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8 yrs ago
dissertation done. can actually post again. yay.


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The Koopa Troop

wordcount: 1,160 (+6)
Bowser: Level 14 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (161/140)
Bowser Jr: Level 14 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (46/140)
Kamek: Level 13 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (41/130)
Rika: Level 9 EXP: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (62/90)
Location: The Under - Mercy Dreams

After the Troop stepped away from brawling with the knight, the rest of the team stepped in, leaving the troop to mostly keep out of the way while Kamek watched and waited for his time to strike usng the dreamcatcher. This was easier said than done in the, rather cramped when it came down to it, boss arena. Bowser did his best to block big cleaves coming their way, while the others were small enough to scurry, leap or float out of the way of incoming harm for the most part.

Once the team had done sufficient amounts of harm of their own, the Organization member who’d sent them to get the dreamcatcher dashed in from the shadows, and immobilized the knight with a giant key.

”Open up, open up, it’s our turn to be the dream team” Kamek chanted as he attempted to improvise how to use the dreamcatcher, and fortunately finding it intuitive enough that in a flash, they were away from the dark dreary egg interior, and in the lumouse realm of dreams.

Then in another flash, their true target was there, a great being of light. Ganondorf wasn’t the only one grimacing at that, as Kamek too found himself squinting behind his specs, something about the being burning away at him as a result of his fusion with Cia. Unlike the king of evil however, he was not at all durable so this was going to get quite dicy if he simply tried to take their foe head on.

So while the others steeled themselves for battle, Kamek did the sensible thing and simply left the boss arena. They’d just had a lesson in how much of an issue a lack of spacing caused within the tight confines of the egg after all, and so if he could avoid being caught by attacks targeted at others, he very much would like to do so.

A wise decision, as it turned out, as the Radiance seemed to prefer indiscriminate amounts of quantity over individually targeted accuracy, unleashing a gauntlet that the rest of the troop had to deal with while Kamek exited stage left.

Rika had the least issue as she bullet jumped between dated sunglasses slowed lances, while also treating the platform like a suggestion. At one point she straight up leapt into the empty air to avoid the wall of light sweeping across the platform, before launching herself up into the air with her feather fall rune and then using both it and aim glid to hang in the air close to the Radiance so she could hammer with her guns.

Disruption cannons stuck magic power reducing globules to the being of light, reducing her damage output, while her grizco blaster splattered her pure white form with shocking or flaming goop, and she spent some of carefully rationed bullets to pepper it with her rifle’s venomous rounds.

Then as the light flared from the Radiance's eyes, she let herself drop down to avoid being blasted away, only to grapple back to the platform. Upon reaching solid ground however, she had to immediately leap once more as spikes stabbed up from the ground, cutting the amount of ground in half.

If Rika was near perfectly suited to dealing with all this, Bowser was distinctly the opposite. The big man was a big target and things started immediately going poorly. He’d got blasted by the wall of light, had lanced rain down on his shell, had energy beams clip his wide form even when he did get between them and had even jabbed in the feet by the floor spikes for good measure. Sure, he was also a tough guy, and shell and steel soled boots meant that things had not been half as bad as if someone else had taken all that, but it still wasn’t good.

Fortunately he had Jr to put that right, at least when the boy wasn’t frantically scampering to and fro to avoid all the stuff that would hurt him a lot more than it would his papa anyway. As team healer he had his work cut out for him already, but if there was one benefit to the spikes coming up and shrinking the arena it was that almost everyone was within 15 yards of himself, which meant than when he called out ”Medica” nearly every seeker got a nice bust of healing from the prince’s circular cure spell.

While doing both that, and running about, the prince had generated quite the collection of floating sears and darts, which he took the moment after the melee fighters had taken their swings to unleash. He was not alone in this, Bowser too blasting back at their magical foe, though his choice of using his flash cannons, based on the fact that all the light made them very easy to charge, was perhaps not his best choice of armament.

”It’s like fighting fire with fire, right?” he replied when Jr questioned this choice.

He wasn’t the only to hit the Radiance with light as it turned out, however Kamek’s light was also joined by fire, physical, blight, frost, and electric damage all at once as he unleashed a cosmic spray to test their foes defenses and to try and sniff out a weakness. However, disappointingly, there was none to be found in that smorgasbord of elements, leading him to hope that perhaps the antithesis to this being of light would work better.

Be it in retaliation to this bombardment or simply her next move, the Radiance proceed shot back, forming more spears, but this time doing so at the edge of the arena from which she launched them across it in waves. Doing so forced those upon it to jump and dodge, yes, but it also had the added benefit of being able to target the fliers as the spikes kept going beyond the platform’s bounds, soaring onwards and outwards towards them.

Kamek had little issue with the first wave due to the amount of prep time he had, but the second coming so close to the first was quite the issue. He had to back off to try and gain more maneuvering time, pushing him further and further from the battlefield till he managed to get above the wave and only then started traveling back to it.

Back on it, a rather frustrated and worried about having to burn through so much mana to keep his Papa healthy prince managed to convince his papa to ditch all of his size boosting magic, which at a bear minimum gave them all more room to maneuver without having to worry about the third set of spikes that was the king’s back.

Rika immediately dropped into that new space and together the three prepared for whatever the Radiance was going to throw at them next, while Jr tried to come up with a plan to coordinate their own strikes better than they just had.

wordcount: 860 (+4)
Midna: level 9 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (84/100)
Location: Deep Ground
Warp Charges: 1

Fire rained upon Nox from the side and above as Midna, four hands glowing with draconic claws, charged the Watchmaker, alongside her Beast Legion. With all four of them working together they could strike around the shield, covering each other even if they did get frozen. They could beat him down, get revenge, move on to the smug snake of a swordsman.

Or at least that is what the princess had been thinking.

Then, in an eyeblink, Nox was gone, and there was an immense stabbing pain in her gut. The princess dropped to her knees and doubled over in agony and in doing so bore witness to her death, as blood seeped out from the edges of where a sword was buried in her stomach. It was a deceptively small amount for the carnage that had been wrought on her stomach, yet despite this she couldn’t make her body move. Likely something to do with how the tip of the blade was sticking out the back of her spine

It was without a doubt a lethal blow, but one that gave the paralyzed princess a handful of seconds of life as her vitality drained from her veins and into her digestive tract.

Rather than the sorrow she and hesitation caused by other’s death, rather than visions of her life or loved ones, Minda’s own impending one mainly filled her with rage. Or perhaps it simply caused the rage she had already had to boil over. She screamed with fury as she poured everything she had into the fragment of the fused shadow she wore, tendrils of orange energy engulfing her body as she rose up on a dozen limbs… but for all that power, none of it was going to put the ruins of her stomach back together. Halfway through forming the final smash, the monster's shape forming around her buckled, and then simply impotently collapsed, Midna’s spirit and ashes drifting to the floor.

As Nox had predicted, taking the head of the beastmaster slew her two limbs, though not quite at the same pace. The Beast Legion simply returned to its core, rendered inoperable by the loss of the holder of its chain. Meanwhile the twilight flygon, unable to return to that realm without the princess’ magic withered before any observer’s eyes, becoming deathly pale as the very nature of the light world terminally sickened the creature of shadow, causing it to fall out of the sky and crash into the ground.

Still, the princess’ death was not without consequence, for though her own attempt at revenge had been foiled, the collapsed flyon’s had been entirely automatic. When the lethal blow had been struck, the cactus dragon had practically exploded, unleashing a cloud of spikes and needles which all swung through the air towards Nox and hailed down upon his location.

