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Danny had no idea what Norn meant by Digital lifeforms but the clarification of the other girl's reminded him of AIs."A magical world filled with living computer programs? This is getting stranger and stranger." he thought to himself not for one second believing he was the only one finding the situation ludicrous.

Having gotten curious he listened to the two girls talk and before long they hit on the subject of reproduction, the human girl blushing as she standard motions was pretty cute but Norn once again surprised by apparently knowing about sex. The only thing keeping him from jokingly asking if either or both of the girls wanted to share their knowledge with him in private was that he had no idea how they would react.
@Otaku95 Once you have killed Shiyonichi can I have Dorumon as a second partner?
The view Norn showed them from the balcony was enough to disperse Danny's doubts of the whole thing being a prank though he still didn't fully trust her. Just in case he made sure to examine any escape routes as well as the strange scenery, the fact that there was a single road of town made things both easier and harder. It was harder because any pursuers would have a good idea which way he would go if he had to escape but on the other hand predicting where the direction said pursuers would look in first was a breeze.

He turned around to ask Norn why this world needed the help from a bunch of kids when the white haired boy beat him to it, not waning to let the chance go by he decided to elaborate a little. "I can't speak for the others, though in any other situation I would bet they were in the same boat as me, but I'm not some uber powerful wizard or fighter, so I would like to know the same thing."
When Norn mentioned Yggdrasill Danny remembered why her name sounded so familiair, it was from Norse Mythology. If he had still believed everything to be a dream this would only make the suspicion stronger, as things were it simply made him wonder why a parallel word would use those names. Not wanting to reveal how much he doubted the story given to them by the "fragment of the host computer-god" he stayed quiet.

Eventually after some good question from the other weirdly dressed girl about the whole thing being an elaborate prank Norn said she would show proof that she was telling the truth. Since everyone got up Danny did the same, but making sure that the winged girl was too far away to hear him he muttered something under his breath. "I just hope we don't end up regretting this."
If it wasn't for his headache and the fact that he didn't remember feeling tired, Danny would be convinced that he was dreaming. After all even with his eyes closed he could tell he wasn't in his room and he could two unknown female voices talking, even stranger was that one of the voices mentioned something about a gate and Witchelny's magic. His curiosity having gotten the better of him he decided to reveal that he was awake. The first thing he noticed was that wherever he was, was white. When he got out of his cot it became clear that aside from and the cute, but strangely dressed, girls there were three other boys.

After realizing everyone was awake the winged girl pointed to some seats and like everyone else Danny sat down. Apparently she was their host or something and was called Norn, a name Danny found somewhat familiair. She explained that they were brought to a different world thanks to the internet. Just as Danny wanted to ask why someone beat him to it. A boy in a strange mask berated the asker for interrupting and slowing the explanation down, while that was a good point Danny couldn't blame anyone for being curious in a situation like that. "Hey, there is no need to be snappy."
@Renny To be honest the idea that that explained why were so many dragons only came to as I was writing that post, though I had been thinking of using Dinobeemon as my ultimate for the same reason.
@Renny It's not necessarily bad,just something I noticed. In fact it almost makes sense since the eggs were given a part of Imperialdramon's energy.
So far I'm the only one with a Digimon that isn't in some way dragonic.
Ignore the Digivice and the Hielorei.
Name: Danny Visser
Age: 15
Digivice color(s): Green & Yellow
Personality: (Completely optional)
Backstory: (Again optional)

Base Form: Hirschmon
Attacks: Swarm Attack, Deer Leg, Lightning Bullet
Digivolution Line: Leafmon--> Minomon--> Hirschmon--> Käfermon--> CannonBeemon--> TigerVespamon
Ignore the Digivice and the Hielorei.
Name: Danny Visser
Age: 15
Digivice color(s): Green & Yellow
Personality: (Completely optional)
Backstory: (Again optional)

Base Form: Hirschmon
Attacks: Swarm Attack, Deer Leg, Lightning Bullet
Digivolution Line: Leafmon--> Minomon--> Hirschmon--> Käfermon--> CannonBeemon--> TigerVespamon
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