Avatar of Estylwen


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2 mos ago
Current I've gone back to school, so responses are going to be slower than normal for the forseeable future.
2 mos ago
"Show them I'm the judgement call, the one who makes a kingdom fall."
3 mos ago
"But! I should have known better. Nothing ever stays dead..."
1 like
6 mos ago
"There is no one in this room that can stand against me! The Hand of God be my witness, I am the Voice from the Outer World!"
11 mos ago
Took me 10 years to realize antagonists are way more fun to write.


Your Local Antagonist



"A million times I have done this charade. The moment people figure it out, I get the boot." she thought.

"But don't you want to see the fear in their eyes when they see who you really are...? Don't you want dominion of this place, just like how you were unchallenged in Vaal Kastrix?" said the Voice.

Ciara scoffed, immediately thinking of Gulliver and Valen. "I'd love to wipe the smirk off their faces."

"It starts by building a rumor. A rumor of power. This could be the place to start."

She took a deep breath, narrowing her eyes resolutely at the Undermage. "Head Advisor, with all due respect, you have no right to ask me about my intentions. If you want answers..."

She stood from her seat, rising to her full height.

"You'll have to duel me for them."

Iris Ascendis Roleplay (2023) | TikTok Tribute

Her breath caught when she felt the cold metal of a pistol against her temple.

"Put the heart down, and back the hell up if you want your friend to live," the guard said to Ellie in a rumbling baritone, digging the gun into Dream's head.

Dream squinted at Ellie, vision blurred as she tried to breathe. The heart, glinting in Ellie's hands.

The doctor, his face turning white every time she asked what would happen if they failed. Above all else, he said, they had to keep the heart safe. They had to, even if it meant...

She snarled, her boot stamping down on the guard's foot, a burst of light bruising the bone. He yelped, losing his grip. That's all she needed, and she tore away. But in her haste, she saw his free arm reaching for her, and she slipped on panicked feet as he pushed her off the railing.

She held back a scream, staring straight down into the boiling pit below. The guard wrapped a tight hand around her ankle, and Ellie could see Dream's other foot flailing; she restrained herself poorly from kicking the guard, desperately hoping she wouldn't die.

As her captor supported himself against the railing, his pistol pointed at Ellie.

"I'll drop her, I swear I'll drop her!"

TENEBRAE: The Rebellion of Shadows Roleplay (2021)

We have a RPer Appreciation thread?
This is beautiful, I'll bookmark it. (2016)
Another kind comment. (2024)
This is what makes it worth it. (2024)
I'm grateful for the ride. (2024)

Deep, golden orbs stared back at her from within the cave.

God, she couldn't breathe.

He was monstrous. The ground trembled under her feet as his rippling, massive body exited the cave. Thunderous footsteps left cracks in the dirt, his breath sent waves of heat creeping over her skin. The transformation was slow, but it looked like something from a nightmare with the way his long teeth were bared.

A great and terrible roar sounded from his gaping maw.

She needed to run. Now.

Academy 218 Roleplay (2014)

Most Recent Posts

IC post is up! If you have any questions, or if anything needs to be changed (@Theyra), please let me know.

@Donut Look Now I haven't mentioned you in the IC because I think you have two options. You can either be spying it up at the gala, or you can be at the duke's estate with the visitor. It's up to you. :)

Also, we use the Skyrim calendar. ;)

Twelve Days Ago…

Hathforth Castle, Throne Room

“I beg you to reconsider. Hathforth and the neighboring cities are at risk.”

Potentate Heavy-handed, his body weary and his mind burdened, stood there, his arms crossed, his gaze fixed on the throne. He had traversed a grueling day and a half’s journey from Odonfield, his expression a mix of determination and anxiety as he faced the one he had come all this way to see.

The Wizard Queen, her disinterest palpable, reclined on her throne, her gaze cool and distant as she looked down at Brinyar.

“As I said through our correspondence, my stance has not changed. The guards stationed around the Glasic Fileds will take care of any of these so-called ‘monsters.’ I want no interference from the Church in my procuring of seeds.”

Brinyar grimaced, a hard plea in his voice, hoping the Queen would see reason. “We only ask that you let us station knights there trained in white magic to dispel these monsters. If any were to escape, and the people were made aware, it could cause a panic.”

