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Edelgard von Hresvelg, Edward Portsmith, & Midna

Skyworld -> The Avenger

Word Count: 3494 words (+4) (+2 rapport to each)

The moment Roxas’s friend heart made contact with Edelgard, she was slammed with memories of Fodlan. Her life flashed before her eyes, from the torture she endured under Those Who Slither in the Dark, to the years of war she had plagued her beloved land with for the sake of its future. Memories of her teacher, her friends, of a Fodlan finally united with the totalitarian reign of the Church of Seiros destroyed.

All gone. Torn away for whatever sick, twisted game she was being used as a pawn in. Bile burned in the back of her throat as Edelgard forced herself to her feet, a dark look in her eyes as she witnessed Absalom’s defeat. How much time had she spent fighting somebody else’s war? Being used in a fight not her own? Angels? Demons?! What dark magic had taken her mind that she couldn’t see how preposterous the world around her had become?

Perhaps more unsettling than that were the eyes of the celebrating angels around her. She had almost balked at the violent red glow in the eyes of one of her Black Eagles. And wasn’t that such a sick joke as well? Enough of her had remained to name these faceless hordes of monsters after her class? Her friends?! Palutena’s voice cut through the celebrations, and it took almost all of Edelgard’s resolve not to scream at the disembodied voice that had used her. Did Lady-did Palutena even know? Was she another victim of whatever was happening, or the puppetmaster? And why did these newcomers, these so-called Seekers all lack that same ominous glow in their eyes?

She had to know more. The man who had appeared from the sky offered an array of some sort of backpack to the Seekers, telling them that it was their way back to the ‘Avenger’. She could only assume that was their ship. Was it what had blown away the clouds earlier? The unseen force that had worried her so? Before she approached them, however, she went to where Absalom had fallen, plucking the Source of Corruption’s Spirit from its final resting place. ”Foul demon. Perhaps something could be made of you.”

”Seekers of Light!” She cried out, striding towards the others. ”Thank you for your assistance. Must you leave so soon?”

”The Avenger probably shouldn’t stick around any one place for very long” Midna stepped forward to inform her somewhat unhelpfully.

”and the Avenger is…” Edward, who had somehow both returned from being AWOL and was among the Skeer’s number given his lack of glowing eyes, asked as he followed after her.

”An invisible flying ship, which we get to by strapping these to ourselves” the princess replied, a touch cryptically as she portaled in and then tossed a fulton device at each of the newly recruited humans.

”and these will do that how…?” Edward again began to ask, only for Midna to give an incredibly quick crash course in how to strap one of the devices to herself with a ”like this” before adding that they should pull a specific cord ”like this” and then promptly shooting up skywards.

”Ah. Well.” the dreadnought said as they both watched her, and a few of the other seekers, blasting off into the air, before glancing back at his fellow freshly unstoried compatriot and saying, not without sympathy, ”Welcome to, roughly, the last half hour or so of my life.”

Edelgard’s eyes had grown to the size of saucers in trying to contemplate the sheer density of the information she had been given. As one of the Black Eagle angels approached to offer Edelgard a hand in returning to Skyworld, she shook her head. ”Inform Lady Palutena that, for the time being, I must accompany the Seekers. She will understand, I’m certain.” The Feathershield was surprised, to say the least, but nonetheless saluted and returned to the others.

”I suppose…shall we?” Edelgard asked confusedly, her fulton now ‘equipped.’

”Answers lay skyward it seems” Edward agreed as he too strapped in, before adding that ”And yes, she will. Apparently she is free from… the red light as well.”

Edelgard’s eyes narrowed at Edward’s revelation regarding Palutena, but after a moment she shook her head. He said ‘free’, implying that she had, at some point, been under the same influence they all apparently had. ”I see. Then, let us not tarry any further.”

”Yes I suppose n-” Edward began, as he moved to tug at the cord of the now secured device, only for his last word to be drawn out into a ”oooooooooooooot” as he was rapidly whisked away skywards

The first fultoning unsurprisingly did a number on the pair of fresh recruits, and so Eleison had to wait a fair little bit before delivering his spiel, but deliver it he did nonetheless. It, unfortunately, did not really cover the specifics that Edelgard might have wanted.

Indeed, Eleison’s speech was blatantly not intended for the newcomers among them, but given that the person who would have normally greeted them was apparently otherwise indisposed, she supposed it was understandable. Still, Edelgard was very confused, and voiced that confusion. ”Who are the Lost Numbers? And what is this…place? You said the Avenger was your ship, but this is unlike any ship I could even begin to imagine.” Edelgard half-asked, half-demanded the Seekers around her.

”Indeed. The sheer mass it must in order to have had to be able to cause that disturbance, how in the world does it work?” Edward asked, equally if not more awed by the machine they were now in thanks to his magitech background.

The first round of questions stopped Eleison mid-way through leaving, freezing him in place as he realized and then considered the newcomers’ predicament. While the others exchanged words, the gears in his head turned, and after a moment he turned back to them with his hands clasped. “Forgive me. You must be new. I’m not really an ambassador here; that typically falls to Ms. Lockheart. But as the resident healer, I can definitely recommend that you all keep calm, have a deep breath, and take it slow.” He elongated the last handful of words to make the point, his palms held out in a placating manner. “I know this answer may be…unsatisfying. But there is simply too much information to take in all at once, and to be honest, you don’t need to know everything. If you’ve just been freed, then coping with the revelation is enough to deal with for a while. Stuff like ‘the Lost Numbers’ and ‘ship engines’ can wait. For now, focus on recuperation and acclimatization. Find somewhere to store your things, get some food and water, and relax.”

”Seconded. There’s lots of technical specifics, but those can wait. The lost numbers are friends, the ship works, that’s all that matters right now” Minda agreed before adding ”We'll find you rooms and… well they are shared and split by gender so that might be a complication” and then quickly conversing with Eleison to confirm that, unsurprisingly, the other team had also picked up newbies.

”Well I’m, what’s the word they used, nocturnal anyway so I can sort this out. Well. Me and-” she glanced up at the ceiling for some reason and asked ”Hope?” which surprisingly did get an answer of “yes?” from a little box mounted on one of the walls.

”Can you get the other new arrivals to group up in the Spirit chamber? Might as well make use of what Edward’s collected and answer some questions while I’m at it” she again asked, and the source-less voice replied that she could indeed do that.

”Can we at least have an answer to who that is?” Edward asked.

”Hope… controls the ship? But also is the ship. But also isn’t. Its complicated as most things are” she began, before turning and motion for them to ”walk and talk with me and I’ll give you the basics” which she did indeed do, but only so much as she could fit in the trip to the spirit chamber. The basics of Galeem, the guardians, and the Consuls were outlined, but the more, well, mind shattering stuff was left out for the sake of not having to repeat herself.

Ironically, Edelgard was less confused about an artificial intelligence than she was about the ship itself. ”So, Hope is like a golem? Albeit significantly more intelligent.” She attempted to clarify for herself and Edward.

”What are… oh like Edward’s spear constructs? Hmmm. No. Or. Ok. First, imagine one of those that was a person. We have a few people who are like that. But instead of stopping there, then remove the bit that is a person from the Golem, and make it so that it can instead be attached too less smart Golems in order to control them” she tried, having asked and only somewhat understood how it had worked, before adding the key snarl which was ”also there’s no magic involved in this process at all. Or at least no mana anyway”

”Technology running entirely magic-less fuel source?” Edward asked, and upon receiving a nod looked perhaps the most animated either of them had ever seen him as he described this as ”Fascinating. So anyone could make something like her, no spark of sorcery necessary? Assuming you did all the requisite learning of course. But still it opens up the field to so many more possible innovators and creators who would have previously been held back by their inability to touch the flows of magic. What a world of wonders they’d be able to create”

Edelgard, knowing what she did of Fodlan’s history, was more skeptical, though not entirely so. ”Or a world of horrors.” She sighed. ”Arrows capable of destroying cities, launched from miles away. Or, if one were to be more optimistic, carriages that did not require horses and could move much faster. My world contained the former, ancient weapons created by a people who were driven into hiding by our most revered goddess’s own daughter, a dragon masquerading as a woman.” Venom unlike the other two had heard before, even in battle against the Corrupted, seeped into Edelgard’s voice, before she paused and shook her head.

”My apologies. I am still…reconciling my recollection of my past. I suppose it is…refreshing…to see the good that can be done without the influence of gods and charlatans.”

”I’ve seen both in this mixed up world we’re in.” Minda replied evenly, before laying down her own philosophy ”Like all power, it's entirely about how you use it that decides if it makes dreams or nightmares come true.”

As they spoke, Hope trawled through the ship’s security network, tracking down the other new Seekers, and directed them to the princess’ impromptu late night seminar.

Hope’s disembodied voice found Grimm wandering the Avenger’s halls, and though the phantom entity alarmed him at first, the ship’s AI worked fast to demystify itself in order to deliver its message. In the course of his conversation with Roland, he’d gotten an introduction to spirits, but it never hurt to have more information. Plus, he would have plenty of time to go about his business for the night afterword. Thus Grimm chose to heed Hope’s summons, and before long the Troupe Master made his presence known among the mystic mechanisms of the Spirit Chamber.

Once she was fairly sure everyone had made their way to the spirit chamber, the twilight princess launched into a little spiel, which she presented from a seat atop one of the consoles in the room.

”Alright my little cuccos, this right here is where power drawn from spirits, you know those little motes everyone killed here turns into, is found” she declared, before making a few gestures at the various surrounding machines and artifacts.

”First things first, the two main draws of this room are the stabilizer” she directed a large shadow hand finger at the chamber at the center of the room, before pointing another at the rather horrible looking hat which was sat on a somewhat out of place table and called it ”this horrible looking hat” due to them not knowing its official designation as the ‘symbol of avarice’.

