Here is Alias at last. I'm looking forward to playing him and where the story could take him.
Name: Alias (Uh-lie-us)
Age: 16
Gender/Pronouns: He/Him
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual
Species: Human
Appearance: Image Above
Personality: Alias is an adventurer at heart. He has no real ties besides the ones he makes with his friends so he wants to experience all of the world or worlds with his friends. He's very protective of his friends and would put his life on the line for them without thinking about it. His body would just react before his mind does. This got him the worst and best loss on his record against three older jerks. He can be very stubborn and in his own way sometimes. He thinks he knows what's best and that he can solve all of his problems on his own despite his life experiences telling him that people need each other's help. But that's really just due to him feeling ultimately alone despite the connections he's formed. This side of him he typically doesn't show others. Part of him doesn't want them thinking he's weak and another part of him just feels the need to be strong for those around him.
World Origin: Destiny Islands
Abilities: Sword-Fighting, Swimming, Building, Athletic, Politics, Exploring/Amazing at Finding/Discovering Things
Weaknesses: Overconfident, loyal to a fault, tends to underestimate his opponents, holds in darkest feelings.
Keyblade: Melancholic Dream (Naturally attuned for magic; Strong Attack Base)
Magic: Fire, Cure, Thunder (Locked until First World)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Backstory: Alias is known around his home island as "The Boy who Drifted Ashore". When he was a baby he appeared on a raft to the confusion of everyone. The mayor decided to adopt him and named him Alias. As Alias grew the Mayor discovered that he could not and would not stay in just one place. As soon as he was three years old he took his first journey to the beach. It was as if it were calling out to him, or at least the worlds beyond the ocean. The Mayor was frantic once he realized Alias was gone. A search party commenced and it was night before they eventually found him. He was on the beach playing with a crab underneath the moonlight. From then on Alias went on many such adventures, exploring all that his little island had to offer. On one of these adventures he met the sibling duo, Kitsu and Hoshi. Tsu was the big brother Alias never knew he wanted. When Tsu hung around his older friends he and Hoshi played together. He loved the Mayor, but with Hoshi and Tsu he really started to understand what a family was like. He had seen families all the time, but now he felt like he actually had one of his own.
One day some of Tsu's friends were being mean to Hoshi. They all were going to gang up on her with their wooden swords. He wasn't going to stand for it one bit. He didn't care that there were three of them. He rushed to defend Hoshi and held his own for a bit before the overwhelming difference in number and size crushed him. He was glad when Tsu arrived to put them in their place and from then on he was determined to become the strongest in all the worlds. By then he had only believed in other worlds. He felt like they were calling out for him to explore them, but it wasn't until Tsu's disappearance that he had his confirmation. Alias's grief stayed in the denial stage. He refused to believe that Tsu was dead or gone for good. If he could survive those waters alone as a baby and come here then Tsu had to be somewhere else. Tsu was alive and he was going to find him.
Alias trained even harder after that feeling as Tsu's honorary little brother it was his job to step up and become leader and protector of the beach. A month after he was declared missing Alias approached Hoshi with his theory and plan. They were going to get their brother back.
Alias is accepted! I'm so glad you all are so invested in this!! :D