Avatar of ErosSense


Recent Statuses

7 hrs ago
Current Is it a red flag or not if he makes me listen to Avenged Sevenfold like it's church music? I'm not sure, but I just found me a new favourite song...
8 days ago
I just met an absolutely enchanting person. He likes DOOM and D&D and WH40k and Keygen Church... and he's shorter than me đź‘Źđź‘Ź I'm head over heels already
17 days ago
I've been struggling a little bit the past few days, please give me grace as I struggle to reply to things lol
1 like
25 days ago
Anybody else royally confused by the Starbucks drink sizes?
25 days ago
I keep sending people texts when I'm asleep then wake up with no recollection of them...


"Searing Flesh hardly saves
The time you could have bent
Such as the blade I lent the
Mother of the crimson steaks
Ingrained within your Skin

Hanging, knotted ropes
Can’t undo the countenance
Of wide-eyed anticipation
Or dissatisfaction with your
Cumbersome, bodily Being

When the Father looked
To reply to curdling screams
Of rusted, dulled iron, sinking
Deep into your Body, spreading
The disease of desperation"

"The Disease of Desperation" by Lawrence J. Lacorne


Hi! I'm Eros.

I've also realized that I really want to change my bio.

I'm 24, and Italian. I'm currently studying abroad in the USA! I want to be a child psychologist (though recently I have thought a lot about forensic behavioral analysis and law enforcement as a whole. They're both very interesting... now I'm questioning myself.)

I'm in CST.

I'm a synaesthesiac (primarily graphime-colour) individual. I love music, art, theatre, writing, books, and roleplaying! I've been roleplaying steadily for over ten years at this point.

I adore stories and roleplays that cover more sensitive or darker themes. I love the controversial and the stigmatized, the unusual and the seldom discussed. :)

Most Recent Posts

Banned because I felt like I had a seizure reading this.
I have MULTIPLE ideas. I always do. If it isn't obvious by now, my mind goes a million miles a minute, and without that diverse stimulation, I kind of get bored.

So I'm going to dump a BARRAGE of ideas here, and if somebody wants to expand on them with me or roleplay them, just feel free to say something.


The Past Due

Everybody in the world owes some kind of cosmic debt. Some people owe memories -- some owe time -- and some owe much, much worse.
A group of people with outstanding debts tries to outsmart the system before they have to pay their own, all asking the question:
To whom, or what, do they really owe these important aspects of themselves?

The Unreality Department

A secretive government division investigates cases of "reality failure" -- incidents where the laws of physics, time, and logic as a whole are violated, and begin to break down entirely. Are these anomalies occurring on their own -- or is something more causing them?
(Inspired by The Truman Show, The SCP Foundation, and House of Leaves.)

The End of Every World

A research station on a distant, barren world, was supposed to be humanity's breakthrough in interdimensional energy harvesting. Instead, it opened a gateway to a world unimaginable to humanity; something that should have never been found. Now, the facility is permanently silent...

The mission? Go in, secure the site, and shut it down before the infection spreads.
The problem? Whatever came out of that portal doesn't want to go back.
(Inspired by DOOM, Halo, Gears of War, and COD.)

The Echoes of the First Sin

“Before we were gods, we were parasites.”

A humanity-long forgotten once ruled the stars. They built monuments, shattered planets, and ascended into something beyond flesh. But they left something behind -- an infection, a self-replicating blight buried in the bones of dead worlds.

Now, humanity has returned to one of those worlds.
And the infection has been waiting.

You are members of The Red Order, an elite group of holy warriors dedicated to purging the remnants of the First Sin wherever they are found. But as you descend into the depths of the ruined megacity Ophir, the question arises:

Are you here to destroy the infection?
Or are you just another strain of the disease?

I have more. But, these are the ones I'm most interested in right now.
Hey. Hey you. If you're reading this, whoever you are, you should try this out.

(I. I'm gnawing at the bars of my enclosure here. I need somebody to want to do this.)
I am banning you, because if YOU'RE going to ban somebody for improper grammatical structure, then you, yourself, require a complete, and sound, sentence. TLDR; You are banned for being hypocritical.
I looove The Thing. I would love to be a part of this if you'd have me.
I wore David Bowie facepaint all day yesterday because I was dared to. You can still see the red staining my face, particularly under my eye.
Austin Moore

Austin is a neurodivergent long-time student of the Academy. While a little tricky to understand and get along with, he has a good heart and a splendid mind. Austin has been at the Academy since he was 6, and many of the staff members are like family to him.

Physical Description

Age: 17
Height: 6'0
Weight: 157
Race: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black

Austin has a neutral expression and a generally gaunt face. He is slim but tall with messy, yet shortly cut hair. He often looks sickly or as though he has not slept, even if this is not the case.

He is an individual with ASD and OCD.


Positive: Austin is mild-mannered and reserved, preferring to watch things happen. He thinks before he speaks and is very calculated.

Negative: However, the smallest discrepancies upset Austin. He is an individual with severe OCD, and while the Academy has accommodated this to the best of its ability, it still oftentimes impedes his studies. He means the best... until somebody does something that is "wrong" to him.

Intelligences: Austin is vastly gifted, intellectually speaking. He is able to process many things at once and is speculated to have a mild form of hyperthymesia (or photographic memory.) He is very strategic.

Qualifications: Before Austin was out of elementary school, he was working with college-level mathematical and English concepts. He learned German and Spanish in the span of a single year out of a want for a challenge alone. There was no question that Austin would take his place among the greats at LaConranne's. In fact, he very quickly moved to phase two by the time he was ten, and has been at phase three since he was fourteen. Now, he's polishing up his abilities before he graduates... an idea that seems to be upsetting him.

"I don't understand how something like that could be hard for anybody. But then again, people were always astonished by me. Praising me for things and putting me on a pedestal for things that were naturally easy for me anyway. They thought it was amazing that I began talking before walking, and that I could write my name before kindergarten. But it's not that deep. I just understood. That's why I really like it here at the Academy. What am I going to do when I leave? I haven't been around an average mind in years."
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