 'exit' above them, the other had kanji for 'sacrifice' above it. The principle of the challenge could very well already have been clear for them. “Yin. Yang. Balance and peace, unbalance and war. All of these things are resembled in yin-yang. For one thing to grow, another thing must shrink, for one thing to live, another must die. In order for two of you to grow to the next rank of shinobi-hood, two of you must sacrifice. Two of you must enter the room that says 'sacrifice' and the other two must enter the room that says exit. How you come to the conclusion of who goes where is up to you - everything is allowed, including force. Those who enter sacrifice will not pass, those who enter the exit will pass to the next challenge.”

Immediately the two doors slid open automatically, revealing darkness that did not reveal anything about the contents of the next room. They could start now, but the voice wouldn't leave just yet. “In order to successfully advance, only two people may enter either room. If only one enters, or three people enter any of the rooms, you will all automatically fail and forfeit participation in the next round of the challenge, and immediately be pushed into the battle tournament. You have five minutes to reach a conclusion. Follow the principles of yin-yang best as you can.”

Then, the voice disappeared entirely and the room would go fully silent - not just 'silent' but actual silent. Not even the buzzing of nearby voices in other rooms could be heard, and the only sounds that could be heard would come from the shinobi themselves.

Full. Tranquility.

Amegakure no Sato | S-rank | Leader of Amegakure

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Exam Stadium Observation Room | INTERACTION: Jaakuna Aka - @Reflection, Gisho Omawarisan - @Syn

Yogensha glanced at the figure that entered the room, though paid them no heed, redirecting her eyes to the screens now that flickered and showed the respective arena's that the teams would be in during their challenges. It did not take long, however, for the stranger to approach her and start speaking to her. It was to be expected - desires to be close to other humans were strong in anyone, so she couldn't fault him. As he spoke to her, she watched him bow and returned the favor, bowing lightly, femininely, even lifting the kimono slightly like a princess would. “I see,” she remarked to his comment on the fruit, and smiled slightly at him - even when she smiled she seemed at peace. “Fruits like these don't grow in my home country. It rains too often - but we have good street food.” She reached out and grabbed a strawberry lightly, holding it up in the light and turning it around, inspecting it closely as if it were an item of extreme importance. She held back the sleeve of her kimono even now, being the figurehead of grace.

“But that doesn't know I don't mean what these are, of course.” She turned to the man and smiled again, before putting the strawberry in her mouth, holding it by the stem, and taking the fruit off carefully, before chewing it softly and swallowing it. She discarded the stem onto the table, before turning to the new presence she felt. Something very similar to the one she used to feel at the shrine, but somehow different. It had the same aura of calm, but the nature was difference. Spiritual - but not the same.

“Hokage-sama,” she said politely, as the man bowed before her and held out his hand for hers. She was slightly taken aback by this gesture, but did not show it - indeed, she seemed as if she had completely expected such a grand gesture from the hokage. It seemed like she was the master at keeping up appearances and maintaining a calm and relaxed posture. She slowly put her hand into his, allowing him to kiss her hand before she'd take it back and place it on the sash on her stomach. “Such a nice day you chose for the event, hokage. Surely, you agree, today is not the time to speak of alliances and building Amegakure. You know that we are content being our own little corner of shinobi-hood in the rain, are you not? Expansion is not on our list so far.” She glanced at the man that was still with them, who had failed to give her his name, and smiled politely at him in order not to exclude him. “I am sure you understand Hokage. Konohagakure, for all it's wealth and might, still feels as homely as a small village. I would not want to give up that same feeling for Amegakure for material gain. I would rather look to the future and work on a better understanding of the shinobi arts, the way the Sage and his sons intended for us.”

She glanced at the screen then, where one of the teams had just began their little challenge. The earth challenge. Spores were being shot through the air, and one of the shinobi seemed to be instructing the rest of the team. “.. just like your students are, Hokage-sama. Broadening their understanding of the shinobi arts - not just jutsu, but also what it means to be a shinobi.” Her words were floaty and tranquil, just like she was. Perhaps not entirely strange - was it?

