Avatar of Duoya


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9 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
11 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
1 yr ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Zectoll offered a shrug to Kishi, but he didn't really mind the indecisiveness. All that mattered to Kishi was that his brothers and sisters were safe, and if naming his weapon made Zectoll feel better, Kishi didn't mind.The young female goblin, Luz, seemed to enjoy the gift which Kishi had given her. Then again, it was less of a gift, and more of a type of insurance. It would surely be harder for her to die if she had an actual weapon, especially if she ever planned on hunting. Kinsih nodded towards the girl.

"Thank you for the effort, Luz. If you succeed in finding an adhesive, I'll be sure to use it for you first!"

Kishi really didn't have any expectations for the young goblin. After all, where would she even find an adhesive strong enough for what he needed? Despite this, Kishi was indeed grateful for the thought, and he made certain to craft anything she asks for extra well. After he had finished his conversation with both Luz and Stegs, Kishi returned to the crafting of his map, which was quite barren all things considered. While the cave itself was mapped out quite well, the only part of the outside of the cave that had been mapped with any clarity was the path that Isurta and Xaal had died. Kishi quickly made his way back towards the small corner that was his home, and placed the stone dagger he carved into the small crevice of the wall. After doing so, he simply sat and looked around his small area, observing all the small trinkets that he had gathered. Compared to many of the other goblins, he owned far more than them... Kishi laid on the wolf pelt, warming himself against the cold that the rain had brought. Kishi's thoughts soon returned to the pit and moat he planned to construct, and he quickly went to work constructing a shovel. Using a flat stone as a blade and another of the sticks as a shaft, Kishi quickly tied his new creation together and held it in the air.

...Before it came undone almost immediatly.

Kishi really needed an adhesive, and badly. Without it, anything beyond the most basic of tools was impossible. Kishi laid back on his pelt, clutching the stick in his hand and staring at it for several seconds. As he did, he remembered the struggles he had been through. The animals he had hunted, the anger he felt towards the monsters, and how difficult it was to protect his kind. The cold, the raw meat...

Then, like a lighting bolt, inspiration struck him.

Quickly jumping to his feet, Kishi began to carve away at the stick with his knife, pulling off strands of bark as he did so. He nearly clipped his thumb twice, but in the end, he had a small collection of wood shavings and a sharpened piece of along with it. Not wasting any time, Kishi ran throughout the entire cavern, searching for a larger branch. After nearly 30 minutes of searching, Kishi finally found his prize, wedged near the back of the cavern. Quickly removing it, Kishi quickly made his way back to his collection of materials, carving a small groove into the larger branch as he did so.

After making his way back, Kishi quickly laid the larger branch on the ground and grabbed the sharpened stick. Kishi lightly placed the small amount of shavings and strips of wood into the groove. After preparing himself, Kishi rapidly moved the stick between the groove, moving as fast as possible. In Kishi's mind, this told him that it would give him something he didn't even know of, a light that protected those who knew to use it, and harmed the ignorant. Kishi tried to make fire.

In Kishi's mind, doubt began to rise. He didn't even know what fire looked like, and surely it couldn't be strong if it was merely made by rubbing sticks together. Besides, the way he moved was awkward and without any sense of rhythm... But his sense hasn't been wrong before, and Kishi was willing to risk it. At it's worst, Kishi would come out of this with a few splinters, blisters, and a hurt pride.

Will post sometime today

Will post char sometime today or tomorrow
Chidorita is not shit!
Samuel continued to eat his portion of the large meal spread before the group. Truly, whoever made it must have known what they were doing, as the dish was incredibly delicious. Samuel took note that even the fairy spirit, Tania, was picking off pieces from other people's plates. Across from him, Vilivyn decided to finally speak to Samuel directly, causing him to nearly choke in surprise. After all, since they met yesterday, the two had not shared a single word with each other. While her request was slightly hesitant, Samuel was perfectly fine with it. He was the oldest person here, so maybe some of the other people were simply nervous around him. Samuel quickly assured the young demon that everything was alright.

