Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
11 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
1 yr ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Tony Nicholson

Circus Maximus


As the girl and the intimidating man walked towards the ring, Sickle cell made a quick stop at the betting booth, laying down a bet of $250,000. Immediately afterwards, the pair began to start talking it out - something that mildly annoyed Tony. To be honest, if you're not going to fight, you shouldn't hold up the rest of the matches. The longer he spent in this stupid field, the more he felt his comfort decreasing, and the more frustrated he grew. Still, it wasn't until the crowd started getting a little annoyed that Tony finally urged the competitors to start combat.

"Alright, time to start the match!"

Tony wished he had some sort of gong or bell, but thankfully, the fighters finally started moving. The girl immediately stepped forwards, striking with her hand before Sickle successfully countered the blow, grabbing her hand with his own. He was blown away after the grab, but the crowd was too busy being pissed at what he did.

"I concede."

Even after getting launched into the cage's metallic bars, a few members of the crowd (particularly the ones that bet on sickle) were upset with the fight ending so quickly, but the laugh emanating from the injured individual quickly silenced any potential complaints. Tony seethed in anger, however - the result of the fight would normally be extremely appreciated, had the bastard not bet so much cash on it. thanks to the current odds, Tony wouldn't make anything off of this night of betting - essentially meaning he had put himself in incredible danger for no reason. Had he access to his power, Tony would have immediately tried to screw over that bastard-

No. He wouldn't have.

Tony was just annoyed, he knew that. He could feel an empty pit in his stomach, the loss of so much potential money and the temporary depravement of his power, Tony was feeling pretty frustrated at the moment. If he was how he was normally, he would never interact with Sickle - the guy was actually good at fighting, while Tony only had a gun that he hardly knew how to use. While thinking to himself, he hadn't listened to the conversation that was being held among the competitors.

"And the unexpected winner of this fight is Automaton. If you want to say the fight is rigged, know that we're making no money off this."

Tony immediately walked back to his seat, ignoring the pair of fighters leave through the double doors. Even if he did see them, he wouldn't have gone after them. Instead, he turned his attention to a young woman who had approached him, betting card in hand.

"Sorry ma'am, but if you have a complaint with the fight, see Pipeline or something."
Will post sometime today or tomorrow - work has kept me busy, and finals aren't helping.
This guy okay?

Ace sat against the cool factory walls, only a small distance from his partner - Karrsh. He was a couple years older than Ace was, and to be honest, he had seemed to take far more of a beating than Ace ever had. Hell, most of his body was cybernetic at this point, a feature that was pretty hard to ignore. Still, he was pretty quiet for a metal man, and Ace was focusing on the task at hand - making sure everything was secure, and nothing happened. To be honest, the work was an immense drag - there was nothing to do, and he wanted to make sure he was focused in case things turned sour. The small cauldron on his back hummed slightly, the constant heat it emitted comfortably warming his back. Ace never enjoyed the cold - while the intense heat of explosives against his skin was unbearable, at least that only lasted a few moments. When reverencing, he was kept in intense cold for hours on end in order to help with the burns - the scars of which still litter his torso and limbs.

Ace didn't think about much during the time they spent there - he had grown used to the intense boredom that follows without any stimulation, having been restricted to it countless times when not on a mission. He simply learned that turning off your brain and not focusing on anything made time go by faster - unfortunately, he was on a mission now. Ace kept his senses sharp, and made sure to be ready for action at a moment's notice. When Karrsh unexpectedly spoke, however, it caused Ace to nearly jump.

Ace had to pause temporarily - everyone had heard each other's stories, and no one there were strangers to cruelty or abuse. Karrsh was simply never extended the same opportunity to live a peaceful life that the others had been given. Would he have taken said opportunity had he ever been given it? Personally, Ace chose not to respond. Talking would either distract him from the mission, or bring up thoughts and emotions that would distract him. They could talk about their motivations and incentives when their wasn't work that needed to be done - if the Ascendancy of Man had given him anything, it was a good work ethic.

"Uh, never mind..."

Ace responded in his own quiet whisper, unaware that Karrsh had been speaking through the comm. link.

"If you say so."

To be honest, Ace had no idea how to respond - but he definitely wanted to make sure that Karrsh hadn't been thinking that Ace simply ignored him. He really didn't want to get on any of his teammates bad side - especially since they were his only way to get back to his father.
Ace enjoys oatmeal, especially if it has cinnamon.
Theodore Smith

Eden Hall


The meal was, as expected, nothing extraordinary. Still, a free meal was nothing to sneeze at, considering Theo planned on saving every single nickel he owned until he could afford some decent armor. To be honest, Theo himself would vastly prefer another way of making a living, when comparing it to monster hunting - he was never in extreme danger, considering he allocated his stats in order to resist attacks and survive, but his party dying would quickly result in his death. A more stable form of income would be the smartest thing to o... but he doubted that his party would agree to finding day jobs. Eventually, the party came down and ate, before going on their own way. Theo, as expected, was still extremely nervous around the waitress, not responding to her compliment earlier. He knew that he would, in all likelihood, stutter horribly.

