Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
9 mos ago
Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
11 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
1 yr ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.
As the girl and the intimidating man walked towards the ring, Sickle cell made a quick stop at the betting booth, laying down a bet of $250,000. Immediately afterwards, the pair began to start talking it out - something that mildly annoyed Tony. To be honest, if you're not going to fight, you shouldn't hold up the rest of the matches. The longer he spent in this stupid field, the more he felt his comfort decreasing, and the more frustrated he grew. Still, it wasn't until the crowd started getting a little annoyed that Tony finally urged the competitors to start combat.
"Alright, time to start the match!"
Tony wished he had some sort of gong or bell, but thankfully, the fighters finally started moving. The girl immediately stepped forwards, striking with her hand before Sickle successfully countered the blow, grabbing her hand with his own. He was blown away after the grab, but the crowd was too busy being pissed at what he did.
"I concede."
Even after getting launched into the cage's metallic bars, a few members of the crowd (particularly the ones that bet on sickle) were upset with the fight ending so quickly, but the laugh emanating from the injured individual quickly silenced any potential complaints. Tony seethed in anger, however - the result of the fight would normally be extremely appreciated, had the bastard not bet so much cash on it. thanks to the current odds, Tony wouldn't make anything off of this night of betting - essentially meaning he had put himself in incredible danger for no reason. Had he access to his power, Tony would have immediately tried to screw over that bastard-
No. He wouldn't have.
Tony was just annoyed, he knew that. He could feel an empty pit in his stomach, the loss of so much potential money and the temporary depravement of his power, Tony was feeling pretty frustrated at the moment. If he was how he was normally, he would never interact with Sickle - the guy was actually good at fighting, while Tony only had a gun that he hardly knew how to use. While thinking to himself, he hadn't listened to the conversation that was being held among the competitors.
"And the unexpected winner of this fight is Automaton. If you want to say the fight is rigged, know that we're making no money off this."
Tony immediately walked back to his seat, ignoring the pair of fighters leave through the double doors. Even if he did see them, he wouldn't have gone after them. Instead, he turned his attention to a young woman who had approached him, betting card in hand.
"Sorry ma'am, but if you have a complaint with the fight, see Pipeline or something."
Konchu stands very tall, and is a mutant - in his case, he takes the appearance of a bipedal cockroach. His body is covered by a thick exoskeleton and he has an extra set of arms - however, each hand only has 3 fingers. He has no skin and, as consequence, no lips, causing his teeth to constantly be revealed. Luckily, he takes very good care of them, and he tries to make sure he is smiling most of the time in order to appear less threatening. Unlike a cockroach he has humanoid teeth, no wings, and he lacks any antenna. Additionally, on the inside, he is just like a normal human. While hard to see thanks to his exoskeleton, he possess decent muscles, thanks to constant training. Konchu possesses both an exoskeleton and an endoskeleton - while the exoskeleton gives him a small amount of armor, it hinders his range of motion, and makes his flexibility near nonexistent. Each finger on his hand is tipped with a sharp claw - Konchu uses them whenever a kitchen knife is unavailable. While they are hard to see, Konchu possess both eyes and ears - the ears are small holes that are covered by an operculum in order to protect them, and his eyes are just black and very small, making them hard to see. Like most roaches, he can detect sounds with his leg hairs - while it is more sensitive and able to pick up noise better than his ears, Konchu has no idea what people are saying when using them.
Thankfully, modern society makes clothes for mutants - Konchu generally wears casual clothes, such as bowling shirts and blue jeans, but always makes sure to wear the school uniform when he is attending classes once he receives it. His hero uniform, as expected, is very similar to the professional hero Lunch-Rush. In fact, other than the mask and piping, it is essentially the exact same - only sized up.
Height: 2.4 Meters Weight: 226 kilograms
Personality: A hard worker and foodie above all else, Konchu works hard to accomplish his dreams - owning a dine-in barbecue/burger joint! However, this is only one of his dreams - his other being to help as many as people as possible. To this effect, he wishes to become a hero - not only to help those in need, but to also gain a reputation as "Cooking Hero Jr." and make his future business venture a success. He is a hard worker, and refuses to ever give up on something unless he has to. As expected of someone with dreams like this, Konchu loves cooking more than nearly anything else - just giving another person a good meal brings a tear to his eyes. Unfortunately, not many people are willing to try his food - apparently, being infested with bugs and looking like a giant cockroach make others less willing to try your meals. By becoming a well-respected hero, Konchu hopes people will stop this prejudice against him. Konchu has a penchant for food-based puns and strange catchphrases, and hates to see anyone go hungry.