Whatever the result of that was, it was the last thing the loyal beast saw before Artificial Gravity it had not the strength to even try and avoid went off, and it too was wiped from the face of this world of light.

wordcount: 860 (+4)
Midna: level 9 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (84/100)
Location: Deep Ground
Warp Charges: 1

”Goldlewis!” Midna cried out in alarm and horror, arm stretched out towards the agent as she raced towards him, shadow hand outstretched and grabbing onto his leg in an echo of how she had saved him from plummeting off of the bridge. Unlike the momentum of the blow that had sent him towards that pit, upon the frozen time her attempt to pull him away from danger had 0 impact, and before she could react to that failure it was too late.

The man turned to ash that slipped through her fingers, the princess giving a soft ”no..” as her outstretched hand dropped to the ground tandem with the man’s spirit hitting the floor.

She was stunned enough by her failure that the rest of the seekers got moving before she could, most notable among them a screaming with rage Geralt, who rained fire down on Nox, prompting Midna to flinch away despite the well aimed shots not having any risk of hitting her. Then, before she could try and strike him, Nox teleported past her to take Geralt on in close combat, which his new form did not seem suited for.

In that moment, she could have gone after the guardian, fought against or backed up anyone else, but Midna’s one visible eye was locked on Goldlewis’s killer, and it was that more than anything that sent her to back him Geralt, despite Sandalphon appearing to do the same. As it turned out, she closed in just after Sandalphon blinked away anyway, rendering her intervention rather timely.

Unfortunately she could not keep mer mouth shut, and so if her wolfo’s paws and claws pattering over the ground didn’t give her rear charge away to Nox, her cry of ”Die you monster!” certainly did.

She rammed her lance forwards, only for the masked man’s gaze to snap to meet her own, and his shield to jolt perfectly in position to catch her weapon. Knowing what that would cause, she punched her lance from below with a secondary arm to knock it off course, missing both man and shield as a result.

Her wolfos, however, did not have the brains to put two and two together, and promptly pounced, striking Nox with its claws and aiming to do the same with its jaws, only to get taped by the bottom rim of shield on the head, freezing both steed and rider in time in the midst of a too late ”N-” from the princess.

Then, with a clinical flick of his wrist, Nox sliced a blade of energy straight through the beast’s skull.

Ironically the shield itself was the only reason Midna did not receive the same fate, as the wolfos having slipped under its guard left Midna right in front of it. Thus, the time it took for him to move it aside in order to target her, two things hit him.

The first was a fireball courtesy of Geralt, because it wasn’t like Nox’s original target had gone anywhere. The second was a pounce from Midna’s Beast Legion, the vague blur having been hard to pick up on in the midst of all of the pyrotechnics going on on the battlefield. Both knocked Nox off balance enough for his time stop of Midna to time out.

”-O!” Midna finished her interrupted command, only for it to be immediately followed by a confused ”what?” as she fell to the ground amongst the ashes of her Wolfos.

She blinked once and then scrambled backwards, dropping her lance to six limb scuttle clear of Nox’s attempt to finish the job despite the distractions with another energy slash that scored a deep groove in the floor right between her legs.

The Beast Legion darted in to claw at Nox while he was off guard, giving Minda enough time to summon her Flygon, and then use its bulk to ward her as she pulled herself first into a crouch, and then pushed herself back to her feet.

”Cover whoever he goes for. Don’t touch the shield, don’t up like the other thi-” Minda choked on unwanted sorrow, and then fought off the sense loss she did not want to feel, but not to adjust her the way she referred to her fallen wolfos to ”-like them”

The former wolfos nodded just a fraction and with a flap of its wings took to the skies, leaving her on her own again.

But not really.

With Minda on one side of Nox, the Beast Legion on the opposite side, and Geralt having a clear firing line between them with Flygon moving to defensively circle overhead, ready to swoop or rain dragon breath to assist, really it was Nox who was on his own.

They just had to play this smart, Midna thought to herself, yet that little boost of hope was smothered as, in her peripheral vision she caught the sight of Roxas’s ash joining that had already spilled on the floor. His fate basked in the light of what had to be a final smash from Sandalph, only for it to be blocked out as beads of tears formed at the edges of her eyes.

Aventon — Skies above

Hanging in the air above the village, Rayne just took a little moment to close her eyes, relax, and experience the sky for all its serene glory. To breathe the untainted surface air, feel the breeze wisp through her hair, feel the touch of the sun on her skin. Then the moment ended as her mind reminded her as to why she was here, and she opened her eyes again to keep them peeled for danger.

First thing’s first, she figured out where the Raven Heralds had run off in the direction of, which revealed no sign of them, mostly because of any kind of road they might have used to travel. Well, other than the hole in the wall they had punched in-order to break into the town.

Indeed there wasn’t much indication of anything else around, other than the picturesque landscape which Rayne was very much enjoying. She’d once signed up to fight a war to protect nature after all (even if she hadn’t ended up fighting it) and it was heartening to see it doing so well in this world. Out here on the frontier anyway. She had to wonder how built up things were, however far back along the dirt road the heart of Riltaea was situated.

“Guess they could be hiding in the woods” she mused, but they’d likely run into the other heroes of the town if they tried to come back that way, which while concerning in its own way, meant that they’d have advanced warning of some kind.

Either way, having got a lay of the land, and made sure that there wasn’t another attack streaming over the plains towards them, she felt confident that she could go back down a bit. Focus more on the village, see what they were up to and if she could help out somehow. Mushroom farming and magical firepower might not be the most applicable skills to a rebuilding effort, but she could probably do something.

Or, well, help bury corpses. Both the Heralds and the Heroes had doubtless left a lot of those strewn around.

The Koopa Troop

wordcount: 1,334 (+6)
Bowser: Level 14 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (155/140)
Bowser Jr: Level 14 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (40/140)
Kamek: Level 13 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (35/130)
Rika: Level 9 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (56/90)
Location: The Under - Mercy Dreams

”COWARD! GET BACK HERE SO I CAN STOMP YOU” Bowser roared after the absconded F, but it was no use, he wasn’t coming back.

Jr more quietly agreed with his father’s sentiment ”I know this makes it easier for us, but it feels bad to let him get away with this” while Kamek pondered ”It’s strange, he was quite formidable when I tried to take him on. With his ability to reverse time I find it odd he would not even try”

He then had a thought, and proceeded to retrieve and flick through Robin Goodfellow’s tome to see if it had any information on why he might have done so. Unfortunately, unlike the previous owner of the book, F’s entry was rather short.

”Hmmf, so they can keep secrets even from you. Let us hope you are more useful when we get to dealing with the Guardian then, hmmm” Kamek said to the book, before snapping it shut.

Out of all of the troop, Rika was the only one unconcerned with the runaway Consul, as she was instead distracted by shiny things, namely the pile of items that had once constituted Omari’s inventory, commenting ”wow, look at all these knives he had on him” about its contents.

The ship girl had crouched down to look at all these, and while at it promptly flicked the little Cockatiel Bobblehead, who’s dance she found very amusing. Indeed despite how inappropriate it was to have it be dancing over a child’s grave, it was simply too merry a jig, resulting in a slight bit of mood raising all round.

Enough for the others to approach and inspect the items at least. Or rather at Kamek’s insistence, move them, so he could sweep the ash into a pile and then have some Toadies build a small cairn over it, along with one for all the other fallen Seekers (and Undyne). A bit of respect that made deciding what to do with the spirits and items feel a little less like grave robbing.