There were several options for what he could do with his day - go out and explore, look for his allies, maybe even hunt lower level monsters and get the party to help. Despite those options, however, Theo knew exactly the place he wanted to spend his time - Theo quickly made his way to the bar where Hans stood, cleaning several mugs in preparation for the evening. Using his acting ability, Theo made himself appear as serious and likable as possible - his voice dropped slightly, and he abandoned the loud tone that Dirk was known for, with his stance remaining steadfast, yet submissive.

"Excuse me, Sir, but if you do not mind, I'd like to assist you today."

Hans was slightly taken aback - after all, he did not expect one of those adventurers to offer help to him. They didn't just speak strange and use foreign words - but even their mannerisms and behavior seemed to change at the drop of the hat. In fact, Hans had seen several adventurers cry for no apparent reason just last night. To be honest, he had gotten a lot more business lately, especially from other adventurers, so the help wouldn't be unappreciated...

"Sure, kid - you'll be waiting on tables and cleaning up - just make sure not to slack off too much."

Theo nodded his head, before quickly making his way towards the backroom - there, he found a uniform similar to the waitress, albeit shabbier and made for a man rather than a woman. Quickly opening his menu, Theo changed instantly, and grabbed the small bucket and mop as he made his way out of the room. Upon reaching the Hall, he began to clean up some of the remains of what appeared to be a great night yesterday, judging by the amount of spilled alcohol. Apparently, some players managed to find a decent escape from their current state. Theo himself never enjoyed drinking - it was something he though of as a waste of time, money, and brain cells. But hey, he enjoyed working - it gave him time to reflect on everything that happened.

The waitress, unfortunately, only appeared surprised that Theo was working there, but quickly went back to her job. She seemed to be a good worker, and Theo was glad that he could avoid talking for awhile. It made it easier to keep up the act. Eventually (around Early Daytime), the floors were spotless, and Theo quickly made his way to the backroom. There, he returned the mop and bucket, and he made his way back to the main area - it was time to become a waiter. Theo never really realized the impact his low speed had on him, or the physical demands that being in food service had. By mid day, however, it had finally arrived - Theo was on break.

Sitting down at one of the Tables, Theo sighed in relief. It was less that he was tired, more that he just couldn't feel his feet. This feeling of tiredness and a lack of energy quickly vanished, however, as the waitress sat down with him.

"You'll never guess how surprised I was to see you!" The waitress said, her voice immediately turning into a giggle. "I always thought adventurers were too high-class to work in an inn."

Thanking his past self the he put so many points into his acting, Theo responded in his normal voice.

"I personally think adventurers don't do it cause it's pretty tiring... To be honest, I would prefer to fight a couple wolves then go through that again."

The waitress rewarded Theo's poor attempt at humor with another giggle, and he grew more tense than he was in the dungeon.

If you think that was, bad, just prepare for the end of our break - that's when lunch rush starts.

Groaning as he realized that hunger in the real world and this one followed the same schedule, Theo prepared himself mentally to ask something he never would have in the real world.

"S-Sorry for not asking yet but... What's your name?"

The girl curtsied slightly, responding.

"Julia Rott, pleased to make your acquaintance! But it is rude to ask people what their names are when you don't even give your own!"

Theo's mind raced, but with great deliberation, he responded.

"My... My name's Theodore. You can call me Theo."

Lunch was, as Julia said a constant stream of people. Theo discovered a newfound respect for old Hans, who was keeping up with them with ease. Theo would have been overwhelmed, had Julia not picked up his slack. Eventually, however... it was done. The trio continued to work, and Theo was struck by the rough sense of belonging he felt. It was nice here - he felt that he was appreciated. Vinny, his friend from the real world, was the only other person to make him feel this way. The time passed quickly, and it was now Early nighttime - The dinner rush hadn't started yet, but the place was still packed. Theo, out of the coner of his eye, noticed a man in darker clothes approach Hans... before pulling out a dagger. Quickly, he restrained Hans, and began to threaten everyone.

"If anybody moves, this guy's dead! Now, you-"

He pointed at Julia, who jumped slightly.

"- You're going to get all the money this place has made today, and you're going to hand it to me - any funny movements, and I won't just slit this old guy's throat."

Slowly, Julia began to move... Before another voice was heard.

"Hey, asshole."

Quickly opening his menu, Theo equipped the Abyssal Mask, before pointing at the robber.

"Get the hell out of here before I kill you."

Theo activated the Abyssal Mask effect and, as expected, the NPC immediately began to shake violently, dropping the dagger before he ran out of the Inn. Theo never would have expected that the NPC's, other than possibly bandits, would commit crimes. Theo unequipped the mask, before realizing that all the inn's patrons were staring at him.

I plan on making a villainous inventor character, in case anyone wants would like that as a nemesis.
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