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Being focused on the battle Thokk missed the Kobold's impression of a fanged creature, but what he did see shocked him none the less. Raugar and the stranger had managed to fell the cyclops while he did nothing. Knowing that if this kept up he would be able to free the surviving members of his tribe he decided to take more risks in the future.

When he noticed the two frontline fighters head inside the hideout despite the screams of trogs being heard in the distance the half-orc made up his mind. He carefully made his way down,planning to cover the entrance of the hideout. When he noticed the Kobold loot the Cyclops however he rethought his plan and positioned himself in such way that as long as the troglodytes didn't came from the buildings he believed he would be in their way, and hopefully give the others enough time to prepare for combat.
Sorry for holding things up I didn't see see combat was over and occasionally checked the last post only to see Flood hadn't posted while missing the fact that they simply weren't the last to post whenever I checked
@pr3acher Actually if this rp happens it will be the second time I use that fruit, last time it didn't work out due to my character being too weak but with this concept I doubt it will happen again.
Celina was right, even if he could carry it back Nathan was unlikely to find any wood dry enough to burn, so instead he watched the carrot burn wondering how else he could use his knowledge to help.

When he heard the distant howling he got a bit worried about the group outside looking for food. "This could be bad, I don't know many Pokémon that howl, not counting the attack, but they are all predators and hunt in packs. If they found the others...." He didn't bother finishing his sentence since he was sure his point was clear.

He got up and walked to the cave entrance. "I'm going to look for them and at least warn them." He hoped that he didn't reveal how nervous he was. Sure the fact that he actually knew an attack gave him a huge advantage over everyone else, but the fact that he had to take damage in order to deal it was bad. He silently gulped and looked around for any prints he could follow before heading of.

Pity, I was planning to use this fan made devil fruit
Definitely interested, in fact I'm rereading one piece atm. I am up to water 7
With the Slime off of him Danny decided to leave, he neither had the HP to fight them nor a good reason aside from them offering exp. Not wanting to get hit by surprise attack because he had let himself get distracted a second time, he kept an eye on both slimes as he prepared to lift the Shard up.

As a result he noticed one of them seemingly prepare Stone Shot after the other one futilely tried to hit him with a melee attack. "No way." Knowing that one of the Slimes probably had a skill he wanted or at least would offer him some more info on how to get it, he decided to risk it.

While Danny used Magic Analysis I on the Slime with the stone he also did his best not get too absorbed into what he was doing and moved a few more inches away from his enemies and out of the little, despite the risk of being attacked by other monsters.

Getting hit by the stone would no doubt kill and this way he had more room to dodge. If the Slime managed to successfully launch it at him, he was gonna immediately deactivate his levitation and hopefully dodge it that way. Either way when it was safe again and he got the info from Magic Analysis he would either float back up to the same height as the nook but not as close and launch a level 2 Mana Orb with the Slime that picked up the stone as his primary target, or if the shot failed he would still back up and go on the attack.

Nathan looked at the fire and came to a decision, since he was the only one to actually know an attack he was the best choice. Before he could tell the others though he realized the flaw in his plan. "If I had hands I would go outside and look for some relatively dry wood."

The Altaria's reasoning about Natural Cure sounded good but something was nagging Nathan, it was only after Celina tried the carrots that he remembered Steel-types couldn't get poisoned at all and he decided to remain quiet about it.

While the Dunsparce's reassurance that he was doing well was nice, he was still worried, if this was real and he gave out wrong information someone could be hurt. He turned to the bladed Pokémon, Lance or something. "Well even if she can eat them that doesn't mean we all can. In the anime at least Pokémon had different diets, just like animals in real life."

Danny knew he should have moved when the Slimes dropped down but he was too focused on trying to finally master Mana Dart, and now he was in trouble because once again his mind had been on just one thing. While trying to think off a way to get the Green Slime off of him he moved out of reach of the injured yellow one.

He quickly went over his options in his mind, he could use the inactive Mana Strike, which he assumed was on his skill list due to how he dealt with his first Goblin, but that might not work with the target more or less above him. Eventually he got an idea, though whether it worked or not it would probably leave him dizzy or otherwise disorientated due to blood rushing to his head.

Using the fact he was in the air he tried to quickly turn himself upside down, hoping gravity with a little help from Lesser Force would be enough to get the Slime off of him.

Could be fun
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