”The hat will make it so that any spirits you crush, which creates items if you aren't aware, will result in better outcomes. You are way more likely to get actual equipment or usable items instead of things that might be able to be made into them” she informed them, before pointing to a mid sized pot sitting next to the hat and adding ”Oh and in tandem with that, this thing here will transfer any passive enchantments from an item melted down in to you permanently. Like that shield Edward has for example”

She pointed out the bulwark strapped to the Dreadnaught’s arm and explained that ”if he put that in the pot, then the passive boosts to… I think it’s reflexes mostly… will go to him without him having to keep wearing it”

”Now, chamber meanwhile, that helps with fusion.” she added, before doing a quick segway to how that worked, saying ”Head for skills, talents, and inactive magics, heart for active abilities. To put it simply, if you have a dragon and want to breathe fire, heart, if you want to know how to fight like one, head.”

Then she got back to the point, which was ”this stabilizer chamber can reduce the way fusing tends to turn you into a mix and match mess. Do it in here and the outcomes will be a lot more consistent and nice to look at” before pointing at a strange gismo that Mis Fortune had combine a cloudy sphere with and explained that ”that works very nicely with this thing, which can pop out all the spirits in you, so you can then use them again in the stabilizer again, or ditch ones that weren't working for you. So don’t worry too much about fusing if you need it for the moment, you can always modify yourself again back here at base”

”Finally there’s apparently some entity called Vulgrim who’ll trade spirits for secrets, but I’ll be honest I haven't made use of his services yet, so you’ll have to ask someone who has if he’s actually worth tossing away potential power for” she added at last, before opening the floor for general questions, namely ”and that’s all that. I think Edward had some spirits on hand if people want to check them out, and if not, I can answer any questions you have”

The Dreadnought did indeed have some spirits on him, specifically one of every feather (damningly in his eyes) and a number of their corrupted equivalents, plus golems and false angels, most notably 3 Enraptured.

”It might be prudent to give, as examples, that I was once entirely human but, after fusing with both of these” Edward pointed to a feather shield and bow, ”have gained the wings you now see me sport. Alongside gaining this shield from a feather sword well. As well as, finally, this ‘striker’ from a feather staff” he added, pointing out the relevant angels and then summoning a copy of the feather staff for a few moments to show off that ability.

”Right. Those. Can’t get them any more due to fusion downsides, but you get those by requesting they serve you, you should only have two max if you value your lifespan, and you can store excess in that device over there” the princess added, pointing out the final fusion relevant artifact as she did so.

”Now then. Questions?”

Edelgard shook her head. She had nothing, for the moment at least. Grimm said nothing, questioning or otherwise.

”While this all is fascinating, truly it is good to know its here, I do believe such body altering decisions might be most wisely left til we are rested of mind?”

”Right right. The other reason I thought to have this little meeting is that you all need rooms. And roommates” Minda replied before explaining that simply with ”Ships low on space, so its two people per room, generally gender segregated.”

Edelgard blinked a few times. ”I would certainly hope so!”

”Well it does narrow down your options a bit doesn't it?” Midna replied with a bit of a bite in her smile, mainly because she was aware of just how interesting some of Edelgard’s roster of possible roommates was.

Moving on from that matter, Edelgard though on the Spirits she’d collected. ”I did collect some fallen Spirits that I would like to make use of.” She informed the others, walking towards the Symbol of Avarice. ”I simply don this…thing?” She tried not to sound too disgusted, but failed to disguise the apprehension she had as she placed the Symbol on her head, immediately feeling the damage and grimacing. Quickly, she took the Spirits of Absalom and beloved, crushing them in turn.

”Well, I suppose it is fitting that I received that demon’s axe, but what is this bell…?” Edelgard regarded the trinket curiously, before shrugging. ”I get the feeling that I shouldn’t toy with it here and now. Another time, then.” She simply stated, placing it in a pouch for her Inventory, with Absolution following after. ”I can use that monster’s weapon later, as well. Better it fall into the hands of one who would use it for good. Thank you, Midna, for the knowledge. I will be sure to make good use of our fallen foes.” Edelgard added, somewhat ominously. She meant well, but…there was no way to say that without sounding a bit ominous.

”Your… ” Midna replied, only pausing for half a moment at the reminder of exactly what using the spirits of the falling really was, before letting it go again and finishing ”-welcome” before adding that ”there’s an armory too if you get things you don’t think you yourself will use but someone else might”

”I’ll have to look into that in the morning then” Edward replied, sticking to his thought about dealing with all this with a clear head, which more or less signaled the end of this little meetup, though naturally it ended with a slight stroll through the halls, one spent sorting out the sleeping arrangements, before it was time to say goodnight.

wordcount: 4449 (+5) (+5 rapport for Jr and Roxas)
Level 9 Roxas: 34/90
Bowser Jr: Level 14 EXP: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(171/140)
Rika: Level 10 EXP: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(90/100)
Location: The Avenger

For a dozen or so minutes, anyone passing by the training room would be able to hear something strange, namely, the muffled sound of yelling and screaming. Perhaps not the oddest thing to come out of said room, some people did get very into their training and very vocal with their violence after all, but it was odd both because there was no sound of said violence, and also odd that anyone would be training at this time of day, particularly given the amount of activity all of the seekers had been up too.

Roxas was in the next room over in Professor Koa’s lab in order to show him Titan. During this brief conversation he heard the shouts and screams from the Training Room next door. So, out of curiosity, he bid the Professor good night and then made his way next door to see what was going on there.

Upon the door sliding open to the sound of bowser jr yelling ”-leaving me behind and going off with-” only for his mouth to snap shut as his sister, who was looking both tired and out of breath where she was sitting on a chair conveniently facing the door waved at Roxas.

”Hi there. Did you need the room? We where just about done”

”I heard all the screaming.” Roxas said with some confusion on his face, ”Are you guys… okay?”

”What? No? Yes? Everythings fine!” Jr insisted far too frantically while Rika simply started to tell the truth, saying ”Primrose suggested we scream to release the pressure of-” only for Jr to interrupt.

He pointed one finger at the new pokeball the Nobody was sporting, and stated the obvious ”You caught another pokemon” and then declared that ”we should battle! That’s what trainers do when they lock eyes” having apparently at some point over the week looked up pokemon trainer ‘etiquette’ on his new phone since they last met.

Rika just looked sort of bemused by this, before shrugging it off.

If Jr had learned trainer etiquette then there was no getting out of a battle this time. So Roxas would just have to give the prince what he wanted and battle him. He jogged a ways across the training room in order to take up a position, ”As a matter of fact I did catch a new Pokemon.” Roxas said, grabbing Titan’s Poke Ball and throwing it in order to send it out. ”Go! Titan!” Upon its release from the Poke Ball, the Golett struck a pose by flexing its arms and then began awaiting orders.

”Pff, ‘Titan’ but it’s so-” Jr began to taunt before recognizing that he and the pokemon were practically the same size, and promptly pivoting to ”-cool, whatever it is”

”Golett, the Ground Ghost Automaton Pokémon apparently” Rika helpfully informed him, having stolen her brother’s rotom phone out of his duffle bag mainly so she could goof off on it while the trainers did their thing, but providing a bit of help while she was at it.

”huh alright then…. Mimi, I choose you!” the prince decided after a moment’s thought, plucking a pokeball from his bandolier and tossing it forth, summoning his Mimikyu to the field.

Titan surely towered over her, but didn’t let this intimidate her, the pikachu mimicker running electricity through her stick tail in her own little show of power… only to realize that such a power was no threat to her grounded foe and to look a little less confident.

”Yeah we won’t need that. Mimi hone your claws so we can make the next hit hurt!” Jr commanded, prompting the speedier mon to flick out a tendril and run its digits down the stick tail like it was a scratching post. Then when she pulled them back the claw tips flashed as the move boosted her attack and accuracy.

”Use Shadow Punch!” Roxas called, prompting Titan to go lunging forward at the Mimikyu with a ghostly-powered punch with its fist. The move was nearly impossible to avoid due to its nature and its typing was also in fact super effective against a fellow Ghost type like Mimikyu.

Unfortunately, rather than hit the specter's real body, the punch hit her disguise, bopping the fake head so far back it looked like its neck had snapped, leaving the mon herself unashamed. Physically anyway. Emotionally she was quite upset by this, such that she relished to obey the command of ”Shadow sneak!” from her trainer.

She darted away, and then shoved her freshly sharpened claw into her shadow itself, causing it to twist, elongate, and then slip under the opposing pokemon. Once it was long enough to be out the other side, a shadowy copy of Mimi arose and lashed out with sharpened claws at the foe.

That attack hit Titan hard. He wasn’t down just yet, but he would be unless Roxas did something about this. ”Stomping Tantrum!” Roxas called out, eliciting a move from the Golett that was exactly as its name implied. Titan stamped its feet repeatedly and generated a weak tremor in the room that would deal Ground type damage to the Mimikyu and hopefully throw its balance off long enough for Roxas to call out a follow up, ”Iron Defense!” To which Titan responded by ceasing its stomping and then curling up defensively while a metallic sheen covered its body to sharply increase its defense in anticipation of another potential Shadow Sneak.

”Hey no fair, ” jr complained, before commanding ”hold it together Mimi!” but unfortunately the little mon with her busted disguise was rather susceptible to being shoogle this way and that by the stomping strike, the poor little thing being thrown about like she was on a bouncy castle during an earthquake. Only when the shaking stopped did she manage to recover, prompting Jr to call out ”Finally!” before following it up with a command to ”shadow sneak it again!” only for this hit to do far less damage to the iron defense of Titan.

Even with sharpened defenses, super effective damage was still nothing to sneeze at. And at this point Titan was getting dangerously close to fainting. As such, Roxas figured he should recall the ghost type and let it rest, but not before getting in at least one more attack. ”Use another Shadow Punch!” This prompted Titan to launch another shadowy rocket punch at the Mimikyu. At this rate, it seemed like both Pokemon might just go down and it was only a matter of which would fall first.

The spectral fist the size of herself blasted towards the tiny mimikyu, and to say it hurt was an understatement, the little pokemon benign sent tumbling back by the blow, and only barely managing to keep herself up after the strike.

”Come on you can do it Mimi, take them down!” the prince commanded, prompting the mon to initiate another shadow sneak right as Roxas prepared to swap out.

