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@Pyromania99I take it we don't have to follow canon digivolution lines
@heroic2019 @Seirei No Hai@Vertigo

Amari, Hideaki - Aki-kun

Just as Hideaki started to worry about the walls of the gym collapsing something actually stranger happened and gravity shifted around or something. From what he could tell no one had gotten seriously injured but he wasn't too relieved about that cause if it happened once it could easily happen again. Taking care not too look down he kept playing with his necklace. "Careful it might happen agai..."

He didn't even have time finish his thought before some other pressing concern presented itself. The sound of heavy objects hitting the floor (wall) made clear what was going on. He forced himself to look down so he had time to dodge anything coming his way and to stop playing with his necklace so that he had both hands free.

But fortunately and unfortunately he didn't have to worry about falling objects for long as gravity shifted once more. The fact that they were technically a lot higher up now almost sent him in a panic. "No no no no. Please let this be a dream." He didn't register it when Masahiro told everyone to jump.

Seeing Mai fall however was a whole different story. Without thinking thinking Hideaki tried to to grab her hand and succeeded, only to realize immediately afterwards that that was unlikely to improve the situation. As he got dragged down with her he lost it completely and started screaming, certain that they were both gonna fall to their doom. And to make matters worse he hit both a female student and Orochi.

For a brief second he actually though it was all over when they hit the door but it gave way under their combined weight in an instant, meaning that it was likely to be over in a totally different manner. He pressed his eyes shut so that he at least wouldn't have to see whatever it was they would end up hitting and was surprised when he noticed they had stopped falling and someone had grabbed his hand. Curiosity overtook him and he opened his eyes to see the janitor and a bunch of students trying to pull them up, though seeing the looks on their faces didn't actually help him calm down, especially since from what he could he tell he was only holding up Mai's weight. "God no."

The next thing Hideaki knew everything turned blue but at least he was on the ground again. On the other hand Mai was nowhere to be seen. He forced someone to get up and realized he was in the mall, along with several other students. Out of the group the only one he even slightly knew was the chuuni. Doing his best to hide the fact his pants were wet after that fall he approached them and found out they were apparently in Mazonix. Despite Hideaki wanting to find Mai he was still a bit too daze by everything that happened say anything when the male student suggested that they stick together, which was frankly quite good advice. He simply sat down trying to calm down, frantically rubbing his necklace with the hand he had reached for his crush with earlier.

In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@Mae @Lugia

>> Daniel is clearly weirded out but tries not to show it. "It might not be a good idea to go to the Old Fort, they have a lot of trouble with beastmen and I don't know how they will react to you."

Skill Rank Up: Lesser Force II > Lesser Force III (2.9 > 3.0)
Range increased, total radius is now 5 feet. Power extended at this range is the same as Rank II. Power at arm's length is now stronger.

The leveled up Lesser Force was nice enough and it seemed his kick caught the spear wielding Goblin of guard and did some damage even if levitation seemed harder than before. The fact that Jason and he clearly had the upper hand in strength and skill at least, combined with the fact that Jason had looked like he had enough Mp and the one Goblin crying how they didn't want to die nearly convinced Danny to give them a chance to surrender. At that point though the third member of their group hit him by surprise.

While the Poltergeist was recovering from the blow Jason unbeknownst to Danny went hogwild on the Goblin that hit him. He just saw the club coming at him and did the first thing he could try to think of. Using his newly upgraded Lesser Force III he tried to pull the cudgel out of its owner's hands since it would probably make a better weapon than his wooden stick, even if he wanted the spear more.

@Kyuuzen I'll check it out sometime

@Seirei No Hai Yokoi and Hideaki actually have a lot in common, a fear of heights, and a love of dogs and videogames
I'm honestly not too familair with type moon, having only seen fate stay/nightand read tsukihime and Kara no Kyoukai a while back. I did enjoy them and am planning on watching/reading their other work
Danny being stronger than at least one of the Goblins was a surprise given his lack of non magic skills but a welcome one, even if the strength difference wasn't enough to over the Goblin's experience with his weapon. Eventually he had to stop back and spotted the third Goblin from the corner of his eye, just too late to counter his attack. Instead he decided to use his new armor. He moved just enough that he could put his bracer in the spear's path and used Lesser Force II to try and make sure the spear wielder wouldn't be able to correct their weapon's path in time.

