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remember when i had a million accounts to circumvent a certain unfortunate event......... i remember. Hoo hoo!
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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I needed more of these. Heill ok sæll brodir.
Indeed, @eclecticwitch, no one will be playing ME.

I'll be watching this RP.
T-t-t-t-triple post.

fresh release 5 may
Some pointers for the last post:

@Tuujaimaa and @J8cob both should react to the events up until their choice, make a choice, and then cut off after that (i.e. if you enter the god tree, write that you enter the god tree, and cut off. For j8, if you take the flower, write that you take it, and cut off the post there) so that I can write what happens when you take x or y choice. If you choose to stay with the team, feel free to do what these two are doing:

@Savato @RabidPorcupine feel free to react to the entire situation, react to the rock being thrown and potentially throw a counter attack (but keep in mind the genjutsu is still active).

Nagi Shinrikyo - @Savato
Aragami Tsubaki - @Rabidporcupine
Soryu Shinano - @J8cob
Jikangai Yūhi - @Tuujaimaa

The doctor only glared at Nagi as she asked her inquisitive questions. Perhaps it was innate for a detective, but if she was going to continue doing this on spec-ops missions that required NDA’s, she was going to find herself eliminated by some higher power sooner or later. “I am under the clauses of an NDA myself as well. You’ll have to excuse me when I refrain from telling you anything of the sorts, miss.” True or not, it was a final answer, and one that didn’t give her much except the animosity of a very influential scientist at that. If any of the shinobi had guessed that there was some other interest in this tree beyond finding a terrorist, they’d have been absolutely correct, but with nobody to prove it, it would have to remain a sneaking suspicion for now. That said, to assume there was nothing here that was related to the ‘pickle at home’ would also be erroneous. They were, after all, not mutually exclusive.

The doctor gave a similar reply to Yuhi, though it was less abrasive and mean, and more uninterested. He was a bio-engineer, not a zoologist, so the question was really out of his expertise in this case. “I’m not sure. Truth be told we don’t even know why he went in there. We were still setting up the camp at that time and only found him because he screamed. By the time we got there we were lost as well. We only managed to escape by a stroke of luck, so you’ll have to excuse me if I didn’t manage to get a good look at whatever monster this was.” He stood still for a moment longer, having already been halted long enough, before busting out a rude, “are we done here?” It was clear he hadn’t expected these shinobi to ask any questions at all. What were they even here for if they couldn’t figure out the situation for themselves? What did he know that they didn’t? Nothing! He wasn’t a fighter, he didn’t know anything about these beasts, he was just here to investigate that tree!

The team setting foot into the swamp was, perhaps, their first mistake, but it was undeniably one they had to make to progress. The only one with the sense to hang back seemed to be Yuhi, which allowed him to see that his team was walking in a circular motion, rather than straight towards the tree – not that this would help him in any way.

As Nagi dispelled the genjutsu, she would be allowed – briefly, no longer than half a second – to see how the world truly was. In truth they had barely moved forward and had been walking in a circle for a while now. The camp had been gone from vision for a while now, which might’ve explained why the scientist that wandered off had died out of sight from the camp. The doctors story was adding up – and now they didn’t have just ‘a pickle at home’ but a pickle in the swamp-jungle too. And to make matters worse, once the genjutsu had been dispelled by Nagi, she was put back under it’s effects immediately. At that point, her experience in investigation and deduction, as well as the makeshift sensory, would’ve likely allowed her to realize that it was the swamp vapors rising up from the swamp itself that were causing the genjutsu. Again, this was not something they could easily stop – gasmasks weren’t exactly standard gear. Even a makeshift cloth over the mouth and nose would do little to help them here.

While Soryu’s idea of forming a defensive circle would’ve helped wonderfully in any other situation, the genjutsu made a defense like that extremely hard for anyone except for Nagi, who could use the natural energy to ‘sense’ things, and even that wasn’t a hundred percent foolproof.

The monsters appeared soon enough, taking the shape of wolves with long narrow snouts akin to the way a vulture had a long neck and a naked neck to reach into the bodies it finds. These wolves’ snouts were meant to reach in deep to clean everything out. At the end of their tail was something that resembled a flower, which was where the whistling noises came from. All in all it would’ve been an interesting specimen were it not for the fact that they were incredibly fast and incredibly aggressive.