”Return!” Roxas called, quick enough on the draw to withdraw Titan to its Poke Ball before the attack came, ”Your turn, Scamp, go!” This prompted Scamp - who had been standing at Roxas’ side watch, to go scampering into the battle. But the shadow sneak was still coming, and so it was Scamp who took the attack instead. But he was fresh into the fight so it wasn't too difficult for him to shake off the damage. ”Use Nuzzle, Scamp!”

The heavily damaged by the big hit she’d taken, Mimi attempted to evade, but though she’d done her best, she went down to the nuzzle without scoring a K.O, much to her trainers annoyance.

”Sneaky… but let’s see if you can handle this!” the prince retorted to this setback, recalling Mimi and then tossing out a fresh pokeball with a ”Go, Peeka!”

With a little flash of light, the ball opened and released Jr’s modified fusion Flutter Mane, the necklace of living purple eyes around her neck glancing to and fro before locking onto her target alongside her own.

”Hit it with a confused ray!” the prince called out, prompting all of the mon’s eyes to blink, go wide and then shoot a flurry of muti-colored pulsing orbs that showered towards the nimble Scamp.

”Fight through it and use Nuzzle!” Was Roxas’ call. Scamp appeared to stumble a bit before hitting himself in his confusion. Not the best of luck, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t shake it off next time around.

”Now, get in close and hit it with a Dazzling gleam” Jr commanded, taking advantage of the confusion to have his mon deliver a point blank shot. Peeka swooped in, her necklace of eyes glowing brighter and brighter before delivering a powerful flash right before Scamp’s eyes.

Of course, that did leave her right in melee range where the special attacker should probably have not been. A more experienced trainer would have taken advantage of this to inflict a status ailment then use the opportunity to switch to another Pokemon with a clearer type advantage. Roxas… was not that experienced.

”Use Spark, Scamp! You can do this!” Instead the less experienced Roxas went for a high damage hit which in itself was a bit of a gamble due to Scamp still being confused. But his luck held out this time as Scamp rammed his body into Peeka while it was electrified for a physical electric attack.

The Flutter Mane was physically knocked back, tumbling end over end till she caught herself with her ghostly levitation.

”Fly up and stay evasive Peeka, that’ll be the last hit you take!” Jr commanded, getting his ghost to float up to the ceiling before commanding her to ”Psybeam!” prompting the mon to shoot a thin pink beam of psychic energy down at Scamp that connected, the mon’s confusion making it difficult to avoid attacks.

At this point Roxas finally decided to pivot to another strategy. ”Return!” He withdrew Scamp back into his Poke Ball and selected the third from his belt. If Jr wanted an aerial battle, then that’s what he would get. ”You’re up, Shocker! Use Air Slash!” As soon as the Fan-Rotom was out of its ball, it floated up a bit and then rotated its fan-blades to send up a blast of razor sharp wind at Peeka.

Peeka did a half tumble to avoid some of the damage, prompting Jr to command her to dive down and ”Wish!” causing a golden glow to start shimmering around the spot the mon was hovering at, that seemingly had no effect. Yet.

Not yet noticing any strategy in play, Roxas kept up the pressure. ”Keep using Air Slash!” He called to the Shocker, who did as commanded and continued to use its fan-blades to blow sharp blasts of air at the Flutter Mane.

Before the strike landed, Jr grabbed two pokeballs, using one to call back Peeka, and then tossed out a replacement with a command of ”Go Dazzle! Stay in the light”

His Brionne landed in the glowing aura Peeka had set up, took the air slash, and then, right after, the Wish came true, revitalizing Dazzle back to full hp. Now that he was out, the prince commanded ”Now! Icy Wind! Freeze that fan!” prompting his minion to blow a bubble, slap it with his tail, and release a slowing gust of frost filled air towards the flying fan.

Thinking on his feet, Roxas issued his command, ”Double Team!” Prompting the Rotom to start darting around and leaving afterimages in its wake. This would help throw off the accuracy of the Icy Wind and prevent a super effective hit, at least for now.

Indeed, the second icy wind failed to land a strike, the blast of wind hitting nothing but doppelgangers, but after Rika leaned in to point something out on the koopa prince’s phone, he had an idea.

”Disarming voice!” he commanded, prompting the mon to let loose a barrage of sound that it swept across the room, the charming cry entirely unavoidable if unfortunately less effective than the icy wind it was replacing.

Now was when Roxas noticed that they were grabbing tips from Jr’s Rotom Phone. Well two could play at that game. While Shocker was hit by the Disarming Voice, he wasn’t down for the count yet and was ready to make another move. Roxas meanwhile had used his Rotom Phone and learned something interesting about one of Shocker’s moves. ”Return!” He called, recalling the Rotom back into its Poke Ball and then tossed Scamp’s back out.

A bit damaged from before but no longer confused thanks to having been withdrawn previously, Scamp barked his usual “bow-wark!” before Roxas issued his command. ”Nuzzle!” Scamp barked and charged for the Brionne, a Pokemon that didn’t look very mobile while it was on dry thanks to having a tail instead of hind legs.

It certainly wasn’t and especially not with its tail having been turned from sealion-like to ghost-whale-like. However that transformation had left it with an alternative.

”Counter charge it with a… dive dash?” Jr commanded with just a bit of hesitancy, lacking the proper name (twisting dive) for his fused pokemon’s illegal 5th move. As such, the super effective strike landed on the poor mon, and so rather than a counter charge it was more of a retaliation, as a wash of water surrounded Dazzle as it lunged forwards, briefly stunning Scamp as the electric dog was pushed ahead of the dash. Then, when it ended, the pup was also struck by the concussive splash of the water which continued to wash forwards while Dazzle himself landed on the ground.

Luckily for Dazzle, Nuzzle was not a strong damaging move. So while it was super effective, it wasn’t as hard of a hit as a move like Spark would have been. But on the flipside, Nuzzle making contact also meant that it ensured the Brionne was inflicted with paralysis - halving its speed and incurring a 50/50 chance that it wouldn’t be able to move in order to attack when commanded. But wanting to follow through with the hint Roxas earlier learned from his phone, Roxas made the choice to recall Scamp once again. ”Return!”

Once Scamp was safely back in his Poke Ball, Roxas readied the ball that Shocker was in. ”Back to you, Shocker!” And he threw it out, sending the Rotom back into battle. This was the part that was a gamble, since Dazzle could get in a pre-emptive attack if it managed to fight through the paralysis. But Roxas made his call as well. ”Electro Ball!” which would prompt the Rotom to fire a sphere of electric energy at the Brionne. The hint Roxas had learned would come in here, as Electro Ball could deal more damage the slower the target was. So hitting it with Nuzzle earlier to make it paralyzed would, if this hit, allow it to deal boosted super effective damage.

Indeed, the electro ball careened straight into the very slow sea lion with no chance for it to dodge, dealing devastating damage and taking it down with a singular blow, resulting in an expanded growl from Jr who’d als not been quick enough on the draw to switch out before this happened.

He paused for a moment as he grabbed his final ball, realizing ”Wait… wait.. How am I down to one pokemon and you still have all three!?” utterly bemused at being out played like this, even if a lot of it was a result of bad type match-ups.

”Gah, then it's all down to you Peeka!” He called out, as he re-deployed his paradox pokemon, the specter floating up into the air to face off against its fellow ghost type.

Unfortunately, his one had no ghost type moves at the moment, and she’d also already taken two wind blasts to boot.

”Eye blast it, slow it down!” jr commanded, again not knowing the correct name for Peeka’s new plasma fuson, but that didn’t stop her from being able to use it. Twin orbs of purple plazma burst from the ghost’s necklace of eyes, which had the curious property of benign able to split a part at a pair of right angles to their path whenever the mon desired, making them quite tricky to dodge (and if they did hit, the target would be slowed to a crawl for just a few moments)

Neither Roxas nor Shocker knew what to make of the eye blast attack. It didn’t seem like a normal kind of move for a Pokemon to be using. But then again, there was still a lot about this Roxas didn’t know, so he shrugged and went with it. As for Shocker, being switched out meant he was no longer benefiting from Double Team like earlier. So he took the attack and looked to be in rough shape afterwards. ”Air Slash!” Roxas called, learning only now that the attack had slowed down Shocker.

”Dazzling Gleam, close range!” Jr called out, prompting Peeka to dive right up into Shocker’s face as it pivoted too slowly to line up the shot, resulting in it receiving an eyeful of fairy lights when it did manage it.

Shocker wasn’t going to stay up much longer. Roxas needed to make the next one count. ”Confuse Ray!” He called, hoping Peeka’s close proximity helped in making this hit, which it did indeed.

”Come on, finish it off! Give it another!” Jr commanded, only for the mon to fumble the charging of the next flash, instead searing herself around the neck as the dazzling gleam sputtered and backfired. ”No no no! Snap out of it!”

Roxas had to be quick, ”Return!” Then he fumbled a moment for Scamp’s Poke Ball before finally sending him back out. ”Use Nuzzle!” But his momentary fumble with the Poke Ball meant the attack wasn’t as quick on the draw as he was hoping. That meant Peeka could try to dodge or attack in spite of the incoming Nuzzle.

”Up up just move, that’s easy!” Jr commanded, and indeed gliding into the sky wasn’t something Peeka could really mess up. Or well. She could. She went down instead. But being a ghost the result was, frankly, even better as she simply phased through the floor.

”Uhhhh” jr went as he glanced around, only for Peeka to pop up behind him and to rise up into the air, now seemingly back in control of her senses, allowing jr to command ”Wish again quick!” without fear of her hurting herself.

Great, now what? Not only could Peeka stay out of reach, but was about to get healing thanks to that move. Not unless Roxas had some way of inflicting damage over time to try and counterattack, but he was pretty sure he didn’t have that… right? A quick look at his Rotom Phone later, and Roxas found his answer… and it was a risky play. ”Stay on guard, Scamp, be ready to move at the first sign of movement.” Roxas was choosing not to make an attack for now. Instead he dug into his trainer bag and pulled out one of the potions from the medicine pocket. It was sort of like a spray, and Roxas used it… on Titan’s Poke Ball. Apparently these potions were specifically designed to work even on a Pokemon still in their Poke Ball.

