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I might make a powerful telekinetic whose powers for some reason only work on gravy
Milo Korvac

When his ale arrived Milo didn't waste time and drank it quickly. When he was done he face the barkeep. "How much for a decent meal? And I will be paying for it." Honestly he would prefer to get that for free too but he also knew he would feel guilty about it since Barric would make a loss that way. Suddenly he got an idea and faced Anne. "Can you tell us anything about this so called Whiteheath Witch?"
@Avanhelsing Is this still on?
"Well, I have some good and some bad news. In the games I played Arceus was more along of a Norse God, powerful but not omnipotent. Bad news there are plenty of other Pokémon who could have done this, including a Legendary Trio with control over Time, Space, and it's own alternate dimension respectively." Nathan really didn't know if this would reassure the Dunsparce or not but he decided that for now he might share as much info as he could. After he was no longer dizzy he got up and walked closer to the fire in order to warm himself up before it went out. Due to him being lost in thought trying to figure out what else he should tell the other he didn't notice that Celina got the crystal out of the wall nor that it was a Yellow Shard

"I think the Pokémon with it's own dimension, Giratina, is the closest to a Devil that I know off. It's not necessarily evil though, just violent and powerful and content to stay in it's own dimension. But once again this situation is from a spin-off I'm not familiar with, so keep in mind my knowledge isn't flawless. In fact I agree with Lance that the Charmander is probably the better choice for info."

Danny didn't learn as much about the crystal as he had hoped. In his opinion both Slimes needed someone to keep them from making rash decisions and he hoped that if Jason would resurrect or whatever near the crystal he would be able to keep him in check somewhat, though with the Core around that might be hard.

Th Wisp wondered what he should do at the moment, he knew he eventually had to return to Jason's Cavern in case the Slime Mage came back to life there. On the other hand it was the first place where Asura would look for him and even if the Wisp did believe he could survive he had no desire to start another fight.

Eventually he decided to keep practicing Mana Dart and if he succeed learning, it maybe some other skills as well. He put the Crystal Shard down to make sure he wouldn't accidentally absorb it like regular Mana Crystals. Before he could start though he heard some strange noise coming from the ceiling, Looking up he noticed two Slimes, wondering if their colors meant something he used Monster Analysis II on both of them.Having thought it over he decided to use this to test his incomplete Mana Dart in combat and hopefully master it.

Unlike before he started with a level 2 Mana Orb before using Mana Shape to force it into the form of a dart and Lesser Force II to try and make sure it kept the shape, hoping that the extra Mana would make a difference somehow.


Thokk hated to admit it but the newcomer was right. The only way he could think think up to deal enough damage to maybe take the cyclops was for him to use prismatic orb and light the oil the kobold threw on fire, and not only was there no guarantee of it working with the newcomer and Raugar that close to the monster it was too dangerous. While keeping an eye on the cyclops Thokk backed away from it at decent speed.
Celina wasn't the only surprised by the damage Nathan did to the wall. "Wow." He was curious about the quartz but too dizzy to try ramming the wall again, instead he sat down and waited for the world to stop spinning.

The Dunsparce and the Seviper brought up a good point and just in case this was real Nathan decided to tell the others what he knew. "The only Pokémon I can think of is Arcues who is described as the creator of the Pokémon world, though his stats aren't necessary higher than those of other legendaries. That said the transformed into Pokémon thing only happened in the Mystery Dungeon games which I know nothing about. Anyway that Charmander seemed to know more than me." He then noticed Celena picking at the crystal while slowly moving closer to the fire, trying not too trip or fall. "No idea."

Some of the Pokemon led by the flameless Charmander left, and Nathan briefly worried they would be alright, the Steel-Type had some good points. He immediately did his best to ignore those worries since it wasn't like they were or anything. Luckily he had a good way to do as the urge to ram into something had gotten even stronger. But still what if it was somehow real, after all he could feel pain.

At that time the Dunsparce spoke up and her comment about brain damage convinced himself to ram into the wall since he showed no signs of brain damage and if he wasn't feeling woozy or anything worse than some strange tension and dizziness after running into a wall at full speed for three times then it couldn't be real.

As he prepared to charge the Swablu, "Celena or something.", said they should introduce themselves. Nathan saw no need to but he also felt that if he refused she would keep bothering him about it. "You can call me Nathan."

Danny was relieved to see that while his boosted spell seemed to really hurt Asura it did not kill him. Normally he would have agreed with Ardur but if Jason did succeed with his spell and the stone was connected to his return, he couldn't let Asura have it. If the Stone-Hardened Slime Mage hadn't calmed down before seeing Asura again there was no doubt there would be another fight to the death and he wanted to prevent that. The fact that was quite possibly a powerful magic item was just a bonus.

As soon the Wisp no longer felt the weight of the Slime pulling him down he took off unaware of the fact that the crystal had broken despite the loud crack. He also missed Asteria sneak off though he no doubt wasn't alone on that.

He wondered what to do, going to the cavern would make sense but would also no doubt be the first place Asura would look for him. So instead he went to only other relatively safe spot he could think off. He wanted to use the same trick to boost his aerodynamics but didn't know if he had enough MP to do that and carry the crystal, so instead he just flew as fast as he could to the campingsite he had shared with Ash's group.

Only after he had to land either because he was out of MP or reached his destination did he notice that he had a shard and not the whole crystal. Curious if it worked he tried to analyze it, it was neither a monster nor a spell but he hoped it was magical enough to be affected by Magic Analysis I!. Afterwards he meditated in order to recover his MP.

I think they just might. Now that the radio program they may or may not be running out of their basement is down, they've gotta get the message out somehow.

Not expressing my interest I'm in enough rps but you should give your character the power of prophecy
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