Avatar of Duoya


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4 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Any good recommendation for the range drop? I'm totally fine with removing the part about using it while asleep - I mostly added that to kind of stress that he's not really using it, and it's mostly his unconscious mind.

AIM resonance would probably be completely useless unless their is a lot of telekinetics in an area. Considering normal AIM is so small that you need machinery to detect it, Resonance would probably need to occur between several TKs before the environment is actually effected.

AIM Resonance does let the user detect if similar espers, TKs in Haruma's case, are near them (Pretty sure that's how Misaka detects sisters, but it also lets her find other Electromasters to an extent), and the more similar the powers are the more accurate the detection is. So, essentially, when a TK enters his AIM field and Resonates, Haruma would have a very vague idea where they are in relation to himself.
@Rune_Alchemist@Stern Algorithm

The fatigue that racked Hayim's body was not the most intense he had ever felt - certainly more than a day's worth of play, but little compared to the times he had turned much larger portions of land into meadows and forests. And, even though it was unplesant, the fact that his dear sibling was happy made it all worth it. Upon being placed on the Knowledge god's shoulder, Hayim allowed himself to relax - the emergency was prevented.

"Ah, brother Hayim its lovely! So many new things in the Library! Things to catalogue! Study! Classify! Oh I only wish I had enough time to frolic through them. So busy as of late. Gammaton wants to call an assembly of all of us Gods."

The news was somewhat troubling - Gamma was friend and sibling, but he didn't really like the way Hayim handled his lifestyle and worshipers. Still, any excuse to see his siblings (even the scary ones, like Ragna) should be taken.

"And he asked me of all gods to help him, heh! A funny idea, isn't it Hayim? Me of all gods, wanting to join an assembly of order. Hah! A laughably silly and absolutely pathetic idea."

Hayim was put down upon a table, and with that, the young god finally decided to voice his opinion of the matter.

"Yay! Hayim love play with siblings, so Hayim love assembly!"

"...ah. Anyways. I'll have to catch up later. I have more guests arriving it seems."

The sudden leaving of Iva was a tad crushing - after building a forest, Hayim was hoping for at least a little bit of playing...

No, that's selfish! Hayim was happy that Iva was no longer upset, and even if he didn't get to play at that exact time, he had an eternity in front of him to play. Oh! They could all play at the assembly! Hooray! At the thought of this, Hayim proceeded to create himself a small pen, flower stems and greenery sprouting from the wooden table, intertwining to create a small nest of sorts - for the childish Hayim, it was essentially a throne.

Nestled in his bed, Hayim was prepared to take a nap before greeting his other siblings and heading home, but it appeared that Gammaton had other ideas.

"Lord Brother Hayim, it is so good to see you. It has been too long, I suppose The Honorable Iva'Krorh has mentioned to you that I have need of you. This is true, but the fact of the matter is, Our Honorable Sibling has made it known to me that they are loathe to allow me to hold my assembly in this realm, and besides, I doubt everyone has been gathered. That being the case, my purpose here today is simply to convince you to attend The General Assembly of the Gods, and to present you with a summons."

A small parchment was rolled out, and Hayim took hold of the edges to make sure it didn't crumple or alter shape in any way. The movement caused him to spill from his nest somewhat. Looking at the parchment, Hayim was suddenly stricken with an intense feeling of pity.

Small, squiggly characters dotted the parchment, and while it seemed very precise and careful, Hayim had no idea what it meant! Seriously, human toddlers could make more descriptive pictures than this! As he attempted to decipher whatever meaning was hidden in the squiggled, repeated lines, Hayim barely caught the last part of Gammaton's speech.

"Do you understand, Lord Brother Hayim?"

While Hayim didn't plan on mentioning his brother's horrible artistic skill, Hayim now realized that he had just ignored all of what his Brother had said! That was incredibly rude! Thining quick on his leaves, Hayim responded a few seconds after Gammaton had finished speaking.

"Yay! Hayim love Assembly! Hayim can bring fruits, and vegetables, and mushrooms, and pretty flower-friends, and some bird-friends, and even some Humies!"

Hayim gently took the needle in his hand - he had a bit of an idea what 'sign here' meant, especially since Gammaton used it so often, but he wasn't clear on the specifics. So, using what little ink (?) he had, Hayim proceeded to draw his face - well, he got the petals done before he ran out of ink (?), so that would have to do! Satisfied, Hayim looked up to his brother.

