Avatar of DocRock


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5 yrs ago
Current Its a fun feeling to just sit and think about what to do for responses. The flipside is feeling locked in place, waiting for another to go first on something.
5 yrs ago
You ever take a look at the forum board, not see anything of ready interest, and decide to just go about your day? Figured I'd see if a new game was interesting, nope, ah well.
5 yrs ago
Gonna be in New York this weekend, so if anyone needs me, please contact me via Discord.
5 yrs ago
Writer's block is a pain, but if I happen to owe anyone apost, I'll be working on them tonight, hopefully. Might go surfing, see if any games catch my attention.
1 like
5 yrs ago
The feeling of needing to write content but it being hot as heck despite it being two am is not conductive to writing anything, blargh


I already did an earlier introduction, but this is something one could always see, so let's roll.

Serene is the pen name that I use over on my old G+ account, which if you're able to find the account before the site shuts down, is Serene Selphia, but no fancy url, lol. But to those I'm close enough to, my nickname is Chris, and if I ask you to not use it, its nothing personal, I'm just not ready for that level of friendliness. That isn't to say I'm not a friendly person, just that I can be a bit professional when it comes to stuff. I've been rping since like...2011 I think? If I could find the Minecraft rp forums I started on(yes those were a thing, it was actually full of good rpers, but all good things come to an end of course), I'd have a precise date.

I roleplay a lot of things, well, that was the old system. About four years back, I settled down in a roleplay community on G+ called Temple of Glory, and began to stick to just one character who I kept working on, using other characters as I felt the need. That was my current primary character's father, a character I'll call the Professor for now, as I intend to post a version of his character sheet later. Probably when doing so wouldn't spoil what became of him in a storyline. Anyway, after a point I burned out as him, and switched focus to his daughter, who I use primarily in the old roleplay hub I come from. The Good Doctor, and here, no spoilers, mostly because ahaha, I'm shy about that.

I love a lot of series, but my heart goes out mainly to Rune Factory, Sonic, Mega Man, Metroid, Mario, Pokemon, and Duel Monsters. Especially Rune Factory and Sonic, though lately I've fostered a love for the Nasuverse, Fate Grand Order is a fun time. I love to read a variety of things, and I'm always online unless sleeping, so feel free to drop me a line if you need it. While I'm relatively new to the site here, I'm an rp veteran, and a skilled writer, as you'll see whenever I post the Doctor's current profile.

Ah right, more on me. I'm a college senior presently, I just had my capstone for my history degree wrapped up, and I'm proud of my progress. While I am a loner by nature(I mean my writing often keeps me trapped in my room to meet paper deadlines), I'm still a sociable person, and if you can't reach me here, my Discord is Serene Selphia#1064. So I suppose that's a bit of a spoiler, but to who, I won't say. Just be forewarned, if you ask me about a character of mine, there's a risk I'll write a lot, so make sure you're totally fine with that.

In terms of roleplay, while I do mainly fantasy/science-fiction, I can roll with just about anything(as far as I know), but if I tell you its not working for me, don't take it personally. I'm a fairly detailed writer, and in terms of style, I'm good with both combat and non-combat related narratives, I mean, my current main was built for combat initially, whereas her father is more the sociable type. The most detailed things tend to when I describe the world around, or when writing profiles for characters I adore. Basically, if I'm in tune or really love something, you could get a lot. I once wrote about twenty pages on a google doc in two hours because I loved it so much. Weird flex sure, but you can understand it. I don't look for much in rp partners, so long as you can write me enough that I understand either what you're doing, or what's going on, I'm usually good. I'll generally drop a line if I need more information.

I love learning, so if you ask me about something, and I don't have an answer, I'll gladly take the time to do at least a basic amount of research. And if you're ever stumped for ideas, drop me a line, I'm always glad to help fellow veterans or the newer folk. Heck, at one point for a friend's group I wrote an entire(albeit unused) document full of random plot ideas for the group drawn from throughout film and video games. Point is, if you need someone to talk to, unless I'm in a bad mood, or its a bad time(aka I'm about to go to bed, or in class), I'm always up for at least a quick chat. I do take commissions, so if you want a fanfiction written, give me a holler, or if you just want a custom story about a character of mine, or just ask for them to give their input on something in a non-serious setting. Still debating what to set prices for, or if I work totally free...I mean I should charge something, but anyways, wew, talk about a ramble, eh?

Anyways, that's about it. I'll probably rewrite this as needed.
Restating ways to reach me as needed!
Discord: Serene Selphia#1064
MeWe: Serene Selphia
G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/111951242394737706703/+SereneSelphia

Doc Rock, signing off, stay gold.