Konchu strives hard to make people happy, and believes that a good meal is the fastest way to cheer someone up - but should a meal prove ineffective, Konchu will go to extreme lengths to help those he considers friends (i.e. nearly everybody he knows). He is friendly, will always try to cooperate with others, and will stand up against others in order to protect those who can't protect themselves. An extremely easy way to get him to like you would be to compliment his cooking - he's always willing to make someone a meal if they ask! Unfortunately, his large stature and monstrous appearance makes him nervous of intimidating others, and Konchu is constantly worried he is unpopular because of it.
Konchu was raised to always be kind to everyone - no matter who they were or what they believed in. As such, he goes to large lengths in order to help others, and is always willing to cooperate and compromise to help another. Even against people hostile towards him, Konchu always tries to be diplomatic and peaceful, but this rarely has worked in the past.
Despite his kind nature and creativity in the kitchen, Konchu is far from the sharpest knife in the drawer - His entire life he could never get good grades, a source of constant shame for him. Konchu desperately tries to hide his low intelligence from others, afraid that they would insult him. Even though the hides it, however, he will occasionally misinterpret the meaning of words, and uses complicated words without knowing what they mean in order to sound smart. He reads at a 5th grade level. This is his second largest source of discomfort - no matter how hard he works to improve it, his grades never seem to rise. The only thing he is more ashamed of then this is his monstrous appearance, but there is no way to hide that.
Likes: Cooking Volunteer Work Eating Training Helping others Gambling Popularity
Dislikes: People being Grossed out by him Stagnating Skipping meals Rudeness Breaking the rules Intelligence-related things Cold wind
History: Born in the city of Osaka, Konchu was raised by a mother and father team who owned their own business - a small, family-owned traditional diner! Their, they sold traditional Osakan cuisine (at an affordable price, I might add!). His mother and father were kind parents, and raised him with love and care in mind - no matter what he did, they always gave him their full support. They gave him singing lessons, helped him practice drawing, and were always willing to lend a hand with his preschool studies - it rarely helped, but the thought was appreciated. Unfortunately, things changed at the age of 4.
Konchu's quirk manifested itself later than most - he was nearly 4 and a half when it did manifest itself. He grew a foot taller, and a hard exoskeleton quickly grew over his skin - he was nearly sent to the emergency room since he didn't know how to control his quirk, and he quickly ran out of energy as bugs streamed from his orifices. Luckily, his mother's father, whom the quirk originated from, helped Konchu properly learn how to control it, saving his life. Unfortunately, having a child that spewed out bugs as a quirk and looked like a cockroach wasn't really good for business in a restaurant - the family diner, which his parents had worked so hard to maintain, quickly went under when news about Konchu's quirk started going around. Eventually, the couple was unable to support the failing establishment, and they sold it to a fast food chain.
Despite losing their dream, his parents quickly bounced back - they took new jobs, both getting the same career at a larger restaurant, working as chefs. The made significantly less money and some would even call them poor, but they were frugal enough to make things work. Despite always telling him that it wasn't his fault, Konchu always blamed himself for the failing of his parent's dreams - this guilt manifested itself in his love of cooking. Every day, whenever his parent's had free time, Konchu would beg them to teach him a new recipe or technique, and they tried their best to oblige. Konchu also grew to idolize the famous chef's of the world - despite many not having quirks that were useful for cooking, they were still able to be well-accomplished chefs. No one, however, was more idealized than the hero Lunch-Rush.
Upon learning the existence of Lunch-Rush and professional heroes in general at the age of 8, Konchu decided to become one himself. Many of the neighborhood ridiculed him, because at the time, he could barely control the insects that poured from his body - that was the reason his parent's restaurant went under. However, Konchu possessed a gift that was far more powerful than a naturally good quirk - he had the power of perseverance! Every day, after he finished school and practicing his cooking, he trained his quirk and body. Over the years, the number of insects he could control grew, and his quirk continued to mutate his body - as he could control larger numbers, his body grew larger in order to hold more. This, combined with his strength that he had trained intensely, catapulted him from "Weird, but not terrifying" to "Kill it with fire".