"Of course you may hold him, I don't mind. Besides, he seems much more tired than usual."

Samuel waves his hand dismissively, in an attempt to show how trivial the question was. At the very least, the young lady was much more respectful than her attire would lead one to believe. A warm arm wrapped around Samuel's shoulder, causing him to stiffen slightly, until he realized that it was only Okami. His muscles relaxed as he listened to Okami's speech. Samuel responded to the questioning.

"I am more than ready to begin when everyone else is."

Writing now
Before Kishi had begun to carve into the wall, Stegs had announced his own idea for the use of the petals in his possession. While the idea of adhering them to armor was unique and seemed productive, Kishi spotted some problems with the idea that would put it's effectiveness lower than it's cost.

"That's a good idea, Brother Stegs, but I doubt it would be as easy as you make it out to be. To start with, you would need some type of armor in the first place, and leather is harder to obtain then it appears. Additionally, you would need a large number of the petals for them to be of any use, and placing them on the armor would be time consuming and quite tedious. Also, a beast that attacks with claws and horns would be less effected from armor than they would by simply bashing into their sides with a buckler. Finally, as seems to be a problem with a majority of the creations I have in mind, we would need large amounts of adhesive to hold the petals to the armor."

Kishi took a large breath after finishing his long-winded rant, before turning back to his schematics. He had begun to make decent progress, before his mind was returned to the wolf skin that was in his corner. The topic of armor had made him realize that it was easily possible to turn the skin into a type of leather armor... If it wasn't raining. Kishi silently cursed the gods, before having another epiphany: The gods were clearly real, if Grandfather's speeches and Lomen's murmured prayers were anything to go off of... But that would mean they were perfectly fine with watching the goblins struggle to survive and die. They did nothing to prevent Isurta's and Xaal's deaths... This grim line of thought was broken with the arrival of Zectoll, bearing a strange new weapon.

It was kind of Zectoll to gift Kishi with the bones, but Kishi grew slightly worried for his brother. Would a weapon with such small reach really assist in combat? Kishi would have felt much less anxious for his brother if he chose to keep the spear... But Kishi took the spear back anyways. Their was no point in worrying for Zectoll. After all, it would only be a futile effort, and Kishi needed to retain as much energy as he could if he planned to build a pit trap the next day. After all, a semi-stable source of food was the most important part of keeping the goblins safe and happy.

"Thank you Brother Zectoll, I hope my weapon has served you well. I am glad to see that you have created your own weapons! Maybe you'll take after me? Ha Ha Ha! But... Why did you name the weapon? It isn't really my place to ask, but a weapon is a tool, not something that is deserving of a name."

After asking his question, Kishi once again returned to his planning, voicing out the rest of his concerns as he continued to sketch out his plans. Now, he was stuck with a very obsolete weapon... and almost on cue, the voice of a goblin known as Lux spoke to Kishi. His reputation was far larger than he had anticipated... Kishi spoke out, responding to the young goblin.

"My spears are very basic, and are far from my proudest work. To be completely honest, their current design is a mess... If only I had an adhesive... Oh, but if you want one, I have one that has been recently returned."

As he began to hand Zectoll's spear to the young goblin, a thought echoed throughout Kishi's mind, and he yelled to the rest of the cave's inhabitants.

"If anyone needs anything made, come to goblin Kishi!"

Satisfied with this, Kishi continued his sketching, having just finished a basic outline of the moat and it's structure and moving onto a map of the cavern's insides. Being sure to mark specific landmarks (Such as "Kishi's Korner", "Grandpa's Grove", and the "Goblin Graveyard"), Kishi continued to mark out the all of the cavern's insides that he had explored, before moving onto the basic areas he had explored outside of the cave. All the while, Kishi planned how to tan the wolf's hide, creating a leather for Kishi to use however he saw fit.

Will post after @Loki Odinson
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