The Queen tilted her head, head lifting slightly from being rested on her palm. “You have no proof these are even Dremoras. For all we know, they could be wolves harassing the Gardeners. Not worth my time.”

“At least let us verify the seeds to ensure the safety of Arrowfell at large.”

“Aha. And there’s the truth, Potentate.” A grin upcurled one side of the Queen’s lips. “You don’t really care about ‘monsters,’ do you? You care about power.”

There was a pause before Brinyar responded, voice guarded. “Having another one of your crown jewels appear in the fields would be dangerous; you and I both know that.”

The Queen merely smiled. “Yet you want to involve yourself when you can see I have everything under control? Potentate Heavy-handed, I fear you’re not making any sense.”

He tried one last time. “Please listen to reason, Your Majesty. The people are going to find out.”

If they find out, my guard will quell the problem. The people will remain safe.”

Brinyar shook his head. “I would implore you to consider our services, Your Majesty.”

She merely sat there, cold grin still on her face. “When I have need of your services, I shall ask, Potentate. Now… Was there anything else?”

His face was grim, a fire quietly burning behind his eyes. “No, Your Majesty. I’ll take my leave.”

The Wizard Queen waited a long moment before the far doors closed behind Potentate Heavy-handed, before she gestured with a finger to her advisor stationed beside her, beckoning him forward.

“Yes, Your Majesty?” Advisor Vulluin Urimyar stepped forward, leaning down slightly at the side of the Queen’s throne. His gaze was carefully guarded, eyes narrow as he stared patiently at the floor.

“Send out an invitation. Have all the dukes and duchesses of the cities come in a little over a week’s time. Invite the lesser nobility as well. We’ll host a gala.”

His expression was thoughtful as he nodded. “This would be like last time, Your Majesty?”

She nodded back. “Yes… Choosing the right tools for the job requires a personal touch. I’ll need them for my next big project, which-” She sighed. “-We will need to speed up, given the circumstances.”

“Very good, Your Majesty. Anything else?”

A pause, before the Queen spoke again. “Bring my daughter and my favourite two from the Orphan’s Matron before me. I need to have a word with each… privately.”

+++ Throughout the passing week, letters were sent to the noble households scattered across the Arrowfell province. +++

Present Time, Fredas, Four Hours Past Midday, 14th Hearthfire, 1402

Hathforth Castle, Throne Room, The Hearthfire Gala

@Psyker Landshark, @LunarParadox, @Irradiant, @Click This

The air warmed by an autumn sun blew gently through the courtyard of the Hathforth castle, caressing the nobility as carriages carrying precious cargo unloaded at the expansive front doors.

This was a well-practiced ritual that most courtiers and nobles had gotten somewhat used to during the Wizard Queen’s reign. The galas were the place to hear the latest gossip, bask in the adulation of companions, and revel in the veiled jealousy of nobles less favoured by the Queen.

Delicate slippers and curved point boots pressed their way along the narrow strip of carpet that adorned along the center of the throne room. Banners hung along the sides of the fire-lit hall, crimson like the leaves waving in the wind beyond the windows. Two banquet tables had been set up on either side, offering all types of light foods, like roast, cheeses, and fresh catches. Servants flitted in between nobles with trays of sparkling Gold-touch Wine, suffusing the hall with the warm aromas of spices. A few tables and chairs had been laid out near the banquet tables for those who wanted a break from standing.

Off on one side was a small group of courtiers playing a mix of the lute, drum, and gittern, the upbeat melody wafting over the heads of the nobles.

At the head of the hall, sitting on her throne, was the Wizard Queen. She was dressed up for the occasion, endowed in an elven-make dress with fine embroidery that mimicked the shapes found in nature, and pearls dripping from her ears and neck. Her crown, of course, was a perfect match to almost all her outfits, including this one. Her white hair hung in several small braids, while the rest was freely flowing, curled loosely at her elbows.

She could hear the rumours waft up from the crowds of nobles gathered.

“I can’t believe you; you haven’t tried those cigars of the Duke of Rhinecliff? My dear, they are exquisite. It’s a shame how he and the Queen are having a disagreement. Do you imagine he’ll show up tonight? …Yes, yes, I doubt it too.”