Still, even at the age of 12 and being over 6' tall, his parents still supported their son - they were even saving up a large amount of money so he could go to a university with a good hero program. However, Konchu secretly refused to accept this - their was no way he would force his parents to support his dreams - he was doing this for them, not the other way around! He doubled down on his training, and finally, at the age of 14, he applied to U.A High. While it is by far the best Hero school in the country, Konchu was more focused on it for another reason - the chef of the academy was the famous Lunch-Rush! Of course, the great "Cooking Hero Jr." had to eat the meals of the original "Cooking Hero!" And so, Konchu sent forth his application - praying that, even with his low grades and a quirk not specialized for being a hero, his attitude and perseverance would win him the day!
...He never even got to take the entrance exam, as the academy viewed his quirk as "too disturbing" for becoming a hero. He was denied via letter, and keeps it in his wallet to remind him of his mission. Never the type to give up, Konchu instead applied for the summer camp of Monoha Academy, where he wasn't immediately disqualified!
Name: Living Hive
Description: Numerous insects live inside of Konchu's body - these are made by consuming an excess amount of calories. They can be controlled within a 300 foot range, and Konchu can use their senses at will. Unfortunately, while looking through their senses can be done at will, he will feel pain when looking through large numbers (over 10) or if the insect he is looking through dies. In order to recover stamina to produce more insects, he must consume more food, making his endurance naturally low - should he use his quirk too much, he will eventually pass out, or even die.
Attacks/Applications Chili Pepper Assault: Unleashing a swarm of flying insects, Konchu sprays them with some irritant, such as mace or hot sauce. Then, he maneuvers them directly into an opponents eyes, mouth, or wounds, causing intense pain and creating a very good distraction. This is the move he has trained the most with, viewing it as his "Signature Move"
Black Pepper Restraint: Holding an opponent in his arms, he releases insets directly onto a person's face from his mouth. These insects, usually beetles or maggots, proceed to dig into their flesh. Thankfully, the opponent usually manages to shake Konchu off by this point, preventing serious harm.
Supersized (Locked): After training his quirk considerably, Konchu has finally learned how to manipulate the details of the insects he spawns. He can make them anywhere from a third of their normal size, all the way to three times their normal size. The larger they are, the more calories they need and the shorter they live, while smaller insects can be produced at a smaller cost. Other than being stronger at larger sizes, this does nothing else.
Boiled Onion Artillery (Locked): Using the infamous Bombardier Beetle, Konchu collects several or more of the beetle around his hand - upon doing so, the beetles release it's defense mechanism. This mass of liquid can be over 100 degrees Celsius, and is particularly irritating to the eyes and other sensitive parts. Unfortunately, it suffers in range, only being able to launch a few feet in front of Konchu.
(WIP, can't really think of many right now. Plan on adding more at a later time/when he trains them).
Limitations: Armor Problem: Konchu's quirk lacks any form of armor piercing, making an opponent with even light armor that covers their entire body completely protected against it.
Timed: No matter how much food he consumes or what bugs he produces, they have a set lifetime - they are unable to live longer than 6 hours, with larger bugs lasting less time depending on how much larger they are. This prevents him from "Stocking up" and storing large numbers of insects. Fortunately, the process of actually spawning the bugs only takes a few seconds.
Weaknesses: Insect Weakness: No mater how large or numerous they are, bugs are still bugs. Konchu's bugs are not any more resistant to fire and poison than any others, and those with area of affect quirks can easily be a hard counter for him.
No Poison: While he has the toxins of every insect in the animal kingdom to choose from, Konchu refuses to use anything lethal to humans - even somewhat dangerous poisons are only used in emergencies. This is more of a personal weakness then one related to his quirk, but there is little chance he will ever get over this weakness.
Energy Inefficient: While many quirks, like muscles, are stamina-based and can be pushed to go beyond their limits, Konchu's quirk is entirely calorie-based. As such, pushing himself will result in effects similar to malnutrition and starvation. Rapid use will cause severe consequences, and Konchu cannot "take a breather" in order to recover - he must eat once he runs out of energy, or else he'll faint (or worse).
Ace sat against the cool factory walls, only a small distance from his partner - Karrsh. He was a couple years older than Ace was, and to be honest, he had seemed to take far more of a beating than Ace ever had. Hell, most of his body was cybernetic at this point, a feature that was pretty hard to ignore. Still, he was pretty quiet for a metal man, and Ace was focusing on the task at hand - making sure everything was secure, and nothing happened. To be honest, the work was an immense drag - there was nothing to do, and he wanted to make sure he was focused in case things turned sour. The small cauldron on his back hummed slightly, the constant heat it emitted comfortably warming his back. Ace never enjoyed the cold - while the intense heat of explosives against his skin was unbearable, at least that only lasted a few moments. When reverencing, he was kept in intense cold for hours on end in order to help with the burns - the scars of which still litter his torso and limbs.