In the end, Jr ended up finding himself slipping the tulip hairpin sideways into his topknot, before fusing both Undyne and Omari into his right arm in a bout of sentimentality. Both had deserved better. Nocturne might have also deserved better, but having never actually met her, there was little sentimentality to be found, and she was promptly crushed into an item.

The results of the fusion were nothing flashy, though they did result in jr turning down a replacement mount upon having a rather adverse response to a proposed spider steed, and a slight red glow when he got annoyed at his new irrational fear of the multi legged creepy crawlies.

The volt gun was promptly stashed, along with everything else that wasn’t claimed, and with that they were ready to move on and face the final boss of the area. Well. Almost ready

They also had to open up the seal, a task easily done, though the result certainly was dramatic, followed by a dark and daunting traversal through a gloomily lit corridor, which had Bowser agreeing with Nadia that ”Yeah, definitely building some good tension here”

The area’s bosses chamber was certainly getting a good rating, as the payoff of the heavily chained Hollow Knight and its dramatic escape from its bindings right when they appeared was a nice capping off for the presentation, at least in Bowser’s books.

”Now this is more like it, none of that sad sack of a beach baloney. Let’s rumble big guy” Bowser said, smacking a fist into a palm as he prepared to go toe to toe with the towering foe, each punch reducing that height difference as he enlarged himself as much as he could.

”Less commentary, more taking it down” Kamek insisted, before belated adding ”If you please sire” only for the Hollow Knight to seized the initiative and lunge across half the arena while thrusting its blade towards the king.

The king had barely a moment to bring his guard up, the blade ramming clean into and out the other side of his forearm, but stopping before it reached his chest. In response to this blow there came twin cries of ‘Papa!’ from both Rika and Jr who had been flanking their father, and who both now came to his defense, starting with Jr unleashing a barrage of spears he’d prepped and had floating with him, the blades thunking into the knight even as the prince himself raised his staff to heal his father.

Rika meanwhile went in, fists at the ready, slamming into the knight’s chest with a vaultbreaker to drive it back, and forcing it to extract its blade from her father, before driving her other fist into one of its legs upon landing and then, when the first gauntlet came back online landing a third strike for good measure. That third strike was accompanied by a flash of light and a crack as jagged glowing orange lines formed on the hollow knight’s armor, briefly weakening its defense.

She went in for a fourth punch, only for the knight to have gotten wise to this gnat smacking it, preemptively blocking this next predictable strike with its nail, and then retaliating with a massive slash that sent Rika tumbling back.

A freshly healed Bowser was right there to take over however, declaring ”Now you’re gonna pay” as he full charged the knight on all fours, goreing it with his tusks and launching him up into the air, putting him in prime position to be blasted by Kamek, who, alongside 4 clones, all shot the predictably arcing knight with a Volt Gun each, overcoming its shoddy fire rate with volume of fire.

Briefly staggered by a combination of the bolts and a bad landing, the hollow knight was then assailed by all three of the Troop’s royals at once. Both Rika and Jr (in the form of Undyne) stabbed their spears into it from either side, skewering it, before Bowser came in last to deliver a healthy punch that messily ripped the Hollow Knight off of the impalement and slammed it back into a wall.

Infection dripped from the wounded knight’s guts as it pushed itself away from the wall, but rather than weakening it, all the damage they had done seemed instead to have empowered the Hollow Knight, for while it had moved slowly in between actions before, now it seemed more alert. Or perhaps, more easily compelled to move.

It also pulled out a few new tricks while it was at it.

First it teleported into the air before slamming right back down to the ground with meteoric force, causing columns of infected fire to burst up from the ground around the impact site, blasting the Troop back and away. Then it opened its cloak, revealing its infection dripping wounds in full, out of which globs of infection lept in a barrage of blight, furthur scattering the troop who did not want to get in contact with that one bit.

”I don’t understand, if this is the source of the infection why is only using the infection now that we’ve caused it to leak out” Kamek asked no one particular, and then, remembering he had a source of answers that he had intended to use anyway before them getting targeted first rather distracted him, put the lighting gun away and asked his book.

”Oh… oh dear” Kamek muttered, before calling out a warning ”The Knight is just another level of the seal! A living prison! If we kill it, the real source of the infection may well get out” before remembering what they’d been told they needed.

”Ah. That is why we need the dream catcher? To… enter its dreams? Akin to what Robin did to us? Is that where the infection is? In its… mind? Its soul?” He wondered out loud, as the Troop grouped up defensively around him, opening the way for someone else to take over. ”I dearly wish we’d had a better explanation” the mage complained as he put away the book, and instead brought out the staff they had retrieved from the prison, holding it aloft.

Nothing happened

”So what do we do? Weaken it? Will that make it work?” jr asked, having turned off the Undyne recording so he could heal them all.

”Something like that?” Kamek replied with uncertainty, before deciding the best they could do was ”Put it down, but not out!”

The Koopa Troop

wordcount: 2,376 (+3)
Bowser: Level 14 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (149/140)
Bowser Jr: Level 13 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (164/130)
Kamek: Level 12 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (149/120)
Rika: Level 8 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (130/80)
Location: The Under - Mercy Dreams

Being faced with the prospect of having to put down their former allies got four different reactions from the troop, but they could be roughly split into two groups. On the one hand Bowser and his son were filled with a mix of sorrow and anger, neither of them were able to express correctly, feelings specifically caused by the sight of the thing that had been Omori.

”You… YOU! Bowser stuttered with impotent rage at F, filled with anger both at the Consul and at himself for having failed yet another child, while his son only managed a quiet ”No…” of disbelief at the death of his sort of maybe rival.

On the other hand, a freshly eneivilied Kamek’s opinion on the matter was that ”They are dead, we need to put them down for good before they do the same to us” a point that was handily punctuated when the thing that had been Undyne screamed a mutilated rendition of her battlecry at the top of her lungs as she began unleashing a scatter shot rain of spears at them. Rather than hurling them however, they ripped free from glowing regenerating pustules growing on her stomach and back, leaving each and every one tipped with the orange-yellow glow of infection.

”Put them down where?” Rika, who had been barely impacted by this at all emotionally asked, as she casually started stepping around or hopping over the spears that she was slowing as they got close to her

”Kill them all Rika!” Kamek clarified as he floated back and away from the front lines and started casting spells from a safe distance.

”Ohhhhh” the ship girl replied before declaring she was ”on it!” and leaping forwards through the spar shower, before counter charging the thing that had once been Omori.

The thing with the body of a child came at her with a combat knife in one hand, and a serrated knife in the other, and with the way the infection had affected it, they seemed to be fused with it’s flesh, such that it would never hold anything but the blades again. Still, despite these changes and the double infection, it had started out as just a child’s body, while Rika was a weapon of war augmented with over half a dozen additional spirits.

As a result they didn’t really clash, and instead Rika simply slammed into the little guy with a gauntlet fist, launching it up into the air, only to grab it out of it with her other hand and slamming it back into the ground.

”Careful of the infection Rika!” Kamek called out in warning, but the ship girl was already taking steps. Specifically, she leapt back, opened her palm which contained her grizco blaster, and promptly started hammering the infected child with burning goop as it started to rise, igniting it. She was going to start skewering it with her spear, when a crackle of electricity came from her side, keying her into an incoming shot from the thing that had been Nocturn.

A pinky tap of her feather fall sent her flying up into the air, narrowly avoiding the stunning shot thanks to her shot speed slowing aura. While floating up there, slowly descending towards the infected now grouped together beneath her, she had a clever idea. As such, a moment later both infected were smashed to the ground as Rika, in the form of The Beast, crashed down on top of them.

She couldn’t get infected if her body wasn’t the one on the line.

