A weird one. Like a portal story but instead of a high school Japanese school girl, it's a foreign tourist that gets pulled into another world kind of weird.
1. If a player is rolling an even number of dice and gets the same number of successes as failures, how would you handle that? Would it count as an overall success?
2. For damage, especially reaction damage, is the d6 rolled again or would it use the same roll as the reaction? Like in the example above, would Player 2 take 2 damage or would they roll again to see how much damage they took?
3. How do malfunctions and bonuses interact with each other? Let's say if Player 1 rolled 1, 4, 4, 6. My assumption is that they would succeed, go farther than normally possible because of the 6 (like maybe move up 2-3 places instead of just 1), but their vehicle sustains some damage from being pushed too hard because of the roll of 1?
Considering players rolling against each other, it looks like aggressive actions/attackers are favored slightly, which can work in an RPs favor if you don't want passive racers
Personally, since just looking at numbers and figuring things out isn't my strong suite, I would do some test play with your d10 system and see if it feels good. And then make changes based on that.
I'd also be interested to hear your thoughts on how to determine the vehicle's stat levels. Point buy, rolling, etc.?
Do all actions happen concurrently or would you prefer an order/stack to follow?