Ace didn't think about much during the time they spent there - he had grown used to the intense boredom that follows without any stimulation, having been restricted to it countless times when not on a mission. He simply learned that turning off your brain and not focusing on anything made time go by faster - unfortunately, he was on a mission now. Ace kept his senses sharp, and made sure to be ready for action at a moment's notice. When Karrsh unexpectedly spoke, however, it caused Ace to nearly jump.
Ace had to pause temporarily - everyone had heard each other's stories, and no one there were strangers to cruelty or abuse. Karrsh was simply never extended the same opportunity to live a peaceful life that the others had been given. Would he have taken said opportunity had he ever been given it? Personally, Ace chose not to respond. Talking would either distract him from the mission, or bring up thoughts and emotions that would distract him. They could talk about their motivations and incentives when their wasn't work that needed to be done - if the Ascendancy of Man had given him anything, it was a good work ethic.
"Uh, never mind..."
Ace responded in his own quiet whisper, unaware that Karrsh had been speaking through the comm. link.
"If you say so."
To be honest, Ace had no idea how to respond - but he definitely wanted to make sure that Karrsh hadn't been thinking that Ace simply ignored him. He really didn't want to get on any of his teammates bad side - especially since they were his only way to get back to his father.
The meal was, as expected, nothing extraordinary. Still, a free meal was nothing to sneeze at, considering Theo planned on saving every single nickel he owned until he could afford some decent armor. To be honest, Theo himself would vastly prefer another way of making a living, when comparing it to monster hunting - he was never in extreme danger, considering he allocated his stats in order to resist attacks and survive, but his party dying would quickly result in his death. A more stable form of income would be the smartest thing to o... but he doubted that his party would agree to finding day jobs. Eventually, the party came down and ate, before going on their own way. Theo, as expected, was still extremely nervous around the waitress, not responding to her compliment earlier. He knew that he would, in all likelihood, stutter horribly.
There were several options for what he could do with his day - go out and explore, look for his allies, maybe even hunt lower level monsters and get the party to help. Despite those options, however, Theo knew exactly the place he wanted to spend his time - Theo quickly made his way to the bar where Hans stood, cleaning several mugs in preparation for the evening. Using his acting ability, Theo made himself appear as serious and likable as possible - his voice dropped slightly, and he abandoned the loud tone that Dirk was known for, with his stance remaining steadfast, yet submissive.
"Excuse me, Sir, but if you do not mind, I'd like to assist you today."
Hans was slightly taken aback - after all, he did not expect one of those adventurers to offer help to him. They didn't just speak strange and use foreign words - but even their mannerisms and behavior seemed to change at the drop of the hat. In fact, Hans had seen several adventurers cry for no apparent reason just last night. To be honest, he had gotten a lot more business lately, especially from other adventurers, so the help wouldn't be unappreciated...
"Sure, kid - you'll be waiting on tables and cleaning up - just make sure not to slack off too much."
Theo nodded his head, before quickly making his way towards the backroom - there, he found a uniform similar to the waitress, albeit shabbier and made for a man rather than a woman. Quickly opening his menu, Theo changed instantly, and grabbed the small bucket and mop as he made his way out of the room. Upon reaching the Hall, he began to clean up some of the remains of what appeared to be a great night yesterday, judging by the amount of spilled alcohol. Apparently, some players managed to find a decent escape from their current state. Theo himself never enjoyed drinking - it was something he though of as a waste of time, money, and brain cells. But hey, he enjoyed working - it gave him time to reflect on everything that happened.
The waitress, unfortunately, only appeared surprised that Theo was working there, but quickly went back to her job. She seemed to be a good worker, and Theo was glad that he could avoid talking for awhile. It made it easier to keep up the act. Eventually (around Early Daytime), the floors were spotless, and Theo quickly made his way to the backroom. There, he returned the mop and bucket, and he made his way back to the main area - it was time to become a waiter. Theo never really realized the impact his low speed had on him, or the physical demands that being in food service had. By mid day, however, it had finally arrived - Theo was on break.
Sitting down at one of the Tables, Theo sighed in relief. It was less that he was tired, more that he just couldn't feel his feet. This feeling of tiredness and a lack of energy quickly vanished, however, as the waitress sat down with him.