”Oh, we’re doing that are we? Well in that case” jr replied to this use of a potion, by pulling out his own, which he hadn’t had much use out of given that he could, well, heal with magic. As a result of this combination of jr spraying Peeka with a potion and the Wish landing unopposed put the prince’s final mon back at more or less full HP.

Really the only one complaint about this time use was Rika, who gave a little sigh and, bluntly, requested ”Can we not make this training battle take forever please? Save those for actual important fights. Plus I am tiiiiired”

”What, he did it first!” Jr retorted, but his sister was having none of it and simply replied ”K. Now can both of you stop? N’ no magic either”

”I wasn’t gonna!”

In his defense, Roxas had no idea Jr would mimic his move. But Rika had a point, so was this only potion Roxas would use. And Jr healing may well prove to be a mistake. Since now that the Flutter Mane was out from hiding in order to receive the potion, that meant Scamp could attack. ”Quick Scamp, use Nuzzle while it’s back out in the open!”

The mon had indeed had to come down low so Jr could spray it, resulting in Scamp being able to dart in close to paralyze her, slowing and, unluckily, causing her to fail to respond to her master’s command to strike back.

”gah, these statue moves are really strong” the prince complained/observed, though he had also gotten somewhat unlucky with those as well.

Roxas withdrew Scamp. Now was the risky part. He selected Titan’s Poke Ball and threw it to the floor. The ghost automaton struck its pose after releasing from the Ball. ”Use Curse!” The move summoned a nail-like stake that stabbed into Titan, dealing damage and in return inflicting the Flutter Mane with the Cursed status. This would cause Peeka to lose 25% of its total health after every attack it made. The only way to get rid of the status was to switch, which Jr currently couldn’t do as his other Pokemon were both fainted. Now the battle was on a ticking clock. Either Peeka would finish off Scamp and Shocker, or Peeka would go down to the damage from Curse. It all came down to how long Scamp and Shocker could last and press their luck with Peeka’s paralysis. And so Roxas sent Scamp back out.

”Peeka eye blast” Jr commanded, the mon pushing through the shock to launched a plasma fusion blasts at Scamp, before demanding to know ”What did he do?!” when the mon took damage from this as a result of the curse.

”3 attacks before she’s down, and that’s if she takes 0 hits” Rika replied simply resulting in a panicked shout from Jr, followed by her grabbing his paintbrush to stop him from trying to cure his mon with magic.

The girl really wanted to get some sleep at this point.

Still unfamiliar with that strange move, Scamp was unable to avoid it and took the hit. He staggered and stumbled, struggling to stay on his feet. Then, he flopped down, fainted. ”Return!” Roxas withdrew Scamp, and was now also down to his last Pokemon. ”It’s up to you now!” He released Shocker from its Poke Ball, who also was looking damaged. It really was down to wire now. ”Double Team!” Roxas called. A bit longer. Just a bit longer. He just had to last…

”Gah but that’s so… Peeka try to hit em both with an eye blast!” Jr commanded, seeing what the strategy here was, and hoping this could counter it. His mon swooped round til she thought she had an angle, and then shot fourth the twin plasma fusion blast, which then split in between the doppelgangers, one orb shooting off towards each one.

That did it. Shocker was down. The Rotom didn’t have the energy to take any more hits than that. So with Shocker fainted, that was the last of Roxas’ Pokemon. ”Close call.”

”Yesss ahaha!” Jr cheered and laughed with elation, while Rika did a little ”woo” of support that was genuine despite her tiredness. Still once the rush was over Jr really did have to agree that ”Wow yeah, it really was a close one huh?” as he prepped and then used his magic to cure his final badly beat up mon of her curse before she fainted from celebrating her sweep (or really her just barley executed cleanup of Roxas’ beaten and bruised party) too hard.

In short order he’d use that same magic to heal up all their mon as well.

”Well, better luck next time I guess.” Roxas said with a grin and a shrug. ”Hope the battle cheered you up from whatever was bothering you earlier.” Said Roxas with a yawn. ”But we really should be getting some sleep now.”

”Mmm hmmm” Rika agreed, while Jr had paused for a moment, gave a ”I uh. huh” before looking at Roxas a little suspiciously for a second. Then he raised and offered a slightly hesitant fist bump even as he insisted that ”Yeah, good luck next time. You’ll need it, coz I’m gonna be even stronger then”

Roxas widened his grin and accepted the fist bump. ”Deal.”

The Capital - Nieve - Red Light District

“It’s not real it's not real there aren't people burning just keep fighting” Ranyna rhythmically told herself as the illusion of a town around her began to, well, not burn, but perhaps remember what it was like to burn. It was unclear, but it was not pleasant. Unfortunately her insistence that no one was burning came to a quick end when, the non flier of their trio got stuck in some kind of oil and…

“Ahhh! No no no,I can get you out, I can-” Rayne cried out in a panic as she tried to race towards Quin, intending to link with and evacuate her, only to be too slow as the woman was evaporated by the flames in close to an instant after making contact with the butterfly. “No!”

Or perhaps her being slow was a good thing, as Sanae yelled at her to not even fly over the black oil at all. If she had gotten close enough for her plan, maybe she would have just gotten stuck too. Even with the warning, she was still perilously close and the oil was now also rapidly approaching her.

Not that she was really thinking about this trade off. All the hyperventilating Witch Knight could do was stare at the spot Quing had been. She’d never really failed someone like this before. Not really. She’d had deaths on her hands, but they had been slow and, in a way, unavoidable, or choices made by others. This however was, in her mind at least, all her fault, and she did not cope well with this anywhere close to Sanae, and that was saying something

Unaware of Sana considering calling for divine intervention, Ranye threw everything she had out, which in this case involved exploding as she unleashed Armageddon, the spell card blasting both land and sky with a wave of devastation around her. Then she equipped a triple shot cannon and started blasting wildly towards their foe while screaming “you monster!” at her with furious anguish.

She at least had enough of her mind to retreat while doing so rather than get caught by the oil

wordcount: 1,243 (+3) (+8 from colabs)
Midna: level 9 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (158/100)
Edward Portsmith: Level 2 //////////////////// (16/20) (1 level up stored)
Warp Charges: 1

”I really do not like this plan!” Midna yelled up at the heavens as her astral chain finished wrapping around Absalom briefly pinning him in place. Then flow motion leapt over a retaliatory strike and landed on the back of the Beast Legion, using it to rapidly retreat. It raced away from the foe with thunderous speed, but the question really was: to where? She dared not bring out the flygon after it had been ensnared by the corruption for so long, and without it, she was lacking in wings, which were somewhat needed to get off of this moving train without turning into paste on contact with the ground.

Fortunately, though the man had not, she was frank, contributed much to the fight itself, Edward did have his uses as a commander, as well as a fine set of lungs on him that let him holler ”This way! Egress and wings for the flightless!” loud enough for even the hearing impaired princess to comprehend, his voice echoing through the corridors of the train.

As the divine warning for them to break out came, Midna paused only to grab/offer lifts to people who needed them, and then went barreling through the corrupt halls of the infernal machine. There were, fortunately, none of the corrupt animated engines in her path, and the reason for this was laid clear by the spirits of both them and various angels who had fallen clearing the way acting as a breadcrumb trail towards an exit by which Edward was calling out a countdown.

”We’re leaving in five! Four! Three!”

On two, the princess burst into the room, and also into rays of sunlight streaming through a smashed open door of the train, blinding her at the worst moment. Yet the feathers, ever reliable and dutiful, were there to aid their sister of shadows. A familiar hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her off of her intangible steed, and then another took her other arm, just in time for Edward to finish the count down with ”One! GO GO GO!”

Boots stamped and then wings flapped, and the open air rushed across her exposed ears as the surviving feather-sheilds of Midna and Edelgard’s squads leapt from the train, taking the twilight princess, and anyone else who needed lending wings, with them. Less than a breath after the last of them was clear, and the deafening sound of the train leaping from the tracks and crashing down into the pit overwhelmed them.

The angels, having just leapt off of a moving train, were carried by their momentum clear over the crash sight, and had to spend a good deal of time decelerating, following in the wake of the bows, staffs and swords who had already jumped. While doing this they banked around, eventually bringing them back around and down to land on the right hand side of the crater, just in time for Absalom to begin digging himself out of the rubble.

The feather-shields touched down and deposited their passengers even as the lighter angels fanned out behind them, which gave those that had flown with them a prime view of the condition of their enemy as he emerged.

”Even after all that?” Minda complained with a mix of horror and exasperation at the sight of Absalom’s survival, but the avatar of chaos’ moment of defiant resilience was rudely interrupted by a very welcome arrival. Dante’s appearance was especially so for Midna, who was still very thankful for the man bailing them out when Z had come to take them down, particularly because of the paralyzing panic that Consul had caused in her. As such, his appearance here and now to help with this incredibly durable foe was, in her eyes, very much ”Perfect timing from my favorite uninvited guest”

Edward meanwhile moved to execute a loose plan he’d coordinated among the angels while their foe was standing around shouting at the heavens or watching falling objects. His own questions about what in the astral sea had caused that wind, what the thing that had brought the reinforcements was, and who the man and the transforming women where could wait. Instead, he used the breath he’d saved on not asking questions to instead below one single simple command: ”Fire everything!”

In conjunction with this command he cast Designated Target on Absalom, and then as the arrows of the feather bows flew forth towards the blood aura marked foe, cocked his heavy magelock rifle. Supporting its barrel on his inner elbow while still wielding the shield in that arm’s hand, he breathed out, triggered the stabilization spell as he waited for the shower of delaying and photon arrows to slow and weaken the foe, before squeezing the trigger and unleashing a thunderous crack of pyromantic gunpowder which sent the enchanted musket ball hurtling towards the foe’s skull.

With the amount of debuffs (between Edward’s enchantments and the Bow’s own skills they had just stripped something close to 75% of their foes armor, as well as slow and ignite him) thrown out by this volley, Edward predicted it was highly likely that Absalom would retaliate. Thus with a shout of ”Fall back!” the bows started to retreat while their shield wielding comrades (Edward among them) moved to guard their rear.

