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The chill in the air didn't bother Zephyr, a nice side effect of his gift. He had taken a few days off work for this trip. Normally he'd much rather use his time off to catch up on his massive backlog of video games he had to get through. But he never could say no to Eris and her desire for adventure, and as much as camping may not be his ideal vacation it would be nice to catch up Eris and the others.

He had spent the day making sure he had everything he would need for roughing it in the woods. Most importantly was a self inflating air mattress, Zephyr had slept on the floor of a tent with only a sleeping bag before and never again would he subject himself to that. His back got a little sore just thinking of it. Once he was satisfied he had packed all the creature comforts he would need he got in his car and started a drive to the campsite, listening to an old favourite episode of a podcast he loved.

He got to the spot and despite priding himself on being early to most things he found he was the third of four to get there. Oh well, at least he wasn't last. He got out of his car and stretched, despite not minding the long drive he still felt sore after sitting and basically not moving for a long while. "Heya girls, long time no see." he casually walked over to them, still stretching his arms over his head.
I was so excited to join and it's been so long since I joined a new RP I kinda forgot you should post a CS in the OOC for approval first. Oops, sorry about that @QuinnWolfe, didn't mean to overstep myself there

Name: Zephyr Deniel
Age: 24
Fae properties: Blessed with the Gift of Flame

Personality: Zephyr is a very laid back individual, he could spend an entire day doing nothing and he would consider that a day well spent. He doesn't like rushing in to things, but usually with a bit of coaxing he's willing to try new things or even go on an adventure. There is something deeper to Zephyrs personality though, he doesn't like getting angry and it takes a lot to get him there. When he does get angry though it's advisable to stay clear, as he's liable to hurt anyone in his way.

Bio: Zephyr never wanted an exciting life, so of course he had to be one of the many people in Arrow Oak who was anything but normal. He finds his ability neat but he doesn't like people making a big deal out of it. He's always tried to keep it on the down low, even when he was rather young. It helped that he didn't have many friends in his youth, he'd much rather have had his head in a book than talk to people. That didn't stop Eris though, and something about her endeared Zephyr to her. They had plenty of good times, even though from the outside it would seem they were quite the opposites. Currently Zephyr is a package delivery driver in the city, giving him a 45 minute commute both ways. He still practices a bit with his ability, just in case something crazy were to happen, it's better than having a gun.
I am going to take the role of best friend, should we use real people for pictures or are drawings okay? The picture on your sheet is broken so I can't follow your example @QuinnWolfe
Awesome, I think I'd like the role of best friend. Also I'll probably be waiting until you post Eris to post my sheet, I like seeing the GMs character before doing mine
<Snipped quote by duskshine749>

I appreciate the questions! & there's plenty of room :)
Gifts don't have to be as minor as my own character but they also shouldn't be like.. God level either, if that makes sense. Half-fae and changelings generally would have a wider range of abilities & will get different reactions from the fae given that they themselves are fae/part fae. I imagine they would probably have a natural affinity for fae languages & the ability to learn new magic beyond what they are born with (as opposed to humans who must be gifted it). Not so much pertaining to powers, but changelings are more likely to be outcasts and have more of a subconcious awareness of what they are. Like they wouldn't know they are a changeling but they would just know they are different for some reason.

awesome, I wasn't going to do anything insane. I'm thinking of a human with "the gift of flame" basically a firebender, but obviously at the start it'll just be minor stuff. I could even be the sibling/best friend if no one else has claimed those yet
Hey, so I saw the Int Check for this RP and thought it looked cool. It seems like there's room since you said you were looking for 2-6. Just curious, how powerful should gifts be? I saw Eris can speak to animals, should they all be that minor? And what exactly can half-fae and changellings do? I only ask so many questions because I care <3
As time passed in Goodnight Zephyr found the days starting to blend together. Unlike in his previous life there was seemingly no delineation between what happened on different days. The only real difference was what gruelling training Audrey had planned for the group. At least between the mandatory training and his personal training keeping up his tae-kwon-do knowledge he was in pretty good shape. Zephyr also appreciated that Audrey's belief that the best way to resolve a fight to to just avoid it all together, that kind of thinking really spoke to him. Unfortunately she also insisted that everyone learn to use a gun, and while Zephyr understood the need he still didn't like it. The only thing a gun was good for is killing, and Zephyr really didn't want to be in a situation where it came down to that.