"Gamma, Gamma, after Assembly is done, can we all play!?

Sorry for taking awhile, school is killer - this guy alright?

Will get a post out tomorrow - prepare for the adventures of the illiterate Hayim!

Edit: Sorry, post will be out Tuesday instead!
Sorry for taking awhile - got a post out.
As Dirka picked Hayim up, and allowed the large creature to sit onto her shoulder, before walking through the portal that she had made earlier. The seedlings were quick to notice their creator's departure, and proceeded to do the first thing Hayim programmed them for should they be separated - they simply began to walk into the tree that they had been clinging onto, and made their way Akhuz. Relaxed that the seedlings which he had put so much energy into were going to be safe during his absence, Hayim shifted his focus back onto the task at hand - making sure Iva was alright!

The change in temperature was noticed immediately by the young god, who began to shiver. Iva lived in such a cold, barren place! No wonder she needed friends to help warm them up Climbing down from his perch on the God of Magic, Hayim gazed around the library in all it's glory... Or, all the glory of that room. The nearest table was laden with dozens of scrolls and books, the contents of which Hayim would never be able to grasp in his immense lifetime. Of course, the silly books (which, from what Hayim could see, didn't even have pictures!) were the last thing that Hayim cared to think about in the scene before him - instead, all of his attention was on the Human!

When did Iva get a Human friend?! Hayim loved Humans, so this would be a great thing to bond over!

"Dirka, right! And Hayim! I recognize you from the books! Oh wow, I didn't think I'd meet both of you today either!"

As Hayim was about to greet her and request the traditional giving of hugs, the creature grabbed Hayim by the petals and carried him away. Luckily, the presence of the incredibly sharp claws weren't on Hayim's mind - instead, he was reminding of the urgency with which he needed to respond to Iva's sadness!

"Hayim no can talk now Humie - gotta find I-"

As he passed the threshold of the wall, however, Hayim was cut off by the slamming of the wall. Even if he wasn't blocked by the stone structure, however, he still would have stopped speaking around the time he noticed the blood-covered clothing of the human...

Why did she have animal-friend fur covered in blood? Hayim knew that Humans liked to eat Animal-friends, but how many were here to begin with?

Hayim tried to shake the thought, instead focusing on the task at hand.

The slow ascent up the staircase was devoid of any kind of conversation - Unlike the Animal-friends that Hayim usually encountered, this one seemed to lack any desire to express it's emotions. The slow, methodical steps reminded him somewhat of the seedlings, albeit louder, heavier, and much more coordinated - they both had an almost mechanical quality to them, which Hayim had not focused on during the creation process. Still, questioning of the creature's origins were a nonissue, and was mentally taxing on someone so unused to deep thought.

Hayim simply gave up on this line of thinking, allowing himself to instead focus on the intricate pattern of the stone bricks that made up the stairwell. It was a big difference from the wooden huts that littered Akhuz, and it wasn't really a change that Hayim was appreciative of - it seemed cold and barren, lacking the presence of life that Hayim was so accustomed to. Then again, anything would probably be like that for him, considering how he surrounded himself with life nearly every moment of his existence.

Before he knew it, Hayim was before Iva, the faceless god of knowledge. While the appearance was not one that Hayim was especially fond of, he knew that Iva was upset and needed to be comforted. The creature let him down gently upon the coarse grass, and the mere touch alerted Hayim to it's hardy nature - it was rough surviving in this area. Making his way to the god, Iva began to speak.

"Ah! Brother Hayim! Such a pleasure to see you! If you couldn't tell from my message my heart, it aches! My soul it cries! My body shrieks with sadness! Such a tiring, bland realm this is! Oh every day all I see is nothing but endless cold and empty minds."

While the overly dramatic and exaggerated motions would clearly have made others question the validity to the statements that were being made, Hayim was incredibly nervous and shocked to hear this. He had never heard of a god being upset with their realm - he loved his with every facet of his being, and couldn't imagine it being as barren and deserted as Iva's. Hayim seemed not to notice the beauty that was present in the realm, as he was almost entirely uncaring of the inorganic and nonexplicit. Shaking his 'head', he spoke.