"You'll never guess how surprised I was to see you!" The waitress said, her voice immediately turning into a giggle. "I always thought adventurers were too high-class to work in an inn."
Thanking his past self the he put so many points into his acting, Theo responded in his normal voice.
"I personally think adventurers don't do it cause it's pretty tiring... To be honest, I would prefer to fight a couple wolves then go through that again."
The waitress rewarded Theo's poor attempt at humor with another giggle, and he grew more tense than he was in the dungeon.
If you think that was, bad, just prepare for the end of our break - that's when lunch rush starts.
Groaning as he realized that hunger in the real world and this one followed the same schedule, Theo prepared himself mentally to ask something he never would have in the real world.
"S-Sorry for not asking yet but... What's your name?"
The girl curtsied slightly, responding.
"Julia Rott, pleased to make your acquaintance! But it is rude to ask people what their names are when you don't even give your own!"
Theo's mind raced, but with great deliberation, he responded.
"My... My name's Theodore. You can call me Theo."
Lunch was, as Julia said a constant stream of people. Theo discovered a newfound respect for old Hans, who was keeping up with them with ease. Theo would have been overwhelmed, had Julia not picked up his slack. Eventually, however... it was done. The trio continued to work, and Theo was struck by the rough sense of belonging he felt. It was nice here - he felt that he was appreciated. Vinny, his friend from the real world, was the only other person to make him feel this way. The time passed quickly, and it was now Early nighttime - The dinner rush hadn't started yet, but the place was still packed. Theo, out of the coner of his eye, noticed a man in darker clothes approach Hans... before pulling out a dagger. Quickly, he restrained Hans, and began to threaten everyone.
"If anybody moves, this guy's dead! Now, you-"
He pointed at Julia, who jumped slightly.
"- You're going to get all the money this place has made today, and you're going to hand it to me - any funny movements, and I won't just slit this old guy's throat."
Slowly, Julia began to move... Before another voice was heard.
"Hey, asshole."
Quickly opening his menu, Theo equipped the Abyssal Mask, before pointing at the robber.
"Get the hell out of here before I kill you."
Theo activated the Abyssal Mask effect and, as expected, the NPC immediately began to shake violently, dropping the dagger before he ran out of the Inn. Theo never would have expected that the NPC's, other than possibly bandits, would commit crimes. Theo unequipped the mask, before realizing that all the inn's patrons were staring at him.
The pictured outfit was what Johnny wore on his first suicide mission - every other time, including now, he wears a simple Jumpsuit with the identification number of J-15814. The first suit was made to hold as much explosives as possible, but when the military realized that Johnny was reusable, they created the jumpsuits in order to save on resources. The Jumpsuit is made of Blast-Resistant Fabric, and is meant to keep him comfortable in a variety of climates. It is his only form of clothing. Other than that, Johnny has few notable features. He has brown hair, Green eyes, and constant training has resulted in well-developed muscles. Johnny is fairly short, only being 5'1 - the military had restricted his growth in order to help him fit into the cannons and make him more compact. His skin is fairly pale due to staying inside all day, but his body is littered with burn scars. Most notably, Johnny always wears a pair of running shoes, which look very old. While his pictured hair is long, repeated burning after explosions encouraged him to shave it down.
Important items: Due to the nature of his time spent on the field, Johnny only owns one actual possession. His father, Glenn Ace, had given Johnny a new pair of runner's shoes for the Track team - These shoes, while being relatively mundane, had extreme personal value to Johnny. For the next few years in the military, Johnny only had his shoes to remind him of his family.
The shoes themselves are barely related to what they once were - after repeatedly refusing to take them off, even after exploding, his handlers decided to repair them with Blast-Proof Fabric, allowing them to survive extreme explosive damage and remain relatively unscathed. Johnny, no matter his current attire, always wear these shoes, as he knew that his father spent money that they didn't have on them. They have been recently resized, as they were growing too tight on Johnny's feet.
Nemesis Weapon: "Nemesis Cauldron" A small (1 foot cube) black cauldron constructed from a strange metal, which Johnny had stolen just before his escape. The cauldron is always warm to the touch, no matter the surrounding air - When the lid is closed, the cauldron begins to whir and grows comfortable hot. Anything placed into the cauldron - solid, liquid, or gas - is boiled down through an unknown process to create various chemicals. Johnny, thanks to his years of using the cauldron's products and the cauldron's relatively simple controls, has learned how to control what is made. Using the cauldron, he could make highly explosive potions, medicines, and even recreational drugs. The cauldron runs on a power source that is expected to last at least a few thousand years.
