Name: Echo
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Shadow
Completion Status: Heartless
Role in the Rebellion: None
Anomaly Or Not?: Anomaly
Homeworld: Twilight Town
Weapon: Wooden Sword - A toy weapon left behind by a kid in the woods Echo called home.
Powers/Abilities: Hide In Shadows - Being a Shadow, Echo is able to hide his form in darkness. While not in complete darkness, he appears as a black form, flat on the ground. This allows him to slip in under doors and obstacles, and get the jump on his opponents. He is completely immune to attacks in this state, but he cannot do anything until reemerging from this state.
Seek Hearts - While he has no intention of harming a human, Echo, like any other heartless, can absorb hearts. However, instead of creating more heartless, Echo instead is empowered by this absorption, boosting his power and, in time, could evolve him into a more powerful form.
Backstory: Echo was a lone Shadow, living in the woods outside Twilight Town, keeping hidden so as not to be hunted and destroyed. Being a heartless, he kept to himself, staying far away from any of the townspeople. This, however, changed one fateful day when a group of four kids came into the woods. They were playing hide and seek, and three kids split up, leaving one to count. Echo didn’t much understand it, but stayed hidden, watching them play.
Eventually, the kid that was seeking seemed to look in Echo’s direction. Echo thought he was well hidden, how could a human see him? The boy approached Echo’s hiding spot, “I know you’re there.” The boy said. Echo slowly, hesitantly, emerged and, to his surprise, the boy didn’t run away in fear. He could sense something within the boy’s heart, something comforting. This encounter sparked a friendship not known to anyone, between a heartless and a boy.
The boy’s name was Lock, and over the coming days, the two became friends. This friendship went on for years, and one day, Lock presented Echo with two gifts. His harmonica, which Echo would hum along to when he played it, and the blue scarf around his neck, which Lock said would serve as a symbol of their bond. Echo was curious with how sudden these gifts were, especially the harmonica as it was very close to Lock.
On the following day, Echo felt as if something was off, like the world had changed somewhat. This had happened before, but he didn’t think much about it, except, Lock didn’t show up like he usually does. Venturing out of the woods, Echo stayed hidden and wandered around, searching for his friend. He eventually found the group of kids that played in the woods, but Lock wasn’t with them, and the group acted as if he didn’t exist. A time loop had occurred, and something happened to Lock as a result.
Echo sensed something special in Lock, something the other kids didn’t have. Maybe Lock left Twilight Town. Maybe he escaped the time loop. Echo didn’t know, and he wouldn’t find out if he stayed put. He now travels around, searching for any sign of the one true friend he ever had.
Other: Echo got his name from Lock as he always hummed along to Lock’s harmonica.