As Rika tied up the two humans, the entire rest of the Troop was busy trying to contend with the undying Undyne, despite the ship girl having once fought her living form to a standstill on her own. The magical monster’s form seemed to have been massively empowered by the duel infection, both in terms of durability and firepower.

Atop his gryphon steed, Jr was the first main target for that firepower, probably because he’d had the same idea as Rika, and was presently wearing Undyne’s face (or rather helmet) which seemed to tick whatever was left of her mind off to no end.

Despite wearing said face, he wasn’t actually able to fight back in the same way, and so there was no trading of spear volleys, as instead the prince’s own splashed up from the ground below his target. This had worked for a bit, but only till the thing that had been Undyne stopped standing there shooting and instead started trying to take them on in melee. The prince could have used his mount to stay out of the way of this, but instead he was using it to skirmish, raising his spear above his head to buff his melee strikes, before using his steed’s agility to dart in and strike his foe before she could strike him.

Unfortunately, while this might have been a great boon against a living foe, his strikes did not cause any flinching from pain, and so each blow given was traded for another in turn. At least when it wasn’t too busy wailing on Bowser that was. Lacking any real fitness, the thing used its spear more as a bludgeon than any kind of thrusting weapon, and yet its infection-fueled strength meant the king was still in danger.

Already his forearms were covered in bruises and cracked scales from guarding against the spear turned blunt instrument, and that was from only blocking a few blows. Returning the favor didn’t seem to have much effect either, for even when the king got the chance to rev up and deliver a kinetic strike module empowered punch when it was distracted by Jr, the blow was softened greatly by her mushy constituency and, worse, the damage it did do was bursting a pustule, which caused a shotgun blast of magical spear heads to shoot back at him.

”Gah” the king roared in alarm as he just barely managed to turn away and have the spears hit his side rather than his face. Unfortunately that left him off guard for when the thing that had been Undyne to whirl and drive a kick into him, its unnatural strength sending him sprawling onto his back.

”Papa!” Jr cried out in alarm, swooping forwards and sliced his spear across Undyne's back, but to no avail as it continued to advance on Bowser as he tried to haul himself off of his back and onto his feet. Sensing that the thing would not be dissuaded by just a strike, Jr gripped his spear in both of his hands, and drove it down in an overhead stab that drove deep into the thing’s back.

It didn’t flinch from the blow, but as it tired to take another step, it found itself slowed as jr used Unyne’s muscles to hold fast to the spear, and his gryphon steed’s claws to hold fast to the cave floor, scratching grooves in it. The strength of Jr’s mimicry of the living Undyne wasn’t enough to match that of the unliving one, but it was enough that it wasn't going to get to where it had kicked Bowser too before he got up.

So instead it turned on the person slowing it down.

Without a care in the world to the damage it did, the thing that had been Undyne twisted around on the spear embedded into it and drove its own forwards, skewering the feathered beast breath Jr before he could think to simply let go of the spear. He did so a moment later with or without his consent as the armored form of Undyne he was clad in was dropped unceremoniously to the ground, and though he did land on his feet, the half squat he was in as a result of his legs previously having been on either side of a giant cat bird wasn’t exactly a good one for fighting.

Nor was his lack of weapon, which was currently still sticking out of the thing that had been Undyne. Said weapon did however make a good point for Bowser to grab, now protecting his son in turn as he held the monster back long enough for him to recover and form a new spear with which to fight.

Actively pinned between the two armored warriors, the thing that had been Undyne should have been at a disadvantage, but with the way her wounds caused explosions of infection tipped spearheads to fly out, she really wasn't, the thing paying king and prince back for every punch and stab.

With the two male royals attempting to take the thing that had been Undyne down, and Rika neatly handling two others with her massive armored centipede form, the question could be asked, what was Kamek up to?

The answer could be found in a massive glowing orb of power reaching all the way up the tunnel’s ceiling, one held above a grounded Kamek and 4 doppelgangers who had all been charging it. The magikoopa artillery strike was something Kamek had come up with quite some time ago, but there had never really been enemies slow and stupid enough to safely charge it, yet also dangerous enough to warrant it.

The infected Undyne 100% fit those bills however, and so once it was finally ready, the mage called out ”Out of the way, your spiky mageties!” before he and his minions hurled the orb at the thing that had been Undyne. Prince and King threw themselves to the floor as the massive orb of energy raced forwards, slammed into their foe, and then just kept going, smashing into the cavern wall with an almighty explosion, sending rocks and dust tumbling everywhere.

”Did, did you get it?” Jr asked as he and his father picked themselves off of the floor, the prince mentally clicking a switch and pausing the song playing in his cassette player that had turned him into Undyne. His intention had been to begin healing, but a scream from within the crater in the wall Kamek’s attack had slammed into ended that notion: the wave of sound pushed the dust cloud away, revealing the thing that had been Undyne once more.

Alive, for a certain sense of the word anyway.

It was almost entirely unidentifiable as something that had once Been Undyne. Its legs a ruin it dragged itself forwards with its arms, while its body was held together by thorned roots, and its mouth hung far too wide open, exposing far too many teeth. The broken mermaid seemed at least like it might have difficulty attacking in this state, until it screamed again, this time causing a wave of spears to fly forth along with the blast of sound.

”Me and my big mouth” Jr complained as he ducked under a spear and then made an iron shield to block a few more. The infected spears stabbed into it, and began to immediately begin eating away at the metal, forcing him to drop it before any of it could seep between his scales.

”Buuuuurn it!” came a deeper, more gravely shout from Kamek, who had transformed into his new devil form after using up all his Mana in that one singular magical attack that hadn’t finished the job. Now he spat fireballs from his maw instead, flying on leathery wings and blasting the thing that had been Undyne. Jr joined in, seeing the logic of this even if it was Kamek’s only way of attacking at the moment, breathing in and hucking his own napalm fireball at the incoming thing.

Both were entirely outdone by Bowser in this department however, who unleashed a torrent of flames. Together, the trio ignited the roots that seemed to be holding the thing that had been Undyne together, further destabilize it, and causing infection to spill from its guts, both in liquid form and in the form of lightseeds that splatted to the ground and then came at them on their own.

Fireballs launched by jr and Kamek blasted into these one by one, incinerating them before they could reach Bowser, and yet even with both physical sources of infection purged, the thing that had been Undyne came on still. Chest cavity split open and emptied, voice dead in the process, all it could do was open its jaw wide, wider and wider, and attempt to sink its misaligned teeth into the King.

Bowser for his part stood his ground, breathed deep, and then unleashed a megafireball. The slow moving orb engulfed the thing which mindlessly shambled straight into, smothering it in heat and flame that burned and burned. It collapsed to the floor before it could reach the other side, arms ruined, her melted form burned away beneath the heat of the flame, evaporating and, at last, turning to dust.

The trio of koopas was left panting from exertion, while also being gripped with a tinge of sorrow at having had to put down the guard captain of the home of tears, who most certainly had done nothing to deserve this fate. There was a moment of thought about possible last words to put her to rest when a body that had once belonged to a small child splatted into the wall next to where the thing that had been Undye had been slammed by Kamek’s spell.

As with the thing that had been Undyne however, the collision with this wall failed to put down the thing that had been Omori. Unlike the former guard captain however, there was no obscuring cloud of dust to hide this fact, and so a moment later Rika, in the form of the Beast, rammed head and horns first into the infected child, once again splattering him against the wall. Despite what should have been a crushing blow, thing that had been Omori endured this seemingly lethal blow. It did not, however, endure the several follow ups as Rika used her head to mountain smashed it into paste, and then, finally, ash.