“I say, Her Grace Duchess Bastille is something, isn’t she? Towers over men, and leads her own army. You know what I heard? You’re not going to believe it, but she’s gotten close with the Duke of Rhinecliff. Yes, the Duke! How close of friends do you suppose they are?”

”Oh my, Lord Blackthorne is quite the looker, isn’t he? You know, they say just one of his looks can freeze the heart of any maiden! Do you suppose he’ll be performing tonight? Perhaps he’ll cast the hall in light snow like last time, yes? Oh yes, that would be quite lovely.”

”Ah, I’m so jealous of Lady Haliel. The Queen is always giving her attention. Why doesn’t the Queen Her Majesty look at me like that? Not only that, but both those purple eyes of hers, oh! Who do you suppose she’ll be suited with? She must have the men of the court just falling for her!”

“Oh do tell, who was Duchess Agustria seen with last week? …Oh, oh my, you don’t say! Well, everyone wants to be close with a merchant Duchess, I don’t blame him. Imagine, free passage between the Grand Bank and Hathforth!”

A servant bowed as they approached, “Some Gold-touch Wine, Your Majesty?”

The Wizard Queen took the goblet off its tray and inspected the liquid before offering it to Vullian to taste. He did so, before passing it back solemnly. She watched him for a moment, before pressing the goblet to her lips, letting the sweetness and spice overtake her tongue. She gestured with a hand dismissively, and the servant bowed as they retreated.

Goblet in hand, the Wizard Queen settled back in her throne, eyes carefully watching the crowd. The floor was open for any noble to approach her. The goal of tonight was to enjoy the gala under the guise of simplicity, when she would really be selecting who would come with her when she elevated Hathforth and the province to a new level of power.

She already had a few names in mind, but some would have to be won over before they could be part of her grand design.

All was worth it, in the end.

And so, the Wizard Queen waited and listened, a patient smile on her lips.

Hathforth, The College of Hathforth, Headmaster’s Office


It was nearly the end of another day at the bustling College of Hathforth. Yet, behind the visage of discoveries and wide-eyed students, there was a heavy cloud that hung over the eyes of the head faculty and staff.

The Wizard Queen had once again demanded something of them. A demand that, they knew, whoever were to fall into it, whoever would be summoned by it, they would never be the same ever again. For better or worse, to be summoned, to be under her gaze, meant one thing, and one thing only.

Everything was about to change, and become more dangerous. More real.

No longer would the student in mind be learning about the world of magic in a theoretical sense. They would be at the forefront of new ideas, some questionable, given the Wizard Queen’s lust for power.

These thoughts passed through the mind of none other than Caveus Ashan, the headmaster of the college. He tried to give his mind some ease by reading through the scrolls on his desk, or penning a new correspondence with his griffin feather quill. But alas, nothing could grant him peace. The work had to be done, the summon had to be made. He had to tell his students the news that would transform their whole affair at the College.

He called for his assistant, a plain girl in mage’s robes with spectacles resting on her nose.

“Please bring me Mèlisande. It’s… well. Tell her it’s urgent. She can be excused from the remainder of her class.” He said, his voice gravely.

The assistant nodded and left. Passing down many corridors of the expansive college, she eventually came to stop at a door, knocked twice, and opened it. Peering inside, she would see a teacher watching over students standing at wide desks, practicing a type of levitation magic on metallic orbs. Most seemed to be struggling with this. All, of course, except the special student in question. She spied Mèlisande in the front row, and called out in a soft voice.

“Mèlisande, the Headmaster is looking for you in his office. He says it’s urgent.”

Secretive Mine Owned By the Hands of Iron


If Princess Keove had learned anything about her mother, it was that she was always right. Despite the confusion in their discussion roughly a week prior, the princess knew she was doing something important.

Her insides glowed. Her mother trusted her with bigger and bigger tasks, and she couldn’t be more pleased. Sure, Mother had insisted the princess bring extra guards for her protection, but it wasn’t like she was traveling halfway across Arrowfell for this task. No, she was only a day away from Hathforth. It was like she was still in her own backyard.

Well, technically the whole of Arrowfell was her backyard, so she never really was far from home, was she?