When he wasn't doing mandatory training Zephyr found himself alone in the woods nearby Goodnight. It's not that he didn't appreciate the company of the others, they were all fine, but the reality of his new life had just been hitting him hard lately. This wasn't some fantastical adventure he had been chosen for, he wasn't going to save the world, he was just a guy who got lucky he wasn't taken by the government. These are the kind of thoughts Zephyr had on his treks into the woods. It was also a great chance to train his magic more. The gods may have made some kind of clerical error when giving him these amazing abilities but that wasn't going to stop him from training them to the best of his abilities. The more formal training was nice but nothing beat some alone time to reflect on what he could do.

Zephyr had gotten pretty proficient at turning his abilities on and off quickly, which seemed to be rather important considering the drain they put on his body. The only thing he still hadn't really gotten the hang of was his Time Out ability. It seemed he could only use that one if he really felt the situation was dire, he could never get it to work while in Goodnight.

Eventually the day came when Audrey told the group to meet up for an apparent mission they were getting. After the rather awkward gun training course (where Zephyr stood awkwardly while Ellen and Angie argued before making up) he went and did a bit more personal training before heading to the meeting. The general idea seemed simple enough, and Ellen was the first to speak up with some ideas which Zephyr thought sounded pretty decent. He wasn't a huge fan of stealing but desperate times and all that, plus Costco was a huge corporation so that helped alleviate any guilt he may feel about the whole ordeal.

"I think staying behind after we check out the place is a good idea, the main problem with that is the time between close and when we'd want to go in is probably a lot longer than you think." Zephyr said in response to Ellen's plan, "the rest sounds solid, though if we do the fire thing I'd prefer it's a place where not too many people would get hurt." He turned to Audrey to ask something, "I do have a question about recon though, how many of us will be doing that? I just feel like we'd look strange walking in together considering we don't exactly look like a family going shopping together."
Zephyr hadn’t been expecting everyone to be so interested in his faith, although it was for more unusual than what people were probably used to so maybe he shouldn’t have been. Before answering any questions though he let out a laugh at all of Abi’s assumptions about him. He appreciated Ellen trying to set her straight but to Zephyr it was less offensive and more just funny. Remarkably, Abigail managed to keep quiet. She stewed and seethed and scuffed the threadbare carpets and her gaze snapped from Ellen to Angeline as she shrank a little under Zephyr's ceaseless laughter. It was hard to tell whether her bottom lip was trembling or she was clenching her jaw so hard it shook.

He took a breath to compose himself before speaking, “sorry, but Abi, that is probably the funniest thing I’ve ever heard someone say when they find out about my beliefs.” He let out a small cough and took a breath before continuing, also addressing the rest of the group since they all seemed to want to know what being pagan entailed. “First, no goats, I feel like you’re thinking of Satanists. Even then I don’t think they do those types of things with goats. My personal brand of paganism is very much personal. I believe all myths are true in some form. Greek, Egyptian, Norse, you name it.”

He turned a bit more to Angeline to answer her question. “I don’t have a real answer for why this is happening. I have my own personal theory, that the gods have seen our world and want people to have the power to change it. But that’s just what I think, it could really be anything.” Turning his attention back to Abi he said, “does that help you understand a bit more? I’m not gonna try to convert you or say you’re wrong for what you believe. For all we know I’m the one who’s wrong.”

It took Abigail a few seconds to muster up the courage to speak again. All the while, Brooks had neglected his reading material and was watching the encounter. She took a breath, opened her mouth, shut it, took some more time to think and finally asked:

"Whaddya mean all the myths?"

