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I'm all in at this point, reroll
Oh god all my terrible luck, reroll both

>Johnny is determined to make a good first impression, let's hope he hits this time

>Fear scavenges room C, hopefully he doesn't find a spooky scary skeleton like that other time
@Mae sure, I do that, that sounds like a good plan
After Jax addressed the group they would be going forward with he said to her a bit cheekily, "isn't this the part where we have a kiss in case one of us doesn't make it?" Obviously he was joking, but even so Jax looked sad for the briefest of moments before smiling once more and saying she wasn't going to die today. They charged in to battle and Morthos was glad he had Jax with him, the first few that came their way she cut down with ease, Morthos was more just a prop she was using to move more easily.

Then from seemingly nowhere a group of hellhounds was on them and Morthos and Jax got a bit separated. Not too far, but enough that he had to fend off a couple of hounds on his own. The physical training he had been doing with Jax would be great help right now. He focused his flames to his hands, turning them in to blades of fire. If he couldn't just blast these things as he normally would with an enemy then he'd have to slice them down.

He got the first one no problem, stabbing straight in to its heart. The second one however pounced and pinned him, he was slightly distracted by Jax saying she'd meet him further ahead and before he could say anything else she was off. The hound got a good swipe in on his chest. Morthos blasted it off with flames, knowing that wouldn't hurt it much but the force would buy him some space. He ran his hands over the claw marks, cauterizing the wound. What made him more angry though was that he happened to be wearing the shirt he got with Jax what felt like forever ago now. Morthos stood tall, ignoring the pain, and the hound charged. He was ready for it this time, he waited for the last moment and as it jumped he ducked and dashed forward, cutting it along its stomach before sending a powerful blast through its whole body, killing the beast.

Morthos made his way to the cave, powering through any pain he was feeling. He met up with Yam part way, she saw he was in rough shape and cast a minor healing spell on him. It wouldn't fix him up, but it would be enough to keep him going for now. He ran up to Jax who had cleared the area in front of the cave, had she been talking to someone? Morthos could have swore that she was. "Good fighting out there," Morthos said to Jax, oblivious to the fact that the remnants of his shirt had now fallen off so now he was totally shirtless.
@Scio totally understandable, for me I find I tend to drift towards the same couple powers for things like this. So I think it’s be good for me to get a list of like 3 to choose from.

As for getting swamped with work I get that. Sometimes I come home and just wanna veg out and do nothing. If I may suggest a couple things, 1, if two characters are talking, and one person doesn’t reply for a while (4 days to a week maybe?) then they can feel free to just say something along the lines of “we finished talking and I went on my way” or whatever just to keep things moving.

The second is depending on how story focused this will be maybe have a co-gm who can help do plot things if you’re not around?
Sounds cool, will we be deciding our own powers or will they be assigned randomly? I always find it interesting when people don’t get to choose their power since you don’t get to choose your genetics in real life
I'd wanna see some more detail but this seems neat
Fear left the others, unsure of how exactly he would convince his troops to go on what would seem to be a suicide mission. They had already lost many trying to reach the demon in his cave. Luckily the answer came to him in the form of Morthos running up and asking what had happened while he was talking to his people. Fear quickly went over what the plan was and asked Morthos if he would assist in rallying the troops. Morthos agreed and they made their way to the barracks. Fear didn't need to do much as Morthos gave them all a rousing speech about how this battle would be different, how this time they would save lady Rieta. The main selling point seemed to be as soon as Lady Rieta was back that meant Lord Damakos would be getting the boot.

Within the hour they had all gathered at the east gate, prepared to march out. Yam had also gathered a handful of her best spellcasters. Morthos met back up with his friends before they split in to the horde clearing team and the team that would initially enter the cave to try and find Morthos' mom. "Thank you guys for doing this for me, now let's go kick some demon ass."
>Johnny moves up to A12 and shoots the furthest away spider that he can (B17 maybe?)

>Fear moves to C3 and takes a peak in the next room
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