Avatar of EmiliaBaiYue


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4 mos ago
Current “‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” ― Voltaire
4 mos ago
Hmm.. what is on my mind?
1 yr ago
I am the Plaza Ghost
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2 yrs ago
Everyday I believe people can't get any dumber an everyday I'm proven wrong
2 yrs ago
“Not all girls are made of sugar and spice, and everything nice. Some girls are made of adventure, fine beer, brains and no fear.“


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I'm observing, Bai yue isn't gone just watching

If Bai yue as Ming saw you she'd ignore you, she's no snitch

At most she'd have nodded as hello an kept mopping

"Snitches get Stitches"
Bai Yue

Clothing was her first option after eating, she could of course make whatever she wore look as grand as any or shabby using illusions but her daily arcane exercises were more than expansion of strength but also fine control, preplanning, and local psychology.
She'd gotten the way she was from all her years of watching Anime Isekai in which the protagonist knew the importance of exercising their power so Bai yue couldn't fail to apply her lessons. Her scariest lessons were always among large groups of people so the amusement parks and outside venue places she had to visit so as to train her emotional control.
She entered the park a sweet young man who later became a plain Jane new hire of the staff stealing one of the uniforms. Sure she might get exposed in some small ways but the park rides, concessions, security, maintenance, and other support staff promised a shift of perhaps 250 - 350 and full staff to cover shifts 600 - 950 people.
She was a plain slightly over weight boy named Ming about 17 years old a little acne an glasses after observing the staff outdoor lounge and listening to the employee's bitch. Armed with a broom an rolling bucket walked everywhere in the park emptying bins, sweeping paths, collecting trash off the ground, and mopping the mess made by people with motion sickness. Sure it was a crap job and she wasn't getting paid but she was making money her own way learning the lay of the land, the patrols, and wandering bosses who when they saw Ming didn't ask who he was but gave him orders.
As time wore on Ming was discovered to be a good worker that didn't bitch about pay or job so snatched up by one of the higher managers whose job seemed to be handling disasters and bought the answer hired a few days ago an this Ming's first day
Bai yue has been hunted a long time so she's really cautious where she sleeps

I was thinking when the group first started she spotted not you but your hunters and the great thing they were also her hunters only thing is they was focused on yall and forgot the hunter needs to remember the law that hunters can become prey
Well what happened after that we could do as a special prequel some day

Bai Yue

Checked the place out first as a small bird illusion as she used her control of air to fly above and around the old motel her mind already creating a map as she plotted her later ground reconnaissance. The ground portion accomplished as a fluffy poodle
Being seen as a dog was often a mixed bag and today was one of those days as she spotted two of the local feral dogs making a beeline right at her so she ran into culvert and they chased her. What happened inside the .75 meter concrete pipe would be a story the two huge mutts would tell their friends to the end of their days if dogs tell tales.
There they were chasing an interloper an had it cornered in the tunnel and as they rushed in snarling they heard a rumbling so deep they felt it in their bones and there before them was the biggest cat they had ever see, so big it nearly filled the tunnel wall to wall. Next it roared a sound that caught perhaps a nearby homeless or if you could call them apartment dweller's attention an as it happened just once they couldn't back up the dogs wild story if dogs tell tells. They roar was at the right frequency to display the bass of so large a creature's chest but it was the hiss that sent both tumbling back as if a invisible hand swatted them adding another strange sound to the local air the two defenders making a hasty retreat.
A few minutes later the cute poodle continued her patrol her only trouble some creepy guy that kept following her whistling like she was some sort of dog. So she could loose him as soon as she rounded a corners she became a large patch of weeds in lot covered in weeds the poodle crossing the road to a truck with an open door, she made sure the guy saw the dog an truck leave an was pleased he acted as expected.
Free of her tail she walked into the motel office as Ying Quan a young anthropologist doing a social audit she could bore even perverts to sleep with her dry lesson on life exptency, happiness index, schooling chances and mean grade income being another insult to free men an women mostly women. The old lady she saw behind the desk was sweet to her an asked few questions so Bai yue paid her in real cash she'd picked up in a liquor store a few days past.
Then she went looking for the others again as a bird only this time as a large raven.

(Let me know if you are curious to rp with me by saying you see the raven)
@Ever Faithful

Love the concept but as DM I'd punish you as the Goose that might lay a ton of golden eggs, think of the types that would come after such a treasure an some not as nice as the government types

Careful what you wish for, Giggle
She reads Bai yue's mind let me know because I see a mild sort of acid trip the Oni girl being a practiced illusionist mind is a visual interface spiced with a girl that believes she's a monster and has killed so scary world inside her head
Bai Yue

Listening to those around her wasn't Bai yue's thing. Sure she paid attention with a tiny portion of her brain her multiplexed logic handling several tasks at once as she manipulated the air elements to create small will-o-wisps, 30 or more that were so weak they collapsed the moment they struck any of the objects she aimed them at. It was like most things she did when bored training, she had to because as a freak she was easy to spot by the magically inclined if she wasn't actively concealing her presence.
"Don't worry too much about it an amusement park of any type it's the real money maker. you see something I'll get it for you" Bai yue the girl most likely to steal
Well Bai Yue she looks like a succubus she even has a ... well for some she's a nightmare to see almost want to say normal people don't react well to seeing her true form
Bai yue isn't the judgmental type plus she is always on guard so much so I'd say there are maybe 2 people who have or haven't seen the real her
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