Minda wasn’t going to stand idle and force them to take the brunt of their foes ire however, and so as soon as the barrage of friendly shots ended she was racing down the side of the crater towards him. Her Beast Legion, however, had not had to wait for the shots to finish falling, as the friendly projectiles had simply sailed right through it. Thus no sooner had Minda started her charge than her Legion finished its own, leaping and digging claws and fangs into the foe, at which point Midna tugged on the astral chain linking the two in conjunction with a flowmotion leapt forwards.

She went sailing directly towards the foe, propelled forward by Roxa’s technique and reeled in by the chain. As she flew she extended her shadow hand and then flicked it to the side to deliver a massive right hook with the magical limb before she herself slammed into the foe. In doing so she deflected her flight path such that she flew past rather than into him, the princess pivoting in the air and using 6 sets of claws digging into the ground to slow her low friction landing while the foe reeled.

”Eat that you rotten Chus jelly!”

Before he could recover, her two wolfos, one unmodified, the other warped by machinery, emerged from portals by her side and rushed in, both scaled up to a size that rivaled the towering nephilim. The unmodified one full body tackled the foe to keep him off balance, while the cybernetic one charged up and unleashed a powerful point blank lightning blast from its mechanical maw.

Then, finally, as they retreated to the twilight realm, Midna brought down the twilight volleybomb she’d been charging while her minions attacked, the orb large enough to engulf the foe detonating on contact with the ground.After that, however, with her veins burning from the amount of mana she’d just thrown out, she was forced to end her assault. Pulling on her astral chain once more, she dragged herself after and onto the back of her now retreating Beast Legion to get herself space to recover, and give others space to engage.

Junior, Rika, & Geralt of Rivia

Mafia Town

Word Count: 934 word (+2) (+1 rapport)

Geralt hummed, frowning a bit before replying. “Sandalphon, Mona was right. Mafia Town was attacked by Consul I and a group of murderous pugilists, looking to prove they were the ‘strongest’. Junior, Rika, myself and a local intercepted I’s ship, but they just taunted us before disappearing and leaving us to fight a giant crab. We were victorious, but Consul I’s ship is currently marooned in the harbor. It has the Flame Clock and those pads on it. Not sure what you and the Lost Numbers want to do with that, but we left it all as is. Still waiting on a few people, will let you know later exactly how many Fultons we’ll need. Not sure if we’ve picked up any locals to bring back with us.”

Turning to the others, Geralt called out. “Sadanlphon’s just called. Get moving, we have an hour to get the rest of the Seekers in one spot for pickup.”

Jr, who had been exiting the sushi joint he and his sister and saved/wrecked holding a pile of splintered furniture, gave a sigh of relief, but not for the reason that might be expected, namely that ”phew, I was worried we’d be stuck fixing this place foreeever”

He promptly dumped the pile of wood onto the street and then hurried back to get his sister, who asked Geralt ”where’d they all go anyway?” because she and her brother had both still been inside the restaurant when everyone else ran off to get into fights.

Geralt, uselessly, shrugged. “Not sure. Think I saw Nadia and Juri heading up towards the mafia boss headquarters, and Therion slinked off…ah, looks like he's already making his way back.” Geralt announced, turning to the returning Thief with a nod. “No real luck with Consul I, unfortunately. Disappeared as soon as we reached them, and left us with a big crab monster to fight. Sandalphon is on her way with the Avenger. We have to leave soon.” Turning back to Junior, Geralt continued. “Not sure where that Captain Falcon ended up, either.”

”Also she said she’d tell the other ones we are here, which is sort of annoying” Rika added as if this wasn’t a massive concern. Then again, they were now leaving, so it wasn’t really unless their foes were really on the ball.

”Shame the crab wrecked that announcer guy’s set up that would have helped out getting them here… wonder if there’s anything even close to that in town so we can put out some kinda signal” Jr wondered out loud before snapp

”Maybe we can spot him from one of those hot air balloons that are sometimes flying about?” Rika suggested, referring to a semi common sight around, or rather above, maffia town

”Hmmm. Maybe.” Jr pondered, before snapping his fingers and declaring ”Oh! I know, I know!” and scampering off, pausing only to call back ”Come on sis!” before he and she vanished into the town.

Geralt stood there a moment, sighing, before following after. “I’m not getting paid enough for this…”

A little bit later, and the three of them were up in the air, partially on the lookout for the others, but mainly showing off the paint job Jr had given the balloon’s, well, balloon. Upon it, painted in neon blue electric ink (which probably wasn’t that safe to be on it but was better than the burning stuff) he’d painted the sun-like symbol of the re-spawn pad they'd just found.

He’d had to be convinced to not just put his own face, that painting Galeem itself would be too time consuming and difficult to parse and that creating a logo on the fly for the Seekers wouldn’t help till people learned it.

Geralt stood in the basket of the hot air balloon, occasionally using Igni to make sure the flame stayed consistent, with his arms crossed. “This is…both absurd and interesting. People come up with such strange technologies when given enough time, it seems.” He was not thrilled to be up here, but his grumbling was not nearly as severe as it was whenever he had to deal with Midna’s portals, at least. “And where exactly do we aim to land?”

”Back at Bansho sushi obviously! That way people will know where to head back too!” the prince replied, confident that he could simply use his Fluter Mane to tow them safely down to their destination.

A few minutes later they crashed into the sushi restaurant’s roof, though fortunately hot air balloons were more smothering than smashing when it came to impacting things.

Hacking and slashing his way through the balloon, Geralt stormed out of the deflated canvas with a sigh. “I see Kamek has his work cut out for him…” He mumbled, waving to Nadia and Bancho. “Sorry to make cleaning up a little harder on you guys.” Gathering up as much material as he could get his hands on, Geralt at least tried to get it somewhat out of the way, though given the balloon’s size, that was a mostly hopeless endeavor.

With a full host of minions and strikers the koopa kids managed to do a bit better, and the balloon was at least dragged off of the roof and into the water by the time the hour was passed. That this would then later get in the way of them getting their boat out was the future problem… that the kids ended up paying to cover with all their vigilantism acquired Pons.

The Capital - Nieve

“Ok, down we goooooo-wow” Ryane’s drop into the dark was ended not by the ground but by the dark being washed away by… and underground sun?

“Wha-what? How? Where?” she asked nobody in particular, her crash course in special shifting and illusion magic having gone from “oh huh that’s a thing?” to absolutely mind blowing in the course of about 10 seconds.

The oddities didn’t end there either, as they were soon approached by a procession of burning skeletons in fireproof garments, who were escorting a beautiful woman with black eyes and a rotten attitude.

Funnily enough animated skeletons were nothing out of the ordinary for her, as back home she knew a set of them that ran a very helpful baking franchise that had made confectionery based armor power-ups for her. They hadn’t been on fire though (unless they had an accident in the kitchen).

As for their leader, Rayne’s response to the woman’s insult and demand that they perish for her was a set of spread up raised palms and a look on her face that translated to “what the heck is wrong with you?” due to the implication she’d murdered those above for their lack of looks, their occupation, or both, all of which were just, horrifyingly petty.

Before she could get into an argument with this terrible lady the swarm of butterflies was unleashed upon them once more.

Just in time for the death ray powerup to end too.

The replacement to it wasn’t exactly great either, as her magic ax spell hit in a single plane which would only take out a vertical slice of butterflies.

That left rocks that the butterflies could just phase through, and, well, a question “Qing! How good are you at dodging hundreds of projectiles?” because her only other spell in hand was the bullet hell generating death spiral (which she already knew that Sanae could manage).

If Qing thought she could handle that, well, then Rayne’d get as close as she could to their foe and unleash Robyn’s signature spell, creating waves of magical bullets to clear the skies and bombard their foe.

If not, well, it was pew pew with her basic magic bullets, a cleave with the 5 meter long magic ax, and then riskily swatting at butterflies with Runedge for her to try and thin the swarm enough that they could try and approach and take out their creator.
Junior, Rika, & Geralt of Rivia

Mafia Town, Assaulting Consul I’s Ship

Word Count:3,061 word (+4)

The commentator cried out in alarm and pain as he was slashed by glass shrapnel and then crushed by a vending machine, which threatened to be the seeker's fate as well if they didn’t get out of the way (The surly walrus captain was fine though thanks to his blubber and chair).

Seeing this incoming, Rika grabbed her brother with a gauntlet, and then fired her maneuvering thrusters, launching him and her towards the side of the room and away from the incoming projectiles. With her aura slowing the shrapnel, the pair managed to evade mostly unharmed other than some scratches, and certainly weren't crushed by any vending machines.

Geralt, meanwhile, flung himself to the opposite side of the bridge, glass shattering against the shield Quen provided, and ducked for cover from the incoming vending machines.

Dave, on the other hand, was caught by surprise as a vending machine flew right past him, and he finally reacted, diving for the side of the bridge that Geralt was hiding by. “Oh jeeze, that thing’s throwing vending machines?! How are we gonna get out of here?”

Geralt grunted, ducking again as another vending machine was launched through the bridge, before poking his head up again and sighing. “Not sure. Might be able to blind it with a good arrow, though.” Dismissing his hydro twinblade, Geralt pulled out Odysseus’s bow and looked across the bridge to Junior and Rika. “Go for the eyes!” He called, waiting for another vending machine to fly by before standing and letting loose a few arrows. Even with its immense size, the hermit crab’s eyes weren’t exactly the easiest targets.

”Should we use the-” Rika began to ask jr, regarding the tapes, but he shook his head ”We definitely don’t wanna go down there” before after a few moments, also adding a ”thanks for the save”

Rika gave him a thumbs up as she jogged past the walrus captain, who was flopping his way across the floor towards the way they’d come in, and stepped up to the partially smashed window. She punched out another one of them to make more room for firing, and then raised a palm to fire her palm mounted rotary riffle, only for it to start clicking almost as soon as she’d started.

She had been making a lot of use of it after all.

She instead opened up with her SP stores, shooting a volley of power sapping disruption globs from her rigging, before unleashing a swarm of electrical fireflies from her hangers, which swooped down to try and blind the crab with strobing flashes.