Most Recent Posts

Jasmine Carson/Glaive

Eventually, Jasmine...nay Glaive, ran out of things to process, and had gotten herself back under control. Only to hear the sounds of two more people screaming as they fell from heaven. Guess it wasn't all at once people had been transported. Wait, that set her off into wondering if the situation was a repeating one, where people who died were sent to this realm? Maybe some sort of ongoing contract like in that one manga she'd glanced at once...? Eh, that sounded pretty sadistic, who would be cruel enough to drop a perfectly good...was it a piano that had killed her? The thought didn't thrill her.

But finally, she got composed again. Glaive mulled over the situation a few moments more, before realizing there was something strapped to her back, and more importantly, a bag at her side. Somehow, despite everything that had happened, she'd failed to notice them. Rising to her feet, and checking inside the bag, she found nothing useful. It was just a bag. A nice sachel she could probably use to store anything she found, but not magic. It was what she pulled off her back that left the Warforged frowning as best able. A lute, if she was right. A musical instrument. The irony wasn't lost on her, if she'd indeed died to a piano or something, to have a musical instrument. The thought she was some sort of specialized Envoy Warforged was becoming stronger, and as if to confirm, as she flexed her fingers of her left hand, a small item emerged from ah hidden slot, what looked like makeup of some kind. This elicited a soft groan.

"Oh great, I get to manifest as a robot, a probably warforged, but I don't get to be a speedy scout or a stronk titan. Instead I'm some kind of robot minstrel. I don't even think I know how to play!" Anything further of her groaning and whining ended up cut off, by the sounds of the people moving nearby, and louder screaming. Probably one of the others spooked whoever just landed. Might as well go find them, it sounded, as far as Glaive could tell, they were heading down stream, away from her. So with a sigh, the lute was placed back on her back, the bag readjusted, and the makeup item eventually was forced to return to inside her body. Maybe she could deploy a mirror or other tools from her body. Maybe a hidden compartment? Or perhaps any part of her body could manifest the items, it just depended on...oh never mind.

With another groan, and intenrally questioning the logic of everything, Glaive set off towards the sounds, and eventually, well after antics with the others had hopefully wrapped up, they'd hear the sound of branches moving, as the late to the party white haired Warforged caught up, emerging from behind a tree, but still keeping her distance. A hand was lifted to wave, one hand staying to grip at the strap of her bag, her lute swinging a tad as she came to a stop.

"Sup. Quick question, but is everyone else formerly human? Just wanna make sure my guess is right about what's going on." Her voice came out slightly distorted, which she'd already gotten to used to. Just imagine a Warforged talking, with the faint hint of an American accent. Just not strong enough to determine what part of the states she was from. "And uh, what's the plan if so, because I have no idea who brought us here." She sounded...a bit confident. If clearly also nervous.

Jasmine Carson/Glaive

While others had their time to converse, and introduce themselves, Jasmine had come to one conclusion. The others were probably elsewhere in the forest, as compared to where she had landed. With how the woods were, she thought she could hear voices nearby, but the direction was hard to pinpoint. Too many objects to bounce off of, so she had given up trying to figure out where the people were currently. She instead had returned to examining herself, before deciding to wander off, following the sound of water, and eventually, found the source, a stream. Bending over it, Jasmine gazed into her own reflection, assuming the water could reflect such, and considered what she could see. White hair, pale skin, eyes of a nice coloration, her outfit...

"...Okay now I'm tripping. I look like a Nier character." She'd never played a Nier game, but she had seen plenty of artwork of the characters. She'd always seen herself like 2B, with that grace and poise. So the thought of instead looking like A2...well it sat odd with her. Cosplay was one thing, but to actually be maybe a robot now? Okay...so now that she'd had this time to think, the Predator theory seemed less likely. More like...

"Fuck, I died, didn't I. Weird forest, falling from the sky, new body, sensation of pain right before falling...this feels like one of those Japanese manga where people get hit by something and wake up in a new world." Was this what had enfolded? Her waking up in an alien world, now a robot? Well, if there were dragons and other monster like beings...that probably meant this wasn't some sort of high tech world. It was then she internally regretted never buying those DnD manuals with all their monster details, it would have come in handy to try and guess what she was...maybe a magical construct? It would explain the cracks. Maybe...

"...A Warforged would make sense if this is a fantasy setting. Unless I'm a Terminator who likes cosplaying Japanese characters..." A more advanced Warforged, like some sort of special next generation Envoy was a thought that went through her mind. Only really one way to find out, and that would be to well...find someone who could do some sort of check to confirm. The thought of the other people did come to mind, and that made Jasmine, who was now certain she had died and gone to some sort of second life where she got to be an ass kicking super robot, turn around, looking to see if anyone else had decided to check out the water. And then she also made a split second decision. She needed a kickass name, Jasmine was nice, but...

