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I'm probably going with a character from Ryuki since I like the monster partner concept
Paul Logan

Paul didn't even bother hiding how impressed he was that he was with just everything in this restaurant, though he knew that Albrecht probably also wanted to show and inspire some loyalty in the group by showing of his assets. Still he doubted he could hide how out of his element he was and decided to just embrace, partly to see the reaction of the others. At least he wasn't the only one not dressed like a millionaire though that probably made his clearly rented tux stand all the more.

When he met Albrecht he had been celebrating finally feeling ready to take on a rift, even though he had still problems with his ax. He had even brought everyone a round since he was in such a good mood. Naturally some of the patrons asked him why Paul was being so generous and he happily explained his plans to go explore Rifts and hopefully earn some money. Eventually Albrecht bought him several drinks for the celebration and told him about his own plans.

Naturally Paul agreed to join his group and in exchange got some kinda business card that would apparently allow him to a private jet to Mongolia. Not completely trusting the whole thing he made sure to stay sober enough to do research when he got back home. When the internet confirmed that Albrecht was the real deal he rented a tux and took the plane the next day.
Don't forget about me
I'm also fine with moving along
@Rune_Alchemist First thing I thought when I saw her was that she looked like a human Umbreon, good thing I'm going to bed soon
>Try to create water, by remembering how it felt to swim in it and how it tasted
Has anyone signed up for the Mongolia team yet? If there is still room I'm nominating Paul
* Name: Paul Aarons
* Age: 32

* Personality: Like most kids Paul spent his childhood wanting to be a hero or adventurer, though he was also realistic enough to know it just wasn't possible. Still he got his parents to sign him for boxing classes just in case he would get a chance to show said skills off. However he slowly focused more and more on regular life skills.

The appearance of the Rifts briefly reawakened Paul's old fantasies but the dangers involved as well the corporations claiming them for themselves meant he never had a chance to explore one.

* Attribute (If any): Ax [Item]
While the ax summoned is both incredibly tough and sharp, it's unfortunately too heavy for to use easily. As a result he mostly uses it as an improvised shield, to finish the fight or as a last resort, though he is trying to overcome this weakness.
* Abilities: He is by no means a pro but he knows some boxing moves and carries a metal bat as a weapon
* Skills: He has the skills expected for his age, but he also knows to read a map and has some minor knowledge of edible plants and mushrooms
* History: Paul's life really was pretty normal until about three months back when some friends took him along on a trip through a public no risk Rift. Of course anything valuable had already been claimed before the Rift became accessible to the public but traveling through it did gave him his attribute. While showing his ax off Paul quickly realized it was too heavy for him and spent time to un-summon it. That was the most exciting thing that happened to the group and it was clear the others were jealous of Paul's attribute, even with the issues he had with it.

Still he saw it as a chance to fulfill a childhood dream of becoming an adventurer while also making enough money to live off. Knowing the ax wouldn't be enough he returned to the boxing training he did in school and pretty quickly regained his former skill level leading him to decide he should be able to handle exploring Rifts as long as he had help.
* Name: Paul Aarons
* Age: 32

* Personality: Like most kids Paul spent his childhood wanting to be a hero or adventurer, though he was also realistic enough to know it just wasn't possible. Still he got his parents to sign him for boxing classes just in case he would get a chance to show said skills off. However he slowly focused more and more on regular life skills.

The appearance of the Rifts briefly reawakened Paul's old fantasies but the dangers involved as well the corporations claiming them for themselves meant he never had a chance to explore one.

* Attribute (If any): Ax [Item]
While the ax summoned is both incredibly tough and sharp, it's unfortunately too heavy for to use easily. As a result he mostly uses it as an improvised shield, to finish the fight or as a last resort, though he is trying to overcome this weakness.
* Abilities: He is by no means a pro but he knows some boxing moves and carries a metal bat as a weapon
* Skills: He has the skills expected for his age, but he also knows to read a map and has some minor knowledge of edible plants and mushrooms
* History: Paul's life really was pretty normal until about three months back when some friends took him along on a trip through a public no risk Rift. Of course anything valuable had already been claimed before the Rift became accessible to the public but traveling through it did gave him his attribute. While showing his ax off Paul quickly realized it was too heavy for him and spent time to un-summon it. That was the most exciting thing that happened to the group and it was clear the others were jealous of Paul's attribute, even with the issues he had with it.

Still he saw it as a chance to fulfill a childhood dream of becoming an adventurer while also making enough money to live off. Knowing the ax wouldn't be enough he returned to the boxing training he did in school and pretty quickly regained his former skill level leading him to decide he should be able to handle exploring Rifts as long as he had help.
>Move towards dead plants

>Make small hole and plant one of the moss seeds
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