"Please no be upset! Hayim... Hayim think it very pretty!"

Iarus once told Hayim that lies could be a good thing - maybe Iva just needed a little white lie to make themselves feel better about their realm? A flower was held out for Hayim to examine.

"Hayim, you are the only one who can cure the sadness. Make me a wonderful forest here. A place where I can frolic through fields of these flowers, admire nature in all of its beauty!"

Leaping to grab the flower from the god's hand Hayim quickly made his way to the edge of the balcony. While he could probably create a few trees on the top of the tower, the last thing he wanted to do was a poor job. The flower itself wouldn't do to well in such a cold environment - in fact, most plants would die after long-term exposure to the cold. Gathering his energy, Hayim gazed out from the balcony of the library, coldly aware of the task set before him. It would probably take almost double the amount of energy it would normally take to create a forest in such a cold environment. Still, it wasn't like he could simply ignore the pleas of a sibling!

Gathering energy, Hayim could already see the outlines of the plants in his mind - short leaves in order to prevent loss of moisture and frost, flowers with cupped heads to maximize the energy they gained from the sun, hairy stems and shrubs being prevalent, and lichens that coated the ground and any surface they could. Of course, there would need to be trees - that was where he started first. The ground cracked and fissured as dozens - no, as hundreds of trees came from the depths., roots anchoring themselves into the frosty, grass-covered ground. With that taken care of, the majority of his work was taken care of. Pines and Firs dominated their ranks, with pockets of different Evergreens added for flavor.

Hayim then began to populate this area full of a collection of smaller plants - unlike the trees, it was a lot harder to control what types appeared when he spawned them in such a large area. Hayim simply had to hope that there weren't too many that were weak to the cold. They were almost entirely dominated by Tulips and Asters, and even with concentrated effort, only a few seemed to match the flower that Iva had given him.

After only 10 minutes of concentrated effort, a forest nearly a mile long was now dominating the once barren area. The grass would likely die off in certain spots, due to the shadows of the larger trees and shrubs, but Hayim did his best to cause as little death as possible. The entire thing took a great deal of energy - while a mile of forest might only have needed a day's rest to recuperate, the cold resistance, necessary precision, and eagerness to make it beautiful meant that it would take nearly six days to return to his full power.

Dropping the flower onto the ground, Hayim shakily made his way to Iva.

"Iva happy now? Hayim work really hard!"
Interested, will make a character soon.
You can take him - I can just put the response later.

Hayim inched closer to the creature whenever he could do so subtly, doing his best to get in close enough to touch and cure the beast. It was more of an instinctual thing than a conscious decision on his own part - after all, it was in his nature to care for those who are mutilated and disfigured. It seemed that the mere inkling that it might be twisted was now more of a certainty. Not based on truth, but on a mere childish confidence that the naive and ignorant held. Hayim nearly managed to pat the creature before it unrolled the large scroll it carried, briefly covering one of the seedlings by Hayim's side.

Pausing, Hayim instantly forgot about the creature's peculiarities - distracted by the frowning face of the god of knowledge. The level of artistic talent was akin to what a human child or Hayim himself could replicate given effort, and this had a great effect in distracting the god - the use of drawings rather than words had definitely been a wise decision. As he read the scroll, a horrible realization dawned on Hayim.

"Noooooooooo! Iva has saddies! Hayim gotta go an-!"

The god was cut off by the sound of a person landing, causing him to spring to the nearest tree trunk in surprise. The seedlings, mimicking their creator, followed in a far slower, almost mechanical imitation. Luckily, a quick investigation revealed that the culprit responsible for the sound was none other than Dirka!

"Ow, that hurt. Da' 50 shades of purple is going on here? Hayim, why are you trying to play with a messenger bird? Tweet tweet?"

Springing onto the sorceress' leg, Hayim immediately attempted to heal the god, seemingly uncaring that the fall had not even bruised her.

"Yay! Dirka! Hayim go visit Iva by flying with Animal... No, with Bird-friend! Dirka come to! She help cheer up Iva and we all can play together!"

Detaching himself, Hayim quickly dragged the scroll over to the god's feet, before making his way towards the 'bird.' It appeared like the idea of healing the beast had left Hayim's mind, at least while the prospect of Iva being upset was an urgent threat.

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