Two carriages rode along the worn dirt road, traveling deeper into the centuries-old forest where their destination lay in wait. The princess had a carriage all to herself while the other guardsmen rode in the carriage before her. The time waiting in the carriage was a challenge; the princess only occupied herself by peeking back the curtain and staring out the small carriage window at the trees and the scenery passing by.

Eventually, the carriages stopped, and the princess grinned ear to ear. They had finally made it. She waited for a guard to open her door and practically sprang out of her seat.

There it was, in all its secretive glory. An old iron mine within the cliffs, surrounded by trees. Her enthusiasm was momentary before darkness shaded her face, remembering why she was here. The duty to her mother she had to fulfill. The hope in her chest that the band of men said to be here would be able to help her, to help her mother.

She made for the door, but the six guards surrounding her, their armour shining and heavy, made for her to wait. “Princess, we have no idea if this place is safe.”

“I can take care of myself, thank you very much.” She said stubbornly, stepping past her guards and walking up to the door. The guards, nervousness showing in their visored eyes, followed behind her closely.

There was a heavy knock at the door as the princess nearly bruised her hand, trying to make a sound.

“Hello? The Princess of Arrowfell wishes to speak with Captain Thorne.” She said loud enough that her voice would carry.

After a brief hesitation, Princess Keove attempted to open the door to the iron mine.

Odonfield, Duke of Rhinecliff's Estate


It was a beautiful day in Odonfield. The birds were singing, the flowers were blooming. And all seemed right in the world.

At least, when a chessboard was laid out, pieces could only perceive what was around them. It could appear peachy on the ground floor. But someone with a view in a tower, over the board, could easily see the storm approaching.

The wind stirred, cooler than normal, as an illustrious carriage pulled up to the Duke of Rhinecliff’s estate. The driver pulled the carriage door to the side, and out stepped a petite noble girl, white hair curling in the wind. She had a sharp urgency in her crystal blue eyes, gazing up at the expansive estate.

Anyone who recognized her would know she was Viscount Asteria Skybound, a noble preferred by the Queen. What not everyone would know, was that she preferred to travel with her twin brother, Viscount Mene Skybound. And today, her brother was strangely absent.

Her face set in innocent neutrality, the little viscount made her way to the large doors of the duke's estate. A white gloved hand rapped on the door, and she spoke in a sweet-like voice.

“Is Duke Rhinecliff in? I have an urgent matter to discuss.”

As she spoke, her thoughts traveled to her seed, which glimmered as she activated its power. Now, her chances of seeing the duke were increased.

Late Evening

Tarin, Duke of Corrin's Estate


There was a somber note in the air as a portal appeared in front of the Duke of Corrin's estate. The travelers were far from home, but this needed to be said. It couldn't wait any longer.

Viscount Vullian Urimyar emerged from the portal, his head lowered, white hair blowing in the breeze. As he ascended the steps, servants behind him carried gifts for the House: assorted bouquets of magically enlivened flowers, pearl necklaces, and Gold-touch Wine.

He was here on official business from the Queen. He knew a particular noble here, Roland Corrin, was suffering from the pain inflicted when the Wizard Queen made her ascension. Now he was here to try and patch things over, offer the House something good as condolences.

He and the servants of Hathforth Castle made their way to the door, and he knocked twice.

“Hello? Official business from the Queen, will you see us?”
@Silver Carrot, @Wayward, how are your posts coming along?
So after a little discussion with Psykers, I've decided to adjust the seeds just little bit. For seeds that clash with one another, for example, Duchess Bastille and Lady Haliel, instead of the duchess' seed completely canceling out Lady Haliel's, what's going to happen is there will be a battle of wills over which effect gets played. This battle of wills can be played out like a fight, but if I need to toss a coin to ensure one prevails, I can do that.

This makes interactions way more interesting, I think. ;) Of course, this is only in regards to seeds, not to magic.
//pulls a face
Okay so I forgot I was getting an IUD today and have been on pain killers all day but please let me know if this works. Wasn’t sure she would have very many assets belonging to her.

She looks great, feel free to add her to the Character Tab when you have a moment!

