Avatar of Dragonfly 9


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Interested! I'll probably play a young slave who's heard a whole bunch of legends and tall tales about famous heroes and warriors, and, being the easily awestruck teen she is, tried to remember them enough to tell them orally(because she doesn't know how to read or write), and become a hero herself one day. They're basically one of the reasons why she still has hope(with one other reason being she wants to see the sun and what's outside the mines someday).
*kicks down the door* KINGDOM HEARTS!? COUNT ME IN!

Three questions, though:

1. Can we use OCs in this? I'm not exactly good with controlling canons.

2. Can I use a custom CS for this? I think being confused about the standard CS you usually use is probably the reason why I didn't stay long in your other RPs, to be honest. :')

3. Will we get keyblades/equivalent to keyblades after getting shipwrecked/later on in the RP, or will we get/have custom/canon weapons instead? I'm okay with either; I'm just wondering.
<Snipped quote by Dragonfly 9>

Yeah I did catch that Peter is still around, just no longer sentient, Eskel meant destroyed as in the whatever part of the magic that made him sentient has been damaged beyond repair etc.

Also I did something about Eskel not even knowing what Crow looked like under the plague doctor outfit, but I took it out because your sheet seemed to imply that they did take off sometimes. Happy to go with that idea though if you want.

Oh, okay. Thanks for the clarification! I must've read something wrong. :')

And, honestly? I'm okay with either and, like, Crow probably does take it off sometimes, especially if it's hot.
Will probably make my first post soon! As with the initial idea, Crow will either visit their parents', Peter's, or Octavia's grave in it(whichever makes more sense), and then will come to Bredana either in an automaton-driven carriage(on the off chance that Crow helped the owners of the carriage create non-sentient, automaton horses so real horses could rest/not be abused, and now, they've decided to return the favor), or through some artificer shit, idk, lol.

Also, a quick clarification: Crow's, well, automaton crow(Peter) did die, but less in the way of his body and mind having been destroyed, but more in the way that while Crow was able to gather the heavily burnt, metal pieces and restore his body, his mind is still, to this day, very much lost. Crow still keeps Peter's body around, though, because making another "voice" is very tedious and time consuming, and Crow, being the workaholic helper they are, doesn't have much time nor energy to focus on making one now(that, and they don't want to replace Peter with another automaton/are scared that the new one would also become sentient due to an accident Crow would make while sleep deprived or something). That's why I'm debating on Crow visiting Peter's honorary grave; while his body is functional and very much doing its job, without his mind, he's basically a shell of his former self, and as far as Crow knows, what made Peter himself is now lost forever.

((Sorry for the wall of text; I just saw in Eskel's relationships hider that he noted Peter "was destroyed", and I decided to come in and say, "well, aCTUALLY-" xD))

But, anyway, back on a lighter note: Do you guys think that the whole party has seen Crow outside of their plague doctor outfit, or just a few of them/no one at all?
Me too!
I can help with Crow if any of you guys want me to! <33
You're good! <3
<Snipped quote by Hyyde322>
If anything, in a narrative game, it’s better not to have major healing magic. It muddies the stakes because it takes away our ability to concretely understand how bad of a state the characters are in. Some minor healing ability from Gideon, to reduce the downtime of injured characters without significantly altering the stakes, seems ideal.

And for the record, if @Imbion joins, we’ll have eight players, which @Hyyde322 said would be the maximum.

That's pretty cool! Honestly, why I wrote Crow was because I wanted to do something different than my initial character for this RP(a Tabaxi tiger Barbarian), with the initial one feeling a bit standard/him overall not working out for me in terms of his personality. Crow, meanwhile, fit like a glove for some reason, and I felt so inspired writing them that their CS ended up being eight pages long in Google Docs, LOL! xD
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