Luckily for the team, they were also incredibly weak. One single high powered punch from a taijutsu user, or a single low level technique would easily get rid of these things. Two of them were headed for Soryu, two of them were headed for Yuhi, and two were headed for Tsubaki. For some strange reason, about five of them were headed for Nagi – perhaps she was the most threatening, perhaps there was another reason. Yet another motivation to push forward to the tree and learn more, figure out how these cretins decided who to target?

For all four of them, the genjutsu would play part in their fight, as the beasts randomly disappeared and seemed to hit them even if they missed and the environment seemed to be changing, where trees would suddenly be revealed to be wolves, and vice versa. It was doing everything it could to confuse the opponent. It was the most basic of genjutsu, but it was doing real damage now. The wolves attacks were very benign, not doing much damage if any at all through the flak vests, merely grazing any open part of the clothes they were wearing. They were clearly wolves – not exactly experts in personal combat, pack animals that hunted together and tried to tire out their prey, and this time had chosen a target that was far above what they could take. Never the less, combined with the genjutsu, they were a very big nuisance. The doctors story checked out again, because it wasn’t unlikely that these creatures had simply chased the other scientist around confusing him and driving him away from the rest before he fell, and they could murder him.

When the four shinobi would inevitably defeat these wolves after taking some minimal damage, if any at all, the environment suddenly shifted, and the road to the tree was clear now. It was almost inviting them to continue. For once, the genjutsu wasn’t playing tricks, and the trees curved overhead to form a path towards the god tree, almost like a sacred entry way for some cult.

The four were allowed to take as much time as they wanted to, but inevitably had to press onwards to complete the mission. If these wolves were anything to go by, though, then they would have an easy time completing it. Once the group came closer to the tree, once again a violent roar was heard, with footsteps coming closer, shaking the very ground they were standing on violently, as a giant made of mud came from the backside of the god-tree.

At the same time, from his position at the backside of the group, Yuhi could easily spot an opening to enter the God-tree’s trunk. There were undoubtedly invaluable wisdoms there and, frankly, even if there were not, these was a lot to learn from entering the god-tree itself regardless, especially given the faint but powerful sense of chakra that was coming from inside of it. However, even an imbecile would know that going inside the god-tree would require them to abandon their team, which would put the entire team at a disadvantage. As if fighting a giant monster made of mud wasn’t a big enough disadvantage already, even when you were fighting 4-on-1. Abandoning them now would surely make the fight much harder if not downright impossible. And leaving the mud monster alive would mean the mission had failed – the mission to establish a safe research outpost, that was. The time had come for Yuhi to make a hard choice.

Would he choose the tree, or would he choose his team? Would he choose irreplaceable wisdom and knowledge, or would he choose the people he’d been sent here with to accomplish a mission?

Yuhi wasn’t the only one that was presented with a choice however. As Soryu would move forward through the path leading up to the god-tree, he’d stumble over something on the ground. When he’d look down to see what it was, he’d find a small bulb-like plant that was continuously secreting gasses – in fact, they were the genjutsu gasses. On it’s stem there were small, very light blue specks that almost seemed to emit light, and pulsed in the same tempo as the gasses were being secreted. It seemed alluring to touch it, and grabbing one for analysis later on might prove to be a benefit, but if he wanted to do it, he’d have to do it now and hang back for a bit, leaving his team to fight the mud monster on their own while he took it out of the ground. If he didn’t grab it, however, the chance seemed forever lost, as the genjutsu would likely make it very hard to find one again.

Whoever was left when everyone had made their choice would have to deal with the mud monster, as it roared loudly and moved it’s hands down, reaching into the watery soil and pulling out a rock, before hurling it at the remaining shinobi with a tremendous and extremely large amount of force, giving them very little time to react. Do, or die!

