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Hobgoblin Zats

"If you say so" Zats was relieved that Arch claimed to be fine as well as impressed with his mastery over Earth Call (lesser). He decided to copy his sibling by moving one of the rocks to his own open hand. He was also willing to do as Grandpa asked and help the young Goblin out, if reluctantly."Of course, Grandpa."

When the Goblin started talking about "tech" and "gadgets" though it became clear that he was indeed odd, but his desire to create inventions meant that he still could be useful and reminded him a bit of Gina's drive to climb trees in how shamelessly he announced it. Zats faced the young enthusiastic Goblin in order to introduce himself. "I'm Zats and what is your name? "

@Darked13 @Jangel13 @Eviledd1984

@Jangel13 Do you remember the abilities of the Everoak Shield?
Can we have Devil Fruits? If so I'm planning on giving my character a Devil Fruit that allows him to control the temperature of his own body and whatever he in physical contact with including the air around him
My upstairs neighbor is tiny
I really hope he never finds out about this Dragonball I keep under my bed

Although now that zats went to grandpa with an abstract he is unlikely to answer you

I didn't think of that.
Hobgoblin Zats

Zats was confused when Arch took out his bracelet and prayed to it but that confusion soon turned to actual horror as it seemed to fuse with the other Hobgoblin in a painful manner. "A..are you alright?" eventually the fusion seemed to stop and instead of the bracelet Arch now had a flower of some kind growing out of him.

Zats quickly realized this could be serious and decided they needed to talk to Grandpa. Figuring it might not be a good idea to touch Arch and not knowing if he could move on his own he figured that it was for the best if he went and brought the Elder over. "Wait here, I'm going to get help."

Since this clearly had something to with Shirila Zats wished Gina was there, sure his girlfriend did not know as much as Grandpa but she was still the High Priesteres. He pushed those thoughts away and focused on the matter at hand, as he could already see his target.

"Grandpa, grandpa! Something is wrong with Arch. I was showing him a skill, when that bracelet of his fused with him and now he has a flower growing out of his arm!"

@Darked13 @Jangel13

<Snipped quote by Jangel13>
Yeah, I figured as much. Personally, I'm guessing it'd take analysing monsters to earn the skill at the very least if one exists at all, but for now, Aya's going to be analysing anything that moves in any case.

There is creaturologist and while that skill just shows where best to strike it does imply there are other skills to be gained from analyzing creatures
>[x] Gather Mud
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