Amazing. So I imagine he's in a similar position to the Duke of Rhinecliff and not paying his fealty or taxes? He wouldn't be attending any balls or galas that the Queen sets up?

He's good to go, feel free to send him over to the Character Tab.

@Estylwen In consideration to Evelyn's relatively unstable rule at the moment, as well as the presence of @Theyra's character, who is basically a former royal guard that now took power over his family's duchy, I think it'd make sense from the start for the Wizard Queen to be more focused on Duke Corrin rather than Duke Rhinecliff, especially because that'd straight up be what Laurent himself would have guided her towards considering. Seeing that rebellion itself hadn't yet broken out, Rhinecliff would likely only have made small, surreptitious movements thus far, while there's so many signs that Duke Corrin will fucking behead the Wizard Queen if given a chance that it'd be hilarious to ignore the elephant in the room.

You have a point there. In her books, though, both dukes would have a target painted on their back. The Duke of Rhinecliff mainly for failing to pay fealty and taxes. I imagine @Theyra's character would also be in the same boat of refusing to pay fealty and taxes. And because both dukes are completely different, the Wizard Queen will be handling both entirely differently. :>

Props for starting the relationships talk, though. Right on the money with that one.

On the topic of relationships, I would highly suggest making some relations with your fellow people. Here's a sheet for it:

[hider=Character Name's Relationships]
[table][row][/row][row][cell][b][h3]Character Name[/h3][/b]
(Description of relationship, how your character feels towards the other, if they are friends or not.)
[i]"In-character quote of relationship."[/i]
[row][cell][b][h3]Character Name[/h3][/b]
(Description of relationship, how your character feels towards the other, if they are friends or not.)
[i]"In-character quote of relationship."[/i]

I'll add the sheet to the first post. :> I'll probably have relationships up for the Wizard Queen tomorrow.
Been sitting on this one for a while. Glad to finally share it. :>

Valencia Vorpal

The Informant

The Devil's Den
In collaboration with @Shin Ghost Note

A cigarette was pressed in her lips as she walked up to the establishment. An old nightclub in the seedier parts of the city, once upon a time having a proper name lit in neon signs that had since been vandalized, leaving the building unmarked. Word on the street had it go by a different name - the Devil's Den. Where partygoers came to let loose and under-table deals happened in the VIP lounges. You could get anything you wanted here, if you knew where to look.

Valencia gave the front doors a long look before she grunted under her breath, stamped out her cigarette, and walked in.

The music thumping off the subwoofers hit her first. The bouncer eyed her as she walked up to the curtain, and he pulled it aside, revealing a lounge and a dance floor lit up with dim neon lights and strobes.

Valencia didn't care for the floor or the bodies moving to the beat. She made straight for the bar, ordered a shot of vodka, and sat in one of the stools.

Her eyes glanced around the bar and lounge. Her contact would know she was here, had probably already spotted her, and meant she could get down to business quicker.

She took her shot stone-faced, and waited.

“... Ms. Vorpal,”

The information broker, Isaac Allen Kane, walked up to her, tapped on the bar, and took a seat next to Valencia. “... What can I do for you today? I didn’t imagine you showing up in a place like this.”

He dug into the pockets of his brown suit jacket and pulled out a cigar. "Do you want one?”

Valencia held up a hand, pulling out a pack of cigarettes instead. “I’m good, Boss. But there is something you can help me with…”

She pulled out a fresh stick with her teeth, shoving the pack back in her pocket and popping a light. Blowing out a thin trail of smoke, she paused a moment before fishing into her suit jacket. She pulled out a small envelope and, with the cigarette smoking between her lips, she opened it and pulled out a small picture of a girl.

“Know anything ‘bout a Kari Wilson?”

Isaac took a puff of his cigar, put it back in his mouth, as he grabbed the picture. He looked at it for a few moments, rubbed his chain, before he said, “...Doesn't ring a bell. She’s cute, though.”

He gently set the photo down, before he grabbed his cigar, “Tell me who she is… And who she is to you. Maybe I can do some digging for the right price.”

“Some Sycamore who died, apparently. Got into the wrong sorta crowd, but no one seems to know who.” Valencia said, flicking her cigarette off to the side. “Mother is very interested in her. Or, more exactly, what she represents. That girl has a secret, and Mother wants her hands on it.”

