SO, do we have a set character sheet yet?
okay, I can see that this is also not being taken the way I intended either and last thing I want to do is make people uncomfortable.
I suppose this does highlight how everyone's journey is different, as I wasn't just making this up wholesale. but putting in personal experiences and having the char be where I'm at pre change and then get to explore vicariously what it might be like if I had the means to do such a transformation, as it's one I think I would take if I had the option. I guess I would fit more on that gender fluid side of things as there are certainly times I would love to have the option and there are times it's not such a big deal to me. and just never had to think about it to much until now.
anyways, as I said the last thing I want to do is make people uncomfortable as this is supposed to be fun, so if it's going to cause problems we can just say my char has always been female.
Yeah! Like, in addition to the books, maybe part of her ability is to see secret aspects of things in general, and she is able to use that to draw out hidden power within ancient crystals and use those as fuel sources for her machines. And maybe I could create an extra character who gains a form of geomancy and can manipulate rocks, crystals, metals, etc. Those two would work great together; she is the brains behind the machines, and he is the brawn, retrieving and shaping the different parts she needs. She could have a notebook where she translates the books and recreates the blueprints in a form he can understand, and then he uses that to craft the various parts and gears and whatever else she needs. Then she uses those parts to put the machines together and power them or something. Of course, that is completely up to you. If you'd like her to be solely responsible for the machines, that's totally fine too XD.