The Beast raised its perpetually grinning head up, a head smeared in blood, guts,ash, and infection and looked at the horrified faces of Bowser and Jr, before it vanished. The remains of Omari dropped to the ground several meters from where Rika now stood, the ship girl dusting off her gauntlets after having rather casually dealt with two of the seeker’s former members, who then proceed to ask her shocked relatives ”What?” with genuine confusion as to why they were looking at her like that.

Before they could respond however, the devilish looking Kamek reminded them that ”The one responsible is right there” causing the rest of the troop to turn and face the cause of this nightmare that the mage was pointing at: F

Aventon — Hunter's Lodge

“Aventon huh?” Rayne repeated. It was certainly a name, as was Riltaea, the name of the nation it was part of. But, naturally, lacking context, that was about all it was, names.

Well actually if she thought about it a bit, the fact that they were on a frontier was actually useful context. They were probably far from anywhere else, specifically due to said nation presumably pushing into some kind of wilds or foreign territory. That had all sorts of implications probably, but the main one was that the ruins they had found, and specifically those of the church, were not ones that belonged to the ancestors of the people they had helped protect.

Which was probably bad news when it came to getting information about the goddess who had brought them here.

As she thought about this, the quest to investigate the monsters out in the wilds rapidly gained more volunteers, and also shifted from a killing them plan to a pacifying/taming them plan which Rayne was going to be less useful for. There was also talk of some of them staying guard in-case the Raven Heralds came back, which was a team currently pretty understaffed

“I could stick around and keep watch as well. Be your eyes in the sky, kind of thing” she volunteered in the end, before saying “if you need help out there, maybe shoot something up through the trees… or just fly up and shout. I’ll-” she checked her cards and found armageddon sitting in her hand still “-make a really loud explosion if we need help” before clarifying that she’d do that “In the air, not in the town”

That was how she found herself floating above it all, keeping watch in the now nice and clear rather than choked with rain or smoke skies, which was far more pleasant than they’d been since she’d gotten here. She could still do with a change of clothes after being out in all that last night, that was for sure.

The clearness of the skies gave her another thought, and that was that, well, there was nothing stopping her from going up now. Not dreadful weather or plumes of choking smoke, not urgency to save people, and certainly not the guaranteed death that her own sky would have brung. It called to her, that endless blue, and so almost without thinking, she began to rise, higher and higher, above it all, causing this alien world, familiar, strange, and nostalgic all in one, to come into view, as first the tree line, and then the horizon line, fled away from her ascending from.
Witches in the land of the Dead

Just above a plaza of dark stone, a young croaker child found himself floating. He was, he was quite sure, dead. For one, there was the whole floating thing. For the other, he still had his gills, and should presently be suffocating in the air he had never entered before his untimely demise.

He was not alone in this place, and in coming to this realization. Even as he came to his senses other people were being deposited around him by the same unseen hands that had brought him here. Ahead of them all was a path, stretched out the front of the plaza, leading over a bridge crossing a dark moat/river that surrounded the large island. Around the moat were fields and forests of faded yet still beautiful and serene flowers and trees of a myriad of kinds, within which other spirits, other souls, seemed to frolic or laze contently.
The bridge did not lead there however, but instead to another island surrounded by its own moat, this one containing a manor of black polished marble, one as equally beautiful and as it was intimidating to even consider approaching. Yet where else was there to go? Certainly not into the water; as the tadpole watched, an avian beastkin attempted to fly over it, only to seem to be repulsed by some unseen barrier and to tumble to the ground. They rose, unharmed, but as their futile attempts to even walk into the river proved, there was no way forwards that way.

So, after making some conversation, and shouting at the spirits across the river who simply pointed them across the bridge, they took the only path available. They crossed the bridge and entered the manor.

Within was a maze of rooms, far more than it seemed it could hold on the outside, which linked to each other nonsensically. There were exits, ones leading out onto more bridges, but these were shrouded in mists, and no one who ever crossed one ever came back. Still, time, impatience and some unknown pull to a specific bridge caused the group to dwindle, till only the tadpole was left, wandering the halls, pressing deeper and deeper till, at last, at the heart of the great house, he finally found him. Sat upon a simple stool before an easel holding an impossibly detailed painting of the realm, pallet in one hand, paintbrush in another with which he was adding yet more detail, was Death himself.

Then the cry of a babe shattered the memory, and the true state of the land of death came into view. Gone where the souls living afterlives in eternal peace. Gone were the forests, fields and gardens of plants reborn after death replaced by a blackened ruin of scorched craters, more desolate even than the outer regions once were, while the labyrinthian home which once stood was gone in its entirety.

In its place was nothing. Just a hole, blasted down into the veil between realms, which a goblin in a pointed hat had just recently climbed out of with a babe carried at her breast.

“Shh shh shh little one, it’s alright” the Mother said, caressing the beastkin infant’s down feathered scalp till it was soothed and calmed. Then she pressed a finger lightly to its forehead and caused the source of the memory to reappear.

The tadpole-like mortal hovered before her, or rather, a representation of it did, for its soul was the same as that of the child. To it she asked, “and what happened then?

“I told him I hadn’t had time for much when I was alive. That maybe I could have another go at it instead of staying wherever this was,” the child told the goddess, “he told me that it was a rare thing to be gifted, but that that was a fair reason, and then just like that, I was someone else.”

The tadpole faded, and was replaced with a dwarven warrior. “It was a good life. Long life. Till the beasts came and I fell in battle. That time, no one took me anywhere. Well, the beasts tried, but El’zadir and me kin dealt with them. After that, me and everyone else, we just sort of, floated about. Not that that’s unusual apparently, a lot of the other dead did that for a bit and then ended up being born again, having never heard of the place I’d been to. Bit of a long wait this time, seeing as so many died during the attacks. So I thought I’d go try and find this place myself again.”

“And found this”

“Sure did. Then I got caught and turned into one of those for a bit,” the dwarf said, as he pointed out into the plain of death at a mist of spectral warriors riding out towards them from the edge of a kingdom that had been built on the ruins of the land of the dead, “got killed again in some war, got out of there, and then came to find you.”

It had been something of a roundabout method, The Mother knew. He’d come to Tricity, having heard the goddess favored it. Then conspired with the ghosts hanging out there to get him reborn specifically into the body of a spiritual family. They had then brought their newborn to the soul speaker as per family tradition, and via that the dwarf had managed to get out a call about the existence of and fate of the land of the dead.

And thus (after she had borrowed the dwarf’s next life to act as her guide) they were now here, at the border of a kingdom of the fay that had begun squatting upon the ruins of the lands of the dead, and they did not seem exactly peaceful. Watchtowers dotted the land with balefire burning atop them forming great eyes that had set their gaze upon her, marking out her location.

Towards it rode a unit of wraiths, cold spectral figures formed of souls bound in glamor, sat upon the backs of similarly undead steeds. The diminutive master of these, fluttering above them and directing them with a handful of spectral chains bound to their necks, was one of the new fairy creatures, wearing a spectral cloak over form fitting leather armor.

“Well well well, what have we here? A lost little goblin? Best you run along home now, lest you end up joining the Witchfeighd’s legions of the damned!” The fay declared as she fluttered above, her wraith-knights forming a threatening circle around the goblin, rather preventing her from running.

Not that the goddess was at all inclined to do so.

