Avatar of Dmessenger
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1163 (0.30 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Dmessenger 11 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Hey long time no see RPG, I've been having a busy life and new stuff has happened, how is everyone
9 yrs ago
i'm finally getting a rp off the ground


I have had experience role playing at a old site known as Whookos forum (I was known as Death's messenger and Zeek on there). I've always had a interest in sci fi, movies, video games. For consoles I own a 3DS, 3DS xl, New 3DS xl, PS Vita, Wii U, Xbox one, Gamecube, N64, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Pocket. I have a lot of games, from the Zelda, Mario, Smash, Mario kart, Halo, Assassin's Creed, Pokemon, and Monster Hunter.

Pm me if you want to add me on xbox live, PSN, 3DS, and Wii U.

Most Recent Posts

@Slendy@Simple Unicycle
Both characters are accepted, I'm going to start the rp today, also @Windicator you will be the last person to join, since you are character number 6 (minus me)
<Snipped quote by Dmessenger>

Don't mind me being late to the party then and if someone want's to take my spot before the weekend feel free, I won't mind.

<Snipped quote by Simple Unicycle>

That's how the Apply stuff usually works, my first reaction was along the lines of "People seem to PM them to the GM to keep OOC clean" but it seems (No accusations) there are people who put it straight in to the Char section.

I would actually expect this behavior in the Drop-in type of RPs.

Would a Shield count as a weapon in terms of avatar? just pushing him along for now.

Yes a shield will count and I'm OK with you posting straight to the character tab, until the rp starts, once it starts then people will have to pm me to join.
Oh one more thing the max number of characters is 6 so we are almost full. I will start the rp once we have 5
:D Hey! My character's avatar has a eye patch on the opposite eye! (。・ω・。) Maybe our characters can be an eye patch duo! I'll have him up in a few!

yeah I guess they will, in the game at least.
@MonsieurShade character is accepted

also i'm going to start the rp after we get one more person.
@SomethingClever character is accepted.

@Windicator That avatar would be accepted, I don't really have a limit on the type and appearance of a character. I only want to limit powers and weapons, just to keep things fair.
@Kautalyacharacter accepted and i'm going to post a photo of my avatar as well soon
ok cool and yeah I guess it is
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