Avatar of EmiliaBaiYue


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4 mos ago
Current “‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.” ― Voltaire
4 mos ago
Hmm.. what is on my mind?
1 yr ago
I am the Plaza Ghost
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2 yrs ago
Everyday I believe people can't get any dumber an everyday I'm proven wrong
2 yrs ago
“Not all girls are made of sugar and spice, and everything nice. Some girls are made of adventure, fine beer, brains and no fear.“


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i wonder if we start will they come

@Zmija Sebastian
In TITANS 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
<Snipped quote by EmiliaBaiYue>

Oh hey

Small world

Hi hi

My Idea for a titan
In TITANS 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Still a slot?
Easy peasy

When it can be a quest the Engineering part is either the object or the reason we have to take a risky job for large payout
The Dee is an older ship so there can also be frame and hull issues major or minor as rp the lower ranked of these slice of life aboard a ship.
Like most large heavy machines she will always need repairs caused by age an environments, the Sandstorm a prime example mentioned in the Capt. post

As an academy Pilot Anxi can serve as a lower rank Engineering type being educated in engineering 101, a real pilots understands their ship but she isn't a mechanic. She is small, flexible, dexterous, an doesn't have claustrophobia so useful in the tight spaces aboard Dauntless.
Tossing the last out there cause she loves to help keep her ship tight
Anxi pivoted in her seat, the pilots seat with a cute smile on her face as she hummed a tune she'd heard partying last night among the other grounded pilots her slender digits delicately taping in the commands. Her reason for request the common free trader reason, Cargo Speculation. In the fleet she'd seen 1,000s of these and knew by research that up to 27% were for nefarious reasons but unless the Pig wasn't paying off the Navy brass they only had to worry about stumbling into a random patrol or overzealous law enforcement & customs ship.
Sure he was slime but he was rich dangerous slime and in her knowledge of the creature smart and the only ones that worked for him that had to worry about him were the foolish, unlucky, or worse and where the dark stories come from the greedy.
Kharak Town spaceport, Kharak Town spaceport
says a slender panther boy his sleek fur as black as night making her job so easy.
Most requests are very Bureaucratic an dull but by the time she'd signed off Anxi had the young man purring an looking forward to helping her personally with the landing papers of the ship then treating her to a top flight meal an drinks if she could get the time.
Finished she assumed a very unconventional position in her lovely chair her long legs over the top her head hanging off the seat as she began a pilots check list. She loved the Dauntless because as her pilot she was Dee's true master the others that knew how to ...fly not even close to her. Sure she was cocky about her skills but it wasn't bragging when you can back it up.
Dee was such a simple ship but she was a tough little thing so her check list a short one. Anxi knew as any pilot knew the secret to survival in combat is simplicity, complex ships were nice till something broke an the redundancies failed. "The more complicated the Plumbing the easier it is to stop up the drain" said some great engineer an a moto any experienced pilot shared.
That made her think of the other person aboard she should begin a friendship with the shy girl Karma, maybe she could coax her to her quarters for tea maybe goodies goddess knew she had enough goodies from admirers.
That thought made Anxi flip over in her seat an sit upright


Please respond
Anxi listened from her chair to the Captain an then the others talk of the Pig and how dangerous he was and it made her smile that beings such as themselves saw a grandeur, a mystique in the simple ending of a life within their tiny weapons. Anxi had seen the face of the real killers people like herself who in the Navy had controlled weapons that raised towns an cities into funeral pyres of thousands during the many brushfire conflicts she'd been assigned to. To those that didn't know her Anxi would appear more a companion or gold digger than a baptized killer of perhaps 2-4,000 souls forgetting that hers is an omnivorous species an predators.
Her tail always appeared so soft it must feel like smoke, her eyes an ears expressive giving her a doll like quality but her leather clothing cut in a military style. She could end this life of danger today by walking off the ship and across the landing zone to a parked Zefries cargo ship but that meant bonding to a chosen mate and babies and a desk.

Shivered a moment before saying "Long as the engines an controls work I'm good, the cargo or destination no more dangerous than the black we'll have to pass through and I'd like to get paid soon" giggles as her tail strokes the air in languid thought.
"I signed on to fly so lets fly"

@Milkman Soon as in a few hours
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