Avatar of ErosSense


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Current I just met an absolutely enchanting person. He likes DOOM and D&D and WH40k and Keygen Church... and he's shorter than me ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ I'm head over heels already
16 days ago
I've been struggling a little bit the past few days, please give me grace as I struggle to reply to things lol
1 like
24 days ago
Anybody else royally confused by the Starbucks drink sizes?
24 days ago
I keep sending people texts when I'm asleep then wake up with no recollection of them...
25 days ago
I stole your cookies because you had cookies. Do I need a good reason to steal your cookies? NO. Cookies ARE the reason I stole your cookies.


"Searing Flesh hardly saves
The time you could have bent
Such as the blade I lent the
Mother of the crimson steaks
Ingrained within your Skin

Hanging, knotted ropes
Canโ€™t undo the countenance
Of wide-eyed anticipation
Or dissatisfaction with your
Cumbersome, bodily Being

When the Father looked
To reply to curdling screams
Of rusted, dulled iron, sinking
Deep into your Body, spreading
The disease of desperation"

"The Disease of Desperation" by Lawrence J. Lacorne


Hi! I'm Eros.

I've also realized that I really want to change my bio.

I'm 24, and Italian. I'm currently studying abroad in the USA! I want to be a child psychologist (though recently I have thought a lot about forensic behavioral analysis and law enforcement as a whole. They're both very interesting... now I'm questioning myself.)

I'm in CST.

I'm a synaesthesiac (primarily graphime-colour) individual. I love music, art, theatre, writing, books, and roleplaying! I've been roleplaying steadily for over ten years at this point.

I adore stories and roleplays that cover more sensitive or darker themes. I love the controversial and the stigmatized, the unusual and the seldom discussed. :)

Most Recent Posts

New idea:

A string of murders across a medieval, high-fantasy setting with impossible modifications. A corpse with an extra set of hands, eyes that do not belong to it; bodies are reshaped into something much, much more than human. Some say the killer is deranged.

Others say that he is building something.

The truth is much, much worse.

The murderer is following an ancient manuscript. One detailing how to assemble a god from human parts.

And they are almost done.

An unlikely group of adventurers bands together, in order to prevent this potential cataclysm.


And I never know what to include in the interest check for this one, but I've done this story before. I want more people for this because its SO much fun arghh.
Welcome! Hope you find what you're looking for.

(I have a few ideas out that you might like.)
What if Dante's Inferno met DOOM? I think that would be a super cool idea. Touring hell as you rip and tear the life out of everything.
In Henlo 28 days ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Hey! Welcome. I've been roleplaying about as long as well! I have multiple ideas going involving true crime and/or police proceedings if you're interested. :)
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