Konohagakure no Sato | Chunin-going-on-Jonin | Edgelord Supreme

TIME: Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Konohagakure - Exam Stadium/Fire Challenge Room | INTERACTION: Usagi Orihara - @Project, Tsukiko Umene - @J8cob, Kamui Uzumaki - @Spanner

Sakana glanced briefly at the Uzumaki that was joining them, who restricted his interaction to merely a notification that he was, simply put, inserting himself into the team. Sakana replied by taking the boys' scroll and scribing 'fire' onto it before handing it back, no questions asked and no explanation given. It was only then that Usagi replied to him, questioning his intentions to take a second scroll if they could. He shrugged, glancing the girl over. “As a shinobi, it's our duty to ensure success of our mission,” he simply stated. “At any cost. If we can do it, we should at least consider it. It maximizes our chances of success. If we can't do it, then no harm done. That is fate too.”

Then a third figure appeared, as if on cue, and introduced herself as Tsukiko Umene. Atleast she had the decency to tell them their name - nothing more than that, luckily, as that would've been misplaced. “Sakana Uragiri,” he simply introduced himself, his black and yellow eyes peering her over. She seemed strong - stronger than the others. If needed, Sakana would've had no problem letting her spearhead the problems, but something also told him that she was ruthless. A good thing in his mind, but there had to be some control over it. He wondered if she had that control - the challenge would likely show. She was right, at least, that they physically could take another scroll. They seemed to have formed up better than the other teams, at least in Sakana's eyes. “And yes, we can. Physically.”

When the ground lit up, Sakana looked down with a look of slight surprise, raising an eyebrow curiously. Before he could say something about it, however, they were already in a new room. As Tsukiko stopped before the seal, however, Sakana did not. He gently brushed past the girl, not hard enough to be a cause for anger, and pulled the seal off instantly. “No need to wait,” he reminded Tsukiko. “Those whose fate won't carry them far enough will fall behind regardless of whether we wait or not. Best to just go.” His talk about fate might've been lost on her, however leaving behind the weaklings might've appealed to her - not that he was calling Kamui or Usagi weak - it was just his way of affirming that fate would determine whether they'd make it or not.

As he entered the room first, he looked around to see a figure floating in the air with fire next to him. The moment the man started talking, he already irked Sakana. 'None of you have what it takes,' he said, 'no need to tell you my name.' Tsk, Sakana slissed under his breath, before speaking up before the man had even finished. “Oi, just shut up already, you cocky bastard. Just go be quiet and proctor us in peace.” But it seemed the man was entirely oblivious to what he'd said - or ignored it on purpose, or didn't hear it over the sound of him mouthing off like the idiot he was. Regardless, Sakana ignored his presence, only listening to what he said, as he walked closer to the place from where he'd be able to see the scroll.

While the man was still talking, Sakana looked at his team, already having formulated some ideas, but not a concrete plan yet. “If any of you knows the kage bunshin technique, maybe you can sacrifice a clone to get the scroll. The clone would die but he might be able to push the scroll away far enough to fall out of the flames. Otherwise, I can try some water techniques on it, but this fire looks different. Not sure if it'd work,” he explained, though he didn't feel that confident in any of his plans.

He then glanced at the proctor and hissed slightly, speaking just softly enough for the man to barely hear anything except for some muffled sounds. “We can also just kill him - from the fact that he's using the flames to float, I also imagine if he dies the flames dispel. Not like he's been helpful yet anyway. Although, since he's floating on the flames and they're not burning him, maybe the flames aren't that hot.”

He then glanced back at his team, fixating his eyes on the team in its entirety. “Otherwise, I guess I can also get the scroll by just running in and hoping for the best. It's the Will of Fire after all, right. Fire is fierce and unpredictable. I can be just that, if needed.”
Replying tonight, my classes started today and I have classes from 14.45 to 18:00. RIP me.

Gonna have to maybe go back on my word. Classes for my thesis study group started and are currently five feet deep up my anal cavity.
Good to see @BladeSS4 has joined us also! Now that I'm not GMing for once we might see an RP that lasts more than a week.
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