Empire of Stone | Chunin | Squad Four


Sakana glared at Shinji a while, seemingly not really impressed with the way he handled his remark ‘tactfully’ as if he were a businessman. The repetition in his speech, saying over and over that he had no problem with them, and that he needed him to introduce himself, made him look more nervous than calm and collected at any rate. “.. right.” On cue, Nagi Shinrikyo passed by, telling him that it was all ‘in the name’ and that we had to guard our own interests. It was funny, because it was true, but Sakana didn’t laugh or smirk at her remark. Rather, she eyed both Shinji and Koko as assets that were there simply for the ride. Like Nagi said, he couldn’t rely on them to guard anything other than their own assets – and similarly, they should expect the same from him. Except he wasn’t here for the explicit interest of the Iwagakure Empire. He was here for his own, by grace of the Emperor. The remark Nagi made about him being from Kumogakure, however, fell on deaf mans ears. Sakana served no man but himself. Whether that is a Raijin dynasty of sorts, or an emperor in an ivory tower.

Sakana paid some attention to Miyako, but seemed more in deep thought than anything. When Miyako finished her little speech, he simply nodded. Yeah, having Miyako at the head would be fine. Not like it’d matter much. In the heat of the battle, only your instincts and fate can save you …or kill you.

Just like Koko, Sakana immediately turned to face the commotion caused by these Konoha goons. It was so like Konohagakure to send some children to play in a game of life and death – not that Sakana could make any remark on that, since he was only 16 and possibly the youngest member of the entire team, if not the expedition at a whole. But to act like this, blatantly yelling and screaming. “Idiots,” was all he’d add on to the matter before turning back to his own group, a hint of irritation visible in his otherwise bland, boring face.

He cocked an eyebrow when Koko called herself a sword for hire, before realization set in that she was potentially mocking him. Rather than fire off, like he usually would’ve, he lowered his eyebrow and grinned at her instead. Fate would take care of her – he couldn’t make any judgement on that yet. Something he could make a judgement on was that she was playing dumb – acting like an airhead, casual, go-with-the-flow type of person that so many shinobi seemed to want to be – and that judgement was that it’d come to bite her in the ass later. “Sounds like your only skill is existing..? I hope Iwagakure didn’t pay a premium to have you on board then,” he added, though he was quite sure that Koko, of all people, had an ace up her sleeve. The logical thing would be to assume that her pipe was a weapon of sorts, but that was too obvious to be her trump card. He’d just have to wait and see. As for Sakana, his trump-card wasn’t something he could forego telling his team about.

“Unlike these goons, I should probably tell you what I can do, for your sake rather than my own. Miyako, put me on the front line. The reason is…” he said, undoing his flak vest and raising his mesh shirt. He revealed the Ura Shishō Fūin seal on his chest that would activate on his death. It’d generate something akin to a blackhole that would, essentially, kill everything around Sakana when he dies. In fact, Sakana was more or less a weaponized failsafe, a suicide bomber if anything, in the most extreme fashion one could think of. “.. the reason is that if I die, and you guys are next to me, you die too.”

With the team assembled in the VTOL, Sakana would spend the rest of the trip being quiet. They flew over the border between Kumogakure and Iwagakure as they headed north-west towards this new continent. A dark place that Sakana had only ever heard rumours of, rumours he’d discarded as vague lies drunk men tell in a bar. Turned out it was the truth, and a pretty dark truth at that. Biological warfare was nothing new, but in this capacity it certainly was new. Where as this type of combat had usually been restricted to jutsu with biological impacts, which meant there were counters to this type of attack, this new threat was nothing of that sort - at least, that’s what he inferred from the briefing.

While they travelled he mostly stared out of the window, giving the impression perhaps that he was deep in thought, strategizing potential threats, making up tactics and strategies to use against these threats, and above all, how to best achieve their goal. The truth was, they didn’t have any information in regards to what they were doing. They were unaware of what threat they were facing, they couldn’t make tactics and strategies because of that, and their goal was as vague as it was ever going to be. When they started approaching a dark cloud, he suddenly turned his head into the seating area of the VTOL, speaking up. “Anyone else feel like this is a suicide mission?” he plainly asked, and as if by some divine intervention, a sudden crack and an explosion outside of the VTOL shook the entire craft up.