"The name's Glaive, just Glaive." The bad joke falling flat, Jasmine sighed, and flopped down against the bank of the stream, and just kept mulling. One way or the other would lead to civilization, but that also begged the question what kind. Were robots even known to this world? What if they were in the middle of a robot uprising, and people hated robots? What if...okay, way too many what ifs. She'd just have to...take things as it went. No use getting flustered when her face barely changed its expression. Great, she probably had an epic poker face.

So yeah, she was freaking out on the inside, while being stoic as hell on the outside. So much to consider, so much to wonder. But for now, sitting beside the stream seemed the most logical thing to do. Until her head stopped mentally doing cartwheels. Which could be...awhile. Hooray.
Jasmine Carson/Glaive

The snap of ropes, followed by shouting, had been her only clues to the chaos unfolding. But considering Jasmine Carson, an average post college white American, was too busy listening to Dragonforce's Through the Fire and Flames to hear the sounds overhead, those clues were missed. By the time she could have looked up, it was over. The piano slammed into the young woman's body with enough force to send shards of it all over, probably hurting others, and definitely cracking her body to pieces. Mercifully, it killed her on impact, so she didn't have to deal with the horrible pain for more than a split second.

And then, she felt the wind. Or well, felt was the wrong word. There was a sensation of the sound of wind, but she also felt it more "distantly" now. Everything felt partially...disconnected. But then, her eyes shot open, and Jasmine realized what she was hearing was herself falling. Thoughts of why or how she was falling through the air when moments ago she'd been walking through the streets of New York were banished as she felt her body flip over, from looking up at the clouds overhead, towards the...forest below? Or green fields? It didn't matter, instead, a thought flashed through her mind. All those superhero movies she'd watched in college to treat herself after work. Most of the flyers...had a special landing trick? Or when Terminators came to land? At that same moment some of her hair flapped past, and the sight of white hair made her wonder just what the hell was going on. Was this some sort of Marie Antoinette type shit? But the ground was getting closer. At the same time she realized she wasn't the only one around. A dragon falling and grabbing others...eastern she guessed? Odd despite others screaming as they fell, she wasn't screaming.

(...Okay, think fast, and hope this isn't some cosmic joke...) Focusing, Jasmine moved her body more, only now becoming aware that her usual jeans and a t-shirt were gone, replaced by some sort of loose black top, and black leggings. And black...gloves...and weird hot pants? Not her style for sure. But the thoughts were wiped away, as she kept dropping, but feet first, then she bent forward, one hand closing into a fist. And she prayed internally the timing was right...

The impact between Jasmine and ground happened in a flash, as her form slammed into the ground, the surface shattering, cracks rising up as ground was flung around from the sensation of an object striking at terminal velocity. The resulting debris cloud thrown up hid her from view, but amid the falling dirt clods, dust, and plant life, Jasmine let out a groan, and fell over. She had landed just like one of those super heroes, one fist striking the ground to somehow steady herself, but now that she was on the ground? She was just there, on her side, breathing in and out slowly. By the time the cloud of debris had finished its own version of a take off, she was pulling herself back to her feet, feeling even odder than before.

Internally, some part of her felt distant, like she was more a jockey, rather than fully there, and yet, as she found herself gathering her breath, she realized something.

"Okay, that's weird...I'm breathing in and out, but I wasn't even winded when I landed, just in shock..." It was at that point she realized that she felt fine. Running her hands all over that she could reach, she found strange breaks in her skin, often times at places where she would be expected to have like, joints or points to bend forward. It was only then she decided to lift one of those hands, and examined herself. Strange glove like material covering her arm aside, she traced the cracks in her body she could see, and examined her top more closely as able, then looked at her other arm, then leaned forward, examining further down her body.

"Okay...if this is some idea of a joke...its not funny..." If not for the fact she remembered a sudden surge of pain right before...it was then she remembered what must have happened. She must have been kidnapped by Predators! It explained everything! The thought that she was actually in the Predators vs. Aliens universe had her excited, but then reality set in. If that was so, she was going to be hunted...and it didn't explain the clothing change. Or the strange breaks in her body. And then, she recalled the other people, and Jasmine's head whipped around, scanning her surroundings for those shapes. But she wasn't moving from her crater just yet, as if her shock was leaving her rooted in place.

To the others, the Warforged that looked way too human to be chance design, probably looked like it was having some sort of weird stroke as she examined herself, talked to herself, and began basically looking all over. Probably disconcerting. But she was in one piece, and clueless to what was really going on. Hell, she didn't even know what had brought her here...she was just assuming it was some sort of weird variation on the Predator's game plan, or a race like them pulling this...! How dastardly!
Alternatively, I could avoid something that goes for "faster rate of learning," and go with one of the following ideas I just thought of while mulling over my character's setup.

World of Disguise - Some sort of skill that allows for limited "shifting" for aiding in disguises. Could be limited to usage of "once per long rest" or something, forcing careful usage of the skill. Could also be limited to whoever she's observed enough to know their general body structure.