Jr joined in with the eye skeet shooting contest, forming several blue glowing knives from his metal inscribed arms which. These floated beside him for a few seconds, before launching down at the giant crustation, the shorts flying in a spread that suddenly switched angles, turning sharply and all homed in on one of the eyes.

The hermit crab attempted to hurl another volley of vending machines at them, but with all the eye pain the shot flew wide. In response to this, it instead grabbed the entire container crate it had been pulling the vending machines from, hoisting it up above it, preparing to hurl the hollow rectangle at them. With such a big projectile, there was no way it wasn’t hitting, and taking out most of the bridge in the process.

Seeing this, Rika grabbed JR again, and prepared to jump.

“Dave, MOVE Geralt shouted, grabbing the Diver and hauling him, half-carried and half-dragged, out the window, rolling under him to cushion their landing. Quen shattered as he hit the deck, then Dave landed on him with a few hundred pounds of bodyweight, multiplied by the drop from the bridge. Groaning, he pushed Dave off him, slowly clambering to his feet. His head was swimming a bit from the impact, so he leaned against the side of the wall below the bridge, catching his breath.

Geralt pushed off it slightly, pausing for a few seconds to cast First Aid on himself. Dave stood guard in front of Geralt as he did, a frown on his face. He felt bad that the warrior had to help get him out of there, but he was also immensely grateful for the save. Aiming his harpoon gun at the hermit crab’s leg joint, Dave let loose, hoping to at least damage its shell for the others.

Above them the bridge was annihilated by the container crate, while beside them Rika floated down with her brother in arms, hull soled shoes hitting the deck. She set the prince down, who gave a cough and a thumbs up of thanks, before he looked up at the big mad crab.

”Welp. We’re down here now so, fish-bug-knight strat it is” the prince decided, getting a nod from his sis, before both of them clicked the play button on a set of tape player they were wearing, starting the musicl.

In a flash, the prince and princess were replaced by the armored captain of the royal guard, Undyne, and the centipede monster known only as the Beast. The latter immediately leapt onto the back of the former, and then the pair charged forwards like very strange knight and steed. Undyne raised her spear above her with a self empowering warcry, before thrusting it forwards and causing water spears to shoot up and strike the crab, aiming them for the same spot as Dave was shooting.

In response to having gotten them down here, the hermit crab slammed its claws into the ship’s deck, setting the ship shaking, testing the seeker’s sea legs and busting open container crates, and sending vending machines tumbling out to make quite the mess. Then it grabbed more of the vending machines and whipped them around, its blind scatter shots more dangerous now that it didn't need to judge altitude.

In the form of the Beast, Rika had dozens of sea legs to spare, had little trouble keeping upright, though Jr as Undyne had to grab one of the Beast’s horns to avoid falling off. A good thing too, because the Beast whipped to one side to take cover behind a container in response to the vending machines. Then she periscoped her head behind it, legs braced against the container to hold her up, and spat a spray of poisonous globules at the hermit, hitting its wounded eyes and getting the toxins in the wounds.

Now healed, Geralt summoned his Hydro Twinblade again, though he had to stumble to regain his footing when the Hermit Crab slammed the deck of the ship. Between his strength and his experience with Skelligers, it wasn’t a difficult feat, but it certainly slowed him down a bit. He was on the approach by the time the shotgun spray of vending machines was launched, and Geralt managed to avoid harm by simply dropping to the deck and flattening himself out as much as he could.

Dave, on the other hand, was having a lot more trouble. His sea legs weren’t quite as developed as Geralt’s despite his profession, and he was forced to pitch himself sideways to the side of the ship’s deck to avoid being flattened by vending machines, leaving him out of range to attack. While the Witcher resumed his advance, Dave had to just begin his, though his harpoon gun had much more range than Geralt’s elemental construct weapon, at least.

Once Geralt reached the hermit crab, he swung at the damaged limb, but a swipe from the monster caught him on the backstep, knocking him away again. “Thing’s faster than I expected.” He grumbled, pushing himself back up as the Beast spit a globule of poison into the hermit crab’s eyes, blinding it somewhat and distracting it.

Dave took advantage of the monster’s reeling to line up another shot, his harpoon catching one of the eyes and bloodying it even further, opening up an opportunity for the assembled Seekers to strike while it reeled and tried to protect its most vulnerable part. Geralt launched forward in a burst of speed, twinblade flashing as he cut at the thing’s wounded leg, though the elemental weapon didn’t seem to be dealing terrible damage, owing to the crab’s water affinity.

The Beast pulled itself up onto the top of the container and then launched itself forward with Undyne clinging to a horn. Fortunately she let go of it and found her feet just in time for the beat to slam those smart horns into the wounded leg, cracking the armor with the impact.

Then it started to pull back, giving Undyne just enough time to deliver a quick slice with her spear to the more exposed spot.

The crab, in response, roared, and then did a slow but momentum filled spin attack, threatening to roadkill them with the cab of the truck on its back. Then it started grabbing clawfulls of vending machines and just tossing them over its back, causing them and their contents to rain down, weapons and books joining the big metal machines in the deluge.

Geralt had to back up to avoid being crushed by the spinning hermit crab’s dumpster truck, but as he did he decided that Hydro wasn’t doing much good here, so he transformed into his Ardor Blossom Identity. “Wait, all of you guys can transform? I feel kinda lame now…” Dave sighed, sprinting away from the deluge of vending machines and products to find another opportunity to attack.

Geralt launched a flurry of fireballs at the Hermit crab, being careful to dodge each of the vending machines coming his way. This Identity was, without a doubt, the most fragile of all three, and avoiding hits was most important, especially when those hits were things made out of metal and about his size. One thing he did not was that the fireballs that hit the crab reacted with the Hydro element he’d left with his Twinblade, triggering a Vaporize reaction and dealing a big burst of damage, and causing a small steam explosion.

“Interesting…” Geralt muttered, diving past another flying vending machine and tossing more fireballs, these ones leaving behind the normal burn. “Junior! We can take this thing down quick if we hit it with our magic attacks! I only have twenty more seconds like this, though!” He hurled another set of fireballs, again scorching the massive target, and felt that his Shuriken Shower was ready. Taking careful aim, he unleashed the charge attack, which both did pretty hefty non-elemental damage, but energized the entire party, revitalizing their stamina as well as giving them a boost to their stamina recharge.

”Whaa already? Aw I wanted to start up the truck!” Jr replied from where he, or rather Undyne, was trying to pull one of the doors open. The fact that it had been underwater for who knew how long would probably get in the way of any plan that required the electrics to still work apparently wasn’t a concern to him.

Funnily enough, both of the royal kids had to switch out of their transformed states to use their own magic, but they didn’t switch out of the piggybacking strategy they had. Instead when the tapes were paused, Jr was riding on Rika’s shoulders (because the Beast was all shoulders in a way after all), ready to use their team attack on something more important to hit than a door.

The prince raised his paintbrush staff above both of them, channeling holy magic as Rika jogged around the side of the crab, dodging a claw swipe by leaping over it and then landing in front of their foe. It prepared to try and smash both of them with its other claw, but at that point the ship girl’s weapons were fully filled with glowing power. She unleashed a punch, sending a shockwave of bright white magic intront of the blow, and then followed it up with another punch, then another and another, each one delivering a stunning Holy blow to the mighty crab, till her gauntlets gave out, both sparking and overloaded from the power they’d had to channel.

Dave, meanwhile, had found another safe spot to aim from while Junior, Rika, and Geralt took the heat from the hermit crab, lining up a good shot yet again and spearing the crab’s damaged leg joint with his harpoon gun, breaking through the crustacean’s shell and severely damaging the joint, forcing the oversized critter to spread its weight over fewer limbs, damaging both its defensive and offensive capabilities.

With the crab’s leg broken and Junior and Rika upfront taking all of the hermit crab’s attention, Geralt had time to channel a Holy Lance from afar. Seconds after Rika’s flurry of punches, and mere moments after Dave crippled their foe, a half-dozen lances of holy energy materialized, running through the hermit crab in quick succession before the final lance struck like divine judgment itself.

The colossal crustacean staggered, swayed, and seemed to be mere moments from keeling over as its life blood drained from it.

Which left a certain someone with a few moments to get some extra juicy spoils out of this whole debacle.

Dave hurried up, breathing heavily, and aimed his harpoon gun at the broken leg, firing and catching it on the flesh underneath. He pulled hard, digging his heels into the haul, and the leg popped off in a spray of blood, nearly knocking Dave over as he caught it. “Oh man, Bancho would love to get his hands on this!”

He got it off just in time, as a moment later the big foe turned to ash, and its spirit dropped to the ground. As it did, Jr dropped to it again, hopping off of Rika’s shoulders commenting ”Nice, that worked” before asking Geralt ”How’d you figure that would work?” regarding the effectiveness of magic.

Rika meanwhile just went ahead and started to help Dave with the absolutely massive prize he’d just won, grabbing it with her gauntlets and giving hauling it up a go.

Geralt watched as Dave finished the hermit crab off, scoring himself one hell of a crab leg in the process. Emyhr himself would be jealous of that one. At Junior’s question, he nodded softly. “Noticed it burned fairly easily, and once my fire reacted with the water you and I had hit with it, damn thing nearly cooked alive then and there. Figured it was sturdier against physical hits from there, and that its shell didn’t actually offer any protection from magical harm. Where I come from, monsters are often immune or highly resistant to more mundane methods of attack, but crumple at the touch of magic. Specters and ghosts chief among them.”

”wooow, cool” the prince replied, seemingly genuinely impressed by this, while Rika simply said it was ”Neat” but her slightly tilted nodding helmet seemed to indicate she was taking this information in.

Meanwhile, Dave was giving Rika a big thumbs up as she picked up his haul, laughing happily. “Wow, you guys fight stuff like this all the time? I mean, there’s a lot of freaky stuff in the Blue Hole, but I usually just end up hurting it enough to scare it off. I don’t think I could’ve taken that thing by myself.”

”Yeah! We’re real tough” Jr replied with a flex that didn’t show off much muscle due to him being a kid. Rika however mentioned how ”We’ve fought them together though. It's better that way” as a response specifically to the diver’s last comment.

