The Koopa Troop
wordcount: 1350(+3) (+4) (+30)
Bowser: Level 10 EXP:
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Bowser Jr: Level 9 EXP:
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Kamek: Level 10 EXP:
Location: Limsa Lominscuttle Town - Kanzuki Beach
Feat: Rika
Rika rolled over in her bed as the morning sun peeked in through the window, grunted as the cords connecting her to her gauntlets to her back restricted her movement enough to stop her completing the roll, and then rolled back and just subconsciously put up with the morning sun while she doze back off to sleep.
Then in what felt like a moment later to the ship girl but was actually a lot longer than that there came a rapping on the door, followed by it opening and the most awful voice she had ever heard in her life rasping “Rise and shine! Breakfasts in twenty, so get washed and then come get it while it’s hot” to try and rouse them from slumber, and succeed all too well.
”Ah get lost Toad!” came a grumbled roar followed by a pillow being hurled at the poor servant
”what kinda time do you call this anyway?” There was some more non vocal grumbling from the other two koopas who had, along with Rita herself, shifted a bunch of beds all onto the one room last night after meeting back up in Limsa Lominscuttle Town. After the horrors of the maw and the dread of the island, there had been an almost unspoken desire for closeness in the name of security and peace of mind, even here, in Preach’s idyllic castle. Then again, it had been under attack the previous day, but they’d still gotten some grief for their unexplained furniture rearrangement.
“I’d call it a nice lie in, and if the princess can be up at this hour, you lot can manage it too you know. Least if you don’t wanna waste all the chef’s hard work prepping a late breakfast for everyone” the toad, a surprisingly durable race to whom a king powered pillow throw was nothing, told them before closing the door and getting on with his day.
The call of breakfast was enough to get them all out of bed, the mass exertion of the previous day demanding fuel via tummy rumbling doing so better than any alarm clock. Covers being thrown aside revealed Rika dressed in a hastily borrowed nightgown of Peach’s while the Koopas were all down to their shells. Even Jr’s bib was gone as all of their clothes had been banished to the laundry room by the toads the moment they entered the castle last night. Only Mimi had retained her outfit due to a rabbid refusal to have it removed, the now rather ragged looking hidden horror finding her place on Jr’s shoulder almost as they all moved to get the day started.
This lighter outfitting looked a little strange on all of them on Rika, but none more than Kamek, who free from her robes had her new gangly humanesque form on near full display. Catching both Rika and Jr looking, the mage sighed and said
”I know I know. But I have a solution to this awkwardness I’ll be trying later” she before waving a hand to jar containing the Tonberry spirit (along with a few others front he weald) sitting on a bedside table, before chiding them both
”And stop staring, it is quite rude”The jar was left behind in the room along with a whole host of items that they could not carry due to the lack of garbs. Everything from gold, wands, shears and a busted up clown car were piled up in the room to be retrieved once they had a way to carry it all.
After a brief detour to the showers to wash off the grim of last nights soggy adventure (during which a few toads debated whether the bedding they troop had slept in without showering was salvageable or should be burned) and once all cleaned up, they eagerly headed for breakfast, which turned out to consist of a near limitless pile of pancakes, something that got absolutely no complaint from anyone.
While they were at it, it being shoveling pancakes slathered with condiments into their gobs at varying rates of ravenous fervor, those making their stay at Peach’s castle got their own letter of invite, which was read to them by Toadsworth after he managed to get their attention.
“... Best regards, Kanzuki Karin.” the old toad concluded before adding “well isn’t that nice of her. I can imagine you’ll all enjoy a bit of time off, given the utter state I’m old you were in this morning?”
There were nods of agreement from the Koopas but Rika had concerns “Don’t we have other stuff to do? There’s still loads of bosses after all. And whatever happened to the fleet now that the Sun Princess is dead. Or what about the maw? Oh and those poor freed, uh, abyssal minions, what are we going to do with those? And-” she ceased her rapidly becoming rambling sentence when Bowser patted her on the shoulder lightly.
”That stuff’s important, yeah, but after something as intense last night it’s good to take some time off. Trust me, all our problems’ll still be there after we’re done with a bit of R&R, but we’ll be refreshed and better suited to socking em real good in the face because after a little break” the king assured her with what might not have been the best general advice, but which they most certainly needed as of right now.
After breakfast wrapped up, they did have to take care of a few last second chores. Jr painted some warp graffiti back to the Carcass Isle and then Bowser hauled their airship back to smash city first, which coincidentally opened up a permanent link to that misbegotten place should anyone want to go there via the main paint based teleport network. Then after that they linked up with Rika and Kamek who had gone cloths shopping, the ship girl so she could stop borrowing peach’s cloths (and who wound up getting near the exact same outfit she had gotten the last time she went shopping in the city, namely a knee length red skirt and black jacket studded with brass buttons) and Kamek because she missed her robes (and managed to find something similar in the form of the hooded robes of a
white mage).
With those affairs settled the troop strolled leisurely through the city, enjoying the sun, sea air, bustling clouds and complete lack of any nautical abominations assailing them while talking a lot about nothing of import.
Despite their casual pace, the troop actually managed to amble their way to the beach front property in decent time, likely thanks to the Toad’s wakeup call. The place they eventually reached was a fancy one which drew an impressed whistle from the king as they approached it.
”Nice place” he said, before sniffing the air and then salivating a little at the scent waiting through it
”mmm is that the barbecue I’m smelling? Because that smells goooood” he said despite their (late) breakfast having only been a little while ago.
Kamek made a lightly disparaging comment about them having just eaten while Jr hurried ahead, knowing full well that his dad would probably take a while loading up on the meats, and wanting to get some for himself before that delay to the queue for food set in. In doing so he ended up behind Nadia in line.
”Hi Miss Fortune! Cool Eyepatch” he said to her, before peeking around to take a look at what was on offer, while the rest of the troop rolled on in behind him and gave the catgirl their own greetings “Hello there”
”good afternoon” ”Hey, how’s it going?” before their host gave them her own welcome.
”Thank you for the invitation to your lovely, we are most grateful for it.” Kamek replied to this, before adding an
”Aren't we?” directed at the rest of the troop which got a round of not nearly polite agreements from the rest of them, the most egregious of which was Jr’s conditional
”If the food’s as good as it smells then yeah, definitely”