Sakana waited about one whole second for the pilot to pipe up about some weather problems, but he didn’t say anything, and a single glance out of the windows confirmed that their wings were, in fact, gone. The ground would come closer, not so rapidly as the craft still had some forward momentum, but the time to act would be now lest the entire team die here. “Miyako, shoot me to the ground.” he’d say, getting up and sliding the door open on his side of the VTOL, waiting for Miyako to get up and ready to use her wind techniques to propel him forward to the ground as fast as she could. Once she was ready, he’d inform the team of his plan. “Once she propels me off, you guys jump after me right away. I guess you might die, but you’re gonna die for sure if you don’t follow me. Trust fate.”

With a loud thump from the air making way for Sakana, Miyako would propel him forwards using her wind chakra, shooting Sakana off like a literal bullet heading for the ground. Any normal human would’ve died on impact, and even a shinobi would have a hard time pulling this idiotic plan off without any lasting damage, but Sakana went ahead and did it anyway. As he soared towards the ground he rapidly formed handseals. “DOTON! Doryū Jōheki!” He adjusted his position so that he could land on his feet, hopefully with a bit of momentum carrying him forward so that he could land in a roll, but as he picked up more and more speed it seemed very unlikely that he’d be able to do it. With a very large thud he connected with the ground, his brows furrowing in pain as he felt a shiver of pain running up his leg from the impact, twisting his ankle quite badly in the process.

Before he allowed himself to react to the pain, he smashed his palms into the ground, raising himself into the air by forming a earthen platform moving upwards, closing the distance between himself and those of his team that had chosen to follow him down, allowing them to land on the platform from a smaller distance to lessen the damage – if any damage occurred at all. Once they were all safely on the platform, he slowly began lowering it, bringing them to ground level. During the ride down to the ground the loud bang and cloud of smoke in the distance told them precisely what would’ve happened had they not jumped. Most likely their bodies would’ve fused with the metal of the VTOL in a smoldering pile of fire and metal. “Motherfucker..” was all Sakana had to say in response to his twisted ankle. It was pretty bad, and definitely would impede movement during the entire duration of the mission, but it wasn’t something he couldn’t get over when they were done. He’d just have to pull through this time.

Nagi Shinrikyo - @Savato
Aragami Tsubaki - @Rabidporcupine
Soryu Shinano - @J8cob
Jikangai Yūhi - @Tuujaimaa

When all the other VTOL aircraft kept going straight, yours went left, bending off in an almost ninety-degree angle when a certain mark had been reached. Mission brief...? There was no mission brief. No official one, anyway. You were being inserted as part of a spec-ops team under the guise of providing escort and reconnaisance services to scientists that had been sent out alongside this expedition. This op was, so to speak, under the radar. As vague, shady and strange that might've been.. you were already on an undercover spec-ops mission, namely the expedition itself.. why make that even harder? It would soon become clear, as in the distance a rosebud was visible on the horizon. There was no mistaking it - a god-tree. So that's why you weren't allowed to mention this, even to your fellow expedition members? Curious.

As the VTOL approached, so did the rosebud, showing it's full length, growing larger and larger the closer the VTOL got to it. The team inside would be alerted by the pilot through their headsets that the estimated time of arrival was 'Tee minus 30 seconds'. Time go get ready, if any time was needed. The red light switched on, alerting the shinobi that they were getting closer, before the pilot piped up again. "We're gonna have to do a free jump. Sorry, but take a look at the ground and you'll see why." Indeed, he was right. A single glance out of the windows would've told them all they had to know - this place was inhospitable, inaccesible to most humans bar those with tremendous willpower and a desire to get through. And even they couldn't stay for long. "The scientist-folk have set up a temporary shelter with some wooden beams on the floor, try aiming for those to soften your landing." It was highly unlikely that the scientists could've made a jump like that, so it was quite clear that they had arrived on foot - but for Shinobi, especially those of the caliber present inside of the VTOL craft, it was an easy task. Then, the green light turned on, and they knew what they had to do. Never the less, the pilot reminded them, shouting, "t minus 5 seconds. Green light, go, go, go!"