Zephyr paused for a moment trying to figure out exactly how to answer that. “I mean, what it sounds like I guess. Maybe myths is the wrong word, but I believe that the gods of all the pantheons like Zeus, Horus, Thor, Quetzalcoatl. I believe the Christian God exists and that Jesus was his son, I just don’t think that He’s the one and only god. When it comes to things like creation myths I just think that different cultures have different understandings of how the world came to be.” He hoped that was a sufficient explanation, people usually just let him be and figured he just believes lots of weird things.

Unfortunately, he wasn't able to shake Abigail off with such a simple response. She even sat down cross legged next to him. She looked even more tired close up. "So you just pray to all of 'em and hope summin' will stick?" She asked. "Ain't you worried you're gonna piss off God and end up in Hell? Or, I mean, you'll piss off one of em and end up in...Thor Hell, or Zeus Hell?"

Well at least she was asking reasonable questions and was off the goat stuff. “Well I have a patron deity, one I feel more closely connected to that I pray to. That’s Thoth, Egyptian god of writing, magic, and wisdom. I don’t believe that I would piss off the gods with my prayers. Normally if I’m asking for something specific I pray to a god that covers that domain. So if I wanted to travel safely across the sea I might pray to Poseidon or Njord. Also Hell is the same no matter the god, it’s just depicted differently in different texts.”

"...That makes no sense." Abigail rubbed at her face. "Even if I did say they were Gods - which they ain't, cause there's just one - why would they give you free stuff fer seemingly nothing? That sounds pretty satanic t'me. An' what do you think gets us into Hell? Apparently blasphemy n' idoltry ain't bad enough?"

“Well just because you ask for something doesn’t mean you’ll get it. Praying to a sea god for a safe boat ride is just as likely to get me results as someone like you praying to God for the same thing. It’s more about positive thinking than anything. If I’m wrong and there are no gods, then the trip is still likely to do better because I want it to do so.” The question about what gets you into hell was a bit puzzling, Zephyr hadn’t really thought about it. “Well, I guess you go to hell if you were a bad person in life. Did you kick others when they were down? Cheat and deceive others for personal gain? Only ever look out for yourself? Those kinds of things probably aren’t looked fondly upon much more than if you believed in the right god.”

"So…because you don't know, n' because you ain't sure there's only one, yer prayin' to every God you hear about and tryin' to just be a good person n' hope for the best?"

Abigail squirmed uncomfortably. She didn't meet his gaze, she fidgeted with her pyjamas. "But if yer wrong…" she mumbled.

“That’s not exactly it,” Zephyr began, “but it’s close enough. ‘Be a good person and hope for the best’ is probably a nice way to sum up my philosophy on life.” She wasn’t looking at him now, it seemed like she was finding it hard to go on with this. “Look, Abi, religion isn’t about being right or wrong. It’s about finding a way of thinking that speaks to you and helps you get through the day. If you’re right and the Catholic God is the real deal, I always remember Him being rather forgiving.”

"I thought it weren't about nothin' but right and wrong. Then again…" she glanced up at Ellen. "Seems I'm getting a lotta' things wrong these days, aren't I?" She stood up and dusted herself off. "Startin' to figure nobody knows jack and yer all makin' it up as you go along. 'Cept how to use yer...devil powers on command." She wiggled her fingers. She rounded on Ellen mostly but Angeline wasn't beyond a few paranoid glares. "You folk tellin' me it don't feel like summin' that's gonna rip you t'pieces if you don't use it?"
Zephyr appreciated Abi's attempt at sympathy. Maybe the group therapy session had done some good for her. The way she questioned if he had said gods made him a bit uncomfortable though, he had a feeling a theological discussion now wouldn't go as well as it had with Doctor Cassar. But he wasn't going to lie about his beliefs. Zephyr didn't bring up his beliefs often because he knew they weren't exactly mainstream, but he also wasn't so ashamed as to lie about them if the subject ever came up.

"Um, ya, I said gods. I believe there are many different deities. I'm just going on a hunch here but I'm guessing you believe in the one Christian God? I grew up Catholic so I'm pretty familiar with Him." The way Abi was looking gave Zephyr a bad feeling, maybe he should have just lied to avoid a fight? He didn't want to deny his beliefs but he also really hated conflict. Hopefully this didn't turn in to a fight about religion, those were the worst.
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