She smirked. “Are we talking the regular fee, or a little something extra?”

“Just the fee,” Issac took a puff of his cigar. “I take tips, though.” He smirked.

Valencia nodded at that, biting her cigarette a bit as she sifted through her inner jacket pocket again, pulling out a thickly padded envelope. See placed it on the counter, sliding it towards him, before adding one more to the pile.

“The tip,” she explained, the end of her stick glowing cherry as she inhaled.

Isaac grabbed it, opened it up, and laughed.

“… Mother Cards must really want her,” He contained his laughter. “Give me… two days. And I’ll see what I can dig up.”

Valencia nodded. “Good, good. But, since you’re here, I have one more I need looking into…”

She pulled out another small photo and laid it out on the counter. She propped up on an elbow, side-eyeing the broker. If he dropped any hints of surprise, or recognition, she’d catch it.

“Lionel Hunter, anything you can tell me about ‘em?”

Isaac laughed.

“Lionel, my boy… He was a client of mine,” Isaac began. “He was waging a one man war against all the crazy bastards that roamed into the city. He fought the Elite, 8th, even those crazy skinheads. Though, not surprised he got axed. Everyone was gunning for him ”

Isaac awkwardly laughed, before taking another puff of his cigar. “Anything specific you need knowing?”

Valencia gave a nod, “So he had skin in the game.” She was silent a bit before her gaze caught Isaac’s. “Know anything ‘bout the circumstances around his death?”

“I heard he was tracking a serial killer… Downtown you know,” Isaac scratched his chin. “He got stabbed to death outside of the Port-AWE club? Maybe he was just trying to get his freak on and tried sticking his dick in crazy…” Isaac laughed, taking a puff of his cigar.

Valencia let out a half-chuckle before her eyes narrowed, and she asked. “Any of his personal files survive?”

“Not sure,” Isaac shrugged. “8th ransacked his office and house.”

Valencia grinned at that. “My man, you have made my day.” She slipped a hand in her jacket pocket again, pulling out one more fat envelope and sliding it across.

“I think that’s all the questions I have for now. Unless you want to stay for a couple of drinks?”

Isaac smiled.

“Of course,”

Valeician’s smile twisted, and she turned to the bartender. “Couple ‘o drink this way, Boss. Make ‘em strong.”

Phantasia Vorpal

The Dollhouse

The Apothecary
In collaboration with @Shin Ghost Note

“No, I told you, we’re gonna get what we want.”

“What if we don't, Mother? What then?”

Two women sat at the bar stools in the center of the Apothecary, dark and ruffled dresses a contrast against the rich mahogany and red plush accents of the speak-easy. Mr. Roosevelt stood behind the counter, idly polishing a glass. The patron seated on the left seemed agitated, though kept this behind a mask of placid calm - Isabella Blackthorne. The one on the right, recognized as Phantasia Vorpal by her wide brim hat, stared hard at the e martini set in front of her, hand rimming the crystal.

Her chin turned towards her Under Boss. “Then it’s back to business as usual, Isabella.”

She glanced behind her. Some of her men were idly smoking, playing cards in the booths near the steel front door. But even they could feel it. The ominous clouds that hung over the House of Cards ever since Phantasia made that deal with Edict.

What would come of this?

The doors were thrown open.

Natalie screamed as she threw the double doors open. She had a wide grin on her face.

Behind her was Shaquita, and besides her was Luis on one side… and the enigmatic third in command of the Dollhouse organization: Heinrich Thormer. Appearing as a tall mannequin-doll-like thing, he stood over twelve feet tall and barely looked as if he could stand up straight.

“Ding, ding! A surprise visit from Dollhouse!” Natalie shouted. “Would Phantasia kindly have a talk with us? We have to discuss everyone’s favorite Coven!”

The suited men in their booths immediately snapped to their feet, unholstering guns, pistols gleaming silver. But they froze the moment Phantasia raised a hand. She turned in her seat, only the lower half of her face visible as she appraised them.

“Isabella, take a walk.” She said in a low tone to her number two. As Isabella bowed her head, Phantasia half-turned her head to the Cards bartender.

“Mr. Roosevelt, we have guests. Please make them comfortable.”