“Witchfeighd hmmm? I happen to be something of a witch myself,” the Mother replied, tipping her hat in greeting and entirely unperturbed by the strange copper, gold, and black lances being pointed at her, “more of one than this Witchfeighd, if this is her idea of hospitality. Assuming you are acting under her orders I mean.” She raised a questioning eyebrow at the little fairy and asked, “are you?”

“I am a wand in her arsenal, and her magic flows in my veins,” the fairy replied proudly, though she was in part boasting to cover how unnerved she was by how unconcerned this goblin witch, who had a baby sashed to her chest no less, was about being surrounded.

“That a yes? Good, then you shall take me right to her. I have traveled far to meet the new lord of this land. Or should I be going over there somewhere?” She asked, waving a hand casually towards a differently themed set of fortifications, ones watched over by bounded astral beings, that sat on the opposite side of the massive hole she had just exited from the realm this fay hailed from.

“Them? Hecate rules this land, not those interlopers! We’ll be tossing them out soon enough, her malevolence will see to it sure as death,” the fairy insisted, sneering over at the foe who was camped out on the opposite edge of the great hole into this realm, only to be quite surprised to find the goblin witch sat side saddle on the back of one of her wraith knights.

“Excellent, then let us waste no more time, yes? We don’t want to keep her waiting after all,” the witch stated, and at that point she’d already won.

The confused but smart-enough-to-know-not-to-pick-fights-with-people-exuding-so-much-casual-confidence fay promptly transported her guest as requested. As they did, the guised goddess got a further picture of the nature of the fairies of this realm, who seemed to be between campaigning seasons and preparing for the next. They were preparing such things that would have made mortal armies quail in their boots. Great wells of magical power were being filled from what little remained of the realm of death, its very essence being squeezed from the soil into great cauldrons. Undead legions were being formed, lost souls snatched away from the masses of dead created by the outer beast invasion, bound in spectral facsimile of their former selves, or even their own bones. Blood was drained from captured beasts, inner and outer, and used to prepare profane potions or paint the five pointed stars that seemed to be the basis for much of their equivalent of runework.

Most of their living space seemed to consist of barrows made up of the byproducts of their draining death from the land, transforming the dark substance into a pearly white stone and soil. Their queen lived in the grandest of these mounds, one decorated with great pillars of white stone that curved in like ribs, and at their center held the greatest of the balefire beacons. It's great burning eye stared down at them as they approached.

It wasn’t the only eye upon them, for those of many of fay around had been drawn to the strange goblin riding brazenly towards their lady’s parlor, and the rest caught on when she slipped off and casually strolled inside.

The insides contained the classic witch’s hut essentials, but scaled up to the quantity and quality befitting a witch queen. Racks of strange and rare ingredients lined shelf after shelf (both wooden and those that in an actual barrow would have held the dead), from eyes of newt, snakes oils and bones galore, along with numerous trinkets and artifacts stolen from all across the realms. Nets full of exotic herbs hung from the ceiling, drying in the heat produced by a great balefire burning beneath an even greater cauldron filled with outer beast bile, blood, and even viler fluids, along with a host of ingredients off of the shelves.

The Witchfeighd Hecate herself, rendered wretched and hideous by her deeds most foul, was perched upon the shoulder of a beautiful elf clothed in rags and chains who she was forcing to stir the vial bru with a ladle that contained more power than some fairies had in their whole bodies.

“Ah, I see our uninvited guest has been delivered straight to my doorstep in one piece,” Hecate observed as she ceased her slave’s stirring, before she insisted “this had better be worth my time,” as a clear threat to the fairy who had brought The Mother to her, causing her to back away half a step in fear even as she swore it would be so.

“Greetings, witch Hecate.” The Mother greeted the fairy in lieu of being greeted herself, stepping forwards and tipping her hat to the other witch in such a way that it obscured the fairy that had brought her here, a subtle manner of insisting that she was very much worth the time, and she herself would prove it.

“That’s Witchfeighd to you, stranger, whoever and whatever you think you are, stumbling into my realm like this, thinking you can command my minions to do as you please.” The witch replied with unmasked hostility, for, to a fay like her, there were only kneeling peons and enemies to be crushed, and the simple matter of her guest’s attitude was swinging her rapidly into the latter camp already.

“They call me Rose back in Tricity, and I’m just a simple mother, come to learn the fate of the land of the dead, and see the ascension of its new liege.” The Mother replied with words that were all technically true, seemingly now buttering Hecate up a bit, which the fay found just a touch suspicious.

Still, she was not one to turn down an opportunity to gloat.

“Well you have come at an auspicious time then, Rose of Tricity, for within the hour, my latest brew shall be complete, and when it is, the very earth of this realm shall swallow up my foes, and bury them in a shallow grave,” she declared, earning a cheer from the observing masses.

“Witch Rose, if you’d kindly,” The Mother replied politely, before saying that, “and I must say, you have quite the fascinating demesne,” using the term to refer to a witch’s combination of laboratory and living space, functionally a far more dignified and generalist name for a witch’s hut, “so many fascinating odds and ends you have here, though none less than that,” she said, pointing to a humble paintbrush sitting upon a shelf just behind the Witchfeighd, gathering dust.

This strange selection of interest prompted whispers of speculation among the many fay who had gathered around the outskirts of the large room, peering down from the shelves where they sat amongst the ingredients. One in particular caused one of the goblin goddess’ pointed ears to twitch, a whisper of, “wasn’t that the only thing we found here?” confirming The Mother’s suspicions about the artifact’s quiet power.

“And why is that, Rose?” The Witchfeighd asked with disrespect before asking accusingly “have you come to steal it?”

“Not at all, I’ll gladly barter you for it.” The Mother replied, before offering, “I have many pieces of fine runework from my home city that might interest you. All made with wondrous r’kava to boot.” As she pulled out a knife with the runes of pain painted on its blade, another with a scroll tied around its length that described an intricate transformation into a monstrous beast, and a third that simply had the rune for sharp on it.

“Bah, paltry offerings, you insult me with such base magics,” the Witchfeighd replied, rejecting her outright, “I wouldn't trade a thimble of glamor for the things made by dirt dwellers.”

“Then how about this?” The Mother asked instead, before reaching for a locket around her neck, opening it, and revealing the shrunken heart of Egrioth, one of two greater outer beasts, still beating, its power bound by innumerable runes. In response, all breaths went still for a moment, as its bounded power hurt the eyes of those who looked upon it.

Lesser fay flinched away, but the Witchfeighd’s own stayed locked on it for that moment, before flicking to the paintbrush and back again. She chose, as The Mother had expected, greed. What she had not expected was quite how deep that greed ran, as the fairy flicked out both hands and tried to claim both the heart and the brush, whose value she had clearly underestimated.

The air rippled as a deadly curse ripped forwards, only to crash into the witch’s hat, runes on its rim flaring to life as she used it not to protect her divine form, but instead the babe she carried against her bosoms.

“One of my grandsons got me that as a gift, you know,” she complained, as the hat disintegrated, magic spent protecting her from a single strike. Then she was forced to leap to the side, one hand steadying and protecting the infant in her care as she avoided another deadly curse. When she landed, she thrust a hand over her back and into a satchel she was wearing, out of which she pulled a second hat, informing the fairies with the air of a teacher that, “a proper witch always has a spare,” before popping it upon her head.

“Seize her, bring me that heart! Whoever does so becomes my apprentice!” The Witchfeighd barked at the spectating fay, prompting many to rise up into the air, drawing weapons and wands galore. This did not include the fairy who had brought The Mother here, whose eyes the goddess met and then to whom she gave a quick nod of approval before making all the rest regret rising against her.

