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So now would be the perfect time for the Roses (female, not male) to make a move on Nickel, eh? ;3
Oh yeah, probably wouldn’t necessitate a post on my end, but the Order would probably be doing experimentations on the remaining vials of Sugarcrush they have to puzzle out their whole deal, while others would be going through Merryland basically salvaging all the arms they can from what the Del Guarde left behind.
Early this week…so today???

//Northwestern Village > Western Village

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. One man’s pain, another man’s PLEASURE!”

The pickaxe swung hard, a tip polished and sharpened by piercing stone now piercing deep into the front wall of yet another abandoned, dilapidated structure, before MacKinnon pushed her body weight against the haft of her trusty partner and dragged it further down, creating an eye-catching ‘i’ in the building.

Was she mad about something? Nope, sweat beaded over her forehead but her smile was as cherubically greedy as ever.
Was she trying to get into something? Nope, the door worked (because it had already fallen off the rusty hingers) and she had already ducked her head into the building.

Instead, MacKinnon had simply done this to mark the buildings for others to take a look in later. Sure, a common wage-slave would see broken and rotten furniture and think they were too good for it, but when the nearest forest was still far away, wouldn’t the best firewood be chairs that could no longer be chairs, tables that could no longer be tables? Certainly, she wasn’t a lumberjack and had no intention of bringing those bits and bobs of dry wood back herself, but the jovial treasure hunter was always willing to mark where her trash was, in case others saw it as treasure.

And oh, the treasure she did find!

A vase with a pretty picture painted on it that’d definitely be a winner once she washed it off by the well! A grimy carpet that just needed a nice beating to reveal the artisanal patterns and historical value that it inherently possessed! Those were what she placed in her rucksack, carefully using the carpet itself as cushioning for her more brittle discoveries as she continued to stick her head in, mark buildings with free furniture/firewood, and…

MacKinnon’s head lifted up as a cold draft blew against her back, her hair billowing in response. Her green eyes followed the direction of the wind. At the outskirts of the northwestern parts of the village, she could just make out the holes in the earth, the caves that promised safety and profit, security and familiarity. It drew her in, as certain as gravity.

But she blinked instead. Shook her head. Spun on her heel. Headed down to the western section of the Village instead, continuing the cheery little work shanty that spun itself into being upon her lips.

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. One man’s pain, another man’s pleasure!”
@Estylwen@Psyker Landshark Collab updated.
Ah yeah lmao, I think I actually just misread 'aid drop' as 'air drops' when I first went over your post, but then still mapped onto the 'famine' concept so was like "Huh, pretty sure aid isn't airdropped in".

In any case, think it'd probably make sense for Khor to reach out to Matthias, so I'll leave you to decide when, if ever, they have a Zoom call together. Just figured I'd point out that there is literally a faction that's all about military incursion inside Nocturnia right now.
@flux A couple things to note for possible collaborations. Around maybe the next round, videos will probably be surfacing on the social medias involving the Del Guarde being exposed as a military force originally disguised as police and then proceeding to immediately arrest or gun down people in a night club in Merryland. Thankfully, the Del Guarde was driven out of Merryland that same night by the citizens + the Order.

On a separate note, aid isn’t air-dropped into Nocturnia. It comes in via aid trucks from the north, before the trucks exit out from the south.
We can have more. I’ll make a Delacroix too. Let the conspiracy theories begin.
When Click makes his ideal harem, but it is we who get to reap the benefits.
Dang, big Nier Automata fan eh?

In reality, she emerged from thin air, and put her time, services, and undying loyalty into Flint and his inaudible. She immediately started working as his second-in-command, and even helped draft some of the many code words the inaudible use.

Ab lib opportunities be insane here huhuhu.
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