Mr. Roosevelt stood a little taller, “Yes, Mother.” He moved to the side door, holding it wide for Phantasia and the Dollhouse. Phantasia slowly got off her stool, patted down her dress, and gestured to the back room.

“We can discuss matters with a little privacy, yes?”

Luis looked to Shaquita, who gave him an affirmative nod. He clapped his hands together, as he said,

“Gladly,” He said before he walked in, followed by Natalie, Heinrich, and Shaquita.

Phnatasia followed closely behind them, hand hovering on the handle of the door. She turned back to the main lounge, and eyed her men, chin jutting to the front. With hurried nods, the men left out the front door.

Mr. Roosevelt pulled out the cushioned seats around a poker table, now cleared with only the lingering scent of alcohol and cigarette smoke. The room was dimly lit, not as polished as the front, yet held all the privacy in the world. Not a window in sight. Mr. Roosevelt hovered by the last chair, waiting for Phantasia to take her seat before he pushed it in slightly.

Phantasia pulled out a cigarette and her holder, lighting it quick as cherry smoke suffused the room. Her hands, momentarily busy, hid the slight tremor.

Mr. Roosevelt stood courteously to the side, “Any drinks for the young masters and ladies?”

“Some whiskey, please,” Luis said, taking a seat at the poker table, before he looked at Natalie.

“... I’m good,” Natalie rolled her eyes, taking a seat. Heinrich and Shaquita remained standing…. Not saying a word. Mr. Roosevelt nodded, leaving for a moment. It was only about a minute later that a whiskey was placed on the table in front of Luis, and Mr. Roosevelt took his leave.

Phantasia kept silent, taking another inhale of smoke before leaning forward at the poker table. “I imagine you want to get straight to business. I’m all ears.”

Luis grinned.

“... A little birdie told me that there is a little… Issue,” Luis began, taking a sip of his whiskey, “An issue between the House of Cards, and Sycamore… Would you mind telling me what that's all about?”

Phantasia thought long and hard about not giving Dollhouse the scoop. They had no business trespassing and sticking their nose where it didn’t belong, after all.
But something kept her mouth from running off. That little seed of trepidation, that dry throat, that metallic taste in her mouth. There was House of Cards, large, fearsome. And then there was Dollhouse. A group so secretive even she had no idea what their aim was, or what they wanted here.

Instead, she relented, her voice dropping a note. “Some thought it wise to seal a close friend of mine - an apparition, goes by the Void Heart. I was prepared to enact due revenge but… I’ve recently been told there’s a way to recover said apparition. As long as they keep their word, Sycamore and I have no issue.”

As she spoke, there was a faint rustling in the vents above.

“I heard about the Void Heart, and his late host…” Luis began. “I also heard plenty about their last hurrah at Veni Vedi Veni.”

Shaquita leaned in and whispered something in his ear and he grinned. “Maybe you can see why we find the Void Heart… problematic.”

As Phantasia connected the dots, her lips curled into a frown. “I see how it is… Edict is your little birdie, isn’t he?” She leaned back in her seat, palm running across her mouth as her face darkened. “...That son of a bitch.”

A pause, before dropping the hand to her lap. “So what, you're gonna intimidate me into not pursuing this? Is that it?”

“No, no, no…” Luis shook his head, putting his hands together. “Here at Dollhouse we don't intimidate, we don't threaten, we don't menace… We understand.

He paused for dramatic effect, “So help us understand each other. Then we can come to a mutual solution for this issue. No blood spilled, no bullets fired.”

Natalie rolled her eyes as Shaquita and Heinrich stood in silence.

“So, maybe you want to hear our perspective and maybe understand why we would want to keep the Void Heart sealed?” Luis asked.

Phantasia couldn’t help but bare her teeth a little at that. There was a long silence, Phantasia eyeing the vent through the brim of her hat for a brief moment before her head lowered once more.

A sigh. “Very well… Let’s hear your perspective.”

“Well, the best way to put is; the Void is…” Luis trailed off.

“... Bad for business, serial killers always are,” Natalie added, shaking her head and staring Phantasia dead on with her arms crossed. “Having something running around sucking people dry without giving a fuck who it is….?”