Spells and sorcery flew, bolts of death, screaming skulls, balefire, and spectral scythes all raining down on the goddess, who stepped and leapt to avoid them and keep them from harming a feather on her ward’s head. As she moved, and countless shelves and nicknacks around her were destroyed, she retaliated using the heart, forming needle thin lances of pain that lashed out and skewered fairy after fairy, sending them tumbling from the air in bouts of unspeakable pain.

Other more martial ones darted in when the spellcasters failed, sickles and swords at the ready, but the goddess drew the mortal made knife marked with runes of pain, which extended a sword length aura of suffering from its material form. Wielding it, she caught and paired their miniature weapons with the metal blade, before slicing them with the aura of pain, forcing them back or down.

“Idiots! Fools! Are none of you worthy?!” The Witchfeighd castigated from atop her elven slave, even as she began to weave a wide reaching curse that would lay waste to both her foe and any fay who happened to be trying to take her down at that moment.

The Mother promptly tossed the scroll wrapped knife at the elf of all people, skewering her in the chest. Yet instead of killing her the blade pumped power into her, draining wells of r’kava and using it to twist her as the scroll described, transforming her in an instant into a creature like a howler monkey wrapped in chitin armor. In the process of transforming she shattered her chains and threw the Witchfeighd from her shoulder, and the first thing she did with this new freedom was to scream at her captor and tormentor with a voice that could shatter eardrums, or in the Witchfeighd’s case, make concentrating on casting mighty difficult.

Having distracted the Witchfeighd, the goddess continued to fight, happily taking hits to her own body while doing everything she could to prevent even a scratch from landing on the crying infant. The next to try were a squad of wraiths sent in by the fay, spectral forms of undead immune to the pain she had been inflicting on her living foes.

Given that the the souls within were living half lives of suffering due to being bound in these forms however, she had little issue with drawing the blade marked simply as sharp and cleaving into the wraiths with it, the concept of sharpness it was imbued with cutting them far more than the the metal that would have gone right through them otherwise. The undead shattered, freeing the souls from their prisons, all of whom called their thanks and cheered on the goddess as she used the space she had cleaved to unleash another barrage of pain inducing-needles upon the remaining aggressive fay.

She turned then as a new scream came, the elf slave turned monkey knight crying out as the Witchfeighd managed to finish a spell that left her slave a withered aged husk on the brink of death. Sparing her victim not a second glance, the Witchfeighd turned to meet the Mother’s eyes.

The two witches faced each other down, surrounded by the groaning forms of all the rest of the combatants, and watched only by those too cowardly or too wise to not get involved.

The crying infant rather ruined the dramatic atmosphere however, and the Mother was given only a moment to try and soothe it before balefire flames ripped forth from the hands of the Witchfeighd, threatening to wash over everything, minion and goddess alike.

In response she tossed her hat, the second rune-engraved head garment scything through the green flames, devouring the spell and then vaporizing like its predecessor had. In that moment however, the Witchfeighd had time to leap for the paintbrush all this had started over, which she proceeded to toss into her cauldron, causing it to explode with power, much to her cackling delight.

“Realm of death, rise up and claim these wretched lives in the name of the Witchfeighd!” She commanded, prompting the paintbrush to rise up out of the cauldron, and then for power to spear down from it into the earth. This prompted the inert soil of the realm of death to come to life, taking the form of endless grasping hands which grabbed hold of every being but the Witchfeighd, before attempting to drag them back down into it.

“Cease this!” The Mother commanded at the same time as she launched a titanic spike of pain towards the Witchfeighd, but the fay was no lesser minion, and though she suffered there was no breaking the spell that was sure to slay all in her demesne.

Again the Mother speared her foe, but she was holding back, unwilling to inflict deadly pain upon her foe despite the way the hands were close to breaking past her swatting hand to reach the baby. She frowned, began to try to step forwards, only for her eyes widened for just a moment before her form was replaced by that of a woman as old looking as the Witchfeighd, yet also one who had aged far more gracefully.

“Enough of this, if you won’t do it I will!” The Breaker declared, as she flicked a finger across her brow, causing a third and final hat appeared upon her head, this one not mortal made, but undeniably divine in nature. The Witchfeighd’s own eyes widened for just a moment as the Breaker shattered all the Mother’s pretense of being mortal, and then closed forever when in an instant the goddess had crossed the room, wrapped her hand around the tiny fairy, and crushed the life from her, ending her life to save all the ones she was about to claim with her foul sorcery.

The Breaker’s lips were covered with an ever so slight smile as Asheel took her first (natural) mortal life, only for a moment of confusion to cross her face before the Maiden appeared with one of horror on her own.

“She has no soul!?!?!?!?!?!” The youngest of them cried out in horror, as the magic came apart in her hand, and revealed this inexplicable exception to the law she had written in the Khodex.

“No no no. I can fix this. I just need to… I just… I can… I…” she tried and tried, but it was no use. The Witchfeighd was no more, and there was nothing left of her to bring back, at least nothing that would matter. She could build a perfect replica, this she knew, simply by looking back at what once was, but it would not be the same. Her cycle was broken, and there was no way of continuing what had already ended.

And so the Maiden, shocked, gave way for the Mother, who shed tears even for a monster like the Witchfeighd, who gave way for the Breaker, who opened her hand and let the magic both the others had been trying to hold onto, that had once made up the Witchfeighd’s body, drift away.

“The Witchfeighd is dead!” A fay cried out in panic upon seeing this, before above them there roared a mighty explosion as the great baelfire eye of their dead leader fell apart without her, letting the whole realm know of her death and that all her foul workings had been undone.

Her slayer cared not for their plight, instead bending down and pulling the blade she’d thrown at the now mutated withered elf out of their chest, causing the transformation to reverse, and the aging curse having already been undone by the Witchfeighd ‘s death. It was only when a second shout came that, “the armies of Eirgwyn are on the match! They’re coming! We’re doomed!” that she paid attention to the fairies again.

“I’ll lead us to victory!” “No I!” “No I!” called out several fairies who were recovering from the pain the Mother had caused and near-death their former leader had inflicted, all shakingly drawing weapons with clear indication on how they were going to resolve the question of succession.

“None of you will,” the Breaker broke in to say, before pointing at the one who had first met and then brought the Mother here, “she was the only one wise enough to not try and fight a goddess, so she will lead you,” before imbuing her chosen champion with the magic of the old Witchfeighd, and crowning her with a tiny witch’s hat.

“Meanwhile I suppose I will prevent the Mother from shedding any more tears, and make sure no one else dies today, not before we correct this mistake, and you are all granted souls by the Maiden,” the Breaker said as she unstrapped the babe she’d been saddled with, instructing her champion to protect it. Then, grasping the paintbrush all this had been about, she strode back out of the barrow.

As she emerged, she pressed two fingers to her lips, and whistled, causing a mono-wheeled motorcycle with bladed wheels to burst out of a poor snouter’s field, punch into the veil, leap through the hole into the land of death, and to then land perfectly before her, ready to be mounted. The Breaker did so, and then rode her machine forwards at lightning speed, scything across the land of the dead, and dragging the paintbrush across the borders of the fairy nations found within.

Where she brushed it, rivers like the one from the tadpole’s memory of the old land of the dead formed, ones which no mortal being, living or dead, could cross, caring not for how the fay who’s armies she was locking into their kingdoms tried to stop her and, in an instant, halting the advance of Eirgwyn’s armies, and forcing an armistice upon the war for the land of the dead.

