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Oh, ok. He gets a pass then. Love me an inclusive criminal.
Matthias: Takes two districts while getting tortured and having to deal with the Commissioner’s bullshit.

Asterion: Flirts with girls.

I have plenty of buddies. Some may be demoted to less-than-buddy level for not taking 93rd. ;3
Alright, am free for collabs again.

And man, the amount of effort I have to go through just to match the Wealth generation of one Rich District kekek.

“That’s enough, Celina.”

The pedestal of arms retracted, bringing him to the ground. The eyes closed too, dissolving into the walls that were once again stone. Blood seeped into the cracks of the floor, no longer any mouths left to slurp it up. Once again, the door was present. And beside Matthias now emerged a trembling woman with clear blue eyes and platinum-blonde hair, hugging herself as if it was only through her own hands that she could keep her form humanoid, distinct.

The Lodestar stood up, shakily. His hand reached up to his head, cupping a stream of smoke and wafting it towards her. Gradually, her tremors ceased, and she let out a deep sigh. “Thank you, Prophet.”

“Did a number on you, mm?” A voice sounded through the door, before a heavy blade sliced through the lock. It swung open without resistance, the woman with an eyepatch stepping through. Blood dried upon her skin and clothes, flaking off with every movement, but she paid it no mind as she bowed in a manner that certainly wasn’t genuine. “Hope it was worth it. Can you even stand?”

“The body is but the puppet of the mind,” was Matthias’s own response. Celina was the crazy sort, but Lenore was the crazier sort. He had to will himself to be stronger. “It’s done?”

“Beat them back, yeah. Less casualties on our side, but that’s just because we got the civilians to absorb most of it.” The one-eyed swordswoman flicked a lighter open and close. “They’re all gathered outside. Need a change of clothes?”

He looked down at his body, then decided that he’d rather not look. “Celina, help me up the steps. I’ll address them alone.”

“Yes, Prophet.”

“And Lenore?”

She pocketed the lighter.

“Rest up. It's gonna get busy.”

Day would break soon, but in these scant few hours, the darkness was heavy still. The people were restless, without direction. They had driven back the Del Guarde, but they had made an enemy of the military in response. Next time, the soldiers would be more prepared, more heavily-armed, more merciless. Sure, they could plunder what remained within the police department’s armory, could salvage the gear of the soldiers they beat with bricks, but what of it? The passion of heroism was fading away, and now, there was only uncertainty. The future was d-

A single spotlight turned on, sending a piercing beam of light across the city to illuminate a man with no head, a man standing atop the roof of the police department.

His figure was slight, and his clothes no more than rags. Wounds covered his body in every which direction, from knife marks to electrical burns. It was a tapestry of pain, his injuries even now oozing, and yet, he stood tall, his smoke-head as white as a plume of steam.

“People of Merryland!”

Even without a microphone, his voice carried through. There was no sticky, supernatural Gyft clinging to his words, only a human strength.

“Tonight marks the end of one era, and the beginning of another! You have bled for this, have lost for this!” Because they had. After that riot, after that four hour war, there was not one person who had been sheltered from the loss of friend or family. “They shall be immortalized, not with monuments of stone that fade to time, but with art! And those of you who stand still, despite bearing the full weight of that storm of steel, will live to ensure that what they sacrificed themselves for shall never be for naught!”

He swung his left arm to the side. “It was not the mafias that drove the Del Guarde out.”

He swung his right arm to the side. “It was not the police that freed your district.”

Both arms joined, hands clapping together with the vigor of thunder. “It was you!”

“They will return. We will beat them back. They will hide in their fortresses. We will tear down their walls. They will beg for help. We will rip the wings off their planes and free Nocturnia of these government-funded criminals!

The crowd shifted, drawn by the fervor of this faceless man, this individual who had known only inhumane torture at the hands of the Del Guarde. Who had not cowered in the face of pain, who had risen above.

“I shall be your guide!”

He raised his fist in defiance of the darkest hours of night, raised it to the single star bright enough to outshine Nocturnia’s neon lights.

“For the Future! For the Enlightenment! FOR THE NEW AGE!”

A thousand fists rose up, a thousand to resist.
Dang, what a comeback. Now just gotta see if Donut will return.
Wait, so what's the Military Prison if the Military aren't in Nocturnia?

Or are you saying that the Del Guarde's got her?
A Hyde-Jekyll kinda fellow eh?
Treasure, obviously. That's what we'll find.
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