The other reason they were so strong was sitting down on the ground in the ash, ripe for the picking, but although she glanced at it, Rika had her hands full of crab at the moment.

Geralt eyed the Spirit, looking to the Koopa Troop and Dave. “I’ve already got a seaborne abomination in my Striker crew. If neither of you want it, might get some more ingredients for Bancho Sushi if we crush it once we get back there.” The Witcher shrugged. It was no skin off his back if somebody else grabbed it.

“I think Bancho will have his hands full with just this leg.” Dave admitted, laughing.

”Maybe we’ll get a truck from it?” Jr pondered as he picked it up, and with that, it was high time they headed back to sea. But before that, there was one question, which Rika pointed out as she asked ”So what do we do about all those?” pointing a hull blade at the clock, cannon, and half buried respawn pads. The ship might not be going anywhere without a bridge or its captain, but that just meant the wrestlers' spawn point and the clock they were feeding would be sitting permanently next to Maffia town.

“Could scuttle it.” Geralt casually mentioned, before his face screwed up. “Though that would make coming back to destroy it once we figure out how to difficult, especially with the Blue Hole messing things up.” Pausing for a few moments, he shrugged. “We can ask Sandalphon and the others when they get back here.” He decided, not being willing to make that decision all on his own.

”But it's Unsinkable?” Rika replied, quoting the ship’s name, while Jr just replied with ”Yeah I guess so.” Before thinking that ”Maybe they’ll want a look at a pad as well after Papa got them a clock?”

At any rate, that would have to wait till pick up. Which would hopefully be soon, given the Consuls now knew they were here. At any rate, first things first, getting Bansho sushi its rebuilding funding back to shore.

That and Geralt back too, but a quick trade over of the leg and a summoning of Rika’s white whale would see to that.

The Capital - Nieve

“Don't have to tell me twice!” Rayne called over the magical machinegun of whom’s proverbial trigger she was holding down, firing and firing and firing like there was no tomorrow. Because when the little timer on the card powering this firepower ran out, there might not be. All she could do was eye the garbage collector card, and hope…

“Death ray? Well. Still don’t have to aim I guess” she said as the mana from kills spell ran out and was replaced with a new card. It was really meant to be a big bot killer, intensifying in power the longer it was locked on, but if the butterflies went down fast… well.

A moment later two things lit up the room. The first was the way forwards going on fire. The second was Rayne activating death ray, prompting a laser light show as an orange beam lanced out, latched onto a butterfly, exterminated it, vanished, and then repeated the process for another butterfly all in less time than it took Rayne’s adrenaline pumped heart to beat.

“Collection, I don’t need you right now the house is on fire” she told the spell that had replaced the spent ghost gun, before making a pained face and saying “if it’s coming down anyway” before casting lighting bolt instead.

The bolt in question slammed down from on high, passed harmlessly through her, and then went down even further till it earthed either in the floor or in any basement. The shower of splinters that rained down on her was less harmless but her hat caught those fortunately enough.

“If the source is up or down we have ways that aren't on fire now!” Rayne called out, before popping collection to grab all the dropped mana and then ending up with a hand full of useless floating rocks and a death spiral, none of which where any good unless Qing could bullet dodge the same way Sanea could.

wordcount: 3,690 (+4) (+4 rapport)
Midna: level 9 EXP: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (146/100)
Edward Portsmith: Level 2 //////////////////// (5/20)
Warp Charges: 1

The last drenaught exited onto the Ivory Citadel‘s landing pad as the one who had cleared it (according to one of the wounded he had spoken to) returned, along with her battered squad. Going by her dissonant appearance and arrival among the goddess’s forces since he was seized from them, he assumed she was another one of the Seekers. He’d been told about the eyes, of course, but this woman had her’s covered by both a blindfold and her snarling mask, so his confirmation was the way he was quite sure those unseen eyes locked with his, somehow seeing past all that shielded her eyes without trouble.

Hopefully now he could get some proper answers, rather than the verbal equivalent of a student's scribbled notes.

First however, he stepped aside to let the wounded through and informed them that ”The wounded and healers are held up through the first door on your left. There’s been a few corrupt stragglers, so watch your backs till you are there, just in case” getting a nod of thanks from the troops, and one of approval from the dragon knight.

Once they were past he stepped towards the knight and introduced himself as ”Edward Portsmith. Dreadnought, and leader, or I suppose former ladder, of the Commonwealth Remanent” along with a proffered hand to shake. For her part, the knight slipped off her steed and took the hand, while at the same time using the other three to remove her helmet, revealing dark orange eyes that were indeed free of Galeem’s light, ones that looked at him with curiosity. They were found on a face that was not quite as elven as the pointy ears that had been sticking out her helmet had made him assume it would be, but certainly featured a striking grace all of its own.

”Midna, still princess of twilight even away from my people” she replied once the helm was off. She certainly had the air of an exiled royal about her, Edward found, though without the somewhat pitiable arrogant insistence he associated with such types. Here, it seemed, was someone who simply knew that it was only a matter of time till they were back on the throne. Which was its own kind of arrogance of course, but it was at least more charismatic than the former.

The swing then, from that, to a more casual tone for the rest of their conversations was an interesting one, of that there was no doubt, starting with the princess telling him ”Welcome to this herd of cats we call a team. Now where’d you get dug up from? Anything to do with why my heels are on fire instead of the corruption’s forces, hmm?” before clicking the claws of one of her metallic boots on the ground, which were indeed aglow with his magic.

”The corruption dained to take me alive and use me to command its forces, so I am afraid I’ve been something of a bother. One of your number, a Queen Sectonia inducted me into your number as part of releasing its hold on me” he informed her, and at the same time wondered if it was coincidence or not all the members of the seekers he was aware of, himself included, were rulers.

”She was, however, a bit light on the details in the name of expediency. I was hoping you might fill in some of the gaps? And provide transport. I am sadly lacking the tome that will let me sprout wings” He requested, having overheard talk of what the overall goal here was, and wanting to play at least some part in it.

Complete elimination of the corruption in a single day, quite the tall order, and one he assumed the Seekers were involved in inducting the initiation of, given the prior stagnancy of the situation.

”Well you could always gamble for them,” the princess replied in a joking tone, before saying ”but if you’d rather not leave it to fate I can get you to the Harbor at least. Actual combat flying might be out of the question though” and before he could point out that surely assaulting the next would involve aerial combat the island in question lit up behind the princess, silhouetting her in holy light.

It also made them both flinch and shield their eyes (despite the princess looking his way rather than towards the island) rather ruining the dramatic effect of the timely delivery of information.

”I see”

”Good for you, I can’t right now” the princess replied, half joking, half complaining, as far as he could tell.

”Ah, princess of ‘twilight’ I see-I gather” he corrected himself rather than play into the pun/pain and instead winding back the gears of their conversation to ask ”So what was that about gambling?” to which his latest source merely responded ”Spirits” unhelpfully leaving him to deduct what she meant

”Queen Sectonia merely said for me to gather them” he said as he thought, before guessing that ”there is a way to gain power from them? Is that why you Seekers seem to overflow with strength?” not entirely sure how he felt about such a necromantic practice around the would be saviors of all worlds.

Seeming to pick up on his discomfort, the princess swore to him that ”Trust me, you’ll need it. It's not like they are actual souls, Galeem has a tight grip on all of those after all” only adding to the pile of mysteries, before explaining swiftly ”Press one to your head for passive skills, heart for powers, crush for equipment, or form a pact to bring them back for just a moment to aid you in battle as something called a striker. The first two come with some kind of downsides as well, but we have a tool that can undo the resulting ‘fusions’ back at base, so you won’t be stuck with them. Items are permanent, and for strikers, the max is two if you care about your lifespan, but we have another device to swap those out as well”

”That… is a lot to take in” he replied, but, then, well, he had always been a practical man, and if it was reversible, and did not cause additional harm, then the only recourse was to see if this was as useful and necessary as she insisted.

For that, fortunately, he had the resources with which to experiment, reaching a hand into a pocket and retrieving a quartet of fallen feathers, seeking, in a way, to take his failures and in some small way help himself makeup for them.

Shield for mind, bow for heart, sword for fist, and staff for word. Four fruitlessly lost lives for four pearls of wisdom.

”Still, I suppose I am willing to experiment”

”Well I can feel that that worked” Edward said calmly even as he found the sensation of having two extra limbs quite disconcerting, though not, he noted, in any way dysphoric. That was certainly an issue reported by the subjects of less skillful or more callous rulers of his reality (modifying entire peoples with magic in the name of enhancing their military capabilities was a common practice there) and one he was glad not to be experiencing right now.

He checked himself over, flexing his fittingly ashen wings and examining change in his clothing, and while he did so he also looked inward to a new well of power within him. Touching it, he found it rather familiar, identifying it as the feather-sheild’s status effect reflector skill. The very same one that had prevented the throne from stealing their minds during the chaos that had been his biggest failure. In this new world at any rate.

A very poignant thing to have gained. ‘Fate’ as the princess had described it, was either mocking him or saying this was a first step on the road to redemption. Then again perhaps that was applying too much agency to random chance.

He added finding out if there was a discernible pattern to what spirit usage granted to the list of things worth researching, which was a rapidly growing list, of that there was no doubt.

Still, even with this internal and external self reflection, he did still desire an actual reflection of himself, namely from a mirror. This was because while he could see part of his changed appearance, he could hardly see his entire new ensemble, let alone what it seemed to have done to his hair. For that appraisal had to rely on Minda’s assessment, which was: ”Not half bad. I’ve seen, and been, some right messes as a result of fusion so you’ve gotten off lightly. Maybe even well, the black and blond look is pretty striking” with just a little bit of a purr in her words on that last.

”Yes, well, while the complement is appreciated, a warning of the physical changes would have been appreciated even more” he replied, unsure of the intent of her tone, only to gain the rather flippant reply of ”It also changes your personality as well”

”Of course it does” he replied, suppressing a sigh and starting to see a pattern here with the Seekers not giving out information in a timely manner

The princess merely shrugged and pointed out that ”We have a war to win” before re-donning her helmet.

