Name: Alain
Age: ?? (Appears to be somewhere in his Mid-to-Late 20's, unconfirmed)
Nationality: ?? (His accent suggests he is from Western Europe, perhaps Spain or Portugal, but this has not been confirmed)
Crissaegrim. Also called Valmanway in other languages, but both mean the same thing: Blessed Wind
Noble Arm Rank: B+
Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Melee. Close/Mid Range. Wind.
~Noble Arm Abilities~
Wind Step: Easily the bread and butter of the Crissaegrim, enhancing its wielder's attack and movement speed to beyond superhuman levels. The resulting fighting style is one centered around speed, movement, and evasion over defense or raw power. The method of defense is simply using the wielder's superior agility to evade incoming attacks rather than risk trying to block them. The method of attack is to use superior speed to inflict death by a thousand small cuts rather than singular massive blows. The ability gets its name from the windy afterimages left behind in the wielder's wake as they bolt at top speed.
Wind's Edge: An appropriately named ability that comes from swinging the sword with enough speed to produce razor sharp gusts of wind that can blast at a target from mid-range, allowing the sword to potentially cut down an opponent without even needing to touch them. Thick walls or armor can stop the attack, but even the sturdiest walls can eventually crumble if attacked enough times in rapid succession.
Savage Storm: A movement technique in which the Arms Master dashes in a closed circle, their raw speed kicking up a dust tornado that can reduce visibility and slow enemy movement. It's particularly effective as a means of creating openings for the Arms Master to further capitalize on.
God of the Wind: Probably the Crissaegrim's most powerful ability. Temporarily further enhances the Arms Master's speed from Wind Step - just enough for four incredible strikes so fast they appear to happen simultaneously. The reportedly godlike speed of the attacks give the appearance of the Arms Master seemingly splitting into four doppelgangers to launch an attack from four separate angles. The sheer speed and mechanics of the attack make it incredibly difficult to defend against, even for seasoned Arms Masters. But no power is without cost, the sheer overexertion of using the ability renders the user drained and exhausted afterward, often resulting in them collapsing on the spot. It's not an ability to be used lightly.
Misc Abilities: Heavy drinking has begun to make him rather tolerant to alcohol. His pseudo chivalry has a certain charm to it that can attract the ladies to a certain extent. Years of wielding the Crissaegrim and using its Wind Step has given him remarkable reflexes, but not to any superhuman extent. Also has an impeccable poker face, so long as he's sober anyway.
Personality: Despite acting jaded or even outright cynical at times, Alain still has an occasional chivalry streak in spite of himself. He shrugs it off simply as an hold habit that refuses to die, yet he still manages to let it shine through on rare occasions. Beyond that he primarily carries himself as a professional sellsword, owing his allegiance to no one and claiming to only be in this for the money despite his actions saying otherwise.
*Likes: Drinking (alcohol), Drinking (non-alcohol), and Women. Did I mention the drinking?
*Dislikes: Tyrants, Dictators, false kindness, and assholes who hit women. Oh, and pineapple pizza. He absolutely DESPISES pineapple on pizza.
Fears: That everything he's ever done or fought for will have been for nothing.
While his actual country of origin is unknown, the known parts of Alain's background start in Austria many years ago. As a young pre-teen, an orphaned Alain had been living on the streets, hitchhiking his way from city to city. That all stopped when he was found by The Seven Virtues. Apparently he was exactly the kind of demographic the Virtues were always in need of: the forgotten and forsaken dregs of society, whom nobody noticed or acknowledged. Sure, they preached about giving up wealth and other worldly possessions, but in their stated quest to "elevate" humanity, they also sought out the down trodden in order to offer them a way out of their lot in life.
Alain was given the Noble Arm of a previous Master, though he was never told who exactly they were. He learned early on that the Crissaegrim was a rather difficult power to master, movement at that speed was difficult to do without tripping up and hurting oneself. It took him several months of practice and rigorous training before he finally was able to feasibly use the Wind Step. The rest came a bit easier after that. Well, all except for God of the Wind, that is. He was advised early on to not attempt that ability under any circumstance, out of concern that the overexertion would kill him. Alain never confirmed it but he always suspected that the God of the Wind ability may have been what killed the Crissaegrim's former owner.
While under the banner of the Seven Virtues, Alain honestly believed he was fighting as a sort of knight or hero. It made sense to him at the time, as he couldn't think of a nobler ambition than saving humanity. Of course, he was also young and frankly stupid at the time. The older that Alain got, the more confused he was by The Virtues' goal. Why give up absolutely everything? Couldn't that wealth and power be used to ascend humanity further? It was when he was striking down one of the Seven Virtue's enemies that it dawned on him. Or rather, that enemy's dying words were what got to him: "How could you give up who you are in the name of a collective?" Is that what happened? Had Alain actually given up his individuality in the name of humanity as a collective? The Seven Virtues offered no real answers, other than assertions than what they were doing was right and needed not to be questioned.
The lack of any real direction is what made Alain make his decision. He left the Seven Virtues, severed his ties with them and went rogue. The only thing Alain kept was the Crissaegrim, mostly due to it being magically bonded to him so getting rid of it wasn't an option. The Seven Virtues were none too happy, branding the runaway as a traitor giving a standing order to their forces to kill him on sight so that his Noble Arm could be reclaimed. Alain had to practically become a nomad, always on the move so as not to fall into the hands of his former masters. He took to working as a sellsword, a mercenary using his Noble Arm to fight for whoever would pay his fee. Not the most glamorous life, but at least Alain could feel like like he knew who he was.
*Current Goal: Money, kind of. Deep down what he really wants is Freedom.
Military or Civilian Rank: None