Vocal Mimicry - After hearing a person's voice a certain number of times, Glaive can mimick their vocal patterns, assisting in disguises.

Had a third idea but somewhere between writing the prior two and having some soda, forgot it.
When it comes to this, its less "adapting to combat" and more "a faster rate of learning." So if say, Glaive wished to learn how to use say, thieves tools, she'd be able to become adept with them much sooner than say, someone without the skill. Meant to be a reflection of how machines can be trained to learn at a rate often times drastically faster than humans. Partially takes inspiration from the 2b2t robot uprising they have ongoing.

However, if that still presents an issue for the Tier Zero, I can change it to something more clear like "Accelerated Learning" instead, to avoid clashing with things. I was rushed for time last night, but I can easily makes changes now.

DnD's rulebooks make for fun resources for character creation tbh.
Wrote this in about an hour but was thinking about it for most of the day. If it seems rushed, had an early bed time, I can make any required edits after stuff happens. Hope its acceptable, especially given the tier zero. Was struggling to come up with something that would mesh well. I guess its akin to what two others have included in their apps, but I can gladly change it out for something else. Like I dunno, some sort of skill akin to when Link picks up weapons and instantly knows how to use them.

Have a good one, I'm going to bed, hooray for being forced to get up at the crack of dawn, eh?

Also uh, I considered forgery kit as her tool, but decided against it since thinking about it...its kinda super op for starting out in retrospect.

Been awhile, old friend.

Tossing my hat in.

Would an "artificial" monster be permitted? Akin to like a monster version of a warforged, or are we sticking to as normal fantasy as possible? Just curious since they aren't mentioned as forbidden.

Regardless, gonna mull over ideas.
James Moriarty

The mere usage of the word Papa was, for the most part, unknown to the masses as to its effect upon Archer. While most of the time he was the evil genius who plotted all sorts of nefarious schemes and ruled from the center of his web, that word had a most curious power. A power to turn him from that into...a grandfather figure. It was, after all, the secret weapon when keeping him in line. But only worked from a servant or master of the suitable age range.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that, my dear Elferia! It would appear that whoever built this structure, clearly wished to enter it without getting wet. Explains the surface entrance we found!" It was incredible, to see the mad genius, acting every inch the doting grandfather, his pace close to his master, assurance in his tone. How much she knew of the reality of the situation was up in the air for others to guess much later, but he wasn't about to put her in harms way if he could help it all the same. Even as he sensed her gaze turning to Holmes, he placed a hand on her shoulder, and squeezed it gently, as if to assure her not to question it too much.

"But Holmes is right, we should proceed. Depending on if this is a labyrinth, rather than a complex maze, we should find ourselves at the center eventually." Despite his wording, it gave nothing away beyond Archer's own knowledge of ancient words and the like. He was pondering about whether things were going to play out as planned, or if the others in the scheme would go to play to their whims. The King of Heroes could easily do so, and well, the King of Conquerors was a strong servant after all. He had brought supplies himself, but Archer planned to do any fighting if needed, as evident via the coffin like device he was carrying at his side. We should all be fine, after all, if this was the work of a famous builder, they would have already made themselves known, no?"

Serene Drakos

Eventful. That was one way to describe the aftermath of Serene and Da Vinci's conversation with their only other contact in the city regarding a rogue servant and command seals being inverted as a power source. She'd been forced to make a call that night to a certain someone she had hoped to not have to call about the matter. But surprisingly, her father had been rather calm when told about the matter. Not as if he'd known, but rather not surprised by such a situation. He merely told her to keep him appraised of important developments, and that he'd reach out to some contacts if it turned out that yes, a heretic mage was trying to cause trouble, and the city needed assistance from hunters off the island. Something Serene had been left with after hanging up had been the sensation he wasn't telling her something...as if he already was ahead of her. It was probably nothing though. After telling Da Vinci what her father had said, the two had discussed a bit more of what to do, before deciding it was best to just sleep, then ask the other two to join them at the Administration when they had time. If there was anywhere bound to have the answers they needed, it would be there, or if not, well, surely someone in the city with a list of secrets to sell would be amendable to sharing intel...right?

So, that was how it came to be, that outside the entrance to Fusang City's nervous center, Serene waited with Da Vinci for the other pair to arrive, the quartet the most unlikely detective set, but stranger pairups existed, right? She was nervous though, and she had good reasons. All of this...bothered her, and she was not sure if the administration of Fusang would help them out or not. Hopefully it would go well, right? And it would just be a fluke regarding what happened with that Berserker?

If only, if only.
This is, in as few words as possible, an active and fun game. Also eyyy Lord, you should apply!

Or at least join the Discord, we don't bite, I swear.
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