A civil war breaks out amongst Rhodesia once again. found this so i couldn't resit
Awesome, I'll see to getting an OOC up over the weekend (hopefully).
Still looking for one more person if possible, can't wait to see the sheets though!
@ClocktowerEchos I think he'd be an European one. I'd be glad about some details since I'm afraid I don't know the mod very well :)
<Snipped quote by DX3214>
The first person that came to mind was John Henry, a steel driver said to be built like a brick house in some stories. I imagine someone as big as the Mountain from GoT in heavy armor, wearing an apron-tabbard, a helmet like one of those train plow grills and a giant sledge hammer maybe with a spike on one end. Just a random thought that might help get the inspiration wheels turning.
@DX3214 Awesome! Any character ideas?