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I will say that dog to fairy girl has some patamon guinea pig into angelic man energy if I ever saw it

I mean is it all that different from Gatomon cat-into-angelic-woman energy?

Twilight Town

@Double, Roxas | @Lugubrious, Scout | @Archmage MC, Sectonia | @TruthHurts22, Wonder Red
Word Count: (556) +1 Exp
Level 2 Roxas (4/20)

When the person from the ground level climbed up after them, Roxas and Hush stopped their advance. He shouted, something about the insect being a friend of his and that she meant no harm. As odd as that probably sounded to most people, Roxas on the other hand was a bit more willing to bite. He wasn't one to talk, having been close personal friends with a talking dog-man, duck-man, and mouse-man in the past. On the other hand, Hush was finding this a little hard to believe. And when the insect finally noticed them and demanded that Roxas come with them for questioning, that didn't exactly help matters.

"Hold on!" said Hush, having drawn his dagger in anticipating, "You're in our town, Queen Bee. That means you do what we say, not the other way around." in fact he was about to go invisible, but he stopped when a gloved hand appeared in front of him to stay his blade. It was Roxas, "Huh? Hey what's the big idea?" but then he saw the look on Roxas' face. Deadly serious, more serious than Hush had ever seen him look, in fact.

"I need you to go report what we've discovered to the others." said Roxas, with a deadly serious monotone, "I'll take this from here."

"Alone? Are you insane?" Hush protested, the Sram confused by all this, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna humor them." Roxas replied, but in a more hushed tone, "...for now, anyway. I'm counting on you to discreetly bring the others here in case this goes badly."

"You'd better know what you're doing." said the Sram, who then vanished into thin air after that.

Once he was alone, Roxas focused his gaze up at the insect. This was no longer about some monster making a next. She'd said something to him that dragged up all the memories that Roxas would have preferred to leave buried. But no, she mentioned them clear as the day. The Organization. Despite them having all been wiped out at the Keyblade Graveyard, it sounded like they were trying to rear their ugly heads again. And if no one else was around, then it was just going to have to be Roxas who stepped up to put them back down again.

All of a sudden Roxas was enveloped by a black blanket of Darkness, and vanished. Barely a moment later, he was suddenly up at the Clock Tower right next to the Bee. There was no more time for pretenses. If these people had encountered his old enemies, then he would just have to be up front with them, "Start talking." he said to the Bee, flatly. He made no moves to draw any weapons, but he would also clearly look like he was in no mood to play any games, "The Organization. Where did you encounter them? And who was calling the shots? A bald old man, maybe? Or maybe a man with long silver hair?" Roxas figured it had to be one of those two. None of the others were nearly as attached to the idea behind the Organization. But the real question was just how could they have possibly come back? They should both be dead. The Guardians of Light had seen to that. And yet, this was still happening somehow.
Tadashi Ryu

Age: 16
Crest: Bonds
Personality: Focused and driven, Tadashi is a top-notch athlete and ball player. The problem is that he kinda knows it. Oh he's not super arrogant or anything, but he has had a history of having moments of overconfidence - be it on the field, at bat, or elsewhere. So while he is technically the star player on his team, his occasional overconfidence has rubbed some teammates the wrong way. But at the end of the day, Tadashi is not a bad kid by any stretch of the imagination. In fact if anything his drive is to not only be the best player he can be, but for his team to also be the best they can be. He's just not that good at expressing those feelings without it coming across as patronizing.
Backstory: Tadashi has always had a love for baseball since he was a little kid. He collected trading cards, jerseys, whatever memorabilia he could get his hands on. Naturally, he played in little league during his late elementary and junior high years, but it wasn't until high school that his talent for the game really started to show itself. In particular, he became known for two things: his fast ball and his speed as a runner.

But he did have a rather... strange experience during his first year at high school. On his way home from practice, he found himself seemingly spirited away into an empty space. But before he could start freaking out, a voice spoke to him which was enough to calm his nerves. It offered him an egg, telling him that if he cared for it and protected it, it would one day do the same for him. But he didn't have a chance to actually answer, instead finding himself back where he was previously except he was now carrying a melon-sized egg.

He snuck the egg home and kept it in his room. He couldn't explain why, but he would often talk to the egg as if it could hear and understand him. Whenever he was at home, he would rant and rave to egg about his baseball games and other things occupying his time at school. It almost felt like Tadashi had someone he could just vent to, whether it was about the good things that happened or even his frustrations. It felt good to just get things off his chest... even if it was just to an egg that never seemed to move or offer any meaningful response.

Yuki the Blucomon

Personality: He can be excitable at times, particularly when fun and games are involved. And while he acts mostly child-like while in Rookie form, that tends to melt away into a more matured personality whenever he is evolved into his later forms. Also seems to have developed a love for baseball comparable to his partner, the two having a sort of dynamic reminiscent of teammates on a baseball team.

Evolution Line
In-Training: Hiyarimon
- Diamond Dust
Rookie: Blucomon
- Baby Hail
- Ice Mash
Champion: Paledramon
Just here to stalk, but also,


<Snipped quote by G3njii>

Fair enough, but I didn't want to send an incomplete app and was in a rush to save my progress before leaving for work for the day. My apologies.

"Of course she's hiding something." said the Sorcerer, at last breaking his long silence. He wondered how long it would be before someone else had started to notice what he had noticed a while ago, "And she's hiding it under the castle somewhere. I sensed it coming from somewhere below the throne room. Power. Real power. Not like the cheap smoke and mirrors tricks she was doing in the throne room." he reached up and adjusted his red coat a bit, also using the time to let them react however they would. But he wouldn't wait long.

"And best of all? I'm pretty sure I know what it is." he said with a cocky smirk, "A mirror, magical of course. And if I'm right about it, one that possesses near omniscient levels of knowledge, and able to answer anything you ask of it with perfect accuracy. I assume you all realize the implications here?" he glanced about at his current companions. Surely even the most clueless among them would make the connection. That a power like the mirror's could allow one to always know the movements and whereabouts and anyone they wish to track, among a myriad of other ways it could be used... or abused.

"I say the mirror should be our goal." he said flatly, "For two reasons. First: We can probably use its power to locate the Princess, saving us the time it would have taken to search for her. And second: It would be in our best interests to ensure that such a power remains well out of the wrong hands, if you catch my meaning."
Probably gonna stick my AnowAgumon idea. Unless of course we're restricted to canon evolutions only, in which case I'll just pick something else.
I'd go with hybrid.
Do you know of the Hexablaumon line? Pretty similar

I don't know of it. I think I've seen images but that's about it.
Here are some SnowAgumon evolution concepts:

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