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Never though I would see the phrase attack rabbit in anything that wasn't an outright comedy.
@Jangel13 @ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

Day three evening

Zats was surprised when Gird dropped his weapon and not only offered to continue the fight but to let him keep using his spear. He couldn't think of any reason why his sparring partner would let him have such an advantage or why Gird seemed to want to learn fighting in a way that would make it easier for any future enemies to get close enough to hurt him. Still he wasn't gonna pass up on the opportunity as it should make for good practice in dealing with wild animals.

"I hope you know what you're doing." While Zats' strikes had more force behind it than the one used to start the fight he was still careful not to accidentally injure Gird and made sure to aim and angle his spear so that there was minimal chance of the tip doing any serious harm to the other Goblin.

@Jangel13 @ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

Day three evening

While the stuff about the gods was interesting and potentially helpful, Zats didn't see any immediately pressing reason to worship one of the three, at least not without some evidence Grandpa was right. He still made sure to remember as much as he could as the elder had proven to be much more knowledgeable about the world than anyone else he knew.

Before he could think of any follow-up questions it seemed Gird had decided that they should start their training. All things considered Zats agreed with his brother and followed him to the location for their duel. After Gird explained the rules for their mock fight he hoped his spear skills were good enough to let him avoid causing injuries with the sharp tip. Some of those worries disappeared when he noticed his opponent had already figured out the range of his weapon and made sure to stay out of it's reach.

On the other hand he was sure his spear was a better weapon than a regular stick so if he lost it would be because Gird was the better fighter of the two. "Sounds good to me." He took the starting move by leaning forwards and thrusting his spear towards the other Goblin's chest, using as little force as possible to avoid any accidents.

So at the moment Zats is apparently agnostic though when he hears about how Gina literrally talked to a god, he will pretty much have to change his mind
Never played it but this, doesn't sound too similar
@ReusableSword That seems more like a long term goal maybe after we all have becomes hobsgoblins or something since I doubt the skeletons will be easy opponents. We can certainly try though
@ReusableSword @Wildman13 I suggest we take those vases back to the cave
@Jangel13 Does knowledge of the three count as a skill?
@Jangel13 @ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

Day three evening

To Zats' surprise the Goblin whose information he "stole" approached him after hearing he had lost Gina. Apparently they had both lost their hunting partners and now he wanted the two of them to team up and look for together. He thought it over. On the one hand it would be safer, but if he found Gina on his own it would be much more impressive.

Eventually he decided to accept cause if she was in trouble an extra pair of hands wouldn't hurt and her safety was more important than him being impressive. Reluctantly he agreed. "Agreed. I'm Zats by the way, and yeah it would a good idea to train."

He sat down again, a bit closer to both Gird and Grandpa this time, to hear what if anything the Goblin elder had to say about these Gods.

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