Dr. O. Okaminari, doctor in bio-engineering, aspiring expedition leader, scientist by trade, adventurer by choice. His files indicate he has lived in Konohagakure, Kumogakure, and Sunagakure, before he finally moved to Amegakure and applied for several research grants. All his research grants led to ground-breaking research in genetechnology and medical applications thereof. His opus magnum is the utilization of Hashirama Senju’s cells to create a clone without the use of chakra, though the clone died 5 hours, 20 minutes and 34 seconds after creation. He is considered a mastermind – and a great asset to the expedition. Losing him would be a loss that will be hard to replace.

With a thunk, the doors slid open and they were allowed to jump out on the left and right side of the craft, before the doors slid shut again and the VTOL turned around. They were alone now. Well, almost alone. As soon as the group had landed on the wooden ‘platform’, that was just a series of planks laid in a row on the ground, and had collected themselves, they would look up to find a new person. “You’re the crack team of specialists?” he politely asked, before looking at the clipboard in his hands, and making 4 checkmark motions with a pen. “Wonderful. My name is Doctor O. Okaminari, but you can call me doctor. I am a bio-engineering specialist, and as you can see behind me, that giant tree is the reason we are here. You’ve all signed the NDA disclosure contracts, I presume? If not, I’ll have it forwarded to your PDA’s. Not that those work out here.” He turned around and made a gesture with his hands that said ‘follow me,’ as he guided them through the makeshift camp. To the right side, there were 2 tents – 1 was filled with electrical facilities, though it seemed to be at a standstill for some reason. The second tent had PC’s and laptops in it, as well as a variety of PDA’s, magnifiers and other science equipment. None of them seemed to be working.

“Something is interfering with our electrical equipment and, as much as it pains me to say it, we will need to perform some manual labour here to stand in for our electrical equipment.” He gestured to the left, where another set of tents was. Three in total, all filled with 2 beds and some personal items. So, there were only six scientists here. But where five beds were freshly used, a sixth was cleanly made and the items near it had been cleaned up and put into a box.

“We’ve made a casualty. Assistant Dr. E. was caught by local fauna, and could not escape. We have yet to recover his body… and that is also no longer possible. His body sank into the swamp leading up to the tree, and we have a suspicion his biomatter was absorbed into the biosphere.”

Suddenly, Dr. O. Okaminari’s footsteps came to a halt as he stopped at a boundary that had been created in the dirt using sticks. “This marks the no-go zone. Us scientists can’t go further than this before you all cleared the way. So, that is your mission goal. Move up to the god-tree and set up a safe position for us to go to and do our research. Any valuable information you can find while you are there is classified as top-secret and needs to be handed over to me, and thus you cannot share it with your fellow expedition members unless otherwise specified. Is that clear?”

Once all four shinobi had affirmed, Dr. O. Okaminari gave a solemn nod and let them get on their way. The path ahead was marked clear and it was almost as if it was a straight line forward, of about 500 meters, before they would reach the god-tree. It was… strange how some scientist could’ve died in the area between the god-tree and the camp, which was less than even a kilometre. To local fauna no less?

Now that they could see the god-tree from up close, it was also very apparent that this was not a regular god-tree, as far as god-tree’s can be regular. This one was a god-tree undoubtedly, but it had malformed or adapted into the local environment, it’s colour a muddier brown, not a lush green. The rosebud at the top lacked any color whatsoever, and had turned a shrivelled up black, though anyone with a remote sense of chakra could feel that there was a faint, but powerful source of chakra somewhere within the tree. Could it be that a chakra fruit was present within the tree?

Unlikely. But whatever it was, they were tasked with finding out what was near the tree.

Whoever took the first step into the swamp wouldn’t notice the effects right away. Neither would the second, or the third, or the fourth. Only when they were well into the swamp, almost halfway to the god-tree, would they notice the effects that the swamp had on them. The path warped, left, right, trees moved up and over, arching over the path, and the god-tree suddenly vanished from sight, suddenly reappearing behind them, this time not 250 meters away, but almost 2 kilometers away.

It was quite obvious what was going on here – genjutsu of some sort – but whenever one of them tried to dispel it, it wouldn’t work. Something… strange was going on here. And to make matters worse, when the effects seemed to become more subtle and less extravagant, it was then that they heard a loud sound – almost like coughing, barking, and a soft tinge of a whistle whenever the sound ended before it restarted. It was getting closer, and it was getting closer faster. And it came from all sides.

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