While the cauldron can make nearly any chemical, it relies on transmutation and the rule of equivalent exchange to create what it does - while Johnny could make something weak with an apple, he'll be unable to make something like morphine without sacrificing a far more valuable item. Additionally, while it can boil down nearly anything, truly strong materials like Perfected Electrum and other Nemesis Weapons remain unaffected by the process.
Short Bio: Jonathon Ace was raised to in a very poor family, often going days without eating. His mother was not in the picture, and his father had dropped out of high school early on and could rarely hold down a job. Despite this, Johnathon was a determined youth, and his father, Glenn Ace, always encouraged him to try his hardest at everything he did, and to always "Listen to your Burning Emotions!" As such, Jonathon was a determined youth, got good grades despite being unable to afford a proper tutor, and was a star player on the track team. Johnathon, in fact, placed his all into running - as that was what would save him from poverty. As long as he kept running, he could survive.
Glenn Ace got into trouble very early on in Jonathon's life with the mafia - he had taken a high interest loan, and over the years, it only racked up a higher debt. Glenn had done everything he could - but at the age of 8, Johnathon was kidnapped in order to be sold as a child slave. The night before he was stolen was the last time Johnny ever saw his father. Only a week later, Johnny was sold to the government as a child soldier - there, they injected him with strange chemicals and he underwent cruel experimentation (These experiments were magical in nature, with little tech involved). After a week of this treatment, he was immediately thrown into the fields of battle - where many of his fellow soldiers died. Johnny had several strange vials and bottles strapped onto his body, before being launched directly at the Rau've forces.
The landing didn't hurt in the slightest - in fact, the real pain started only a few seconds later, as the bottles cracked, and a massive fireball engulfed Johnny and the soldiers who surrounded him. It took every fiber in his being not to die - more than anything else, the 8 year old wanted to simply give up and die. But Johnny sure as hell wasn't going to just give up and die there - Instead, he simply grit his teeth, and let his Burning Emotions take over. Eventually, the human forces found him, still breathing and nearly dead, but still having all his limbs. It was a miracle.
As it turned out, the human army planned on using him as a 1-time suicide unit - they put him through the bare-minimum procedures needed to survive the landing, so Rau've soldiers would attempt to help out the small child. They never expected anybody to survive such a strong blast with barely any protection. So, after healing and going through a few more horrifying experiments, Johnathon was sent back to the fields of battle. Again. And Again. And Again.
Johnny possessed an incredible success rate - after the first year, he had even grown resistant enough to the explosives to start running back to base and get strapped up again. Slowly, his healing time dwindled, and he eventually became a living artillery bomb. All this time, as his endurance was artificially enhanced, Johnny remembered his father's words to his son - "Listen to your Burning Emotions!" Johnny knew that the war was pointless - countless of his friends died, and many were left with little chance to survive. As such, he decided to listen to his Burning Emotions - he finally decided to make his escape. Just like he did on the track team, as long as he kept running, he would be able to forge his own path.
He had just been launched out of the cannon, and decimated a transport vehicle. The wounds, at this point, were only superficial - his willpower and endurance easily got him back on his feet. The shock collar around his neck would shock him quickly - or it would, had Johnny not stolen the keycard needed to unlock it. As soon as it was off, Johnny booked it towards Rau've forces, and was immediately taken captive. He was thrown to the ground, checked for weapons, and thrown into a new transport vehicle for moving to a prison. The prison, while unfamiliar, was of little concern towards Johnny - he didn't care how long it was, as long as he could escape eventually, he'd be able to find his father. Luckily, escape never came - it wasn't needed.
Johnny made a few friends while he was imprisoned, and while the treatment wasn't great, it could have been far worse. Eventually, the war ended - after 6 years of being blown up, Johnny could finally live in peace. The aliens, while strange looking, were very kind when the war ended. They even offered Johnny, who had massacred hundreds of their soldiers, a home among them. The offer was very tempting - however, his Burning Emotions refused to allow him to quit. He didn't want revenge or to kill the humans, like some of his companions did - all Johnny wanted was to find his father. After that... Well, Johnny wasn't the best at making plans, so he decided to let Future Jonathon deal with that!
Spell List: N/A
Exceptional Skill List: Exceptional Endurance X 3 Exceptional Speed X 3