She shook her head as she said, “... Yeah, I can’t see why anyone would want a motherfucker like that running around. I know he’s your buddy, but he’s also a liability. And here at Dollhouse we don’t like problems like him. We remove similar Apparitions from the equation every chance we get.”

“Because… you heard about what started the whole mess at Veni Vedi Veni, right?” Luis added. “I ask myself: what if that had been a Dollhouse employee Alizee and Void Heart attempted to kidnap?”

Natalie laughed.

“Mr. Meatball would regret all the choices that led him to that point,” Natalie snorted.

The muscle in Phantasia’s jaw clenched a bit as she listened. This would be when things would start to get serious.

She leaned forward, every inch of skin a livewire.

“Let’s say I listen to you, and forget about the Void Heart… There’s still a debt to be paid by the Sycamore, by the Temple. Their involvement in Void’s sealing, betraying its new host… Someone has to answer to that.”

“And… how do you expect that debt to be paid? With blood?” Luis asked, taking a sip of his whiskey, and putting it down. Touching his fingertips together, he gave Phantasia a very flat look. “You do realize that this has a chance to escalate further?

“And not in a fun way,” Natalie rolled her eyes. “We know you have interest in Sycamore, but have you ever considered that they won’t take too kindly to you icing their membership when they’re already getting iced?

A pause. Phantasia’s hand slipped under the brim, squeezing the bridge of her nose. The slightest sniffle. Dollhouse painted a vivid picture of the future. Was she really going to walk them there?

Did she really have a choice?

Her voice was low. “Did anyone consider the Void Heart before sealing him away? Did anyone consider the ripple effect on his new host?”

Her palms pressed against the table. “You say you want to understand, but I feel you’re whitewashing the real victims here, and I refuse to sit here idly and listen to any more of this.”

Her eyes snapped to the vent.

“Long live the fighters.”

The moment she spoke, a boot was heard smashing through the horizontal grating of the vent over head. A small canister was thrown down, suffocating the room in a smokescreen as men started jumping down.

Phantasia stood, edging towards the door.

“... Holy shit!” Natalie coughed, as she hopped to her feet. However, in a flash of a light-purple light, an AA-12 popped into her hands. “You crazy motherfucker!

“We really have to ask who did the architecture,” Luis said in between coughs. “... Shaquita.”

“Hmph,” Shaquita shook her head, pulling an M1911 out of her suit jacket. “... That wasn’t wise, Phantasia.”

Shaquita raised her hand in the air, and suddenly every one of Phantasia’s men began convulsing… as Shaquita puppeted their bodies with her special brand of magic. They turned all their guns toward where Phantasia was attempting to flee…

… Before they opened fire.

Phnatasia saw it coming, and could only smile. Her eyes, a lifeless grey, stared glassy-eyed at the ceiling as she fell.

The Boss of the House of Cards was no more.

The men turned their weapons on themselves, pulling the trigger.

“... Awww, fuck!” Natalie hissed. “... I wanted to have some fun.”

“Let’s go,” Heinrich said in a whisper.

“Fiiiiiiiine!” Natalie rolled her eyes, as she stuck her hand out, and a portal opened.

All four of them fled through it.

It was after a few minutes the door to the backrooms opened, and there was an audible gasp. Mr. Roosevelt knelt beside his Mother, surveying the damage with a trembling lip. He gently laid a hand over her face, closing her eyes.

The only sound to be heard was that of weeping.
@Click This As long as there's a short cooldown, I don't see why she couldn't use it for more frivolous purposes, and taking other people with her. :)

<Snipped quote by Izurich>

I sort of needed a solid explanation as to why shadows were so prevalent and indeed, Dremoras seemed like a solid option.

As a wise man once said; "I'd rather steal well than be horribly original"

The real question is how he got Dremora's in him. They don't mate with other races. I'd say they don't mate at all, monsters and demons are just spawned in whenever there's a mortal birth. Most likely, how he got his Dremora powers is if he was cursed by a Dremora, (or blessed, depending on how you look at it.) Would that fit with your vision?
<Snipped quote by Estylwen>

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Sick, thank you. The Character Tab is looking super dope now with everything linked. And the CSes look so neat and tidy too. :>
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