Then Asheel, not Maiden, not Mother, not Breaker, Asheel, the Wheel, the Cycle incarnate, rose up above the hole in the land of the dead, and in three and one voices spoke thusly:

“Hear me, o tiny sparks of life who war for this realm: you have been made wrong. As the Maiden decreed, all things that live are to have souls, such that they will live on after death, and be reborn as new lives, to live out new experiences in a cycle that will continue till the end of time. Yet you and you alone will not, for you have no souls and so your death is the final end. This crime against the Khodex we will set right! Yet time it will take. So cease your wars, lay down your arms, put aside your grievances till the day that I grant you what you have always been owed, lest you face the wrath of a goddess who now holds the realm of death in her clutches!”

As the final words boomed, the wheel spun around the handle of Death’s paintbrush, and the fallen god’s realm was granted a new mistress. Bombed out craters were swept away, and in their place was laid a foundation of endless pristine white triangular paving stones, a fresh canvas upon which she would paint her own image of this realm in time.

For now, however, the wheel descended, and then three in one became one of three again, the Breaker riding back to the kingdom of the Witchfeighd. The new Witchfeighd. Whatever she was named before (a suitable name for a follower, no doubt) was swiftly forgotten. Now she was the Witchfeighd, and her name was Morghein.

It was not the new Witchfeighd the fay were hailing upon the Breaker’s return, however, but instead her patron, chanting, “hail her malevolence, hail her magnificence, hail the matriarch of souls!”

“Matriarch, hmmm? I can work with that,” she said to herself, before commanding the fay to clear away and to leave her in peace as she took over Hecate’s barrow, and making it her own demesne, within which she began concocting a brew to grant the fay the souls she had promised them.

After she returned the baby to its parents, that was.

??? — Burnt Town

Rayne awoke stiff, having fallen asleep in her armor with her hat tipped over her eyes. In her defense she had had a very, very, very long day, and unfortunately it had not been some kind of dream. The morning sun shining in through the windows of the hunters lodge alone would have made that clear.

She was tempted to just lower the brim of her hat to block it, but Sanae‘s words prompted the witch knight to pick herself up to face the day.

“I’m up now” she said as she rose into the air, before doing some shoulder stretches and high knees to limber up a bit. Only after that did she join the conversation, sighing that “of course this place also has monsters” in response to the information that there were such things on the prowl, before easily agreeing that “yeah, I’ll help” with regards to dealing with that situation, the thought of saying no not even crossing her mind.

What she did have a little thought about, however, was to actually ask a question that had been lost in all the ‘excitement’ of the previous day, which was “what is this place called anyway? This village, the region it's in, things like that” directing said question specifically at the hunters who they were offering to help with dealing with the local monster problem.

The Koopa Troop

wordcount: 921 (+2) (+3)
Bowser: Level 14 EXP: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (146/140)
Bowser Jr: Level 13 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (161/130)
Kamek: Level 12 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (146/120)
Rika: Level 8 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (127/80)
Location: The Under - Mercy Dreams

”I mean we’ll walk, obviously” was Bowser’s obvious answer to the question of how they were going to get down the chasm, causing Jr to groan loudly and to then turn and ask ””Kamek, make me one of those ridable dragons or something, I don’t wanna walk all day again!”

”I suppose” Kamek agreed with a sight, before beginning to conjure, before reeling what that sounded like and clarifying ”that I can make you a steed I mean. I do not suppose that we can walk down there, as the lift is out, remember?”

”Ohhh. By chasm I thought she meant just the way down to the hole” Bowser replied ”but I mean, can’t we just jump down it again? Land on those flowers”

”I’m not sure if that is wise, we got lucky last time that no one hit the sides of the chasm” Kamek replied as he finished conjuring a king gryphon for the young prince, who excitedly hopped on its back, before taking off, doing a loop de loop and then landing back on the ground again.

”Couldn’t we all just, well, use that to get down?” Rika asked

”No it's mine, and you can’t have it!” Jr disagreed with a mix of brattyness and cheer, before remembering something and saying ”Oh but here, you can have this” before tossing Rika the tape for the Beast.

”The ‘Undyne’ tape fixed itself over night somehow, so I’ve got that now” he explained, before briefly switching to the fishy knight, which made for quite the majestic image atop the king gryphon’s back, before turning it off again. ”Cool huh?”

”Oh? Thanks” Rika replied, catching it, before clarifying ”But I didn’t mean I’d take your bird thing. I can just float down using that floaty rock I have after all”

”Also I can make more. Some more anyway” Kamek clarified ”Not enough for everyone, but if needs must we can just ferry people down a few at a time”

”Sounds like a plan!” Bowser decided, getting up off his butt and declaring ”Alright troop, let’s move out!”

Move out they did, or rather down, following the mining trails and avoiding any kind of trouble this time, till they arrived at the place where the crane had once stood. Reduced to splinters, it would not, as Kamek said, provide a way down. This had not, apparently, stopped the miners however, as while they approached, a figure was seen emerging from the chasm.

She was a blocky figure, in a way very reminiscent of a certain Steve, wearing equally blocky metal armor over a Yellow sweater that looked like it would be quite cozy where it is not at the moment very wet. When flagged down, she introduced herself as Makena and returned to the edge of the pit to explain how she had just gotten out, and in doing so why she was drenched.

Pouring endlessly out of a recently dug nook in the chasm wall was a 1 meter wide cubic waterfall that rolled down and down and down into the dark. She had, apparently, swum all the way up it, and claimed it to be a much superior alternative to her competition’s method. Said method was on the other side of the chasm, and seemed to consist of a single rope that, again, went down and down and down forever into the dark.

Makena espoused the creator said rope to be a fool, specifically for the sin of digging straight down, which was not a debate the troop and any reference for. Bowser promptly asked how in the world else you would dig down, prompting Makena to disavow him. Shortly after, she took her leave, leaving the seekers with a choice of 3 ways down. Leap of faith, vertical swimming, or massive amounts of abseiling.

Well, those or their own power, which 3 out of 4 of them took. After providing a steed or two if they were desired, Kamek simply began drifting down the hole atop his broomstick, while Rika activated her feather fall rune and began to float slowly after while Jr, well, Jr proceeded to divebomb his gryphon mount straight down into the dark while whooping with glee.

That left Bowser with the options of rope or water, and given that the rope was not going to be able to hold him, he opted for water. He could breathe it after all. Unfortunately the big lug forgot he couldn’t swim anymore.

The Koopa king promptly sank like a stone, endangering anyone who’d gone before him with his much too swift pace. Still, while fast for anyone sane, it wasn’t so fast he was gonna go splat, particularly when he added his super bell into the mix, and started to control his descent by scratching his cat claws against the wall. Now descending at a sane speed, he continued on down and down and down till at last he and the rest of the Troop arrived at the bottom and discovered something terrible: someone had cut down all the flowers!

There were also two holes dug into the once fertile ground. Into one the waterfall fell, and for some reason it did not overflow out of it and flood the cave. The second one had the rope descending into it, and from it the sound of metal striking stone could be heard. Suspecting a culprit of the flower devastation, the Troop looked down this hole, and found a rather short individual wearing silvery armor digging a hole straight down into the ground.

He was promptly shouted at, but insisted that the flowers had been like that when he got here. When asked why he was digging down there for, he informed them he was digging something called a ‘hellevator’ and to leave him to it.

So they did.

”Well, if it wasn’t him, I think we all know who did this, though I wonder if this means our survival was an accident, or if we’re scaring him now? Either way, he should be” Kamek declared, having already relayed the lack of a soft landing awaiting them.

At least there wasn’t also a pack of monsters awaiting them either, and so the troop happily set up shop and waited for the rest of the team to join them back down in the depths.
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