Afterwards he decided to create some distance between him and his enemies since he was still a range fighter. As he switched from standing on the ground to levitating he could hear Jason yell out his name, which naturally caught hom of guard and he instinctively used both Mana Vision I[/b] and Spiritual Awareness I to try and find if the Slime was alright before quickly turning mana vision off to preserve as much mana as possible.

The realization he needed to save Mana also ruined his plan to create the bullet shaped mana shell around to improve his aerodynamics and thus raise his"flying"speed. Still he didn't stop levitating and used the fact both his legs were free to kick at the nearest Goblin with both of them while keeping an eye out on what the others were doing. "Take this!."

Amari, Hideaki - Aki-kun

The festival really wasn't Hideaki's cup of tea, not only was it too crowded it was expensive. Still he did try to enjoy himself as much as he could. Most of his money was spent at the comic/manga section of the improvised second hand book club hosted by the literature club. Honestly if it weren't for that Mai was in the kendo club he might have joined them instead, despite preferring comics over "real" books.

Speaking of Mai the only reason he had agreed to help clean up the gym was that both she and Katsu were there as well. He had hoped to get some private time with Mai since it was probably the last change he had to confess his feelings to her, though he doubted that she was unaware of them or felt the same way about him. Instead they all got the task to move the chairs. Seeing both Goro and Kou help out as well was an unwelcome surprise but at least neither of them bothered the kendo club members.

Things took a turn for the strange after Masahiro offered the students food and Orochi and the other student who offered to help couldn't exit the gym. Masahiro claimed that he probably locked the door by accident but Hideaki couldn't but briefly worry that someone locked them for some reason. Knowing that it was stupid and extremely unlikely to happen he didn't mention it.

Seconds later the earthquake hit and someone warned to stay away from things that could topple over, unnecessary advice in Hideaki's case as he moved to a clear area as soon as possible even if it was hard to walk. He trusted that everyone was smart to listen but still checked to see if anyone was in danger of having something fall on them just in case. Ayane's advice to stay calm was maybe the most obvious that could be given in such a case but always good te remember.

Hideaki suddenly realized that with the doors locked or blocked there was no guarantee they would be to leave the gym anytime and despite once again realizing he was no doubt worrying over nothing decided to make sure no one was likely to get hurt from a nasty fall. "If you don't trust yourself to stay standing it might be better to just lay or sit down rather than injure yourself falling." He was totally unaware that he had been fiddling with his necklace since the earthquake started

In [ADVENTURER] 5 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>> Upon spotting a kobold among a bunch of villagers Daniel was more than a little surprised. Still the creature didn't seem hostile and they all acted like it was normal. As he approached the group he placed his hand on his sword but didn't draw it.

You used Monster Analysis II!
Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and while their physical strength isn't to be underestimated, they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile, and while they can use tools they have a limited intelligence. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive, and a lack of emotional control that causes them to do whatever they feel necessary to satisfy any primal craving they happen to feel at any given moment.
---Analysis Complete!---

Okay, so despite their appearances these seemed to be normal Goblins. Honestly that was almost as odd as how easy it felt the get mana into the shape he wanted while also being difficult to keep in that shape. Danny wondered if that meant that mana shape was about to level or if crafting had anything to do with it. He was snapped out of this by his "mana stick" though he did notice the elemental energy escaping from it.

Judging by the net Goblin's reaction Jason probably went after him. Danny used the time to get out the curved stick form his inventory and wondered if this was the same situation as with the frog where Jason seemed to have issue killing his victim. Holding the curved stick in both hand he took a swing at the net wielding goblin, however he just barely noticed that another goblin was coming at him with a cudgel. He quickly moved his wooden stick to intercept the cudgel hoping that by holding it with two hands he was strong enough to at least partially deflect the attack.

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