No one had seen him come in, and there seemed to be no anticipation for his arrival before he came. He just...appeared, and gave them the invitation he had gotten for the party. He said nothing as they inspected the invite, and only smiled and bowed after they said he could participate in the festivities, soon taking a seat as a waiter came over to him.
"ID?" She asked after looking him up and down. Her eyes and expression told him that she saw him as a child, or at least a very weird dwarf. He smiled brightly under his scarf, however, and took out his ID in a split second, showing it to her.
"...Why are you covering your-"
The waiter was then interrupted by him chuckling darkly.
"Some things are not meant to be known, young miss!" He said, putting his ID back just as quickly as he had pulled it out. "And besides, I do look like the jester you were told to serve, is that correct?"
After a bit of silence, the waiter just nodded.
"Any drinks you want?" She asked him.
"Sunrise Deluxe has always been my favorite choice, so make it that," He said, snapping his fingers almost playfully as the waiter rushed off.
It wasn't long until he was given his drink, and not long before drama started. A woman with a six pack and red devil horns was causing a delightful, chaotic scene, and she had already gotten quite the audience. Then, a much shorter woman wearing a school girl outfit walked up to her and suggested that they should go outside for a smoke break, though he noted that the suggestion didn't feel entirely genuine.
After stroking his chin and wondering what to do, he decided to make an illusion of himself, doing a cartwheel off of one of the tables and landing next to the shorter woman.
"Greetings and salutations, ladies!" The illusion said, bowing in the same way he would. "I am The Jester, and it's wonderful to see the two of you here! May I ask what's going on?"
NAME: “Ah, ah, ah! I’m not gonna tell you my real name that fast! Would ruin the surprise, y’know?” (No one really knows their true name, and Jester is very much okay with that. He often introduces himself as “The Jester”, though one of their more common nicknames is “Patch”, thanks to his jester outfit, and their unique jester hat-poncho combo, having many colorful patches on it.)
AGE: “Sorry, but an entertainer never reveals their secrets!” (Like his name, no one really knows how old they are, but judging by their height and mannerisms, many people have guessed that he’s a child or young teen. And Jester always changes the subject whenever their age is brought up, for some reason…)
GENDER: Nonbinary(He/They)
APPEARANCE: (Can I just do a description?) “...Maybe I’ll describe myself another time, if you’re still curious by that point- OH MY GOD, IT’S ONE OF THE DAMNED! EVERYONE, RUN!” (Jester, to be blunt, looks kinda weird. His orange jester hat-poncho covers up the first half of his face, while his black scarf covers up the second. Only the light reflecting off his eyes can be seen regarding them, and they often wear black and orange gloves, so no one has to see his brown and gnarled hands underneath. Besides that, Jester’s appearance is normal clothing for a, well, jester otherwise, wearing a one piece, orange and black jumpsuit and jester shoes. Also, he’s 4’10, so he’s pretty tiny! xD)
WEAPON: “Oh, you mean Fool’s Folly? It’s not a weapon, per say, but it’s really fun to bonk people over the head with it!” (Fool’s Folly, his marotte(the stick jesters usually carry around with them), which has two lit candles encased in super strong, magic glass, with the glass attached to both sides of the marotte. Usually uses it as a weapon or wand; whichever would work best at the moment.)
SKILL: Mirage Barrage: Jester strikes a series of blows on their victim with Fool’s Folly, and then opens up the magic glass though tiny hatchets, blowing out both candles soon after. When the candles light up again(all on their own, mind you), the victim is immediately bombarded by random visual and auditory illusions for two minutes, with no one else being able to see them. This can only happen when Jester’s at full power and when he’s well rested, mind you, and how effective this skill is depends on how much Jester knows about the target, and how creative he can be with that information.
MAGIC BRANCH: Illusion and Enchantment(with Dark Magic being in there somewhere as well, though Jester is only able to do curses at this point)
BIO/FUN FACTS: “So, you wanna know more about me? …How about you first?” (Like with his name, age, and appearance, Jester is very dodgy with his background and motives to join the team, and is usually just all performance and spectacle. He can dance, he can sing(and has a pretty nice singing voice as well), they’re competent at helping the party, they’re a theater kid and likes to mess with his enemies and playfully tease the group…all this, and yet, no one knows why he wants to collect the seven weapons and seal away the Dark One for good, why he’s almost never genuine, or even why he hides his face in the first place! They’re definitely hiding something…but, hey, at least he’s helping them, right? It’s not that big of a deal if he does that!
Jester also has a fun loving and laid back demeanor, and also has their snarky moments. They do make a 180 turn in personality and become timid and jumpy whenever they/the party meet a scientist/go into a laboratory, however.
Oh, fuck, I forgot to do the Attributes! I don't really know how to do them(I didn't really get that part of the beginning post), tho, so I'll just ask for Nakushita when she's awake. :'D