”That I suppose we do” he confirmed, strapping his new shield to his arm, and then raising an eyebrow at the way doing so seemed to affect his body and mind just a touch. Magical, clearly.

Before they could set out, however, there was a pounding of boots and flapping of wings behind them, as from the tower emerged a mixed assortment of angels. They were an eclectic group, drawn from recovered wounded of a dozen or more squads, which included those who Edward had been tricked into leading into a trap. These in particular halted in surprise at the sight of the changes he had undergone, but there was a general degree of curiosity as to who this unknown unique angel was.

”Palutana’s blessing for outstanding service” the princess smoothly lied before he could make his own excuse, and unfortunately this got some dark looks from the troops who had served under Edward himself. He was not, in their eyes, deserving. Still, he had words for that, swiftly adding that the false blessing’s were also made ”to ensure purity by her own hands instead of merely mortal ones” throwing Sectonia into the line of fire in the process.

Not that that lie was going to hold up for long, but it would do for now. It certainly stopped any sort of mutiny, and soon enough they were on their way, during which Edward learned something important about flying.

It was bloody hard work.

By the time they touched down on the wiped clean harbor, he was beat, and more or less forced to walk the span of it to reach the far side where the others were regrouping, while the angels themselves went on ahead. He really was doing a terrible job at inspiring confidence in the troops.

This, at the very least, gave him and Minda space to talk that they had not had been surrounded by the flight of angels, though with how out of breath he was, this mostly consisted of her needling him about his fatigue and sunken mood rather than being helpful/informative. At least she let him know that Palutana was one of the seekers and their lie about the source of his new wings would hold up. She also found some sympathy in her for his state and situation, though only once they were in sight of the angels once more, and it was not in a way that made him feel any better: ”If you were under the corruption control for, what weeks? What in the goddess’ name was it making you eat?”

His footsteps faltered, and then, after a moment of horror where memories of meals he now knew to be tainted by the corruption’s deception flashed through his mind, he replied ”I believe I never want to know” with forced calm.

”No wonder you're exhausted from just that flight then, and here I was thinking you were just a out of shape lead from the back kind of general” the princess replied, before opening a portal, catching the launched content, and then offering him a cereal bar, water bottle, and one of the hot cross buns the troops were eating (each one held in one of her four hands) ”here, eat something. The ‘troops’ already are after all”

His stomach protested due to his flashback, but he could entirely see the wisdom in this, and so soon enough had joined the troops in chowing down. Which did wonders for his mood. And his memory.

As the troops prepared to take off and assault the titanic magical construct (the closest reference he had for it was the Commonwealth's Ironclad landships) he instead pulled out another one of his tomes, the tome of enchantment and began to recite another ritual.

This tome one was one he had himself had a hand in forging, and though his mind then had been addled by Urrath at the time, it had not yet bloomed into the destructive fury in which he had written the tome of the reavers or that of the dreadnaught. As such, there was little fight to be had between reader and author when it came to intent or ideology, and so the words needed flowed freely and swiftly.

”What was once made can be unmade. What was forged, unforged. What was crafted, broken. With these enchanted armaments, let no armor stand in your way, let no wall impede your progress. Sunder it all and bring a swift end to this war, so that we may one day unmake all blades and forge them anew into plowshares”

As he finished the words, a golden glow pulsed out. Its magic joined the burning enchantment of the angels and seeker’s, adding an aura of sparks, like those that might burst from a weapon being forged or sliced through, that promised to bite into enemy armor, and leave it ripe for the piercing.

”So that’s how you did it. Very rousing” Midna commented from behind him, having approached to see what he was giving a speech to himself about, before asking ”got any more tricks like that in those books?”

”One, if I can re-research it. However other than the marking spell you might have seen, the only other I have re-acquainted myself with would be the construction of golems. That one requires time and space to set up however, which as you might imagine is difficult to find when landing on corrupted sky islands” he informed her, that sort of spell being much more suitable for preparing in advance and then marching into battle.

”About the same amount of time as that one?” she asked, and when he confirmed this, she offered ”Then I’ll find you space to do it. Better golems fall than angels, right?”

With that he was entirely in agreement.

Even with the energy boost from the food, the flight to the train was still an endurance test, though with guidance from Midna and her reduced squad he did at least learn the benefits of gliding, leading to him swooping towards the train in a downward dive alongside them, rather than stubbornly simply flapping his way towards it.

Still, he did slow them down, but that only meant that when they were closing in they spotted the perfect way to provide him an opening: Roxas’ setting up of his deadly obstacle course.

Midna swooped ahead of him and the troops, crashing down ahead of where Roxas was setting up his sweeper, adding her own lighting strikes to the mix with an electrified spear and a brief summoning of a bizarre hybrid golem dragon wolf creature that showered the train with a lightning storm of its own.

”Clever trick! Keep it up!” she called out as her troops swooped in to join her to keep covering Roxas’s back so he could continue his ploy for as long as he was able.

And to cover his own less impressive one.

The last Dreadnought touched down close behind Roxas with a polite ”Smartly done” before pulling out the tome of enchanting again, and beginning his chanting.

”Magic is a tool, and the golem, the greatest of those tools. See here, as copper and tin make bronze, so too do metal and magic melded together make marvels greater than either could hope to achieve alone. By meticulous design be forged, oh towering twin sentinel of the people! Stand tall so that they might never fall!”

This one had a touch of inspiration from a theocrat’s work infused with it, one who had taken the copper golem as a baseline when creating these constructs, so it had been little effort to work back to his own writings and ideals again.

Before him two great constructs were forged, metals spinning out of the astral sea, before being actively forged, the impressions of hammers and tongs upon them as they were made into the form of a towering sentinel. It was as if what was occurring was a far more careful, slow, and meticulous act of creating a golem by hand, which had been recorded, replicated and accelerated by the power of the tome.

By the time he was done speaking, the twin sentinels of which he spoke had been forged and where ready for battle. These Bronze Golems stood at twice the height of the man who had forged them, and their towering helbards even taller still, their points and blades aglow with his enchantments.

Without a word, they marched forwards to join the ranks of Midna’s forces. As they did, Edward experimentally activated his new Featherstaff striker, the fallen angel appearing beside him and overhealing the bronze golems and the ranks of angels they were carefully stepping their way through.

Just in time for them to meet the enemy.

Those great hulking contraptions of corruption, flesh and steel were near impossible for the angles to actually hold at bay. Instead they had simply relied on cutting them down fast enough before they were overrun, which was a very dicey proposition. The introduction of the golems changed that situation. The titans hefted their monster slaying helbards, thrusting them forwards to skewer the masses of blackness as they tried to charge through their ranks. Then they held them back with fearless metal hearts and durable frames while arrows, musical bolts from Midna's lyre, and feather swords darted past them to cut down the pinned foes.

Behind them, Edward nodded to himself as he stowed the tome, before pulling out his magelock pistol, and entered the fray as well. With shield in one hand helping him block and evade stray projectiles, his magical firearm barked like thunder as its red hot armor sundering slugs hammered into the most mechanical of their foes, spreading golden cracks across the infernal engines and setting the corruption ablaze.

The Capital - Nieve

“This place is definitely giving me the creeps if that is what you mean” Rayne agreed to the suggestion that she'd feel what was off, but as it turned out Quin was entirely correct, and was so even sooner than she might have guessed. As they moved into the building the miasma within rippled along the edges of the almost always invisible radially extending chains of her Link. In doing so it made her ever so slightly more aware of it, and the connection to the distant villagers it linked her back too, as miasma and spiritual bond brushed against each other, creating a slight resistance to her movement that was noticeable if not in any way actually obstructing.

Like pushing through a thick fog.

It only got worse from there, the ‘fog’ thickening in a way, tugging at the Link in a way she found incredibly unpleasant. She was certainly already sick of it by the time her eyes also got to see the corruption’s influence, be it the black soot or the golden butterflies. Those to her seemed like a rather disjointed pairing to her, nor did she have any real experience with their sometimes relationship with death, so while Sanae thought to shoot first Rayne had herself been hesitant to do so.

The subsequent ‘demonstration’ with whatever the hazy shape Qing summoned answered any questions she might want to ask, and so she was then very much on board shooting part of the plan.

Just in time too, as they started coming out of the walls all around them.

“Ah!” Rayne gave a panicked shout, blinking back and promptly blasted one, but there were far too many for her piddling firing speed to manage. Fortunately after the moment of panic she got her tactical brain in gear, pivoting and activating a spell card. This one burst into a cloud of purple miasma all of her own, shrouding an entire side of the entry room with it as she cast cloud of darkness upon it, one that attempted to smother the golden butterflies as they emerged from the walls.

“That’ll sting you too!” she warned as she emerged from the cloud, though if it looked like they were being overwhelmed it’d probably be preferable to dive into said mist if the butterflies were as bad to have touch you as Qing said. Still, for the moment she’d prefer to hold her ground, specifically because with the cloud devouring butterflies made her next spell incredibly potent. The spell was garbage collector, which caused each and every single butterfly destroyed to give her a pip of mana.

Suffice to say, this put her generally reserved amount of spellcasting into overdrive, as she no longer had to worry about managing her mana. She did still have to worry about friendly fire however, leaving the lighting strike spell clogging up her hand while garbage collector took up the other while it was active.

The remaining slots however was then rapidly cycled through, the witch knight first launching a trio of seeking swords that swatted more butterflies, gained a shimmering barrier of magical armor that might block a single butterfly, gaining a single entirely irrelevant extra pip of mana, and generating a little turret that fired her own magic bullets at nearby butterflies, all within more or less a second of each other.

The next spell however sealed the deal: ghost gun. This little number turned her one shot a second peashooter into a rapid fire machine gun that spat out twin streams of ghostly blue bullets that not only pierced through walls, but also relentlessly hunted down the closest hostile. Suffice to say, no longer needing to aim, and being able to hit the butterflies before they even emerged from the walls, was very handy.

After that, however, with the bullet upgrade sticking in her hand till it timed out as well, her mana spending spree came to a n abrupt end even as mana continued to roll in.


Who needed spells when you had a magical homing machine gun?
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